Hey everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well. I had my second OB appointment today and everything is looking good.
My doctor officially changed my due date to January 13 based of my u/s instead of the 6th from my LMP. She said that unless it looks like I'm further along at my 19/20 week scan, we'll stick with that. And since I am earlier than originally thought she did a u/s to check for the heartbeat instead of using the doppler since I'm a little early for that. So I got to see my little bean today!!
I didn't get any pics since the equipment wasn't the greatest but I could easily see the heartbeat on the screen. So I was very happy after my appointment.
I don't go back again for a little over 4 weeks as my docs going on vacation.
Other than that I still don't really have any symptoms which I guess I should be grateful for.
Though I do get some occasionally cramping now and then. But besides that, I have this cold that is driving me nuts. My throat is so very sore; I'm sucking on cough drops all day. And my nose is all runny. Yuck!! And now I seem to be getting a cough. This is so not fun! I'm hoping I can get some sleep tonight since I seem to be coughing so frequently now.
I know there are some meds I can take while pregnant but I don't have anything at home. I may have to break down and get something if this keeps up. I HATE being sick. And while I haven't had any morning sickness, my gag reflex is on overdrive so I almost ended up getting sick this morning when I was coughing due to drainage down my throat. Sorry if TMI!! I just can't wait for this to pass.
I hope everyone else is doing well!!