January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

I hope I can shed a little light on the cough syrup/robitussin/mucinex situation. First they are all interchangeable as long as you make sure the active ingredient is Guaifenesin. If it has something else in it, that could actually dry you up. So the theory is this stuff will break down hostile cm, making it more clear & watery & sperm friendly. Or just give you more cm in general. Erin had some great success with this last cycle.

At least this is the info I have been getting on it. Hostile can be thick & sticky. The cough syrup breaks that down.
I am so glad other women are finding our attitudes so warm & welcoming...I love getting me people to join.

For the new folks, just so you know...usually we will start a new thread every month & let every one know to cross over. Sometimes I think this helps to keep them not so long. I personally feel overwhelmed when I see a really long/old thread. I feel like I can't jump in or keep up.
That's good info, by that definition mine has definitely been hostile. So maybe this is my answer!!!
That's good info, by that definition mine has definitely been hostile. So maybe this is my answer!!!

Clomid has a tendency to dry you up...so you should def have some good results/help from the cough syrup.
I haven't figured out how to use the quote thing in replies yet, but to all that responded to the Mucinex/Robitussin, thank you very much! I'll have to go get some before next time, can't hurt to try! :)
Hi ladies,

Is it ok if I join? I love the positive attitude you all seem to have - it's really uplifting to see such positive encouragement (especially in an area where in the real world/your own life that type of positive encouragement can be difficult to come by).

I also have a question - would someone mind explaining to me what the deal with the Robitussin/Mucinex thing is? I'd never heard of that prior to this month.

Good luck to everyone - here's hoping for positive news for everyone in 2014!

Hi Texas!
I personally have not tried the mucinex/robitussin yet, but I have the mucinex ready for my next cycle. I will try to explain and I am sure someone else can jump in if I missed something. They are taking it a few days prior to O so that it helps increase your cm (cervical mucus). You need to buy the one with only Guaifenesin as the active ingredient.

If you have any other questions just let us know! Where are you in your cycle?

Glad you joined us! :)

I thought Robitussin was to decrease CM... some women's CM doesn't get the egg white characteristic and it could actually work against the spermies. That's why you take the cough syrup, to decrease mucus... no?

The Robitussin is used to thin your CM and get it to the correct consistency to help keep the sperm safe.

(sigh) hahahaha Thank you! That's even better than i though.... I thought it would decrease the CM and that's why I've been using pre-seed during all BD sessions.

I'm excited I an be ovulating any time now I think... put in 2 BD sessions yesterday, just in case I O before my trigger shot... going for 2nd ultrasound today to see where my eggies and lining stand...

Did a session of acupuncture last night too and asked him to focus solely on my fertility. I swear i could feel the energy in my uterus, it was amazing! I just laid there with my eyes closed, visualizing my eggs growing, my lining getting thicker, me holding my baby(ies)... I've decided this month will be a BFP!
Did a session of acupuncture last night too and asked him to focus solely on my fertility. I swear i could feel the energy in my uterus, it was amazing! I just laid there with my eyes closed, visualizing my eggs growing, my lining getting thicker, me holding my baby(ies)... I've decided this month will be a BFP![/QUOTE]

Major baby dust to you!!
I hope I can shed a little light on the cough syrup/robitussin/mucinex situation. First they are all interchangeable as long as you make sure the active ingredient is Guaifenesin. If it has something else in it, that could actually dry you up. So the theory is this stuff will break down hostile cm, making it more clear & watery & sperm friendly. Or just give you more cm in general. Erin had some great success with this last cycle.

At least this is the info I have been getting on it. Hostile can be thick & sticky. The cough syrup breaks that down.

Thanks for jumping in and clearing that up! I know it is a good thing to take to help your CM, I just didn't know the specifics! :)
Yep, I did have good results from the robitussin. The Clomid was giving me hostile CM... it was just too creamy/sticky/thick, whatever. In my third clomid cycle, I started drinking the liquid robitussin about a week before O (I'd have to go back and look at my chart to remember for sure) three times a day at the dose allowed on the bottle. I didnt get awesome EWCM, but it definitely got rid of the hostile stuff, and it was clearer with a tiny bit of stretch. I got pregnant that month too. It ended in m/c, but the fact that I got pregnant after 13 months was HUGE. So I dont know if the robitussin aided in that, or if it was just the clomid, or a combination of several things, who knows. But when I take my Clomid again next time, I will be including the Robitussin in my routine. :)
Hi Savvy,

Thanks for the welcome and the info! I'm on CD19. As for where I am in the cycle, I'm not entirely sure. This is my first month successfully using an OPK, and also first month doing the BBT charting. So I don't think I have enough info to be sure, but I think I may have O'd between CDs 14-16.

I'm about to be 31, DH is 37, and we're in month 10 of TTC #1. It's really great to find some ladies to talk to. :)

Hi! That is great you started using opks and bbt charting. Some girls use fertility friend to chart all of their information, I think it helps show them when the O'd.

I am on my 9th cycle of TTC #1. Last cycle ended in an early m/c and I was on vacation so I didn't get to temp since my bbt was at home, got back and started using opks but then went away for a long weekend and didn't use them...so I am guessing when I O'd this cycle. I am staying positive and hoping for the best but I have opks, bbt, mucinex and preseed ready to go just in case! I think I am maybe around 8-10dpo.

Glad you joined our thread, keep us posted! :)
So I took 3 OPK tests and I got a faint line! This is the first time this has happened in the past year! I never got a positive OPK... i know this isn't a real positive (yet) but its looking a lot better than it did just a month ago!! We'll see what the ultra sound uncovers today! :kiss::flower::happydance:
Hi Savvy,

Thanks for the welcome and the info! I'm on CD19. As for where I am in the cycle, I'm not entirely sure. This is my first month successfully using an OPK, and also first month doing the BBT charting. So I don't think I have enough info to be sure, but I think I may have O'd between CDs 14-16.

I'm about to be 31, DH is 37, and we're in month 10 of TTC #1. It's really great to find some ladies to talk to. :)

Hi! That is great you started using opks and bbt charting. Some girls use fertility friend to chart all of their information, I think it helps show them when the O'd.

I am in my 9th cycle of TTC #1. Last cycle ended in an early m/c and I was on vacation so I didn't get to temp since my bbt was at home, got back and started using opks but then went away for a long weekend and didn't use them...so I am guessing when I O'd this cycle. I am staying positive and hoping for the best but I have opks, bbt, mucinex and preseed ready to go just in case! I think I am maybe around 8-10dpo.

Glad you joined our thread, keep us posted! :)

Savvy...seems you may get estimating around the same dpo I am. I don't think I can hold out. I will probably test Saturday. I hate when I O early...because it seems when I do, I still end up with a 28+ day cycle...which puts me at around 16-18 dpo. Who knows my first month with no clomid how long my cycle will be.
Savvy...seems you may get estimating around the same dpo I am. I don't think I can hold out. I will probably test Saturday. I hate when I O early...because it seems when I do, I still end up with a 28+ day cycle...which puts me at around 16-18 dpo. Who knows my first month with no clomid how long my cycle will be.

I tested yesterday like a fool! :) I said I wouldn't, even when ripping open the stick I was telling myself it was too early. I got a few symptoms and I think it is making me crazy to know what is going on.

Sorry I can't remember, before clomid how long were your cycles?

Fx'd for Saturday!
Savvy...seems you may get estimating around the same dpo I am. I don't think I can hold out. I will probably test Saturday. I hate when I O early...because it seems when I do, I still end up with a 28+ day cycle...which puts me at around 16-18 dpo. Who knows my first month with no clomid how long my cycle will be.

I tested yesterday like a fool! :) I said I wouldn't, even when ripping open the stick I was telling myself it was too early. I got a few symptoms and I think it is making me crazy to know what is going on.

Sorry I can't remember, before clomid how long were your cycles?

Fx'd for Saturday!

Before clomid I was around 28-29 days. So crazy, I am pretty regular & no female issues my whole life. Now I have to take meds that mess me all up. The clomid gave me 30-32 day cycles. Also before clomid I was ovulating right around the right time...cd 14-16.

The clomid was a booster. I'll be on it again if I need IUI next month.
Hi Savvy,

Thanks for the welcome and the info! I'm on CD19. As for where I am in the cycle, I'm not entirely sure. This is my first month successfully using an OPK, and also first month doing the BBT charting. So I don't think I have enough info to be sure, but I think I may have O'd between CDs 14-16.

I'm about to be 31, DH is 37, and we're in month 10 of TTC #1. It's really great to find some ladies to talk to. :)

Hi! That is great you started using opks and bbt charting. Some girls use fertility friend to chart all of their information, I think it helps show them when the O'd.

I am on my 9th cycle of TTC #1. Last cycle ended in an early m/c and I was on vacation so I didn't get to temp since my bbt was at home, got back and started using opks but then went away for a long weekend and didn't use them...so I am guessing when I O'd this cycle. I am staying positive and hoping for the best but I have opks, bbt, mucinex and preseed ready to go just in case! I think I am maybe around 8-10dpo.

Glad you joined our thread, keep us posted! :)

Oh my...I'm so sorry for your loss. Good for you for staying positive - and baby dust for this cycle!! Sending lots of positive vibes your way. :thumbup:
I can completely relate with people being rude in other threads. I took clomid this cycle and was not monitored which kinda scared me but I'm sure it will be fine my doctor wouldn't do it if she thought there was something wrong with it. I love the positivity of this thread. All the women are so encouraging.
Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Warm welcome to our newbies, TryinginTexas and Jayhawklvr! I would echo what the others have said about meds with Guafenesin (sp?) as the only active ingredient. I took the mucinex extended release and had three days of EWCM, when I had never really seen any before. I have been TTC for about 13 months but just recently educated myself more, so have been checking CM for about 3 months.

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

Glad to hear positive reports on acupuncture…I am seriously considering it. As all my labs came back normal, maybe it would be a good thing to try before getting on Clomid or Femara, which seem like the first thing most docs do to boost fertility.
I can completely relate with people being rude in other threads. I took clomid this cycle and was not monitored which kinda scared me but I'm sure it will be fine my doctor wouldn't do it if she thought there was something wrong with it. I love the positivity of this thread. All the women are so encouraging.

I wasn't monitored either. I didnt really worry about it either. My OB liked that I was using OPKs and temping so that I could confirm O myself without having to come in every single month, so he and I felt comfortable doing it that way. :)

We love this group too. Some of us have been hangin out for a few cycles now. Love these gals. :flower:
Oh Beaglemom…sorry you had an encounter with some CB (new acronym…Catty Bitches) LOL. Hope I'm allowed to say that on here! But I totally agree with you and Savvy…glad we have a great group of supportive ladies here!

Warm welcome to our newbies, TryinginTexas and Jayhawklvr! I would echo what the others have said about meds with Guafenesin (sp?) as the only active ingredient. I took the mucinex extended release and had three days of EWCM, when I had never really seen any before. I have been TTC for about 13 months but just recently educated myself more, so have been checking CM for about 3 months.

Savvy, I think I'm right there with you at 8dpo. I thought ovulation had been delayed, but I had gotten my pos OPK last Tuesday. My temps didn't rise until later, but now they aren't staying very consistent. So I think my temps are just screwy this month. But my doc said that my CD21 progesterone indicated that I had ovulated about a week ago. I think I will wait to test until AF is supposed to arrive next Wednesday to test. We are leaving for a much needed vacation on Friday, so I'd like to know whether or not I can have some fruity beverages! I have only ever tested with Digis or a Walgreens generic brand of First Response. Are these the most sensitive? Don't want a false positive to break my heart, but would really like to know before leaving.

Glad to hear positive reports on acupuncture…I am seriously considering it. As all my labs came back normal, maybe it would be a good thing to try before getting on Clomid or Femara, which seem like the first thing most docs do to boost fertility.

Hi sarah! From what I hear, there is no such thing as a false positive. :) They always say, if you get a line, no matter how faint, you are pregnant. The only thing i'm leary of are the blue dye tests, as I've seen way too many evaps on those. But that's usually past the allotted time that you're supposed to look at them. The digis aren't as sensitive as dye tests, but since you're waiting until AF would normally arrive, it might register. GL, can't wait to hear!!!!!

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