January Jelly Beans 2014!

Jess I'll have to try the pudding trick. Just a packet of sf instant pudding?
Congrats, Try Rocking! I hope you're able to have a successful VBAC! If my babies weren't going to be 15 months apart and I wasn't so worried about a rupture, I would love to go for it. But your right, having a perfect healthy baby in the end of it all is more important than how they get here :)
Thank you ladies! It's so nice to finally feel like I can buy boy stuff! We were certain he was a boy but without the confirmation we didn't want to take a chance and buy a bunch of stuff and then have him come out without a penis lol

Yep, there's definitely plus sides to both. On one hand I would absolutely love to have a VBAC and I am still hoping for one but if it doesn't work then at least I'm prepared and I know exactly when to be at the hospital. My in-laws are coming up to take care of my daughter (6 hours away) so at least they wouldn't miss it.
Yay! 28weeks for me too! :happydance:

Hope everyone's feeling down. Having frequent bh nowadays(I believe bh) that's so horrible that I've catch my breath. its ruining my sleep too. Mom said she had the same in both her pregnancies

Bubba kicks towards my chest at times,but mostly kicks towards my pubis. Hoping she'll move to proper position at the right time

Try rockin, congrats on :blue:

Jess,happy 28weeks :) Hope your bp continues to stay under control. I checked mine yesterday and it was 120/80. Fx it stays that way
Happy 28 weeks ladies

My baby is due exactly 3 months today :yipee: I cannot wait

I have noticed that he has obviously got longer as I feel kicks/punches down low and up top at the same time :wacko: he is generally down low with the movement but today he seems to be up top :thumbup: makes a nice change from trying to kick his way out :haha:

3rd tri tomorrow I am super excited to getting to the final countdown to meet my little boy :cloud9:
I'm 28 weeks too!!!! How exiting!!

Had my flu and whooping cough jabs this morning and arms are now dead!!

Em xxx
Happy 28 Weeks Emily :happydance:

I am getting mine next Friday and my Anti-D too think :wacko:
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on for a few days. I can't believe I'm almost in 3rd trimester too!! It's feeling so surreal still even though my baby boy is moving lots!!

I'm still having a tough time with my ds too. He's very emotional ATM and I can't say anything to him without an emotional breakdown. It's getting very tiring and on top of that still potty training so I'm up and down a lot. :wacko:

Had a constant headache since last Sunday. Went to the docs and he just said it could be because I'm iron deficient. It does seem to get a little easier when I eat so he said that's the body's way of dealing with being short of something. He gave me co codamol but I'm not really sure of taking that. I'll stick to paracetamol for the moment. It's made me feel quite off colour today.

Hope everyone else is well xx
Hello Ladies

Congrats on 28 weeks Emily, despttc and Jess :happydance::happydance:

I had my 28 week scan this morning. Scan went ok she is head down and she is still measuring big. Im on the highest side of normal for amniotic fluid. I seen the consultant (not my regular one as hes away) and he wants me to have the GTT test tomorrow my last 2 urine samples have been fine no glucose in them but i have had 2 in the past that have had glucose so with the fact she is big (close to 97th centile) he just wants me to get it checked out to make sure everything is fine. not looking forward to fasting as im always hungry these days lol. Didnt get pic as sonographer couldnt get a profile pic as she was being awkward. Have an appointment booked again for 2 weeks time 5th Nov to see consultant again and should be due to have another growth scan on the 19th hopefully nice and early as i have ante-natel class in the afternoon
Ive just been looking up the measurents on https://www.baby2see.com/medical/charts.html and i know its all estimate but going by that HC - 282mm 32wks ish AC - 254mm 29+3ish FC - 57mm 29+5ish hmmmm yep she is big lol im only 28+4 lol
Happy news weeks ladies :) we're moving closer to the end :)

Wrighty will they induce you if she is to big?
My lo has been measuring fine but I do have diabetes and HBP so I know I'm getting induced just not sure if 36 or 38 weeks although I've been hearing 36 weeks is more likely

Hope you get answers soon
Jess I'll have to try the pudding trick. Just a packet of sf instant pudding?

If I'm remembering correctly, you also need to add an extra egg as well. Makes the cakes very moist. If you do a search on google for doctored cake mix recipes there are a lot on there. I've only tried adding the pudding mix, though. :)

Glad you got your beans gender confirmed, Try Rocking! Have fun buying blue! ;)

Glad your scan went well wrighty. :hugs: I hope she's just got all her growth spurts out of the way & won't be too big for you!

Del, I'm sorry to hear your ds is so emotional lately. :hugs: Hopefully things will calm down for you. I can relate as my ds has been all over the place lately too. And he doesn't want to listen. I guess they dont call them the terrible 2s & 3s for nothing lol
I am also measuring a bit big (like 2 weeks bigger..is that normal?) and I have GD. They are doing a US just before thanksgiving. I believe they are doing it to figure out if they need to induce or C-section or anything like that. I am praying at least NO c-section! However I have heard they like to induce around 36/37 weeks if you have GD and a bigger baby. However, my mom is freaking out a bit because 36/37 weeks is while she will be out of town and she REALLY wants to be there for everything. And its not like she can change her plans because she is going out of town because my brother/SIL are due just before then and she wants to be there for them too and meet their baby.
If you have GD there is a small risk of having a bigger baby. im having the GTT because peanut is bigger and past urine test with glucose in it even thought the last 2 have been totally fine so i think its more because of peanuts size but then OHs boys were both big 9lb 13oz and 10lb 11oz so ive been expecting a bigger baby
I had GD last time and Fumfy was only 6 lbs 5 oz. So I'm hopeful that this one won't be huge either :)
Del, I'm sorry to hear your ds is so emotional lately. :hugs: Hopefully things will calm down for you. I can relate as my ds has been all over the place lately too. And he doesn't want to listen. I guess they dont call them the terrible 2s & 3s for nothing lol

Thanks Jess. It is very challenging and draining isn't it. He was fine when he was 2 but since turning 3 he has been a different child and not for the better. :nope: luckily one saving grace is potty training is going well and he's even pooping on the potty!! What has life come too being excited about my child's toilet habits! Lol I'm wondering if he can sense that things are going to change but then maybe he is too young to know :shrug:

I'm waiting to get my bump measured at my next midwife visit on bonfire night and my bloods checked again. They wait til 28 weeks over here to start measuring so I'm not sure where I am in percentile.
Thanks Jess. It is very challenging and draining isn't it. He was fine when he was 2 but since turning 3 he has been a different child and not for the better. :nope: luckily one saving grace is potty training is going well and he's even pooping on the potty!! What has life come too being excited about my child's toilet habits! Lol I'm wondering if he can sense that things are going to change but then maybe he is too young to know :shrug:

I'm waiting to get my bump measured at my next midwife visit on bonfire night and my bloods checked again. They wait til 28 weeks over here to start measuring so I'm not sure where I am in percentile.

Yes, it's quite challenging. My ds didn't start when he hit 2 but just in the last few months (though he's not quite 2 1/2 yet, which he'l hit at the end of the month). But it definitely hasn't gotten any better. I've been wondering if he can sense things are going to change as well but like you I figured he's too young for that. :shrug: But he surprises me all the time so I guess it's not impossible that he senses something and doesn't want things to change. But I'm glad your son is doing so well with potty training! That's great. :thumbup: And gives me hope that it can be done. LOL We keep talking about really getting on the ball with our son, but it just hasn't happened yet. Hopefully he'll get more interested soon!

Good Luck at your mw appointment. Hopefully you are measuring right on track. I was ~2 cm ahead at my last appointment (27 at 25+3 weeks) and have another this Friday so hopefully I'll see if I'm still slightly ahead. My ds was only 5 lbs, 4oz at birth (high bp seems to have been the cause) and so I'm hoping this little guy isn't too big! I think I'm bigger now than I was with ds so it's possible he'll be bigger than his big brother. I'm OK with a little bigger...but not too much! :winkwink:
Yay Radiance! I know you are probably feeling a lot of emotions, I can only imagine! I hope things get better as you get further along. I am sure it will be even more difficult having lost Elijah so recently.

Try Rocking- So exciting on the gender confirmation! My daughter was breech last time and we had to do a version to turn her. Really hoping it doesn’t happen this time around. My midwife did say that second babies tend to take longer to go head down, hopefully that’s all it is for you!

My daughter got her big her bed delivered yesterday and has been doing great in it! We have a rail for the bed, but I am still paranoid she is going to roll out, as she did that several times in her toddler bed.

I still have a couple of weeks before my gestational diabetes test. My midwife specifically said DO NOT FAST. Anyone else told not to? She said the same thing last time and I passed with my daughter. I just ate protein and stayed away from carbs that morning. Maybe they have different numbers for the normal range since you aren’t supposed to fast?

Baby measured a week big at my 20 week ultrasound. I was measured last week and I measured a week small. With DD I measured 3 weeks small at one point, and had an ultrasound and she was right on so maybe it’s how I carry. She was 6 pounds 9 ounces. I thought it was a pretty good size. I think this one will be a bit bigger mainly because I am not throwing up constantly like I did with my first. Hopefully not too much bigger though!

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