Radiance thats such a cute idea. Wow, can't believe the hospital told you that you miscarried..what a scary ordeal. So happy to hear that everything is ok.
Hey! I got my BFP today, EDD 31st JanuaryThis is my first pregnancy so very nervous.
Aloha! I am due January 7 with twins. I also sent a private message, but I would like to be part of the group. I'm very glad it's kept private on Facebook, as we haven't told the world yet ;-) To the creator of the group, I used to live in New England too, just outside of Boston. Lovely place just got sick of the snow
Cute ideas!! We were going to do a photoshoot, and my youngest (16 months) was going to hold a sign saying "I'm going to be a big brother..." and my oldest (2y/o) was going to be holding a sign saying the due date and in the middle of them would be hanging the ultrasound pictures <--- it was going to be something like that.
Everyone found out before doing so, and we were going to wait 10 weeks but the hospital made a mistake and told me that I had miscarried (no bleeding/cramping) and I got my ultrasound this week that showed everything perfect, heartbeat and my hCG levels have been rising each week (5 weeks now), plus I have a very noticeable bump and I was flat when I got pregnant, there is no hiding or wondering if I'm pregnant.![]()
Alright girls, I'm trying not to worry about it and count myself lucky, but I'm now 6w3d and have barely any symptoms! My boobs are sore but not overly so and I've been tired. Outside of that, nothing. I don't think I'm really peeing anymore than usual, no morning sickness, no spidey sense of smell...zilch!! I did have an early ultrasound and everything looked good although it was too early to see a heartbeat. I go back a week from tomorrow for my next ultrasound and we should see a heartbeat then. My lack of symptoms are just making me so nervous! Anyone else feeling the same?