I'm really sorry but I need to have a bit of a rant...
Last night DH and I decided to tell our best friends (who are a couple) about the baby, i figured if anything goes wrong it will be good to have them there for support. I know they have been sort of trying for a baby themselves for a while, they have had all the tests and they have all come back fine. I think the reason they havent been successful is firstly due to her not knowing or trying to find out when she ovulates and the amount they both drink - they drink every night, whiskey, beer and wine - they dont get drunk all the time, but they drink a lot. They have also been offered IVF but have turned it down and openly said they can't afford a baby at the moment.
So I knew it would be a touchy subject and I really do understand how difficult it must be, but they always have said they will be happy for us. Anyway, when we told them, she was very happy and hugged us both, but her OH, who I have known a lot longer, just sat there and didn't acknowledge what we'd said. During the rest of the night, he decided to smoke - which he doesn't usually do unless we are outside having a bbq or something, but rather than going outside he sat on the window-sill. So obviously the room filled with smoke and they both now knew i had quit less than 2 weeks ago because of the baby. during the rest of the night, he was lighting up inside but then going outside to actually smoke.
I found it quite rude and don't understand why he didn't say congratulations or acknowledge what we'd said at all, if it was the other way round and they'd announced they were pregnant and we were struggling, I would still be really happy for them! I know regret telling them when I should be happy my best friends can share this with us.
Would any of you be upset or am I over reacting and being awful?