January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

you mean a pos opk? I don't think it is too late. but we know that the boys can live a few days in there, so getting some BD in before you O is def a good thing. it also helps to catch the egg. but a pos opk means you will O soon...so it is def not too late. but I don't think I would solely rely on the opk for your bd schedule. if you are one to get fertile cm, I would recommend BD anytime you see it even if you have not seen a pos opk.

I am very glad this thread is helping you stay pos & give you great info. I hate that negative crap especially on these kinds of forums where we should just be supportive since we are all having a rough, stressful, confusing time.

Yea, a + opk. I mean I can see if someone is only testing once a day maybe missing it. But I don't think so. So dh and I have bd'd the past 3 night like the smep plan. Then we will again tomorrow skipping today. 3 days in a row about killed me lol. It has been years since dh and I have bd'd that many days in a row. But I feel good about the timing like really good. Especially since my opk was - this morning.

sounds like you are putting in a good effort. I can't keep up with smep...plus with my husband's low count, it is not recommended to go every day... we do every other day...no idea how this cycle will go since we are hoping for iui

When do you go for your ultra sound to see your eggys? I loved that visit! Also, are you doing the trigger shot? I would ask about it to make sure you are ovulating day of IUI. I didn't and really really regret it now since i know I was not O. I think it will work for you. Hopefully within 3 cycles!

I don't really think they are monitoring me. I O already. Just using the clomid as a boost. They are asking me to call when I have a pos opk. I have to ask a lot of questions. I plan to send the nurse an email this week.
I call my RE's office all the time. Whenever I have a question I call. I don't call 24/7 but when you are going through this confusing thing called ttc you need answers. I would get all of your questions and email. If you need any help coming up with some I might be able to help. But I bet you have done a lot of research and you know what to ask.
Ugh, feeling a little frustrated today ladies!! I'm on CD19, and still no +opk :( Has anyone ever heard of the same dose of Clomid working one round, and then not working the next?? My progesterone was only 8.3, but my dr said I O'ed so he left me on the same dose. If it doesn't give me a good number this round, I think I might ask if we can up it next round....

How often are you using opks? How long are you cycles usually? Hoping that you are able to get a + soon!

I'm only using them once a day, my cycles have been anywhere from 28 to 36 days long, but my last one on this dose of clomid was 32 days. Is it true that ovulation is always 14 days before the start of your period? If so, I would have O'd on CD19 last month. My darkest line so far this month was on CD18, but it definitely wasn't darker than the reference one. Maybe I missed it by only testing once a day?? I'm so confused!!

I also had ovulation signs last month (cramping, bloating), but nothing so far this month. Ugh!!!
I'm only using them once a day, my cycles have been anywhere from 28 to 36 days long, but my last one on this dose of clomid was 32 days. Is it true that ovulation is always 14 days before the start of your period? If so, I would have O'd on CD19 last month. My darkest line so far this month was on CD18, but it definitely wasn't darker than the reference one. Maybe I missed it by only testing once a day?? I'm so confused!!

I also had ovulation signs last month (cramping, bloating), but nothing so far this month. Ugh!!!

I am not an expert and I am sure other girls know more than I do here and can jump in to help out.

Here is what I have learned - the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge is what is picked up on the opks. I use the clearblue opks which tell you that you can test with fmu (for me that is 6am), I have also read that between 1-4pm is the best time to test, so I use a wondfo around 2pm. Most woman O around 12-24 hours after that surge. I am following the SMEP plan where I am BDing every other day, once I get my positive opk we will BD for 3 days in a row, skip a day and then BD one last time. You are most fertile in the 36 hours after getting a positive opk.

You should get your period around 14 days after you ovulate, unless you have a luteal phase defect. Of course some woman could have a 12,13, 15 day luteal phase, so it could be slightly different. 14 days is just the average. You could also test late for a bfp, I didn't get mine until I was over 10 days late for AF.
I'm only using them once a day, my cycles have been anywhere from 28 to 36 days long, but my last one on this dose of clomid was 32 days. Is it true that ovulation is always 14 days before the start of your period? If so, I would have O'd on CD19 last month. My darkest line so far this month was on CD18, but it definitely wasn't darker than the reference one. Maybe I missed it by only testing once a day?? I'm so confused!!

I also had ovulation signs last month (cramping, bloating), but nothing so far this month. Ugh!!!

I am not an expert and I am sure other girls know more than I do here and can jump in to help out.

Here is what I have learned - the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge is what is picked up on the opks. I use the clearblue opks which tell you that you can test with fmu (for me that is 6am), I have also read that between 1-4pm is the best time to test, so I use a wondfo around 2pm. Most woman O around 12-24 hours after that surge. I am following the SMEP plan where I am BDing every other day, once I get my positive opk we will BD for 3 days in a row, skip a day and then BD one last time. You are most fertile in the 36 hours after getting a positive opk.

You should get your period around 14 days after you ovulate, unless you have a luteal phase defect. Of course some woman could have a 12,13, 15 day luteal phase, so it could be slightly different. 14 days is just the average. You could also test late for a bfp, I didn't get mine until I was over 10 days late for AF.

Awesome info, thank you!! I have been testing right around 5, I'm at work from 1 - 4, so that would be almost impossible for me. We were wanting to do SMEP, but without a + opk it's kind of hard. I guess I'll just continue with bd every other day, and see what happens with my prog levels!! At this point, if I don't get a :bfp:, I think I'm going to see if he'll let me try 150 mg Clomid.
Awesome info, thank you!! I have been testing right around 5, I'm at work from 1 - 4, so that would be almost impossible for me. We were wanting to do SMEP, but without a + opk it's kind of hard. I guess I'll just continue with bd every other day, and see what happens with my prog levels!! At this point, if I don't get a :bfp:, I think I'm going to see if he'll let me try 150 mg Clomid.

You are welcome! I am sure testing around 5 is perfectly fine, I have read to try to be consistent with the testing time, try to hold it for 4 hours (which 2 hours is about my max) and don't drink a bunch in that time. I wasn't happy with only testing once per day so that is why I test twice, I bought the cheap wondfo off amazon to use once a day as the second test.

With SMEP you start on CD8 (I think) and BD every other day, when you get a + opk you BD that day and the following two days. Then you skip one day and BD one more time. I really think it is what got me a bfp last time.

Good luck, I hope you get a + soon!!
Awesome info, thank you!! I have been testing right around 5, I'm at work from 1 - 4, so that would be almost impossible for me. We were wanting to do SMEP, but without a + opk it's kind of hard. I guess I'll just continue with bd every other day, and see what happens with my prog levels!! At this point, if I don't get a :bfp:, I think I'm going to see if he'll let me try 150 mg Clomid.

You are welcome! I am sure testing around 5 is perfectly fine, I have read to try to be consistent with the testing time, try to hold it for 4 hours (which 2 hours is about my max) and don't drink a bunch in that time. I wasn't happy with only testing once per day so that is why I test twice, I bought the cheap wondfo off amazon to use once a day as the second test.

With SMEP you start on CD8 (I think) and BD every other day, when you get a + opk you BD that day and the following two days. Then you skip one day and BD one more time. I really think it is what got me a bfp last time.

Good luck, I hope you get a + soon!!

Yeah I just looked into those wondfo's on amazon, I think I'll use those next cycle. I wonder if my FSA would cover them online? I've been buying them at Dillon's cause I can use my FSA debit card, but even the off brand is $20 for 7. Eesh!!

Those things look pretty small too, I wonder if I could take one to the bathroom in my pocket and test at work. I work with all guys, so I have to be discreet lol. Good luck to you too!! Praying that this is the lucky round for all of us!!
Jay, Clomid made my cycle longer, & I usually had about a 15-16 day luteal phase. So the 14 day rule can just be thrown out the window. I think bare minimum it needs to be at least 12. The last opks I just bought were Answer dip sticks...similar to wondfo. I also have the fertility monitor...so to help narrow things down for my IUI, I plan to test with the opk when I start getting highs on the monitor...once at 10 & once at 3 or 4. It is easy to get away with at my job.

Going every other day should cover your bases. I also have an FSA...I have a debit card & also a reimbursement process. I actually couldn't use my debit card online & was buying it at walmart.com. So if you are able to submit for reimbursement, you should def be able to do that.

So tomorrow starts clomid for me. I never got a chance to talk to my boss on Fri before I left. I wanted to warn him I may need a day off with very little notice. I guess I will just do it when the time comes. I thought AF was pretty heavy this cycle, but it has trailed off in the usual way...I think I just had a few hour period there that was heavy. So here is a weird question...do you think starting off with a heavier period means you have a pretty decent uterine lining? Just something I was thinking about.
Jayhawk, you could definitely take the wondfo at work, they are a small strip of paper basically. They come in a small, flat plastic pouch. You dip them into a cup of urine (not sure if you could do that at work) for 3 seconds and read them in 5 minutes. They aren't the best but it is a nice cheap back up test. When I see it is a positive, I would use a clearblue smiley to double check for accuracy.

Beaglemom, hope you are enjoying your vacation! I would love to know the answer to your question, my AF was extremely heavy too. I am just hoping that means my uterus is completely clean and ready for my baby bean! :)
I call my RE's office all the time. Whenever I have a question I call. I don't call 24/7 but when you are going through this confusing thing called ttc you need answers. I would get all of your questions and email. If you need any help coming up with some I might be able to help. But I bet you have done a lot of research and you know what to ask.

These are basically my questions. I am going to try to get around to sending them a message today maybe.

Confirm any other drugs or monitoring
Ask about my insurance
Prescribing progesterone as a just in case
what happens if opk pos comes near a weekend (I am not sure if they are open)

Any suggestions you have for questions?
Yeah, maybe I'm just being too impatient with the +opk....hopefully. I'm definitely going to ask to up the Clomid dose if I don't get a better progesterone reading though.

Beaglemom, I was thinking I'd probably have to do the reimbursement if I order online, the debit card is so easy but the reimbursement isn't TOO bad. Thanks for the info!! And FX'ed for your IUI, it's always exciting to try that next step!! :dust:
These are basically my questions. I am going to try to get around to sending them a message today maybe.

Confirm any other drugs or monitoring
Ask about my insurance
Prescribing progesterone as a just in case
what happens if opk pos comes near a weekend (I am not sure if they are open)

Any suggestions you have for questions?

The most important things are to make sure your insurance covers it - mine requires precertification, but my clinic took care of all of the paperwork - and the weekend question - mine has an office (not my reg office) that is open every day. Other things you might want to ask - how they deal with the sample - if I go to my main office, I bring the sample with me (just have to be there within an hour) if I go to the weekend office - they want him to produce the sample there. Are they washing the sample? Now I am blanking - if I think of anything else I'll let you know.

Good luck!!
These are basically my questions. I am going to try to get around to sending them a message today maybe.

Confirm any other drugs or monitoring
Ask about my insurance
Prescribing progesterone as a just in case
what happens if opk pos comes near a weekend (I am not sure if they are open)

Any suggestions you have for questions?

The most important things are to make sure your insurance covers it - mine requires precertification, but my clinic took care of all of the paperwork - and the weekend question - mine has an office (not my reg office) that is open every day. Other things you might want to ask - how they deal with the sample - if I go to my main office, I bring the sample with me (just have to be there within an hour) if I go to the weekend office - they want him to produce the sample there. Are they washing the sample? Now I am blanking - if I think of anything else I'll let you know.

Good luck!!

yes they are washing the sample. I need to get the insurance bit taken care of. I know I have some coverage. My office has done well with checking on things for me in the past. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I will work on my email.

So vacation is great...we are at these cabins where the dogs can run free around a lake. They love it. It was snowing when we were out at lunch but now the sun is out :( Real bummer. I don't like snow, but in this case I do...when I am safe in a cabin & no worries of roads or work. Plus I was so excited to see my pup run in the snow flakes. It makes her crazy hyper!
Anyone have any updates? I am so anxious for the iui...anxious, scared, nervious, excited. I started thinking about it today like really thinking & I almost started crying. I don't want to start thinking negatively, but I just hope this works...

We were in target & they had AMAZING clearance deals. We held back on them except a baby monitor. My husband is set on having a camera one...so we found one that was $53 from $190!!! So we grabbed it. It has a camera & you can hook it up to the laptop for online access.
Anyone have any updates? I am so anxious for the iui...anxious, scared, nervious, excited. I started thinking about it today like really thinking & I almost started crying. I don't want to start thinking negatively, but I just hope this works...

We were in target & they had AMAZING clearance deals. We held back on them except a baby monitor. My husband is set on having a camera one...so we found one that was $53 from $190!!! So we grabbed it. It has a camera & you can hook it up to the laptop for online access.

I'm going in for a progesterone blood draw on Thursday, I'm ready to figure out what's going on this cycle lol. I totally empathize with the emotions!! I feel like if I start getting too hopeful, I'll jinx it or something....FX'ed the IUI is your answer though!!

I've only bought one baby item, and it was right before my wedding, haha. They had the most adorable KU onesies on clearance at Target, and I couldn't resist!! But now of course I feel like I jinxed myself by buying those so early :dohh:
BeagleMom i am so excited for u.to go through iui and get ur bfp. i hope u and dh enjoy your vaca.

afm -i got my first high on the monitor yay. now just waiting for my peak!
beaglemom - I just want to say that I'm very excited for you on the iui. I really think this will be it for you!!

I also saw that Target has maternity clothing on clearance. I almost bought some in December when I was pregnant. I'm glad I didn't though because the only baby-related item that I purchased - a fetal heart beat doppler was too much for me to look at after the m/c. I had to ask DH to hide it from me. Hopefully I'll be able to use it again in a few months!
Beaglemom excited for your iui. The cabin sounds fantastic. Sounds like just what you need before your iui some rest and relaxation.

I'm still in the tww which seems to be lasting forever. Only 3 days left until testing or af. I also applied for a job today that I would love to get. I haven't worked much lately and would love to secure a full time job. I will find out by the end of next week if I get the position or not.
beaglemom, I am so glad you are having a nice vacation! It is so nice to get away. I am so excited for your IUI, I really think it is just what you need to get your bfp!! You have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next month, including a brand new day time schedule for your DH. I think you will be seeing your bfp very soon!!

Jayhawk, good luck at your progesterone blood draw on Thursday.

I am sitting here waiting (not so patiently) for my + opk. We have a trip with my parents this weekend and I am so nervous because I won't be able to BD and of course I will probably O on Saturday. Do you think if I BD with this schedule I will cover the weekend in case I O?
Tuesday PM
Wednesday PM
Friday AM
Sunday PM
I wish there wasn't 24+ hours between BDing this weekend, but I feel like I can't stop my life and start cancelling plans just because we are ttc.

Also concerned...my face is breaking out like a teenager. I usually get like 1 or maybe 2 zits a few days before AF shows. I had a huge, painful zit on my chin right before AF showed and it is still there, almost gone. It was buried under the skin for about 5 days before it finally came to a head, the pressure was terrible. Now I have another huge zit starting on my chin plus a few normal size ones on my forehead. Anyone ever have this happen during a cycle? Not sure what else could cause it. I never had acne or many zits as a teenager.
Beaglemom excited for your iui. The cabin sounds fantastic. Sounds like just what you need before your iui some rest and relaxation.

I'm still in the tww which seems to be lasting forever. Only 3 days left until testing or af. I also applied for a job today that I would love to get. I haven't worked much lately and would love to secure a full time job. I will find out by the end of next week if I get the position or not.

Good luck with the new job! I will keep my fx'd that you get it! Keep me posted!

Hope the next few days goes by quickly!! :)

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