January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

No one in either of our family know we are trying. i am sure a lot of them think that we are bc we love kids. i actually watch my husbands cousins kids two or three times a week. every time we see his dads side if i say guess what or anything like it they think its a baby announcement so i watch what i say very closely. his dad never say anything to us about having kids. i dont think his dad really cares. i dont have the best relationship with him. his mom however is all over us to find out if we are expecting. unfortunately my parents r the worst. my mom and dad want a grandbaby so badly they bought a double stroller. they have bought other things but that was the biggest shock. my parents are always a few years ahead of us tho. we have been together 11 years almost. my parents are very sweet when they make their gestures and i know my mom would understand bc it took them two yrs to have me.
A few of my friends know we're TTC, as well as my mom and MIL. My DH isn't too shy about talking about it, which is both good and bad. It's a private thing, but I don't want it to be something we're hiding either. It has helped a little, my MIL and I have a great relationship so it's nice to be able to talk to her about it. And my mom being a nurse is of course always wanting updates.

Going in for a progesterone draw today, not feeling too optimistic, but at least the waiting part will be over!!
So, JayhawkLvr, how'd your P draw go today? I bet you O'd. If you O'd on the 100mg of Clomid last month, I'm sure it worked for you again this month. :)

Beaglemom, when I bumped my Clomid up to 50mg, I recall getting a KILLER headache. One of the worst headaches ever. It was right around O time, and it was also the same day I had my emotional meltdown. My face was also broken out. So for me, the 50mg gave me tons of side effects that the 25mg didn't give me. I know you dont typically have bad side effects though. I must say, though, I looked at it as a good sign, because it was all right around O time, just for the ONE day. After I O'd, every single side effect went away (except my face being broken out). So I figured it must've been one heck of an ovulation! Ha! (and I did get prego too, lol).

Hello to all the other ladies! This thread moved fast since the last time I was on it, so I know I'm way behind!
So, JayhawkLvr, how'd your P draw go today? I bet you O'd. If you O'd on the 100mg of Clomid last month, I'm sure it worked for you again this month. :)

Beaglemom, when I bumped my Clomid up to 50mg, I recall getting a KILLER headache. One of the worst headaches ever. It was right around O time, and it was also the same day I had my emotional meltdown. My face was also broken out. So for me, the 50mg gave me tons of side effects that the 25mg didn't give me. I know you dont typically have bad side effects though. I must say, though, I looked at it as a good sign, because it was all right around O time, just for the ONE day. After I O'd, every single side effect went away (except my face being broken out). So I figured it must've been one heck of an ovulation! Ha! (and I did get prego too, lol).

Hello to all the other ladies! This thread moved fast since the last time I was on it, so I know I'm way behind!

I may have gotten a headache once or twice last time I was on it...can't remember. And now my face is totally broken out. But I am only on CD 7 (started CD 5). But I have also been trying new moisturizer & a new face routine. So it could be that, too.

My period was sort of short & not typical. Basically my last red day was CD 4. Then a really light day on 5. Then all clear. I typically have this long drawn out dwindle at the end. At least a day or 2 of the brown but very light. It was weird. Also on day 1 or 2 I had a few hours of really heavy which is not typical. I was using super tampons & they usually last without needing to change in between potty breaks. Anyways...not sure if any of this means anything. But since I have a few days off left, I start getting some baby making practice in. ;) First test on my monitor today & it came in at low.

My dr office got back to me. They said if I O on the weekend, I will have the IUI on Monday morning. Not really what I wanted to hear but pretty much what I expected. They are not doing any other meds or monitoring...also what I expected. And they really didn't see the need in taking any progesterone after the procedure...also what I expected. I forgot to ask about the abstaining days in between. Going with every other day. I am not really disappointed in what they said. It is my gyno & from what I have heard, they are just not as intense as a fertility specialist. I am fine going this route for now. It is way cheaper & more convenient since I am so close to my dr office. If I am referred to a specialist, it is at least an hour or more away...so I will def have to think about telling my boss the whole story. Appts with a specialist can become excessive. Let's hope it doesn't get that far!

Oh & I don't expect to O until later this coming up week...around the 28th or so.
ERose, did your face break out right before O? I am asking because I had a huge, I mean huge, deep, painful zit on my chin right when I got AF. It is still there healing up but now I noticed the last two days I have had two more huge zits starting to form on my chin, they are deep under the skin and super painful. I have never had this before and am almost worried enough to call my dermatologist. Plus I have a few more small ones on my chin and a couple on my forehead. I am not using any new products on my face and besides getting 1 or 2 zits before AF I have never had acne/zit problem in my life. Obviously I am not taking clomid and the first zit I brushed off as a terrible AF zit...but now with all these new ones I am wondering what is going on!

beaglemom, I am sorry the doc didn't have better news about an IUI on the weekend. Hopefully you can O before or after the weekend. Have you been ovulating around the same time each clomid cycle?
ERose, did your face break out right before O? I am asking because I had a huge, I mean huge, deep, painful zit on my chin right when I got AF. It is still there healing up but now I noticed the last two days I have had two more huge zits starting to form on my chin, they are deep under the skin and super painful. I have never had this before and am almost worried enough to call my dermatologist. Plus I have a few more small ones on my chin and a couple on my forehead. I am not using any new products on my face and besides getting 1 or 2 zits before AF I have never had acne/zit problem in my life. Obviously I am not taking clomid and the first zit I brushed off as a terrible AF zit...but now with all these new ones I am wondering what is going on!

beaglemom, I am sorry the doc didn't have better news about an IUI on the weekend. Hopefully you can O before or after the weekend. Have you been ovulating around the same time each clomid cycle?

On my 3 rounds of clomid previously, I O'd on/around CD 15/CD11/CD15. CD 15 for me is Friday. So maybe I will get my surge Thurs...or it will hold out until Sun.

Or I will stress myself out so much it will delay it ;)
So, JayhawkLvr, how'd your P draw go today? I bet you O'd. If you O'd on the 100mg of Clomid last month, I'm sure it worked for you again this month. :)

Beaglemom, when I bumped my Clomid up to 50mg, I recall getting a KILLER headache. One of the worst headaches ever. It was right around O time, and it was also the same day I had my emotional meltdown. My face was also broken out. So for me, the 50mg gave me tons of side effects that the 25mg didn't give me. I know you dont typically have bad side effects though. I must say, though, I looked at it as a good sign, because it was all right around O time, just for the ONE day. After I O'd, every single side effect went away (except my face being broken out). So I figured it must've been one heck of an ovulation! Ha! (and I did get prego too, lol).

Hello to all the other ladies! This thread moved fast since the last time I was on it, so I know I'm way behind!

I actually won't find out until probably Monday, my drs office is a little slow with lab results. But I hope you're right!! Thank you for the optimism, sometimes it's hard to have that for myself :)

Question, maybe a newbie one....does anyone know if cervical changes (ie. getting softer, moving up) are a definite sign of ovulation? Or would it do that either way? I've never tracked before but I did this time, and it definitely moved up and got softer.
On my 3 rounds of clomid previously, I O'd on/around CD 15/CD11/CD15. CD 15 for me is Friday. So maybe I will get my surge Thurs...or it will hold out until Sun.

Or I will stress myself out so much it will delay it ;)

I think I am stressing myself out over here too. Was excited for a temp jump yesterday...my opks are getting really light but then my temp dipped this morning and still light opk. Oh well, we BDed this morning and will again Sunday late night. I can't do anything to change it so I will have to hope for the best! Now I am going to enjoy a fun weekend with my family!

It would be nice if you could get your surge Thursday and have the IUI Friday so you could have a relaxing weekend! :)
On my 3 rounds of clomid previously, I O'd on/around CD 15/CD11/CD15. CD 15 for me is Friday. So maybe I will get my surge Thurs...or it will hold out until Sun.

Or I will stress myself out so much it will delay it ;)

I think I am stressing myself out over here too. Was excited for a temp jump yesterday...my opks are getting really light but then my temp dipped this morning and still light opk. Oh well, we BDed this morning and will again Sunday late night. I can't do anything to change it so I will have to hope for the best! Now I am going to enjoy a fun weekend with my family!

It would be nice if you could get your surge Thursday and have the IUI Friday so you could have a relaxing weekend! :)

Have a good time with your parents.
On my 3 rounds of clomid previously, I O'd on/around CD 15/CD11/CD15. CD 15 for me is Friday. So maybe I will get my surge Thurs...or it will hold out until Sun.

Or I will stress myself out so much it will delay it ;)

I think I am stressing myself out over here too. Was excited for a temp jump yesterday...my opks are getting really light but then my temp dipped this morning and still light opk. Oh well, we BDed this morning and will again Sunday late night. I can't do anything to change it so I will have to hope for the best! Now I am going to enjoy a fun weekend with my family!

It would be nice if you could get your surge Thursday and have the IUI Friday so you could have a relaxing weekend! :)

Have a good time with your parents.

Thanks! Do you have any plans this weekend?

Got some opks and my bbt packed, hope I can sneak a quick opk check and temp. :)
Change of plans we did not go on our trip. The road conditions are terrible and are only going to get worse. It is a bit of a drive to my parents lake house and they decided it wasn't worth the risk driving today. Now I can concentrate on my temps and opks this weekend and won't be worried or stressed out if I didn't O yet!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekends! :)

Has anyone seen allison around? I was wondering how she was doing since it has been a while since she checked in here.
Well I am 6DPO tomorrow will be a week. And I must say that I am not completely obsessed with the AM I?....YET lol I have been being a weirdo and rubbing my lower belly and just visualizing the egg being fertilized and making its way down. My breasts are still tender but that is what it was like last month on femara. Which I thought I was pregnant because almost a week after IUI they got super sore but it was only because that was when I O. I mean I don't know what more I could possible do myself to get pregnant after all the things I did this month. I do think next month I want to try timed intercourse instead of IUI but then again maybe I don't want to mess with it and waste another cycle. And mine are long so we would be looking at like April if timed intercourse didn't work. Sorry ladies kind of thinking out loud/venting my worries.
ERose, did your face break out right before O? I am asking because I had a huge, I mean huge, deep, painful zit on my chin right when I got AF. It is still there healing up but now I noticed the last two days I have had two more huge zits starting to form on my chin, they are deep under the skin and super painful. I have never had this before and am almost worried enough to call my dermatologist. Plus I have a few more small ones on my chin and a couple on my forehead. I am not using any new products on my face and besides getting 1 or 2 zits before AF I have never had acne/zit problem in my life. Obviously I am not taking clomid and the first zit I brushed off as a terrible AF zit...but now with all these new ones I am wondering what is going on! QUOTE]

Hi savvy, my face has been breaking out ever since the clomid. Strangely though, this month, it started breaking out a couple days ago, and this wasn't even a Clomid cycle. Probably still in my system or something, who knows. But like you, I never had an acne problem before, not even when I was in my teens. On the lower does of Clomid, it didnt come until the TWW. But on the higher dose, it came right around O. But then again, you aren't on clomid anyway, so who knows!

Btw, I did expect your temp to go up a bit today, but don't fret that it didnt. Sometimes it makes a little drop, I've had that happen in other charts. Don't worry. It will probably go back up tomorrow. If not, then you probably haven't O'd yet. Just don't worry about it... you dont want to get yourself burned out on charting in your first month! It's such helpful info and its such amazing insight into your body, so just relax, and we can analyze again in a couple more days. :)

Sorry about your trip, but at least you can BD and use OPKs and temp without any parents around, hehe!!!
Question, maybe a newbie one....does anyone know if cervical changes (ie. getting softer, moving up) are a definite sign of ovulation? Or would it do that either way? I've never tracked before but I did this time, and it definitely moved up and got softer.

Yes, the cervical position definitely changes throughout the cycle; however, I dont know the exact details on that... I'm pretty sure after O, it does change and close up, so that just in case the egg is fertilized, nothing much else can get in there, so that egg is well protected. I believe FutureBabyG checks cervical position (I think i saw on her chart that she does), so she might be more helpful than me. But i feel like those are things I read. I'm sure you could also google "Cervical position during different phases of cycle" and get exact position that it is during your most fertile time, and also exact position right after O.
As for me... I've been a bit crampy the last couple days, but my usual brown spotting before AF hasn't begun. My temp did drop today, but it didnt go below the CL, so I suppose I shouldnt let that get me down. It's at the same temp as it was for several days in a row before my spike anyway. For some reason, I just have this feeling that this isn't gonna be my month. Which is ok. I mean, I'd love to be pregnant of course! But I've kinda been feeling like February will be it for me anyway. I start back on my 50mg dose of Clomid that got me prego before, so I have a really, really good feeling. I also have some Prog supps. I realized something... even if I'm not low on Prog, there is some possibility of Clomid thinning uterine lining in some women. I'm not saying that's happening to me (I did have a LOT LOT of bleeding during my m/c, so clearly it had built up pretty nicely). But its always possible that it was still thinner than it should've been, and in turn, could've prevented my bean from implanting. I'll probably go in for a scan to check my uterine lining and see, at least to rule it out. But in the meantime, I'm excited about February, because here is my plan: I'll drink the robitussin to help with my CM again, I'll be back on the clomid dose that got me prego (yay!), and I'll start taking the Prog supps three days after I O to thicken up that uterine lining. Even though my Dr said i could probably start taking it when i see a faint BFP, a lot of women on the forums have been saying they highly recommend taking it right after O, so the uterine lining is nice and thick, and if that is what caused my m/c, then I'll be giving my bean a nice cozy thick environment to implant. :) So i'm feeling super good about Feb. :happydance:

Wanted to also say that I do understand that most early m/c are just from chromosomal abnormalities and the body just knows this and does what it needs to do. BUT, if it was from a thin uterine lining from the Clomid, then I know the Prog will help that. And my Dr said that Prog certainly never hurts. So I've just got a good plan, and since I got prego once on Clomid, I feel SO strongly that February could be my month. Beaglemom, I think I'm feeling like you about February. :) :)
Erin, I am wondering if the m/c had anything to do with the acne breakout. Just thinking how some of my hormones have been messed up, even though is it has been over 6 weeks.

Not too worried about my chart, I was hoping my temp went up but so many things probably could cause it is change a bit including getting up to use the restroom in the middle of the night or even our bedroom temperature maybe. Now that my trip is cancelled I don't have to worry about missing my O, so whatever happens tomorrow I will roll with it! :) Huge relief! Plus I really didn't want to go away this weekend! But don't tell my hubby, he is bummed! :)

I completely understand and agree that you should take the prog sups. Is it possible to take half the dose starting after O since your doctor recommended waiting until a bfp. Just a suggestion/thought I had when I read your post.

I am still hopeful for you this cycle. You BDed right at O time so we will see what happens! I am trying to stay positive but I am also confused at what my body is doing this cycle. I am thinking maybe my cycles have changed a bit and could be longer. I am glad I am temping because I am hoping it gives me the info I need. A big thanks to you, Erin, since I probably would not have tried temping if you didn't explain it so well! :)

I am looking forward to some February bfps! :)
Hey everyone! I've been keeping up and reading the thread, I've just been busy and haven't updated. My BFF just moved home and is staying with us so I've been a little preoccupied. But CD18 today and got a positive OPK this morning, so just waiting for the husband to get home so we can BD! And strangely enough, he literally called and said he was on his way home right as I typed that sentence! Hahaha!
But we've been trying to keep up with SMEP, it was like every 2 days the first 2 times though. So tonight, tmrw and Sunday we'll BD and hope for some magic! I've still been drinking the fertilitea and added fertilaid for women this cycle and it's def moved up my O day(or at least positive OPK day, lol) up a few days so I'm hoping that'll do the trick.
Glad to see everyone is doing well! I'm hoping it's everyone's month this time!! ��
Hey everyone! I've been keeping up and reading the thread, I've just been busy and haven't updated. My BFF just moved home and is staying with us so I've been a little preoccupied. But CD18 today and got a positive OPK this morning, so just waiting for the husband to get home so we can BD! And strangely enough, he literally called and said he was on his way home right as I typed that sentence! Hahaha!
But we've been trying to keep up with SMEP, it was like every 2 days the first 2 times though. So tonight, tmrw and Sunday we'll BD and hope for some magic! I've still been drinking the fertilitea and added fertilaid for women this cycle and it's def moved up my O day(or at least positive OPK day, lol) up a few days so I'm hoping that'll do the trick.
Glad to see everyone is doing well! I'm hoping it's everyone's month this time!! ��

Hi Allison!! Good to hear from you, and I'm excited you got your pos opk!! I think you have a great chance!! Btw, you were taking prog supps while you were on clomid, right? I'm curious since I'll start mine next cycle, which kind you were taking, and what your dose was...? My dr gave me prometrium.

And savvy, I'm glad you're not worried about your temps. :) You're def getting some good info, so keep it up. You're BDing plan is excellent, so you certainly won't miss O anyway. Yes I thought about just taking half the pills for a week, and then maybe bumping it up, but I don't think he gave me a real high dose anyway. He always seems to start me out low. So I might just take the whole pill anyway. Every other woman I've talked to on these forums was prescribed it for their whole TWW. They started after they got their CHs on FF, so I may do the same. We'll see how I'm feeling! Lol
allison, glad to hear good updates from you! Yay for + opks, a good BDing weekend! Sounds like you have things covered with SMEP and your tea.

I kind of modified my SMEP plan but now I plan to BD on Saturday and go from there. Hopefully I will either O soon or my chart will confirm I already O'd and missed it with opks. Going to BD my way to a bfp!!
Erin, yes I took it with clomid. I was taking 100mg twice a day starting 3 days after O. Since I've been off clomid I've just used the cream, but I'm considering taking the pill again, maybe just once a day instead of twice? I don't know if I will or not though.
I know I just got my pos OPK this morning but I'm such a nerd and I get so nervous that even though it's only been 8 hours that I missed it! I'm so over dramatic... Lol

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