Hi ladies!
I'm at my work conference. Travel was a disaster, but I'm here now and the hotel is phenomenal. Even took a nice bath (not too hot) tonight after dinner and there's a TV in the bathroom!
So doc warned my on Friday that my uterus would probably be pushing up soon and as of this morning my abdomen has a different shape! I'd been bloated and pudgy since about 8 weeks, but this morning I was getting dressed and discovered that I now have a bump lower than before and it's kind of squarish (has edges) which makes me think it's not just more bloat or fat. Also, I know this is going to sound absolutely ludicrous, but if anyone can understand it's you wonderful ladies. I SWEAR that yesterday and today I've felt the baby. When I'm very still I occasionally can feel this little ticklish feeling from the inside (close to where the doc found the HB). It's almost like something is tapping from the inside. It goes for a little bit and then stops and then starts up again later... I keep telling myself it's too early and I'm making things up, but then it catches me off guard again! I know second timers tend to feel it earlier, but I only made it to 7.5 weeks last time. Planning to get a dopplar this week ad then I guess I can see if my sensations correlate to the movement I hear.
Have a great day everyone!