January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

beaglemom, I am so glad you are having a nice vacation! It is so nice to get away. I am so excited for your IUI, I really think it is just what you need to get your bfp!! You have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next month, including a brand new day time schedule for your DH. I think you will be seeing your bfp very soon!!

Jayhawk, good luck at your progesterone blood draw on Thursday.

I am sitting here waiting (not so patiently) for my + opk. We have a trip with my parents this weekend and I am so nervous because I won't be able to BD and of course I will probably O on Saturday. Do you think if I BD with this schedule I will cover the weekend in case I O?
Tuesday PM
Wednesday PM
Friday AM
Sunday PM
I wish there wasn't 24+ hours between BDing this weekend, but I feel like I can't stop my life and start cancelling plans just because we are ttc.

I think it sounds good...it is basically smep except you don't know when your pos opk will come.
beaglemom - I just want to say that I'm very excited for you on the iui. I really think this will be it for you!!

I also saw that Target has maternity clothing on clearance. I almost bought some in December when I was pregnant. I'm glad I didn't though because the only baby-related item that I purchased - a fetal heart beat doppler was too much for me to look at after the m/c. I had to ask DH to hide it from me. Hopefully I'll be able to use it again in a few months!

Thanks...I don't think you are too far off from you positive. You just need these few weeks to allow your body to get back on track.

Today thinking about the iui not working was the only time so far I felt a little panicked. But even after that moment...it is impossible for me to think this will not do it for us...maybe not the first time...but it will. Maybe all the baby things will be a jinx...I don't know. I just know it feels good now. It is so strange to not even be able to have negative thoughts. I am typically a very pessimistic person.
Today thinking about the iui not working was the only time so far I felt a little panicked. But even after that moment...it is impossible for me to think this will not do it for us...maybe not the first time...but it will. Maybe all the baby things will be a jinx...I don't know. I just know it feels good now. It is so strange to not even be able to have negative thoughts. I am typically a very pessimistic person.

I don't think buying a few baby things is a jinx. If it makes you feel good and you and DH are positive and excited, that is all that matters. So many woman buy baby things before they are pregnant and go on to have many children! Plus when you can snag some awesome deals it is hard not to buy a few things! Have fun and enjoy the time with your DH!
Beaglemom I would also ask all prices on everything just in case insurance doesn't cover. That's the boat I am in no coverage. I would also ask about why no ultrasound. They typically want women to have 3 for a successful IUI. I am sure you don't have to have one but I know it makes a difference. You could even ask about how long dh should substain before IUI. I can't remember if you have had blood work done?? My re did it to check my thyroid egg reserve and and something else I am blanking on it. Just to make sure there is nothing else in the way. I have read that women who continue to lay down for like 15 min. after IUI have a higher success rate. Then day of IUI after sperm washing they should be able to tell you dh count, mobility, and morphology so you know what you are working it lol. Maybe that's more advice than questions lol

So I for the past couple days I have been crampy. I hope that's a good sign since I don't typically have this feeling normally. Also, maybe this is my mind playing tricks since its so early after O but I feel kind of nauseous at some points of the day. It's hard to describe. Like after I eat I feel it. Anyone else feel like this before their BFP?
Beaglemom I would also ask all prices on everything just in case insurance doesn't cover. That's the boat I am in no coverage. I would also ask about why no ultrasound. They typically want women to have 3 for a successful IUI. I am sure you don't have to have one but I know it makes a difference. You could even ask about how long dh should substain before IUI. I can't remember if you have had blood work done?? My re did it to check my thyroid egg reserve and and something else I am blanking on it. Just to make sure there is nothing else in the way. I have read that women who continue to lay down for like 15 min. after IUI have a higher success rate. Then day of IUI after sperm washing they should be able to tell you dh count, mobility, and morphology so you know what you are working it lol. Maybe that's more advice than questions lol

So I for the past couple days I have been crampy. I hope that's a good sign since I don't typically have this feeling normally. Also, maybe this is my mind playing tricks since its so early after O but I feel kind of nauseous at some points of the day. It's hard to describe. Like after I eat I feel it. Anyone else feel like this before their BFP?

I forgot to ask about abstaining. I did ask about insurance. They said it's not covered but I need to call my company bc I think it does. But she said the cost was $240. Seems low. I think the no ultrasound bc I O on my own. It is also my regular gyno. I have seen the less monitoring is pretty common.

Thanks for the advice/info.
without the ultrasounds - $240 sounds about right. I have only been having one scan because of timing. I end up taking the trigger the night of my scan. You are doing unmonitored using the strips - so that is why you have no scans - not unusual in your case.
Ok ladies...im officially crazy. Went to another target and found a stroller. Was $280 and paid $70. It is Eddie Bauer and exactly what we wanted. Also gender neutral. Couldn't resist. At least my husband is all in with me on the crazy.
DH has been looking at strollers since before we started ttc. He's a fitness fanatic and is adamant about getting a jogging stroller. Did you see any jogging strollers on clearance too?
DH has been looking at strollers since before we started ttc. He's a fitness fanatic and is adamant about getting a jogging stroller. Did you see any jogging strollers on clearance too?

No I didn't. Basically I think they are setting up a new module of products & trying to clear out the old. There is a lot of clearance on their website too, but not as much of a mark down as in the store. We had to make sure we could still make it home. We are still out of town. Good thing we packed light & drove my husband's suv. Usually we pack WAY too much!

I did get a 3 wheel stroller but not a jogging one. We like the ease of the 3 wheels.
BeagleMom. . . so gold hobby and you can enjoy buying things for your bundle to be. I love great deals like that. I wish I could buy things but I am silly and feel like it would jinx me. I know its super silly. I also have family over all the time and there is no place off limits in our house so hiding things would be hard. Not to mention that whenever i want to buy stuff my husband reminds me how much i am going to want to shop with my mom and friends when i am prego. he's right and i know that. i just cant wait to get that scanning gun and scan everything cute but realistic.
I really need to stop because I am sure my mom would gladly buy some of the big items for me. But I just couldn't pass up that amazing deal.
Sorry BeagleMom. I didn't mean any of that in a negative way. I really think its neat that you and your hubby can spend quality time together buying baby stuff together. I wish I could do it too. I know I have no self control and would buy everything and anything on sale. because sales are the best!

I have always had this thing about jinxing things. I never told anyone how i felt about my dh before we were married, we never told anyone about building a house until after the basement was dug, or we dont tell anyone about trying. I know if its going to happen it will no matter what I do. This way i also dont have to answer the same question of are you pregnant yet even more than i already do.

ps also sorry about bad spelling and punctuation. i use my cell for internet so only see so much of what i type.
Sorry BeagleMom. I didn't mean any of that in a negative way. I really think its neat that you and your hubby can spend quality time together buying baby stuff together. I wish I could do it too. I know I have no self control and would buy everything and anything on sale. because sales are the best!

I have always had this thing about jinxing things. I never told anyone how i felt about my dh before we were married, we never told anyone about building a house until after the basement was dug, or we dont tell anyone about trying. I know if its going to happen it will no matter what I do. This way i also dont have to answer the same question of are you pregnant yet even more than i already do.

ps also sorry about bad spelling and punctuation. i use my cell for internet so only see so much of what i type.

Believe me, I am in NO WAY taking your responses negatively. My husband is a huge sports fan so I am no stranger to the jinx philosophy. I think we just all have a process & this process for me is keeping me positive. It may very well come to haunt me later.

I have also been going through the warehouse deals on Amazon. If you guys have not seen this, just google amazon warehouse deals. You can find amazing stuff. I bought a great purse/bag a few months ago. It was at a discount because it was an open package. Nothing wrong with it. You can find anything there at a discount.

I am also keeping everyone in the dark about ttc. It has nothing to do with a jinx...it is the question thing. I can not bear to have people just waiting for me to be pregnant. So after 10 years of being married, we tell people we are happy without kids. So when I do turn up pregnant, we will have some explaining to do.

So I think the clomid is giving me some major headaches. I think I made a mistake by taking them during the day instead of before bed.
Hi girls! Wow, beaglemom, you found some excellent deals! I love saving money!

No one knows we are ttc except my DH and I, my new obgyn, my GI doctor and you fabulous girls here! I think it is much easier that way, people are not questioning me. Though this was really odd...when at my Grandma's house the other day I was taking with my aunt and my Grandma blurts out "what about babies?" in the middle of our conversation (she is very hard of hearing). I asked her "what?" and she said "who is having babies?" I said "no one" and she asked me "are you?" ...things like that always give me the chills! I am hoping my Grandma was right and it will be me...very soon!

No positive opk yet and temps still low...now I am hoping my + opk hold off until Sunday. :)
Hi girls! Wow, beaglemom, you found some excellent deals! I love saving money!

No one knows we are ttc except my DH and I, my new obgyn, my GI doctor and you fabulous girls here! I think it is much easier that way, people are not questioning me. Though this was really odd...when at my Grandma's house the other day I was taking with my aunt and my Grandma blurts out "what about babies?" in the middle of our conversation (she is very hard of hearing). I asked her "what?" and she said "who is having babies?" I said "no one" and she asked me "are you?" ...things like that always give me the chills! I am hoping my Grandma was right and it will be me...very soon!

No positive opk yet and temps still low...now I am hoping my + opk hold off until Sunday. :)

Ha ha...that's awesome. I used to work with a woman who would have dreams about things that would happen. Kind of wish she was still around during this time. I know she would have said something if she dreamed of me having a baby. She said she could tell which dreams were THE dreams.

I am very nervous I will get a pos opk on the weekend. I am still unsure if I can do an iui on the weekend. Waiting to hear back from my dr office. I forgot to ask about abstaining before the iui...I am just going with the every other day method.
Ha ha...that's awesome. I used to work with a woman who would have dreams about things that would happen. Kind of wish she was still around during this time. I know she would have said something if she dreamed of me having a baby. She said she could tell which dreams were THE dreams.

I am very nervous I will get a pos opk on the weekend. I am still unsure if I can do an iui on the weekend. Waiting to hear back from my dr office. I forgot to ask about abstaining before the iui...I am just going with the every other day method.

I take those odd times as "signs", I know it probably sounds crazy but it keeps me hopeful and positive and that is all that really matters right now! I sure hope my Grandma knows what she is talking about!! :haha:

You and I think alike...waiting all this time and I am so fearful that I will O this weekend, the only day the entire cycle I cannot O (and BD)!! I am tying to relax and hope for the best. Hopefully you can contact the doctors office again. Maybe there is another location that you could go to on the weekend? Keep us posted! Hope you are enjoying your vacation! How many pups do you have?
Ha ha...that's awesome. I used to work with a woman who would have dreams about things that would happen. Kind of wish she was still around during this time. I know she would have said something if she dreamed of me having a baby. She said she could tell which dreams were THE dreams.

I am very nervous I will get a pos opk on the weekend. I am still unsure if I can do an iui on the weekend. Waiting to hear back from my dr office. I forgot to ask about abstaining before the iui...I am just going with the every other day method.

I take those odd times as "signs", I know it probably sounds crazy but it keeps me hopeful and positive and that is all that really matters right now! I sure hope my Grandma knows what she is talking about!! :haha:

You and I think alike...waiting all this time and I am so fearful that I will O this weekend, the only day the entire cycle I cannot O (and BD)!! I am tying to relax and hope for the best. Hopefully you can contact the doctors office again. Maybe there is another location that you could go to on the weekend? Keep us posted! Hope you are enjoying your vacation! How many pups do you have?

We go home tomorrow :( But it was nice. We did get some snow for the pups to run in. I have 3 beagles.

I am hoping to hear back from the nurse tomorrow or at least by Monday. My estimated O date is late next week. I hope your O date cooperates.
BeagleMom and savvy i hope your positive opks show up Monday and you can enjoy your weekends relaxing and enjoying your families.

I think its funny savvy that your grandmother did that. my uncle did that at our thanksgiving dinner. mid convo he stops looks at us and was like so when's the baby coming. i about choked. he just likes to pull our legs but our families ask every occasion that we see them. my mom is already buying lots and lots. his mom makes what i believe to be rude comments about wanting grandkids. i just want to be like lay off we are trying. lol
Beaglemom, the end of vacation is always hard! At least you were able to relax and enjoy the time with your DH and beagle pups! Now is time to get back to business and prepare for your IUI!! :)

FBG, Thanks, I sure hope O cooperates though my temp went up a bit today...it would have been great if I O'd the other day since we have been BDing!! How are you looking, is O anywhere in sight? Too funny about your uncle! My DH and I have been married 9 years now, at first my MIL would always throw out the comments about babies. I just ignored it. One day it hit me hard, I turned to her and said "Why don't you bug your other son to have a baby?" She looked horrified and has never mentioned babies again to me. I love my MIL she really is the best but I think that made her realize that she was hurting my feelings. At that point we were young, we had just gotten married and were not ready for a family yet. It is no ones business what is going on in your personal life, I would never ever ask a woman when she was going to have a baby or start ttc. :)
Do anyone know you are ttc? It is hard, I almost want to tell my mom but then I think she would be worrying just as much as us!
Hey ladies nobody really asks me when I'm going to have babies anymore. My MIL has never asked. My aunts and uncles ask but my mom is usually there and answers for me. Her response every time is we could only wish and hope that it will happen someday. It doesn't bother me that she says that because she knows how many problems we have been having and that's her way of a avoiding the subject.

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