Here's a couple more pics, I couldn't upload multiple from my phone for some reason. We have TONS, but these are just a couple. Baby measured exactly on target (21 weeks 2 days) at 15oz.
3D profile, she kept moving, so this is the best the tech could get
Feet- all 10 toes accounted for
$shot- this shows knees to butt and very obvious little labia. She actually had her little ankles crosses, but you can't see them here. Definitely no little penis here!
Congrats Melann on bring team pink. I'm still getting my head round having another boy!!!
OH and I have been looking at names and out possibles list keep getting shorter. It's funny how you can like a name one day and not another. We really really struggled picking Samuels name last time,wonder if the same will apply this time.
Scan went great. Baby very lively but healthy. Measuring few days behind but everything is in proportion. Due 20th jan. went straight after and bought a wee snowsuit and steriliser!
Feels real now!
I feel like this pregnancy is flying by. I don't get as much time to sit and think about being pregnant this time with having my 3 yr old to look after. I'm starting to feel a lot more excited bout meeting my new son and holding him for the first time. X
I can't believe my scan has come and gone. I'm glad he's healthy but I don't know if I'll make it til January waiting to be sure all is OK. Though hopefully his movements will become more regular soon and I won't worry quite so much. I've been feeling him at least once a day for the past few days so I think that's a good sign. I have my OB appointment on Thursday so I'll at least get to hear his hb then. Yay!
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