January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Oh one more thing about the book...starts out by saying they had twin girls via surrogate....they had unexplained infertility...spent like $100k! Tried everything before getting the surrogate. Then a couple years later, she fell pregnant naturally with a boy...it's a crazy journey.
So, update on my dr appt today. He was very sweet, and was very sorry about what happened, but he was really excited that the increase in clomid worked for me. He feels that it will happen again very quickly for me. :) I love his positive attitude. I always feel great when I leave his office. I asked about additional tests, but he didn't feel it was necessary just yet. He said I can do the day21 P test if I want, but when he tested it the day after I O'd, it was within a normal range for that time in my cycle. However, he did give me a prescription for prog supps (prometrium) to have on hand. He said the next time I see a faint bfp, to start taking it immediately. I found that interesting since most are told to take it during the whole TWW. But since I don't seem to be deficient in it during the TWW, and since he doesn't want it to delay AF and just cause my cycles to be longer, I'm just supposed to start taking them next time I see a faint bfp, for good measure. I really like that idea. Anyway, just thought I'd update.

I'm on cd9, and with a non-clomid cycle I'd normally be O'ing by tomorrow. But I got a neg opk, so looks like it will be happening later. But... I got EWCM today! Super excited about that! Without robitussin or anything. So I bet I'll see the pos opk in the next few days. But herein lies the problem...DH is out of town this weekend. Thurs through Sun! So we will just have to BD tomorrow night, and Thurs morning before he leaves. And we'll see when/if the pos opk comes, and we'll BD when he returns on Sun. That's the best we can do really. I can always hope the pos opk doesn't come until Sun. That would be perfect. :winkwink:
I love positive attitudes. Your doctor sounds great. I hope your scheduling works out. I think I get cm a few days before a peak, so you may just luck out.
Beaglemom, that's really neat that your dates do kind of line up. Mine were dec and January, which I don't think is right anymore. There's no way that can line up unless I don't get pregnant until NEXT dec and find out jan 2015... Ugh, that's too long to wait. AF came yesterday, so I'm officially out this cycle. I'm out of tea too and amazon is taking their sweet time shipping it!!! I got fertilaid for women this time too since it says you can use it with the tea. Here's to hoping the tea does the trick for us. It made me O a couple days earlier but my LP was only 13 days so maybe this time it'll push it out just a tad longer.

Erin, that's so awesome that your dr is so positive. I think the prog when you get the BFP is a great idea. You obviously have enough for the egg to implant, it seems like you just need that little extra boost after the implantation. I've heard of so many other women getting BFPs right after an early m/c so I'm glad you're staying so positive. : )

Hope everyone else is doing good too, and hopefully we'll all be getting our BFPs soon!!
Well ladies I have a doctors appt in an hour to get that BFP confirmed! Hoping it's a sticky bean!!
Beaglemom, that's really neat that your dates do kind of line up. Mine were dec and January, which I don't think is right anymore. There's no way that can line up unless I don't get pregnant until NEXT dec and find out jan 2015... Ugh, that's too long to wait. AF came yesterday, so I'm officially out this cycle. I'm out of tea too and amazon is taking their sweet time shipping it!!! I got fertilaid for women this time too since it says you can use it with the tea. Here's to hoping the tea does the trick for us. It made me O a couple days earlier but my LP was only 13 days so maybe this time it'll push it out just a tad longer.

Erin, that's so awesome that your dr is so positive. I think the prog when you get the BFP is a great idea. You obviously have enough for the egg to implant, it seems like you just need that little extra boost after the implantation. I've heard of so many other women getting BFPs right after an early m/c so I'm glad you're staying so positive. : )

Hope everyone else is doing good too, and hopefully we'll all be getting our BFPs soon!!

Allison, isn't the date supposed to be deliver, find out, or conceive? Which means that you are along with me possibly conceiving in March/April. So make that your new time line :)
Well ladies I have a doctors appt in an hour to get that BFP confirmed! Hoping it's a sticky bean!!

Congrats! You're on the ball. Here I am just hanging out.

I told my dh i would call the obgyn on Tuesday and verify that my yearly appt scheduled for Jan 22 will work for my first prenatal. I just want to make sure i don't jinx anything and plus by next Tuesday i will be a week late. by the appt i should be 7 weeks hoping they will do an ultrasound.
Good luck to both our positive girls!

I'm sure we are all right behind you!
Good luck, Ashley!

And beaglemom, yes. March is definitely my goal. Or earlier of course. My husband and I were eligible for insurance thru his work this year, so thinking optimistically, we signed up for the more expensive plan which is $100 more a month than the other one bc the more expensive one had much much cheaper maternity and delivery prices. But with that being said, if I'm not pregnant by march, I will not be delivering a baby in 2014 so we will have just wasted that extra 100 a month. I'm hoping my optimistic attitude doesn't leave us wasting $1200 for the year... Ugh. Lol
I took a wondfo and it was negative this am. i think my fears were right. i am just waiting on the cramps and bleeding. otherwise nothing new.
Oh no, FutureBaby! I'm so sorry! Did you have a feeling it wasn't for real??
I just had a feeling that something wasn't 100%. I don't know if i was just in denial or what. i just felt i would miscarry my first.
Good luck, Ashley!

And beaglemom, yes. March is definitely my goal. Or earlier of course. My husband and I were eligible for insurance thru his work this year, so thinking optimistically, we signed up for the more expensive plan which is $100 more a month than the other one bc the more expensive one had much much cheaper maternity and delivery prices. But with that being said, if I'm not pregnant by march, I will not be delivering a baby in 2014 so we will have just wasted that extra 100 a month. I'm hoping my optimistic attitude doesn't leave us wasting $1200 for the year... Ugh. Lol

I am in a similar situation. I signed up for the health savings account & did the max of $2500 over the year. But at least I can use that for co pays or other things. I just bought more ovulation strips & I can use it for that.
I just had a feeling that something wasn't 100%. I don't know if i was just in denial or what. i just felt i would miscarry my first.

I really hope your test is wrong. Still keeping fingers crossed for you. :hugs:
Yeah, my previous insurance didn't cover maternity at all so at least I have that now. I was just hoping to be able to use that cheap delivery price this year. lol

And if any of you ladies have Facebook and are interested, I'm part of a secret TTC group with some other ladies from this site. It's a great group of ladies and sometimes a lot easier to keep up with than the threads. If anyone wants to join, let me know and I'll give you my email address so I can add you. : )
Yeah, my previous insurance didn't cover maternity at all so at least I have that now. I was just hoping to be able to use that cheap delivery price this year. lol

And if any of you ladies have Facebook and are interested, I'm part of a secret TTC group with some other ladies from this site. It's a great group of ladies and sometimes a lot easier to keep up with than the threads. If anyone wants to join, let me know and I'll give you my email address so I can add you. : )

I am def up for that!
beaglemom, I love stories of couples that conceive when they are told they can't. It really just warms my heart. I know life isn't fair but it is always the best people who suffer with infertility.

Erin, your doctor sounds amazing! Good docs are hard to find! Glad you worked out a good plan with him too. Hoping your body slows down for a few days here so your hubby can return just in time for a major BDing session!

Allison, I am sorry AF showed...but it still isn't too late to find out in January. You should O in a few weeks and could get a BFP by the end of the month! Hoping you get your tea soon so you can drink up!

Good luck Ashley, let us know!

FBG, there is always false negative tests...hoping it was a bad test and your bean is holding on tight. Fx'd tight.
I took a wondfo and it was negative this am. i think my fears were right. i am just waiting on the cramps and bleeding. otherwise nothing new.

FBG... I can't even tell you how sad I am to read this. I wasn't expecting this news. Perhaps you should try a FRER... maybe there's something wrong with the wondfo?
I hope that test is a fluke, FutureBaby!! My fingers are crossed!

Beaglemom, add me on Facebook and I will add you to the group! My email is [email protected]
Anyone else, feel free as well!! : )

I have a funny story on being told you can't get pregnant but did anyways... Granted it's from a tv show, but it's hilarious and as crazy as this world is, I'm sure it's happened somewhere... Lol. Does anyone watch Shameless on showtime?? Anyways, this interracial couple is told she can't get pregnant but they want the baby to look like them so they don't want to adopt. Their plan? Have the husband sleep with her mother! Next best thing, right? lol. So the mom gets pregnant with their baby and while she's still pregnant, the wife ends up actually getting pregnant! I was omg! Hahahaha!
I would keep testing future baby. In fact when I was in your position I did and then went for blood tests. Was your urine diluted. Try another test. Hope your AF doesn't come. Xxx

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