Sorry to hear you had a rough go of it last week, Emily.

I'm glad you are feeling better and congrats on making it to v-day! I reached v-day yesterday, myself and am very glad to have reached this milestone!
I'm sorry that you are feeling RLP, Twag! I get some on occasion and it can be painful. I hope the belly band helps you!
I've been dealing with some back pain the last few days and different from what I had with my older son. It's a very sharp pain that starts in my left lower back, near my butt and then radiates down my left leg. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does, it's painful to move or walk. Ugh!
My hubby doesn't get any paind paternity leave unfortunately but he does have a weeks worth of vacation saved up and he's hoping to use that once the babys here to help out for the week. No paid maternity leave for me either so I'm stuck with what leave I have and it's looking like I'll only have 10 weeks home with my little one (though that might change as I had to take a sick day yesterday for my older son

). And I'm still thinking about day care myself. My mom just retired and she mentioned that she could possibly watch the little one once he's born...but I hate to corner her into that and my hubby is a little unsure of that too. My older son is currently in day care and I keep meaning to ask if they'll have an opening in the spring but I keep forgetting and besides I drop off my son and there's no one in the office when I do. But that's going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive and I'm not sure we can afford that. So we are still weighing our options.