January Jelly Beans 2014!

So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family at this time. Your little ones are happy together.
Oh Radiance! My heart is breaking for you...I can't even imagine!!
Radiance - so sorry for your loss :hugs:

Desp - hope you start to feel better soon, glad they are doing something about it

Em xxx
Thanks Jess. It is very challenging and draining isn't it. He was fine when he was 2 but since turning 3 he has been a different child and not for the better. :nope: luckily one saving grace is potty training is going well and he's even pooping on the potty!! What has life come too being excited about my child's toilet habits! Lol I'm wondering if he can sense that things are going to change but then maybe he is too young to know :shrug:

I'm waiting to get my bump measured at my next midwife visit on bonfire night and my bloods checked again. They wait til 28 weeks over here to start measuring so I'm not sure where I am in percentile.

Yes, it's quite challenging. My ds didn't start when he hit 2 but just in the last few months (though he's not quite 2 1/2 yet, which he'l hit at the end of the month). But it definitely hasn't gotten any better. I've been wondering if he can sense things are going to change as well but like you I figured he's too young for that. :shrug: But he surprises me all the time so I guess it's not impossible that he senses something and doesn't want things to change. But I'm glad your son is doing so well with potty training! That's great. :thumbup: And gives me hope that it can be done. LOL We keep talking about really getting on the ball with our son, but it just hasn't happened yet. Hopefully he'll get more interested soon!

Good Luck at your mw appointment. Hopefully you are measuring right on track. I was ~2 cm ahead at my last appointment (27 at 25+3 weeks) and have another this Friday so hopefully I'll see if I'm still slightly ahead. My ds was only 5 lbs, 4oz at birth (high bp seems to have been the cause) and so I'm hoping this little guy isn't too big! I think I'm bigger now than I was with ds so it's possible he'll be bigger than his big brother. I'm OK with a little bigger...but not too much! :winkwink:

I was the same with my ds about potty training. I tried a few times but he didn't seem to be that interested so I kept leaving it a few weeks but times ticking now with being in 3rd tri today! It's week 3 but we still are having a few little accidents which I guess is to be expected. You know your son best and he will let you know when he's ready. The treat bag worked really well for me,it gave him the incentive to sit on the potty and he's done wees on the big toilet too. Just getting him to tell me when we are out that is the next challenge. We usually go to a play group on a tue morning but haven't been since training but I don't think we will be back now because I'm finding it really hard being pregnant and bending etc plus ds starts nursery in January so he will be mixing with other children then. Feel bit guilty cos he loved it but can't manage it now. If you need any tips or advice I'll try to help. Xx

Went to my friends house yesterday son ds could play with her son. Her ds is 5 months older so they are pretty close in age. He was quite naughty and very challenging so it made me feel bit better about my son! He's still very emotional. I was drained when we got back,it's so boisterous two boys but I guess I have all that to come!!!!
I'm a nursery teacher so I have loads of children start nursery when they are 3 still in nappies with no attempt made to toilet train at all and it's left to me to do it (unfortunately) so I have toilet trained hundreds of kids! All children are different, some get it within 2 weeks, some are there but still having the odd accident months later! It's all normal. I toilet train straight on to the toilet as we don't have potties at our nursery and all the toilets are little kiddie ones. My children are too big for potties in my opinion, they are all 3 turning 4 but that's just me, this way there is no transition from potty to toilet. I would suggest to parents that they get a step for the toilet at home and a seat pad for kids so they can easily get on and off independently on the big toilets at home. First step is complete nappy removal at all times (apart from night time at first). This is scary for some parents as they know their child will have accidents and don't want them to but this is a fact, they will have accidents its part of learning the sensation of needing the toilet and it being "too late". Some parents put their children in a nappy again if they are going out somewhere and don't have time to change them if they wet, this is so confusing for a child who is trying to learn when and where it is appropriate to wee if you keep switching up the rules.
Next step, when the nappy first comes off i take that child to the toilet every half an hour, sometimes more frequently, I know it's a lot but this phase won't last long. Depending on the child's needs I sing a song, take bubbles in with me to encourage them to sit on the toilet, motivaters are unique to each child and some don't need them at all. And then I praise them like they have never been praised before lol. I also have a sequence card (you can find these on the net to print off) it starts with a pic of a toilet, then pulling down pants, then sitting down, then flushing, washing hands etc. some children need to see this so they can see it as a routine they enjoy repeating.
Next step, for the first 2 weeks I write down every wee or accident they have and the time it happens. Then I can start finding out what time they will usually need a wee and make sure I take them to the toilet around that time. The more successful wee's in the toilet, the more it reinforces it and praise, praise, praise! After a while I can usually just say toilet time and the child will take themselves independently.
If they do have an accident, even if its the 10th that day and you just want to scream! Believe me I know the feeling! Never show the child that they have done something wrong or that you are upset or angry. I have had parents that smack or shout at their children when they wet and it's so so horrible to see, they will never learn like that and it only makes them scared to use the toilet. The toilet needs to become their friend! Lol

These are the normal steps I take, some children need way more so I have loads of ideas if you want some just ask, I have toilet trained children with autism, children who can't speak etc and it has still happened eventually.

Hope this is helpful. Good luck x
I'm a nursery teacher so I have loads of children start nursery when they are 3 still in nappies with no attempt made to toilet train at all and it's left to me to do it (unfortunately) so I have toilet trained hundreds of kids! All children are different, some get it within 2 weeks, some are there but still having the odd accident months later! It's all normal. I toilet train straight on to the toilet as we don't have potties at our nursery and all the toilets are little kiddie ones. My children are too big for potties in my opinion, they are all 3 turning 4 but that's just me, this way there is no transition from potty to toilet. I would suggest to parents that they get a step for the toilet at home and a seat pad for kids so they can easily get on and off independently on the big toilets at home. First step is complete nappy removal at all times (apart from night time at first). This is scary for some parents as they know their child will have accidents and don't want them to but this is a fact, they will have accidents its part of learning the sensation of needing the toilet and it being "too late". Some parents put their children in a nappy again if they are going out somewhere and don't have time to change them if they wet, this is so confusing for a child who is trying to learn when and where it is appropriate to wee if you keep switching up the rules.
Next step, when the nappy first comes off i take that child to the toilet every half an hour, sometimes more frequently, I know it's a lot but this phase won't last long. Depending on the child's needs I sing a song, take bubbles in with me to encourage them to sit on the toilet, motivaters are unique to each child and some don't need them at all. And then I praise them like they have never been praised before lol. I also have a sequence card (you can find these on the net to print off) it starts with a pic of a toilet, then pulling down pants, then sitting down, then flushing, washing hands etc. some children need to see this so they can see it as a routine they enjoy repeating.
Next step, for the first 2 weeks I write down every wee or accident they have and the time it happens. Then I can start finding out what time they will usually need a wee and make sure I take them to the toilet around that time. The more successful wee's in the toilet, the more it reinforces it and praise, praise, praise! After a while I can usually just say toilet time and the child will take themselves independently.
If they do have an accident, even if its the 10th that day and you just want to scream! Believe me I know the feeling! Never show the child that they have done something wrong or that you are upset or angry. I have had parents that smack or shout at their children when they wet and it's so so horrible to see, they will never learn like that and it only makes them scared to use the toilet. The toilet needs to become their friend! Lol

These are the normal steps I take, some children need way more so I have loads of ideas if you want some just ask, I have toilet trained children with autism, children who can't speak etc and it has still happened eventually.

Hope this is helpful. Good luck x

Thanks for the advice. My ds is using a potty but he also goes on the toilet too and we have a step and a soft seat for him. I am trying to get him to understand that needs to go when he's out too but I understand that he will take time to understand this himself too x

3rd trimester for me today. I can believe it.
I'm a nursery teacher so I have loads of children start nursery when they are 3 still in nappies with no attempt made to toilet train at all and it's left to me to do it (unfortunately) so I have toilet trained hundreds of kids! All children are different, some get it within 2 weeks, some are there but still having the odd accident months later! It's all normal. I toilet train straight on to the toilet as we don't have potties at our nursery and all the toilets are little kiddie ones. My children are too big for potties in my opinion, they are all 3 turning 4 but that's just me, this way there is no transition from potty to toilet. I would suggest to parents that they get a step for the toilet at home and a seat pad for kids so they can easily get on and off independently on the big toilets at home. First step is complete nappy removal at all times (apart from night time at first). This is scary for some parents as they know their child will have accidents and don't want them to but this is a fact, they will have accidents its part of learning the sensation of needing the toilet and it being "too late". Some parents put their children in a nappy again if they are going out somewhere and don't have time to change them if they wet, this is so confusing for a child who is trying to learn when and where it is appropriate to wee if you keep switching up the rules.
Next step, when the nappy first comes off i take that child to the toilet every half an hour, sometimes more frequently, I know it's a lot but this phase won't last long. Depending on the child's needs I sing a song, take bubbles in with me to encourage them to sit on the toilet, motivaters are unique to each child and some don't need them at all. And then I praise them like they have never been praised before lol. I also have a sequence card (you can find these on the net to print off) it starts with a pic of a toilet, then pulling down pants, then sitting down, then flushing, washing hands etc. some children need to see this so they can see it as a routine they enjoy repeating.
Next step, for the first 2 weeks I write down every wee or accident they have and the time it happens. Then I can start finding out what time they will usually need a wee and make sure I take them to the toilet around that time. The more successful wee's in the toilet, the more it reinforces it and praise, praise, praise! After a while I can usually just say toilet time and the child will take themselves independently.
If they do have an accident, even if its the 10th that day and you just want to scream! Believe me I know the feeling! Never show the child that they have done something wrong or that you are upset or angry. I have had parents that smack or shout at their children when they wet and it's so so horrible to see, they will never learn like that and it only makes them scared to use the toilet. The toilet needs to become their friend! Lol

These are the normal steps I take, some children need way more so I have loads of ideas if you want some just ask, I have toilet trained children with autism, children who can't speak etc and it has still happened eventually.

Hope this is helpful. Good luck x

Thanks for the advice. My ds is using a potty but he also goes on the toilet too and we have a step and a soft seat for him. I am trying to get him to understand that needs to go when he's out too but I understand that he will take time to understand this himself too x

3rd trimester for me today. I can believe it.

Yeah going out is often the time when children have accidents, it must be cus the toilet isn't their own or the routine is different. He will get there, and like you said it's only week 3 and he has only just turned 3 xx
Happy third tri Del

Found out this morning i have gestational diabetes :( Have appointment with diabetic consultant on thursday 31st where they will give me a monitor and diary and explain diet to me. Some of the ladies on the fb group have given me advice on diet. Im wondering if anyone on here has any for me too

Sorry to hear of the GD diagnoses WW :hugs:
emmy, I second Delamere's thanks on the potty training advice. :thumbup: I'll have to keep all that mind when we actually start inernest. We actually don't have a little potty for our son. Our bathroom is rather small and so we didn't feel we had the space so I just bought him one of the little soft seats that sit on the regular toilet and that's what we sit him on. I just don't think he's quite ready yet but I'm hoping soon he'll take more interest. :)

And happy 3rd trimester to del and shelli!! :happydance:

And wrighty, I'm sorry to hear about your GD diagnosis. :hugs: I don't have too much adivce as I'm not diabetic but my hubby is so I know the biggest thing to do is to limit your carb intake as well as your sugar. Carbs turn into sugar and so heavily effect your blood sugar levels. I've heard different things on the number of carbs you should limit yourself too so you probably want to get that from your dietician. It's probably person dependent. Good Luck to you, though! I hope you can control it with diet and do great!
Thanks everyone for your congrats on 3rd tri. Congrats to you too shelli! :happydance:

Sorry bout the GD wrightywales. I don't have any experience in diabetes but I am sure the ladies that do will be very helpful. :thumbup:

Typical after I have been saying Samuel is doing better he's gone a little backwards with potty training today. Had a few accidents and a poop in his undies which wasn't a pleasant experience! :nope: oh well it's to be expected and I'm not cross with him.

Anyone got any plans for the weekend? We are away Sunday til Tuesday. Just me and my oh. My ds is going to his Nan's, I'm a bit anxious about it cos he's been a real home bird lately. X
wrighty- I have GD too... I am happy to inform you on what I have been doing. I just make sure I eat MORE protein (I find breakfast is the hardest for me) and when I eat carbs I HAVE to eat protein with it.

Also this should be your carb intake (always found in the nutrition list on back of food):
30 g bfast
15g snack
40 g lunch
15g snack
40 g dinner
15 g snack

you test your sugars in morning (before eating...aka fasting), and then 1hr after every main meal. Obv go with what your doc tells you, but this is the info I have gotten. You want your fasting under 95 and 1 hr after each meal under 130. If you miss your 1 hr then do a 2hr and it should be under 110. Also if your 1 hr is bad then you can do a 2 hr to check (and they recommend going for a 20 min walk between readings to reduce the sugar level).

I totally cut out sweets (I ONLY do sugar free ice cream... like weight watchers OR I do https://www.amberlynchocolates.com/). I cut down ALOT on fruit (I believe a piece of fruit the size of a tennis ball is 15 g carbs). Berries are best for you! I also totally took out all white carbs (breads/pastas/pancakes/bagels...) and ONLY do WG or gluten free (there is a good bread in the freezer..but forgot the name, but its help reduce Glycemic index). I eat potatoes, but only 1/2 cup at a time. If you google glycemic index it helps show you good food for diabetes...you obv want low GI numbers. Besides keeping track of everything you eat, poking your finger on a scheduled time, and insulin (if you get there)... the food part isn't that bad. I say I get plenty of food and feel great!

Hope this helps!
Nice bump goldstns!

Emmy awesome toilet training advice. I've done some with autistic kids as well, we do the exact same.

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