January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

So, update on my dr appt today. He was very sweet, and was very sorry about what happened, but he was really excited that the increase in clomid worked for me. He feels that it will happen again very quickly for me. :) I love his positive attitude. I always feel great when I leave his office. I asked about additional tests, but he didn't feel it was necessary just yet. He said I can do the day21 P test if I want, but when he tested it the day after I O'd, it was within a normal range for that time in my cycle. However, he did give me a prescription for prog supps (prometrium) to have on hand. He said the next time I see a faint bfp, to start taking it immediately. I found that interesting since most are told to take it during the whole TWW. But since I don't seem to be deficient in it during the TWW, and since he doesn't want it to delay AF and just cause my cycles to be longer, I'm just supposed to start taking them next time I see a faint bfp, for good measure. I really like that idea. Anyway, just thought I'd update.

I'm on cd9, and with a non-clomid cycle I'd normally be O'ing by tomorrow. But I got a neg opk, so looks like it will be happening later. But... I got EWCM today! Super excited about that! Without robitussin or anything. So I bet I'll see the pos opk in the next few days. But herein lies the problem...DH is out of town this weekend. Thurs through Sun! So we will just have to BD tomorrow night, and Thurs morning before he leaves. And we'll see when/if the pos opk comes, and we'll BD when he returns on Sun. That's the best we can do really. I can always hope the pos opk doesn't come until Sun. That would be perfect. :winkwink:

Glad to see your update and that you are feeling so positive about the future! I also love my doc…such an important relationship when so much hinges on how they handle the situation!

Glad EWCM made it's appearance for you this month! How frustrating that hour hubs has to go out of town around your O time! Hope you guys can catch that egg!
Hi ladies I have taken the morning and read through the thread. I would like to join you ladies. I will give you a brief history on myself and my tic journey. Dh and I have been married for 5 years he is 34 and I am 28. We ttc when we first got married for approximately 14 months and at the end I had an m/c. That is when I decided to stop ttc and go back to university. I finished university in just over 3 years and now have been back to ttc for 15 months and have just started seeing a FS. This cycle is our first cycle using clomid and I had a HSG done at the end of December. Dh is going for his SA in the end of January as I don't want to have to obstain from bding and miss O. I will add when we were ttc previously we had some testing done then as well which was all normal ams so far now everything has come back normal. My only issue is irregular cycles. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Welcome Frustrated42. Glad to have you! Wishing you luck! A lot of times a HSG can help! I had one done in late December as well and, although they didn't find any blockages, I'm hoping that dye cleared the way! They did find a polyp in my uterus that could be blocking implantation if the egg tried to implant in that area. I also am about your age, one year older, haven't had any diagnosed problems…and hubby is also yet to have his SA. Were getting through this fertile period, now to wait 3-5 days! Anyway, just wanted to say welcome!
Yeah, my previous insurance didn't cover maternity at all so at least I have that now. I was just hoping to be able to use that cheap delivery price this year. lol

And if any of you ladies have Facebook and are interested, I'm part of a secret TTC group with some other ladies from this site. It's a great group of ladies and sometimes a lot easier to keep up with than the threads. If anyone wants to join, let me know and I'll give you my email address so I can add you. : )

Allison, would love to get in on this! I was just thinking the other day that I would love to be able to keep in touch, see baby pics, etc., after we no longer have a reason to be on this forum…which hopefully will come soon for all of us!! :happydance:
Well ladies! Confirmed with the doctor today! I'm 3Weeks and 1 day! (New Years eve baby!) I'm due September 23rd!! Hoping it's sticky!

Congratulations Ashley!! That is super exciting!!:thumbup:
FBG, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping the test is just an error. I know this must be so hard for you. So sorry you are having to go through this!!

Update on me, my temp did finally rise (albeit not too much) on Tuesday, which was 6 days past when I got the positive OPK reading indicating LH spike. It was also incidentally CD21, and I was scheduled to go for my first Progesterone lab. Just got a call from my doc this afternoon, and she said the labs indicated that I had ovulated! So that is good news! I am still confused about why my temperature did not rise until so late but she said my progesterone levels were normal. So there's hope for this cycle!
Hi ladies I have taken the morning and read through the thread. I would like to join you ladies. I will give you a brief history on myself and my tic journey. Dh and I have been married for 5 years he is 34 and I am 28. We ttc when we first got married for approximately 14 months and at the end I had an m/c. That is when I decided to stop ttc and go back to university. I finished university in just over 3 years and now have been back to ttc for 15 months and have just started seeing a FS. This cycle is our first cycle using clomid and I had a HSG done at the end of December. Dh is going for his SA in the end of January as I don't want to have to obstain from bding and miss O. I will add when we were ttc previously we had some testing done then as well which was all normal ams so far now everything has come back normal. My only issue is irregular cycles. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Welcome Frustrated42. Glad to have you! Wishing you luck! A lot of times a HSG can help! I had one done in late December as well and, although they didn't find any blockages, I'm hoping that dye cleared the way! They did find a polyp in my uterus that could be blocking implantation if the egg tried to implant in that area. I also am about your age, one year older, haven't had any diagnosed problems…and hubby is also yet to have his SA. Were getting through this fertile period, now to wait 3-5 days! Anyway, just wanted to say welcome!

I know how the wait for a SA is...I was trying to time it after my fertile window, but wait until a negative test...no need to waste the money if I got a positive...then work in a clean slate day so he could build up fresh.

FBG, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping the test is just an error. I know this must be so hard for you. So sorry you are having to go through this!!

Update on me, my temp did finally rise (albeit not too much) on Tuesday, which was 6 days past when I got the positive OPK reading indicating LH spike. It was also incidentally CD21, and I was scheduled to go for my first Progesterone lab. Just got a call from my doc this afternoon, and she said the labs indicated that I had ovulated! So that is good news! I am still confused about why my temperature did not rise until so late but she said my progesterone levels were normal. So there's hope for this cycle!

I don't temp, but I know a lot of factors can make the numbers off...maybe that is what happened to you this cycle.
FBG I am sorry to hear that. I hope the test was wrong. Take another one. When I had a chemical pregnancy got a BFP then like 3 BFN then a BFP. Then all the others I took were negative. Including a blood test. But my cycle was so messed up that time too. I went for like 87 ways with no AF!
Ladies in am so excited!! I found the correct robitussin today and evening primerose oil. Tomorrow is CD12 so going to start taking opks and use my fertility-focus to try and see when I will ovulate. Not sure when it is now that I am on femara. I want this month to be it so bad!!! I mean don't we all:)
FBG I am sorry to hear that. I hope the test was wrong. Take another one. When I had a chemical pregnancy got a BFP then like 3 BFN then a BFP. Then all the others I took were negative. Including a blood test. But my cycle was so messed up that time too. I went for like 87 ways with no AF!
Ladies in am so excited!! I found the correct robitussin today and evening primerose oil. Tomorrow is CD12 so going to start taking opks and use my fertility-focus to try and see when I will ovulate. Not sure when it is now that I am on femara. I want this month to be it so bad!!! I mean don't we all:)

Do you know which CDs you're supposed to take robitussin? Im on Clomid this month and bought Robitussin too... but not sure when to take it...

Just went to the doctor for my first ultrasound and she saw 1 large dominant egg on my right ovary at 11mm and a few others at 9mm on the left... Do you guys know if its possible to ovulate from both ovaries on the same month? Im just reaaally hoping for twins! After all this time trying, I think I deserve it!
My Fert Doctor just called and told me that they got my blood test results and that I have to come back tomorrow for another ultrasound instead of Saturday, as scheduled earlier... She said I might be ovulating sooner than expected so she wants to check it out....I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news.... during my appointment this morning she said that my lining was still kind of thin, but that it was normal... but she thought I was only gonna ovulate this weekend or later... Im nervous... any thoughts?
FBG I am sorry to hear that. I hope the test was wrong. Take another one. When I had a chemical pregnancy got a BFP then like 3 BFN then a BFP. Then all the others I took were negative. Including a blood test. But my cycle was so messed up that time too. I went for like 87 ways with no AF!
Ladies in am so excited!! I found the correct robitussin today and evening primerose oil. Tomorrow is CD12 so going to start taking opks and use my fertility-focus to try and see when I will ovulate. Not sure when it is now that I am on femara. I want this month to be it so bad!!! I mean don't we all:)

Do you know which CDs you're supposed to take robitussin? Im on Clomid this month and bought Robitussin too... but not sure when to take it...

Just went to the doctor for my first ultrasound and she saw 1 large dominant egg on my right ovary at 11mm and a few others at 9mm on the left... Do you guys know if its possible to ovulate from both ovaries on the same month? Im just reaaally hoping for twins! After all this time trying, I think I deserve it!

I think start taking the cough medicine around 5 days before you think you will O...about 2-3 times a day. And I am sure you can O from both sides. Not sure of the probability.
Well ladies! Confirmed with the doctor today! I'm 3Weeks and 1 day! (New Years eve baby!) I'm due September 23rd!! Hoping it's sticky!

Wow Ashley! Congrats, that is awesome news!

You are so lucky you got such a super early BFP!

How are you feeling, any symptoms?
So just a little side note. I would like to thank everyone for being so positive & encouraging on this thread. I had another thread about my possible upcoming IUI & I wanted some feedback from people in my situation. Basically no known ovulation issues, male infertility, clomid, unmonitored IUI. The response I got back, to me, felt insulting & negative. It felt like she was saying unmonitored IUI was unheard of, my doctor may not know what they are doing, blah blah. She wasn't that harsh, but that was basically what she was saying. Maybe I am being too sensitive. She happened to respond after I had gotten info on other threads. So I just said from what I am seeing it is common for women in my situation. AND THEN...this is awesome...another woman shows up, basically schools the first lady & attached a link to a 10 page study & info about IUI & clomid. She is not in my situation either, but gave me good info & encouragement. Then the 2 of them went back & forth. It was great.

So anyways, I loved seeing her get some actual science thrown in her face. Why comment if you have no clue about the situation I am in? If you have to respond, just say, here is my situation, it is different than yours, can't really offer advice, but good luck to you...& maybe ask what my process is supposed to be because you are curious.

So again, I appreciate this thread because we have seemed to find a great group who are constantly encouraging us. I don't see very much negativity if any. And if we have a question about a method one of us mentions, we just ask about it. We don't make that person feel like their process is stupid & won't work.

Anyways...sorry for the rant type post.
Not too much at all. I was really tired yesterday and today and I have a terrible bout of bacne and a headache. Lol. Just proof that my peanut is growing! So excited to see my little bean feb 5th!
Hi ladies,

Is it ok if I join? I love the positive attitude you all seem to have - it's really uplifting to see such positive encouragement (especially in an area where in the real world/your own life that type of positive encouragement can be difficult to come by).

I also have a question - would someone mind explaining to me what the deal with the Robitussin/Mucinex thing is? I'd never heard of that prior to this month.

Good luck to everyone - here's hoping for positive news for everyone in 2014!
Hi ladies,

Is it ok if I join? I love the positive attitude you all seem to have - it's really uplifting to see such positive encouragement (especially in an area where in the real world/your own life that type of positive encouragement can be difficult to come by).

I also have a question - would someone mind explaining to me what the deal with the Robitussin/Mucinex thing is? I'd never heard of that prior to this month.

Good luck to everyone - here's hoping for positive news for everyone in 2014!

Hi Texas!
I personally have not tried the mucinex/robitussin yet, but I have the mucinex ready for my next cycle. I will try to explain and I am sure someone else can jump in if I missed something. They are taking it a few days prior to O so that it helps increase your cm (cervical mucus). You need to buy the one with only Guaifenesin as the active ingredient.

If you have any other questions just let us know! Where are you in your cycle?

Glad you joined us! :)
Hi ladies,

Is it ok if I join? I love the positive attitude you all seem to have - it's really uplifting to see such positive encouragement (especially in an area where in the real world/your own life that type of positive encouragement can be difficult to come by).

I also have a question - would someone mind explaining to me what the deal with the Robitussin/Mucinex thing is? I'd never heard of that prior to this month.

Good luck to everyone - here's hoping for positive news for everyone in 2014!

Hi Texas!
I personally have not tried the mucinex/robitussin yet, but I have the mucinex ready for my next cycle. I will try to explain and I am sure someone else can jump in if I missed something. They are taking it a few days prior to O so that it helps increase your cm (cervical mucus). You need to buy the one with only Guaifenesin as the active ingredient.

If you have any other questions just let us know! Where are you in your cycle?

Glad you joined us! :)

I thought Robitussin was to decrease CM... some women's CM doesn't get the egg white characteristic and it could actually work against the spermies. That's why you take the cough syrup, to decrease mucus... no?
beaglemom, I get upset when I hear that people are acting like bullies on these threads! There is really no need for a reply to hurt someones feelings. We are all going through the same journey, each person is in a different car and traveling down a different road. But we all have the same destination in mind.

If you don't agree with someone, move along. There is no need to be hurtful or negative about their situation. Obviously you can make some suggestions or if you feel someone is trying something dangerous, let them know...but be gentle and kind too.

I am glad we have formed a group of amazing and helpful woman. I don't know what I would do without your support and encouragement! Thanks girls!
Hi Savvy,

Thanks for the welcome and the info! I'm on CD19. As for where I am in the cycle, I'm not entirely sure. This is my first month successfully using an OPK, and also first month doing the BBT charting. So I don't think I have enough info to be sure, but I think I may have O'd between CDs 14-16.

I'm about to be 31, DH is 37, and we're in month 10 of TTC #1. It's really great to find some ladies to talk to. :)
Hi ladies!! I'd also like to join in the thread!! I'm on cd 9 of my third round of Clomid (cd is the same as the day of the month, that's been super convenient this month lol). I took 100 mg cd 3 - 7, and started taking mucinex (600 mg generic version) today, I'm really hoping that's my magic ticket!! We haven't had any other testing or anything, my doc wanted to try Clomid first, but I've noticed my cm is never really that great. So FX, and baby dust for everyone!!!!

Hi ladies,

Is it ok if I join? I love the positive attitude you all seem to have - it's really uplifting to see such positive encouragement (especially in an area where in the real world/your own life that type of positive encouragement can be difficult to come by).

I also have a question - would someone mind explaining to me what the deal with the Robitussin/Mucinex thing is? I'd never heard of that prior to this month.

Good luck to everyone - here's hoping for positive news for everyone in 2014!

Hi Texas!
I personally have not tried the mucinex/robitussin yet, but I have the mucinex ready for my next cycle. I will try to explain and I am sure someone else can jump in if I missed something. They are taking it a few days prior to O so that it helps increase your cm (cervical mucus). You need to buy the one with only Guaifenesin as the active ingredient.

If you have any other questions just let us know! Where are you in your cycle?

Glad you joined us! :)

I thought Robitussin was to decrease CM... some women's CM doesn't get the egg white characteristic and it could actually work against the spermies. That's why you take the cough syrup, to decrease mucus... no?

The Robitussin is used to thin your CM and get it to the correct consistency to help keep the sperm safe.

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