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January Jelly Beans 2014!

It certainly was, twag.

My waters started trickling at around 1.30pm, but no contractions. At 11.45pm my waters completely went with a gush and minutes later contractions started. And two hours later he was in our arms.

I hardly had any signs prior to my waters starting to trickle on Sunday, so don't give up hope, ladies.
Lian- I did not test positive, but the week I tested the midwife said that if I did I could still water birth even. Just on an IV to get the antibiotics. I know it stinks, but keep your head up and shoot for what you want!

Congrats Piperette!!

Very crampy for days now. I feel like he is teasing me! My hormones are crazy and I can’t stop sweating. Sitting at work with Kleenex stuffed under my pits, ha ha ha.

We’ve had a lot of snow today. Roads were crappy and I’m crabby about it. Hopefully roads will be decent when I do go into labor!
Getting induced at 10pm because of severe SPD and contractions fingers crossed for me il have my little boy tommorow.
Wow congrats pip!

Lots of luck claudinator!

Well went to see mw today and she says I have spd. She could tell from how I was walking. No wonder I've been in so much pain at night and now its when I walk or get up to walk. It stops me in my tracks sometimes. Can't believe I never even considered it. Feel like a right moaner but I feel proper miserable at the mo. Feel like being so in discomfort is making me want to cry and then I feel like I'm being soft!
What is your pain like Dela i wonder if it i have spd?

glad you have an answer is there anything they can do for you?
I'm 39 + 1 today, had an appointment earlier. My BP is concerning, the first time it was 120/90 and the second time it was 111/86. Which obviously the first number is okay but she was pretty concerned about the 2nd number. It's been fine up until this point, at an appointment 2 weeks ago it was a little high first time they took it then normal second time. Haven't ever had protein in my urine but now she wants to do the 24 hr urine test so this will be fun carrying a jug of urine around with me at work tomorrow. When I turn in the urine sample I have to get a blood test and a stress test on the baby as well. Also she did a sweep which was quite painful. She's talking induction in a week, I will be 40 +1. I really really really do not want to be induced I was hoping for a natural labor and I don't know if I will be able to do that if I'm induced. If the blood/urine tests come back okay I'm hoping maybe she could just do another sweep and see if that gets things going. Unless this sweep gets it going first. Reading online it doesn't sound like my bp is as bad as she was acting, what do you guys think? Also I'm still only dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced (I was dilated to 1 and 50% effaced last time they checked 2 weeks ago so not much progress).
@Wolf, I can't offer much insight, but I just wanted to say that I've never had a sweep, but I imagine that only being dilated 1cm would make it more painful since they need to get their finger up in there. All I can say is that if you have to have it done again maybe it won't be as uncomfortable if you're a little more dilated. I was 0cm at my appt last week, so sweeping wasn't even an option.
Been drinking more RLT this afternoon along with some pineapple juice (which I mixed with frozen Greek yogurt) mmm. Now I'm off to do my baby dance :) (Basically just bouncing up and down and swaying my hips.)
Just thought I'd give a quick update: I gave birth to my son Ryker James on Jan 11th at 5am. He weighed 7lbs, 6oz & was 19.5 inches long. :) He's a brief birth story:

My water broke at home around 8pm Friday evening with several gushes at home. Got to the hospital around 9 with a huge gush as they were checking us in & several more as I waited to be checked. When they checked I was 3cm dilated & about 60% effaced. Started getting contractions about the time we got to the hospital but they were really irregular & not really progressing. They monitored me for awhile with no changes. So they started me on pitocin to help move things along. My contractions were mostly in my back as they found Lil man was back to back. That was the worst! We even tried several different positions to get him to turn but the little guy is stubbborn & wouldn't turn. Eventually I couldn't take it & asked for an epidural. At this point I was 5cm dilated & mostly effaced but not completely. Getting the epidural was not fun in the least but once it was done I was very glad of it. Pain was gone but pressure was still there. Within 20 minutes I was fully dilated & ready to push. Nurse had me do a practice push and was able to turn Lil man to a better position. Then within 4 pushes he was out. And I was able to hold my lil man! Not a bad experience overall really but I can say back contractions really suck!! We got back home yesterday & are both doing well. He's been great with breast feeding though that seems constant. He's a little piggy! Lol

Sending labor dust to those still waiting!! I hope you get to meet your little ones soon. :hugs:


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Congratulations he is adorable
At the hospital being induced. Low fluid and concern about her heart rate. Could be two more days. Not freaking out yet, but definitely a little concerned. Will update when I can.
Congrats vtjess, he's gorgeous!

Good luck Mallerm.

Here I am, 40+2, just hoping that at my appt tomorrow I've dilated even a little (last week was 0cm).
Jess congrats so cute :)

Mallerm good luck Hun hope it's not to long of a wait before you meet her.

Melann FX for progress
Thanks for the kind words Melann, Twag.. Really means alot to me right now :hugs:

My heart is all-set for an all-natural water birth, but because of the Strep B, the OB said, this is no longer possible. Since my progress is also 'quite slow' then we'll just discuss my 'other options' from next week. I may still give birth normally (not via CS) but we'll just have to be more careful - again 'other options' next week. These are my OBs exact words which absolutely gutted me.

Acorn, do u think its possible to insist on a water birth if its against the hospital's policy? Makes me feel like this is some kind of an STD or something :( I'm unsure about their policy but the midwife birthing class I attended actually specifically discouraged the swab test, told us to decline the test if ever offered. Midwives were ok to admit anyone in the birthing pool even if untested for StrepB. However, since I took the test, then they might prohibit me.

Congrats vjtess and good luck Mallern.
What is your pain like Dela i wonder if it i have spd?

glad you have an answer is there anything they can do for you?

It's like the baby is butting me with his head in my vagina and it also feels like it really irritates my bladder like a uti pain. My hips are just excruciating and cramp up. If I had known earlier about it I could have had physio but it's too late now. My MW just said painkillers from my doc if paracetamol don't do anything. X

Congratulations Jess he is so lovely. Good luck mallerm.
Del, u could try some yoga moves for SPD, and also always keep a pillow in between your legs. Makes the pain bearable at least.

Update: I think I'm starting to lose my mucus plug. Nothing massive but noticeable. Eeekk.. Hoping this is the start of things. Fingers crossed.
Still nothing here I swear I will be the last preggo lady in the Jelly Beans at this rate :wacko:
After having tons of labor signs this past week, now everything has seemed to have gone away. :(
Del, u could try some yoga moves for SPD, and also always keep a pillow in between your legs. Makes the pain bearable at least.

Update: I think I'm starting to lose my mucus plug. Nothing massive but noticeable. Eeekk.. Hoping this is the start of things. Fingers crossed.

Thanks lian. I have a maternity pillow I have used since early on. Will look at yoga too.

That's very exciting bout your plug! Keep us updated x

Twag don't worry I'm due day after you and not had anything significant if the last week really. Are you as fed up as me? X

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