January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Warm welcome to our newbies, TryinginTexas and Jayhawklvr! I would echo what the others have said about meds with Guafenesin (sp?) as the only active ingredient. I took the mucinex extended release and had three days of EWCM, when I had never really seen any before. I have been TTC for about 13 months but just recently educated myself more, so have been checking CM for about 3 months.

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

Glad to hear positive reports on acupuncture…I am seriously considering it. As all my labs came back normal, maybe it would be a good thing to try before getting on Clomid or Femara, which seem like the first thing most docs do to boost fertility.

Digitals are not as sensitive. I think FRER & anything generic to that is fine. Also hear that the dollar store tests can be sensitive.
I can completely relate with people being rude in other threads. I took clomid this cycle and was not monitored which kinda scared me but I'm sure it will be fine my doctor wouldn't do it if she thought there was something wrong with it. I love the positivity of this thread. All the women are so encouraging.

I wasn't monitored either. I didnt really worry about it either. My OB liked that I was using OPKs and temping so that I could confirm O myself without having to come in every single month, so he and I felt comfortable doing it that way. :)

We love this group too. Some of us have been hangin out for a few cycles now. Love these gals. :flower:

I think the main thing with clomid is being educated. From what I understand it all has to do with dose, why you are taking it, & the days you take it. So for me I am on 5-9 which is meant to boost an ovulation. Earlier days are meant to cause ovulation for women who don't already. Plus I was on a low dose of 50 mg. So I was not concerned with having like 6 follicles being released or however the terminology is. It can still possibly cause multiples. I see a lot of women wanting clomid to cause multiples. It scares me. I would just not want more than twins. I may have to call one of you ladies to give some away if I turn in to octo-mom. LOL!
I haven't been temping, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience and that seems like a lot of work on top of what I'm already doing. Do you ladies think it's THAT important if I'm doing OPK's and Clomid progesterone tests? I'm sure I could get in the habit, just haven't felt the urge to do it yet lol.
I haven't been temping, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience and that seems like a lot of work on top of what I'm already doing. Do you ladies think it's THAT important if I'm doing OPK's and Clomid progesterone tests? I'm sure I could get in the habit, just haven't felt the urge to do it yet lol.

No, not at all. Some women love it because it gives them a picture into what their body is doing every month. Other women hate it because they either don't sleep through the night, or they just don't like the hassle. You're totally fine doing what you're doing. I just do it for peace of mind. I dont go to the Dr. to confirm O like you will be. So seeing that temp spike, and charting other things, like symptoms, and CM, etc. just makes me more comfortable. It's not a hassle for me since it only takes 60 seconds in the a.m. But if you think it would cause you stress, you should totally just skip it. :)
I totally agree. Do what you need to do. For me, temping is too much on me as well.

Speaking of sleeping through the night, I think my dogs are training me for a baby. They have been waking me up numerous times to go out. Then the other night, one would only sleep as I pet him...so finally he went to sleep & I could stop petting him, but then I had to go to the bathroom...I just held it...no way I was waking them all up!
I haven't been temping, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience and that seems like a lot of work on top of what I'm already doing. Do you ladies think it's THAT important if I'm doing OPK's and Clomid progesterone tests? I'm sure I could get in the habit, just haven't felt the urge to do it yet lol.

No, not at all. Some women love it because it gives them a picture into what their body is doing every month. Other women hate it because they either don't sleep through the night, or they just don't like the hassle. You're totally fine doing what you're doing. I just do it for peace of mind. I dont go to the Dr. to confirm O like you will be. So seeing that temp spike, and charting other things, like symptoms, and CM, etc. just makes me more comfortable. It's not a hassle for me since it only takes 60 seconds in the a.m. But if you think it would cause you stress, you should totally just skip it. :)

Awesome, thanks!! Yeah it's not that much work, just an extra step that I'd have to remember to do before I get out of bed lol. Who knows though, I didn't do OPK's last round of Clomid cause the first round discouraged me, and now that I got a higher progesterone reading out of the last one, I'm all for the OPK's. My motivation has been very up and down!! At this point I'm not even hoping for a BFP, just a strong O lol.
Welcome TryingInTexas and jayhawk! I used mucinex last cycle but didn't really notice any difference really. As for temping, I just started temping this past cycle after I was done with clomid. When I was taking clomid, I never bothered with temping or OPKs bc I was being monitored. I have noticed that temping has really helped make sense of a lot of things about my cycle though, so it's definitely something to try. I miss a lot of days and it still seems helpful lol.
Where in Texas are you, TryingInTexas? I'm in San Antonio.
Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

I love the new acronym! It fits some women on the other threads perfectly! :haha:

I am excited that it seems like a few of us are around the same dpo! I hope to see lots of bfps very soon! It is nice that you were able to confirm yours with your doctor. A vacation sounds like fun! I agree with others that the digis are just not as sensitive. I just used cheap wondfos last time but this time I invested in some frers for my own sanity! I still ordered the wondfos incase I feel like peeing on something!!

I have read that there is no such thing as a false positive. As long as you read the test and use it according to the directions, a line is a line no matter how faint.

I may have to call one of you ladies to give some away if I turn in to octo-mom. LOL!

Holding you to that beaglemom! I have always wanted twins, so mark me down for two if you end up having 8! :)
Update: just returned from my 2nd ultrasound, had a huge spike in LH that's why I got called back. My follicle grew from 11mm to 14mm in 24 hours! So I'll have to come back tomorrow and possibly Saturday if the follicle doesn't reach the desired minimum of 16mm before the HSG shot.. she said it grew reaaaaly fast and it got me wondering if the acupuncture session had anything to do with it... I think Im gonna have another session this Friday, just in case that was the differential..

The medium follies I had on my left ovary are now 10mm, so it doesnt look like its gonna go... but there's another 11mm on my right (in addition to the 14mm one)...
Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

I love the new acronym! It fits some women on the other threads perfectly! :haha:

I am excited that it seems like a few of us are around the same dpo! I hope to see lots of bfps very soon! It is nice that you were able to confirm yours with your doctor. A vacation sounds like fun! I agree with others that the digis are just not as sensitive. I just used cheap wondfos last time but this time I invested in some frers for my own sanity! I still ordered the wondfos incase I feel like peeing on something!!

I have read that there is no such thing as a false positive. As long as you read the test and use it according to the directions, a line is a line no matter how faint.

I may have to call one of you ladies to give some away if I turn in to octo-mom. LOL!

Holding you to that beaglemom! I have always wanted twins, so mark me down for two if you end up having 8! :)

hahahaha I'll take the next 2 as well! 2 more to go, anyone?
Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

I love the new acronym! It fits some women on the other threads perfectly! :haha:

I am excited that it seems like a few of us are around the same dpo! I hope to see lots of bfps very soon! It is nice that you were able to confirm yours with your doctor. A vacation sounds like fun! I agree with others that the digis are just not as sensitive. I just used cheap wondfos last time but this time I invested in some frers for my own sanity! I still ordered the wondfos incase I feel like peeing on something!!

I have read that there is no such thing as a false positive. As long as you read the test and use it according to the directions, a line is a line no matter how faint.

I may have to call one of you ladies to give some away if I turn in to octo-mom. LOL!

Holding you to that beaglemom! I have always wanted twins, so mark me down for two if you end up having 8! :)

hahahaha I'll take the next 2 as well! 2 more to go, anyone?

I'll take the last 2, to go!! As long as they're a girl and a boy :oneofeach: For some reason my hubby thinks that's the way it's going to work for us, one of each and then we're done!! :roll:
I haven't been temping, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience and that seems like a lot of work on top of what I'm already doing. Do you ladies think it's THAT important if I'm doing OPK's and Clomid progesterone tests? I'm sure I could get in the habit, just haven't felt the urge to do it yet lol.

It's really an individual thing. For me, after a year of TTC without temping for the same reasons as you, starting to monitor my BBT and CM was actually a stress relief because I had some sense of control and knowledge about what was happening in my body. If you decide to, I would highly recommend a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Really helped me understand my cycles and what was happening in my body throughout a monthly cycle in addition to the practice of being aware of your body through temping and CM.
I haven't been temping, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience and that seems like a lot of work on top of what I'm already doing. Do you ladies think it's THAT important if I'm doing OPK's and Clomid progesterone tests? I'm sure I could get in the habit, just haven't felt the urge to do it yet lol.

It's really an individual thing. For me, after a year of TTC without temping for the same reasons as you, starting to monitor my BBT and CM was actually a stress relief because I had some sense of control and knowledge about what was happening in my body. If you decide to, I would highly recommend a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Really helped me understand my cycles and what was happening in my body throughout a monthly cycle in addition to the practice of being aware of your body through temping and CM.

Yeah, my thing had been that I wasn't getting a period naturally (therefore probably not ovulating) from about June to October 2013. So it just seemed pointless to me, since I didn't have a cycle really to track. And then the first round of Clomid did nothing, and I was even more discouraged. So when this last round of Clomid made me O (even though it was weak), and I got a NATURAL period, I was super excited!!! I didn't even care that I didn't get pregnant lol, just happy that something worked like it was supposed to. So now I'm on the same dose of Clomid, if I don't get a BFP this cycle then I might try more monitoring.

Any idea if that book is available on Kindle? I'm kind of addicted to my Kindle so I'm a lot more likely to buy it if it is lol.
Yep, I'll take two. That will leave beaglemom with two of her own. hehe. :)
Welcome TryingInTexas and jayhawk! I used mucinex last cycle but didn't really notice any difference really. As for temping, I just started temping this past cycle after I was done with clomid. When I was taking clomid, I never bothered with temping or OPKs bc I was being monitored. I have noticed that temping has really helped make sense of a lot of things about my cycle though, so it's definitely something to try. I miss a lot of days and it still seems helpful lol.
Where in Texas are you, TryingInTexas? I'm in San Antonio.

I'm in Houston - I was just in your neck of the woods about 1.5 months ago! Are you a native San Antonian?

I just started the temping this month. Temps were all over the place for the first few days (which I'm assuming was my fault as I didn't bother to read the directions initially on how to do it properly - i.e., I was taking my temp while brushing teeth/making coffee/fending off two wild dingos. I mean dogs.) but after I started doing it right, I fell into a routine with it pretty quickly. I'm curious, how many cycles did it take before you felt the temping was giving you valuable information?
I'll take 2, Beaglemom! Any chance of getting my and hubby's DNA injected into those bad boys?!

How exciting Haleiwamama! Keeping fingers crossed that this will be your month!

Savvy, yep we are at that wonderful time of the month, huh! I think I will just wait until AF time and test with a digi. I think if I have a super early positive then MC around AF time, I would just rather not know. Tick tock tick tock!

I was thinking, it's so funny how much TTC changes the way you think and talk. Like every time someone says something like Jayhawklvr about hoping for a "strong O" I just chuckle and remember when that meant hoping to climax (you know…like during SEX, when it was still sex and not BD!!). And how a statement like Savvy's, "Just in case I feel like peeing on something," would have caused me to curl my lip and give a "WTF" look…and now I just think, "Yeah, I can relate." :winkwink:
I just started the temping this month. Temps were all over the place for the first few days (which I'm assuming was my fault as I didn't bother to read the directions initially on how to do it properly - i.e., I was taking my temp while brushing teeth/making coffee/fending off two wild dingos. I mean dogs.) but after I started doing it right, I fell into a routine with it pretty quickly. I'm curious, how many cycles did it take before you felt the temping was giving you valuable information?

I've been charting for about 6 months or so, and I felt like the information was valuable in the very first month (even with only half a chart since I started temping late in my cycle). Also, during AF, your temps can tend to jump around a lot, so dont even worry about those first few days too much. :) I'm also not super, super strict on myself about it. I find that if I'm an hour off, or if I accidentally get out of bed first, it might affect the temp a little, but not enough to affect the thermal shift that shows ovulation. It's not so much about the individual temps, as it is about that shift. I try to be good about it, but I dont worry too much when I'm not. :winkwink:
I was thinking, it's so funny how much TTC changes the way you think and talk. Like every time someone says something like Jayhawklvr about hoping for a "strong O" I just chuckle and remember when that meant hoping to climax (you know…like during SEX, when it was still sex and not BD!!). And how a statement like Savvy's, "Just in case I feel like peeing on something," would have caused me to curl my lip and give a "WTF" look…and now I just think, "Yeah, I can relate." :winkwink:

Agreed! I was at work one day and accidentally referred to my husband as DH to a coworker, and she looked at me like... WHO??? HUH??
I'll take 2, Beaglemom! Any chance of getting my and hubby's DNA injected into those bad boys?!

How exciting Haleiwamama! Keeping fingers crossed that this will be your month!

Savvy, yep we are at that wonderful time of the month, huh! I think I will just wait until AF time and test with a digi. I think if I have a super early positive then MC around AF time, I would just rather not know. Tick tock tick tock!

I was thinking, it's so funny how much TTC changes the way you think and talk. Like every time someone says something like Jayhawklvr about hoping for a "strong O" I just chuckle and remember when that meant hoping to climax (you know…like during SEX, when it was still sex and not BD!!). And how a statement like Savvy's, "Just in case I feel like peeing on something," would have caused me to curl my lip and give a "WTF" look…and now I just think, "Yeah, I can relate." :winkwink:

Thanks Sara!! :)

Totally... DH and I were just talking about this last night... he had to remind me to enjoy the session and that I should work harder to climax rather than being so focused on his spermies reaching my egg! hahahahah After he said that i was able to relax and did climax (yaaay)...
I used to feel so nervous just at the thought of getting accidentally pregnant.. I've always been very careful not to get pregnant.. and now I feel like it was all a waste of worrying because it probably wouldn't have happened anyways...
Yeah, my thing had been that I wasn't getting a period naturally (therefore probably not ovulating) from about June to October 2013. So it just seemed pointless to me, since I didn't have a cycle really to track. And then the first round of Clomid did nothing, and I was even more discouraged. So when this last round of Clomid made me O (even though it was weak), and I got a NATURAL period, I was super excited!!! I didn't even care that I didn't get pregnant lol, just happy that something worked like it was supposed to. So now I'm on the same dose of Clomid, if I don't get a BFP this cycle then I might try more monitoring.

Any idea if that book is available on Kindle? I'm kind of addicted to my Kindle so I'm a lot more likely to buy it if it is lol.

Yeah I totally understand that! Glad your cycle might be regulating. Just checked Amazon for you and I only see it in Paperback. Sorry :/

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