I get a lots of kicks in the cervix. Sometimes he hits a nerve down there and it's terrible! My first was breech until we had to have her turned at the end, so I never experience ribs kicks. Wondering what those will be like!
I plan to breastfeed again. I have a pump from last time. A double hands-free Medela. I loved it, so I am glad I have it. I am staying home after this one, so I am wondering how much I will really use it this time around. I liked to make my daughter's oatmeal with breast milk, so I will at least get a good enough supply for that and the occassional bottle.
I have a boppy maternity pillow. It's kind of a tear shape and a lot smaller than the full body ones. I liked that I can actually flip over easily with it between my legs. I sleep on my back all the time. My midwife at least doesn't have a problem with it. She says that any sleeping position that's still comfortable is safe.
I think the straight on face shots look like little aliens. We have some too and they are freaky, ha ha! Anyone else getting a 3D/4D? If so, when do you think you will do it? We did it with my daughter, but I can't remember how far along I was. I was thinking 28 weeks for some reason was a good time to do it. I want the facial features to be more developed and have more fat, but I don't want to wait too long when he's all cramped in there!