I never took any birthing or new baby classes either with my first. I actually bought some DVDs that I watched. One thing I really wanted to take was an infant CPR class but I never got around to it. I'm lucky though that my husband is a EMT/Paramedic and had taught CPR for a while.

I still want to get around to taking it though one of these days. I should look into that.
I logged onto my Microsoft Health Vault account (I can view all my lab results here) today and saw that my results from my GTT was up and decided to take a look. I passed!!

That's a relief to me. But they also did a full blood work up and I had some numbers outside the normal range. I'm not sure what that means though. So I'm waiting to see if I get a call from my OB nurse as they only call if there are concerns. My numbers weren't that far out of the ranges so I'm hoping it's nothing too bad!
As for setting up for baby...we honestly aren't even sure where we are going to put him yet. Eventually I think the boys are going to share a room so we are all on the same floor...but I don't think that will happen for a while as I don't want my newborn to wake my older son.

So I think the plan is to rearrange our bedroom and set up the pack-n-play and have him sleep there at first. But our room is a mess right now and so I have a lot of things to do if that's going to happen!