January 2020 Garnets

Ashley sorry to hear Violet's birth wasn't a good one. I hope that you are all now having wuality bonding time.

FitMama awwww congratulations he is perfect and I love the name. Hope you are feeling okay after the section.

Literati it's a great idea having the party earlier and hopefully it won't be too stressful for you. Very annoying about your husband and his work...men can be so set in their thinking...my husband would be the same. Fx nothing happens whilst he is away. Is there a back up birthing partner if needed?

I have my pre section appointment this morning 3 more sleeps.

Thought I'd post a bump photo. I am already measuring at 40 weeks but this was taken yesterday at 38+3. Excuse my pyjamas I am struggling to find comfort in even my maternity clothes.

Goingforit - Gorgeous Baby bump! Thanks for sharing! Yes, thank you. Men and their work. :dohh: I don’t have an alternative birthing partner, but my mom will take me to the hospital if need be. She is also supposed to be taking my kids but I think my dad could take the kids for a while if my mom had to stay with me for the birth. I really do NOT want that though. For both dd1 and dd2 I woke up early in the AM in labour rather than going into labour later in the day...so let’s hope if I’m going into labour that day that I will already know it before he leaves?

How did your pre section appointment go? No worries on the PJs. I definitely have been living in oversized maternity leggings lately. Most of my maternity shirts are getting too short on me, which is annoying!
Serenyx and Goingforit - I am totally in the same boat! We have one we sort of like but just aren’t sure of and we keep waffling. We can’t agree on a middle name at all, and now some people we know just had a baby and stole the name we were going to choose! So now we are even less sure. Ugh! It’s so bizarre not having it figured out, considering the fact that we knew our other girls’ names before I even got pregnant!


I feel stressed about nothing feeling ready. Anyone else not even have a place for baby clothes? We haven’t even assembled our bassinet and we aren’t even bothering assembling the crib since she’ll just use the bassinet at first anyway.

My DH also announced that he’s going to be out of town (3 hours away) during the day next Wednesday when I am 39+1. I am not impressed! My last labour was 4 hours from start to finish, so he could easily miss the birth! This is causing me all sorts of stress, but he can’t be talked out of it. I can only hope baby decides to stick around an extra day.

We are celebrating dd2’s birthday this weekend (over a week in advance) since her birthday is so close to my due date. Hopefully that’s not too stressful, as I don’t have energy to do much for preparations.
Yes we had at least chosen our other girls names before they were born (not their middle names, DD1's was decided in hospital, and DD2's not until we registed her :lol: - but at least we had decided on their first names!) It's quite odd not having a name yet!

I don't feel at all prepared! We still use the nursery furniture for DD2 so haven't really got anywhere to store all of the new baby's clothes - they will just have to share a wardrobe (to be fair I haven't bought too many 'new' clothes - we got so many for DD2 that half of them were hardly worn!).

I hope your DH manages to make it for the birth, working so far away just before your due date isn't ideal - it just gives you another thing to worry about which is not what you need! I hope she decides to stay put and it all works out ok x

It's a good idea to celebrate your DD2's birthday this weekend - at least that is one less thing to have to worry about.

GoingForIt - sorry to hear your in-laws are stressing you out, try and put it out of your mind for now (easier said than done!) and focus on the fact that very soon you will have your little one in your arms x

Fit_Mama - huge congratulations - he is gorgeous!

AFM - I had my pre-op today. It was very stressful as they were running so late (this is the second appointment in a row that I have had at 16.30 but not gone in until 17.45! Given that I had to take both DD1 and DD2 with me, was on my own since DH had to work and nursery was closed at that time, it made for a very stressful wait as they just got bored bless them! They had already had to accompany me to the midwife appointment this morning!).

So I was literally in there for less than 5 mins, I just wanted to finish as quick as possible, it must have been the anaesthetists fastest appointment ever :lol: I got my date of next Thursday confirmed so now just need to make sure everything is in place (and that she doesn't decide to come early!). It then took another hour to collect the medication from the on-site pharmacy ](*,) All is now done though - I just need to pop in on Wednesday for the bloods to be taken prior to the c-section.

My fundal height had shrunk since last week, but the midwife wasn't concerned and said it was most likely because the baby was now 1/5 or 2/5 engaged.
Serenyx that's great you now have a date :-) not much longer to go!

Literati I am pleased you could get your mum to take you if it came to it but like you say, Hopefully it will happen in the night before he even leaves! My appointment was a joke tbh. They called whilst I was on the way to rearrange it as bloods need to be taken within 72hours of section so was too soon. Anyhow had all the monitoring and prep talk and have to be in for 7:45 on Monday. Cannot quite believe it's 2 sleeps away! Bloods will be taken and fast tracked on Monday morning. My bump is measuring 44weeks

Hope life with all your newborn baby's are going well xx
Morning ...today is section day. Didn't have the best sleep as so excited yet nervous for today! Cannot wait to find out if we have a little sister or brother for our almost 2.5yr old.

Have to be in for 745am but they said they usually do the first section arpund 1245pm. Watch this space.

Good luck to anyone else having their babies today...I'm sure there were a few sections booked for the same date.

Will update when I get a chance Cannot wait to have my baby in my arms xx
Serenyx - I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel prepared yet! I hope you can make room in the dresser for both of your girls! It was the same for us and we were still using the change table/dresser for dd1 and dd2, but trying to add a third’s clothes in there just wasn’t possible - hence the new dresser this time. :) I’m happy I finally have the baby clothes out. It’s amazing how small they are, and it just doesn’t seem real that someone is going to be using them very, very soon!

Yes, it was great celebrating dd2’s birthday this weekend! It’s good I don’t have to worry about that now. She had so much fun and it was lovely to watch. We will still do something low key on the actual day provided that I’m not in labour.

Also, having the birthday party was a good excuse to get our house clean before baby arrives! Now I can just maintain it, which isn’t nearly as hard.

I am so sorry your pre-op appointment was SO behind and that you have to drag both dd1 and dd2 with you! That must have been exhausting for everyone. I hate trying to entertain the kids while we are waiting for an appointment. That’s good you got out of there as soon as possible once you got there! That’s so exciting that your c-section is for sure booked for Thursday! I hope all goes well! Enjoy your last few days!

Going for it - thank you! Good luck on your c-section today! I hope all goes well! Can’t wait to hear the news!
Sorry your pre-section was a joke, but at least that’s all behind you now! Now it’s baby time!

Red head - how are you doing? I forget - are you getting a c-section or induction, or awaiting a natural labour?

AFM - I guess my husband postponed his out-of-town trip so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Unfortunately, now he says he’ll be doing an overnight trip instead when the baby is less than a month old.:sad2: I can’t decide which is worse! Sigh.

Who else is still waiting for their babies at this point? I actually still don’t feel ready and hope baby waits until at least this weekend to arrive. I wouldn’t even mind if she waited til her due date, but by then I’ll probably be pretty ready to be done. At least I feel much more relaxed this week after getting quite a bit done last week and having had that time to rest. Hopefully I can knock the last few things off my to-do list before she arrives. I’ve had no signs yet.
Literati im glad your husband has postponed although id be upset with either of the options he’s given you!
I’m feeling totally unprepared too - the house is still a building site and there is just dust everywhere which is making me so stressed. My dad is doing the building work and just doesn’t get why I’m upset at all - he told me today it would only take a couple hours to clean up which is ridiculous, and also completely forgets the fact that all our actual living stuff is boxed up in the attic our the way, and all needs unpacking. We still don’t have a kitchen, half the living room isn’t painted, there’s a massive hole in the wall in the landing. Chaos.
I’m booked for an induction on my due date (29th). I do keep thinking he might be early, and I am so ready to meet him, but need him to keep put because I won’t be able to bring him home at the moment!
I’m glad everyone else is doing well - I’m so jealous of all these gorgeous babies here already!
Hellooo all, just having a nose to see who else is still waiting for their little bundles :hi:
It's no fun!! There were 5 Mums/teachers in my daughter's school all pregnant at the same time and I'm the only one left still waiting even though 2 of them were due early Feb :x
Can't complain for too much longer though as I am being induced on Wednesday due to the GD and being on Metformin/Insulin, only a week before actual due date though. I'm still feeling pretty good in myself, the odd bit of groin pain and this carpal tunnel is a mare occasionally but all good otherwise, hope everyone else is feeling good whether that be post birth or fit to pop :haha:
Scared of induction, not going to lie, also a little bit petrified of the whole giving birth again since my first experience was a little bit scary but people tell me that a back to back birth is the worst and I managed 14 hours of that on just gas and air so fingers crossed induction works quickly and I have a nice smooth sailing, relatively fast labour and the baby has no GD related sugar issues so I can get home to my daughter as soon as possible, pray for me please :haha:
All the best to those of you still waiting xx
Goingforit - Wow, congrats! She is beautiful! It is definitely good that you opted for a c-section with her size! I’m glad it was a pleasant experience for you!

Bumble bee - that’s so exciting that you’re being induced on Wed! I don’t blame you for feeling nervous about the induction, as I would feel the same. However, it definitely sounds like you were a real trooper with your first birth so hopefully this one won’t be as bad!

Red head - I’m so sorry that your house is still a construction zone! That must be so stressful! That is unfortunate that your dad can’t understand how all the mess must be affecting you! And of course it will take longer than 2 hours to clean up! It would take longer than that to clean my house, which is NOT a construction zone!
I hope that your baby will stay put until you’re able to clear up all the mess and make your home safe for him! That’s exciting that you’ll be induced on your due date. I may very well be the last one to give birth on this thread. Ah well!
I’m happy I finally have the baby clothes out. It’s amazing how small they are, and it just doesn’t seem real that someone is going to be using them very, very soon!
I know! I kept looking at them as i was washing them thinking just how tiny they were :D I still think of my 2 year old as my baby but when you compare her to the size of the baby clothes... :lol:

Glad you had a good time celebrating DD2's birthday - I know what you mean about the cleaning... I am still trying to do ours!

AFM - I guess my husband postponed his out-of-town trip so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Unfortunately, now he says he’ll be doing an overnight trip instead when the baby is less than a month old.:sad2: I can’t decide which is worse! Sigh
Oh dear - i'm not sure what is worse! Have you got anyone who can come and stay that night to help you?

Congratulations goingforit! She is gorgeous - but oh my word, over 11 lbs :shock: No wonder you were measuring 44 weeks :lol:

Red_head - sorry to hear your house is still a building site! Hope you manage to get it finished soon :shock: That must be incredibly stressful :(

Good luck with your induction Bumblebeee - hope all goes well and you have an easier birth this time round! Keep us updated!

I'm currently just frantically trying to sort out the last few bits at home, including finishing packing my hospital bag :lol: I cleared out part of our bedroom yesterday so we can put a toddler bed up! I must be mad... technically DD2 does have her own room but we still co-sleep so rather than it being a huge change for her we are planning on having a toddler bed in our room for a little while as a transition! :lol: So that will make it a crib, our bed, a toddler bed and a sofa-bed in our room (we used to have the sofa-bed in DD1's room before buying her a new high sleeper so moved it into our room to use as a normal sofa - it's going to be cozy :lol: ). 2 more days :shock:
Serenyx - so true! I also think of my 2-year-old as my baby but there’s definitely a big difference in sizes!

Thanks. I might be able to stay overnight at my parents’ that night so I have help with the older two. However, I hate being out of my normal environment and sometimes get more anxious that way so I will have to play it by ear.

Good for you getting your hospital bag fully sorted! Mine has been *almost* packed for a while but I know I am missing things and just can’t be bothered to finish up for some reason. I also want to pack the diaper bag today if I get the energy.

That’s a good idea to make a smoother transition for dd2 by putting the toddler bed in your room at first. We are just transitioning out of co-sleeping as well. Dd2 starts out in her own bed (in a separate bedroom) but frequently ends up in ours. In the last week, she’s managed to sleep through the night a few times, so I’m hoping she starts to do that more and more!

Good luck with your last 2 days!!

AFM - Today and yesterday I have been losing bits of mucous plug and feeling mildly crampy. I have also been peeing constantly today despite not drinking extra fluids, so either baby has dropped a bit more, or I’m just losing some water I was retaining. I also had a bit of a clear-out today and finally had the energy/motivation to do some baking. I know it could still be over a week away, but I take it as a positive sign that my body is starting to get ready!
Congrats GoingforIt! Was your first a big baby too?

I bought a baby scale to weigh Violet as I’m worried I don’t have enough milk. She was 7 lbs 4 oz yesterday. That is at 24 days old. At 13 days old she was 6 lbs 2 oz. So she is gaining well. But why am I still so paranoid she isn’t getting enough? I think because sometimes after she nurses she still acts hungry and at times will drain both breast completely it seems and then will seem unsettled. But if she is gaining well and peeing and pooping well then she is getting enough I would think. I can see why some women turn to formula now! With my others I had over production so it seemed no matter how many times they nursed there was always milk so I knew they were getting enough. I need to relax I guess but I’m finding it hard to not stress about breastfeeding. She is only breastfeeding now with no bottles of pumped milk. Oh and I’m pretty sure she has a lip tie. She still has a hard time latching sometimes and I will have to relatch her several times before she is on well. I looked up photos and there are 4 degrees of lip ties and hers is between the 2nd and 3rd from what I can tell. Not sure what to do from here.
Ashley - I am no doctor or LC, but I do really think if she is gaining well and wetting and dirtying enough diapers per day that she’s absolutely getting enough. Please try not to stress so much. Have you been able to talk to an LC at all? Is your doctor happy with her weight gain? Try to relax, as hard as it is! You’re doing an amazing job. Can you talk to your doctor about the potential lip tie? I don’t know much about that. I would definitely be talking to a health professional about your concerns.

Serenyx - today is the big day, right? So excited for you! Hope all goes well and I can’t wait to hear the big news!
Ashley, you would see a LC and they refer you to someone that can fix the tie. Nora has a slight tie but we arent fixing it. I wouldn't fuss over weights.
Serenyx - today is the big day, right? So excited for you! Hope all goes well and I can’t wait to hear the big news!
Thank you :)

Yes today (well yesterday now!) Was the big day! All went smoothly and our little girl was born at 11.38 weighing 8lb 6oz :D (I know this isn't big in the grand scheme of things but it is big for us! Thankfully I bought two sizes of clothes to the hospital as she was too big for the smaller set :lol: ).

There were only two electives due today as the third lady had already given birth! I was prepped and ready to go in first as I had higher risk factors, but when they started to move me they had a last minute change of plans. Something to do with a wet test and needing to cross-refence my blood in case a transfusion was needed (it wasn't thankfully!), which would take a good 1.5 hrs! So they swapped us round and did the other lady first (which was a good thing in the end as she had some complications and ended up requiring a ga). Once we got in it was pretty much plain sailing apart from them having to use forceps during delivery (I didn't even realise they did this during a c-section!) so she has a little bit of bruising but thankfully not too much!

We haven't decided on a name yet but DD1 and DD2 came to meet her last night :D DD1 is completely fascinated and loved being able to hold her :lol:

Most of my pictures are on the big camera and the server isn't allowing me to upload one from my phone - it is saying the file is too big! I will see if my phone can compress a photo in a bit :)

Hope everyone else is well x
Serenyx - Congrats!! I had no idea they used forceps in c-sections either! I’m glad she has arrived safe and sound and that it went relatively smoothly other than the need for forceps. How big were your other babies?
That’s great that dd1 and dd2 got to meet her last night! Hope you can decide on a name soon! We are still undecided as well.

afm - my ultrasound yesterday showed that my amniotic fluid levels are down to completely normal now, so I don’t have any extra risk factors anymore. Baby is still big and was measuring 8 lb 9 oz already. Hoping she’s not quite that yet because I’ll probably go overdue at this point.

No major signs of labour other than feeling quite crampy lately. I have come down with a nasty cold and have a sore throat and hoarse voice. I am so tired during the day and need to nap, but then it has been interfering with my nighttime sleep. And now, after dd2 STTN a few times, she and dd1 are BOTH waking me up multiple times a night! Argh!!!!

DH is extremely stressed and behind with work so at this point I’m almost hoping baby is a day or two overdue because otherwise he will just have to work through his “time off” with baby. Sigh.

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