vtjess we have base board heaters too and they are not the most warming but they get the job done we are thinking about getting a portable one bc January is when it gets bad here am hoping that the snow lets up for when I have him LOL
we usually get our first snow fall right before Halloween and then a few more times before the end of December and then it dumps for the rest of the time, the drive up to Aspen where am to give birth is horrible lucky both our vehicles are 4 wheel drive but it worries me
I agree lucy they aren't the warmest but they work.

I guess we could install another base board heater in our bedroom as well so I wouldn't have to sleep any where else...but I don't know if we have any where that we could put it with all of the furniture!

We'll have to see.
I'm kinda worried about snow as well. Here IF we get snow it's usually in January/February and that's the key word IF. LOL But this summer has been unusually rainy and my hubby said that usually means we are in for a bad winter. A few years back we had 2 HUGE snow storms (for our area) and actually had feet of snow, which probably isn't anything to someone from Colorado

but people freak out here when we get an inch. LOL So knowing my luck, we'll get a huge storm arond the time this little one decides to make his/her entrance into the world!

The hospital is only about 10 miles away so not too bad...but snow would make it worse and we don't have a 4 wheel drive vehicle. My husband might get his wish of a home birth (which I don't want).
hakunamatata said:
I started bagging up clothes for Goodwill. I'm 100 percent sure I won't be wearing any more Twilight shirts now that the movies are all out
I still where my twilight shirts, hakuna!

LOL I have one that says "I love boys who sparkle!"

I don't wear it much, usually around the house, but my hubby hates it....so I do it more to annoy him than anything!