January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

And savvy, I'm glad you're not worried about your temps. :) You're def getting some good info, so keep it up. You're BDing plan is excellent, so you certainly won't miss O anyway. Yes I thought about just taking half the pills for a week, and then maybe bumping it up, but I don't think he gave me a real high dose anyway. He always seems to start me out low. So I might just take the whole pill anyway. Every other woman I've talked to on these forums was prescribed it for their whole TWW. They started after they got their CHs on FF, so I may do the same. We'll see how I'm feeling! Lol

Erin, I think that sounds like a good plan to confirm O with the CHs and then start talking the pills. As long as it is a low dose I am sure it is fine to take, it can't hurt you - it will just improve the lining and make it nice and safe for the sticky bean! All of a sudden I feel totally relaxed about this cycle, I can't change what happens with the temps/opks/ovulation but I can BD as much as possible and keep positive. Going to BD my way to a bfp! :)
And I was prescribed prometrium but the generic came up being progesterone so I assume they're the same things.
On my 3 rounds of clomid previously, I O'd on/around CD 15/CD11/CD15. CD 15 for me is Friday. So maybe I will get my surge Thurs...or it will hold out until Sun.

Or I will stress myself out so much it will delay it ;)

I think I am stressing myself out over here too. Was excited for a temp jump yesterday...my opks are getting really light but then my temp dipped this morning and still light opk. Oh well, we BDed this morning and will again Sunday late night. I can't do anything to change it so I will have to hope for the best! Now I am going to enjoy a fun weekend with my family!

It would be nice if you could get your surge Thursday and have the IUI Friday so you could have a relaxing weekend! :)

Have a good time with your parents.

Thanks! Do you have any plans this weekend?

Got some opks and my bbt packed, hope I can sneak a quick opk check and temp. :)

I am schedule to work this weekend so nothing to exciting.dh picked up this weekend for overtime which is nice. oh but there will be plenty of bding since i should get one or two more highs then PEAK. :)
Change of plans we did not go on our trip. The road conditions are terrible and are only going to get worse. It is a bit of a drive to my parents lake house and they decided it wasn't worth the risk driving today. Now I can concentrate on my temps and opks this weekend and won't be worried or stressed out if I didn't O yet!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekends! :)

Has anyone seen allison around? I was wondering how she was doing since it has been a while since she checked in here.

sorry catching up since i was at work all day. YAY for keeping up temping opks and bding.
Question, maybe a newbie one....does anyone know if cervical changes (ie. getting softer, moving up) are a definite sign of ovulation? Or would it do that either way? I've never tracked before but I did this time, and it definitely moved up and got softer.

Yes, the cervical position definitely changes throughout the cycle; however, I dont know the exact details on that... I'm pretty sure after O, it does change and close up, so that just in case the egg is fertilized, nothing much else can get in there, so that egg is well protected. I believe FutureBabyG checks cervical position (I think i saw on her chart that she does), so she might be more helpful than me. But i feel like those are things I read. I'm sure you could also google "Cervical position during different phases of cycle" and get exact position that it is during your most fertile time, and also exact position right after O.

I do chart cp. unfortunately my dh checks it for me bc i stopped keeping him updated on my monitor and he got mad that i wasn't keeping him involved so he researched found out how to do it and started checking. he will tell me that m cervix is medium the night before i get a high on my monitor then he will tell me high a few days before my peak then it changes to open. he's usually right on and i dont have regular cycles either. i dont know that it "confirms" ovulation though. my obgyn did ask if i was having cp and cm changes which she then concluded i was ovulating. sorry i dont want to mislead you.
What are the directions for taking the progesterone? My dr says I don't need it but I want a boost. But I also don't want to mess around too much with my system. Where can you buy the cream? And how much are you supposed to use?

Jay, sorry I do not do the cervix thing, so I have no info. But there is so much on the web. Also look through youtube. I know I have searched it myself, but did not retain any of the info.

Savvy, sorry your trip was cancelled but glad you can relax now. Also, you have SO much going on, your body could be reacting to anything. I heard that late periods are caused by late ovulation...which could be because of stress. And that could be playing along with everything also...also all the hormones & your body adjusting.

Erin, Of course I would love this to be your month, but if it isn't, you have a grat attitude about next cycle. And to say you have a game plan is an understatement :)

Another low for me on the monitor. Last clomid pill is tomorrow. I really hope my O cooperates. I will be so devastated if I cannot do the IUI. I was so desperate, I was googling at home insemination! I asked the husband if he could do it. But we determined I don't want anyone other than a doctor near my cervix with a catheter & using a syringe would be no different than regular intercourse. but my husband has these crazy thoughts like his boys don't have enough power & aren't making it to the cervix. I told him he is being ridiculous.

I have missed all the back & forth today. I actually downloaded the Sims 3 game & I am hooked. I had it before but had to reinstall. It is pretty crazy. I can get a guy to come home with me on the first date & ask him to try for a baby, then the next day I am throwing up from morning sickness. Then I just keep making babies. I am on #2 & still not married to the guy. I don't like having to keep up with 2 adult Sims. How awesome if we lived in Sim world :) The first time I played it, when I tried for a baby, I had TRIPLETS! That was crazy. I could not keep up with all of them. Once they were toddlers they were all over the place. It was like Raising Arizona. Also, if you guys have not seen the movie Raising Arizona, seriously, you need to look it up. It is like a 1983 movie with Nicholas Cage. It is about an infertile couple who kidnap one of these quintuplets a rich couple has. They keep saying they have more than they can handle...and why should one have so many & others have so few. It is such a good movie & hilarious. The last scene makes me cry every time.

Anyways...time for bed for me...have a good weekend ladies.
Question, maybe a newbie one....does anyone know if cervical changes (ie. getting softer, moving up) are a definite sign of ovulation? Or would it do that either way? I've never tracked before but I did this time, and it definitely moved up and got softer.

Yes, the cervical position definitely changes throughout the cycle; however, I dont know the exact details on that... I'm pretty sure after O, it does change and close up, so that just in case the egg is fertilized, nothing much else can get in there, so that egg is well protected. I believe FutureBabyG checks cervical position (I think i saw on her chart that she does), so she might be more helpful than me. But i feel like those are things I read. I'm sure you could also google "Cervical position during different phases of cycle" and get exact position that it is during your most fertile time, and also exact position right after O.

I do chart cp. unfortunately my dh checks it for me bc i stopped keeping him updated on my monitor and he got mad that i wasn't keeping him involved so he researched found out how to do it and started checking. he will tell me that m cervix is medium the night before i get a high on my monitor then he will tell me high a few days before my peak then it changes to open. he's usually right on and i dont have regular cycles either. i dont know that it "confirms" ovulation though. my obgyn did ask if i was having cp and cm changes which she then concluded i was ovulating. sorry i dont want to mislead you.

I think that is so funny your husband is all over that. My husband is scared of my insides I think...lol! But through the whole ttc he has gotten better...but I also try not to be too graphic. I have never been the TMI kind of girl. I never told anyone when I was on my period or anything like that...never saw it as a "bonding" opportunity. :)
Ok so Allison, thank you for the info, that's very helpful! Mine is the generic prometrium as well, and my dr did prescribe 100mg, but only ONE a day, so basically half the dose as yours. I know you probably already read my other posts that he said I could wait and just start taking it when I see another faint line. But every other lady I've talked to on these forums said their dr had them take it every day during TWW. So I'm going with it. Especially since I did have a feeling he started me low, and even though it's the same dose as yours was, it's only once a day. So I think I'm gonna go for it. My dr doesn't think my prog is low, but since clomid could thin the lining, I want to get a head start on the P right after O is confirmed on FF, so I can be assured of a nice thick lining, just for good measure. So thanks for that info!! Oh btw, you're def good on your BDing! Ya know, I read an interesting article today that said BDing 2 days before O and then on the day of O really increases your chances of pregnancy. I guess having some spermies in there waiting (2 days before O) is really good. And then of course BDing on the day of O is obviously good because if the other spermies from two days before didn't make it, then it's good to bd again on the day of. :)

Beaglemom, I cracked up about your sims experiences!!! Love it, girl! Funny how we think about babies even when playing a game! Btw, I def think your O is gonna cooperate!

Savvy, so glad you're relaxed about your cycle, I feel the same about my current cycle! I feel pretty strongly that AF is gonna show tomorrow, but I'm just so excited and sure about Feb, that I'm not even that down about it. But you, of course, still have a good shot this cycle, as it's still so early. :) Oh, and I guess I answered your question about maybe taking half dose of P during TWW. Since Allison confirmed she was taking 200mg per day, I suppose just taking my 100 per day is basically taking half her dose, so I'm goin' for it.

FBG, I'm excited you're O'ing soon! Let the BDing sessions begin!! :)

Wuhu, getting excited for Feb!!!
First high on my monitor today. Things are looking good! But I was going to use opks to back up. Does anyone know when I can use regular opks when taking clomid?
I know the clearblue digital ones aren't supposed to be affected by clomid at all. I can't remember on regular ones...
First high on my monitor today. Things are looking good! But I was going to use opks to back up. Does anyone know when I can use regular opks when taking clomid?

I am getting excited for you! Countdown to IUI has begun!! :)
Sorry I don't know about the opks.
Beaglemom, the Sims?? That was my favorite game back over 10 years ago when the first one came out. I was so highly addicted to the game. I would go to sleep and dream about the game. I would be out with friends just thinking about the game. Every free second I had, I played the game. Finally from so much addiction I had to break away from the game!! At times my friends (who were also addicted) and I discuss those fun times but I know if I started playing the game again I would be just as addicted. Best game ever!! :)
Okay seriously....I want to play the game again!!

Erin, that is good you determined that your dose is the half dose already. Please just be careful using it other than what your doctor recommended. I think that if most girls are saying they started right after O, that you should be fine. But I am not a doctor and really have no idea what meds are safe, etc. But if I was in your situation I would probably do the same! :)

FBG, I am sorry you have to work this weekend but I am glad you are going to get your peak soon!! Should be a fun weekend for you! BTW how did you convince DH to check your cp? You don't have to tell me anything, I know it is personal. Do you lay down when he checks? I tried to get my DH to check but he had no idea what to "feel" for! haha :)

CD15 here...So my temp went back up just a bit this morning, but I also checked it an hour later than normal. Still a negative opk. I want the day to be over so I can sleep and check my temp tomorrow! I keep my wondfo opks each day and line them up. All of the test lines are just about the same in darkness...it is so weird. Just going to keep bding my way to a bfp! Have a great weekend girlies!! :)
I saw that FF has a sale on facebook only for the VIP membership. 1 year for $24.95. I have no idea what is included in the VIP membership and if it would be worth it. Anyone have it? Reviews? I might just get it, it is only $25!
First high on my monitor today. Things are looking good! But I was going to use opks to back up. Does anyone know when I can use regular opks when taking clomid?

The consensus with doctors and websites seems to be to wait three days after taking your last clomid pill before using opk. Allison is correct that the CB digi says on the insert in the box that clomid doesn't affect that one. But I did get a false pos on mine last month. I thought it seemed kinda early! So I tested again the next day, and it was neg again. It became pos again another day later, stayed pos for two days, and then my temp went up and confirmed. So I'm just gonna wait the full three days next cycle when I start the clomid again.
Erin, that is good you determined that your dose is the half dose already. Please just be careful using it other than what your doctor recommended. I think that if most girls are saying they started right after O, that you should be fine. But I am not a doctor and really have no idea what meds are safe, etc. But if I was in your situation I would probably do the same! :)

Thanks savvy! No worries, I would never go against Dr's orders for any other med. But Progesterone is extremely safe, and my Dr's instructions were very different from most. He only did that so that I wouldn't have to worry about it delaying my period. I called this morning and told him I'm gonna go ahead and take it everyday after O, and he was totally ok with that. :) You're sweet to worry though. :flower:
I saw that FF has a sale on facebook only for the VIP membership. 1 year for $24.95. I have no idea what is included in the VIP membership and if it would be worth it. Anyone have it? Reviews? I might just get it, it is only $25!

I do the VIP version. I like a few of the extra perks it provides. I've only done it for two cycles, and I paid the monthly amount because I hope to always be pregnant each cycle and not need it anymore, lol! That's a great deal for a whole year!
Negative this morning at two weeks post IUI - so waiting for AF.
Thanks savvy! No worries, I would never go against Dr's orders for any other med. But Progesterone is extremely safe, and my Dr's instructions were very different from most. He only did that so that I wouldn't have to worry about it delaying my period. I called this morning and told him I'm gonna go ahead and take it everyday after O, and he was totally ok with that. :) You're sweet to worry though. :flower:

I do the VIP version. I like a few of the extra perks it provides. I've only done it for two cycles, and I paid the monthly amount because I hope to always be pregnant each cycle and not need it anymore, lol! That's a great deal for a whole year!

Erin, I am glad you confirmed with your doctor about the progesterone. I realized in another post I basically told you to go for it, then I realized I shouldn't tell you to go against your doctor. I don't know anything about the med and I want you to be safe!! :flower:

I went for the VIP membership, I figured it was only $25. I think it said if you do become pregnant it would switch your subscription over to the pregnancy tracker or something like that. Not sure how much a monthly membership costs but it told me a year membership would have been $120 without the discount!
Everything I read on opk says to wait 3 days also. I will start tonight anyways and not take it serious if it is positive. I know clear blue is better but I am already spending money on the monitor strips so I did cheapo opks.

Moni, sorry about the neg. Hopefully you still have a shot.

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