Welcome to all the new BFPs!!

I'm pretty symptom-less myself. I had some decent cramping yesterday which had me a bit worried but I'm hoping it was just stretching and preparing for baby!

I haven't had any problems sleeping but last night I swear I was literally up every 2 hours to pee!! I've never had to pee that many times in one night before!

So while I could sleep, it wasn't the greatest just because I was up all the time. And then on top of it, there was some weird rythmic tapping sound coming out of my son's baby monitor. That didn't help either. Turns out it was the string from the blinds being bounced against the wall from his ceiling fan. But boy did it sound loud on my end!! I wanted to check on it last night but I was afriad I would wake him if I went in. I knew he was Ok as I could hear him breathing and moving every once in a while. When I got him up this morning, I made sure to tie it up, so hopefully it won't continue doing that!