January Jelly Belly's testing thread TTCAL 24% BFP's!

Afternoon everybody I cant believe it's neally 2011 how scary is that.
I've got my possitive opk today and loads of cm so it looks like I better get bding
Hi all :wave:

Feisty - your chart is looking very good. FXed...will you test again on new years or before? I love your idea of lifting off a lantern for your LO.

Blue - Nice NYE plans - we've got none really...just me and OH and a bottle of bubbly and lighting a candle for "wee nut" and hoping that next year will be our year to become parents on this earth.

Chilli - have you tested again yet?...I would wait till DPO14 but I'm a cautious tester after too many disappointments. Whatever makes you feel better...good symptoms though.

Mpepe - hope you get your tests done soon...limbo is no fun.

Shelleney - hoping you O soon :)

Try - my sister just gave birth (our babies were going to be 3 months apart). It was really hard I'm not going to lie to you but after a good cry and hug from OH...I have really started to love my niece - she is beautiful and just inspires me because I know I want to be a mom!

Cla - Excellent! Catch that egg!

Where's Kelster???
Grand congrats on becoming an auntie, I know it hurts but it'll be you soon! I am avidly awaiting my new niece who was due two days ago, my SIL is so fed up, she's stayed home almost all over Xmas waiting for a home birthday but no sign of bubba!

Anyway, I'll be testing around the 18th if you can add me pls? xx
I was wondering where kelster was hope she is ok xxxxx
I expect poor kelster just can't get online due to being busy??

I will not test early, I am so paranoid now that the miscarriage has messed up my luteal phase that I don't want to be disappointed.
Has your losses lengthened anyone else's luteal phase??
I think kel is on this thread in the louge ttc area:

Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!
Feisty - my luteal phase is still spot on 13-15 days with a 14 day average so mine hasn't changed. HTH.
Hi Everyone! Put me in for January 25th. Praying for a BFP!!
Mpepe you found me.. :rofl: you figured out my hide out spot... :rofl: nahh been in that thread since I started posting on here.. hee hee

I haven't left ya.. I just am taking a break... but I am routing ya ALL on....

I was really sick last week- hence the very high temps on my FF chart.. so you can see as soon as I got better my temps came right back down to where they always are soooooooI still haven't O'd..but I am OK.. really I am......

gonna try to figure out what we are gonna do for 2011.... hubby will be 42 in 4 months I will be 41 in eight months..... just not sure if we have it in us anymore..... we might and we might not.... I still have my referral to the fertility specialists- so we'll see

I miss you guys and ONLY wish the best for ALL of you...

I promise to make it a point to come on everyday to say :hi: and to see who has graduated....

Hi there everyone! I am back to ttc and should be due to test on the 25th Jan. Wishing for a Happy New Year! x
Feisty - my loss has lengthened my cycle length by 4 days, but my LP is still the same, just Oing later.
Hope that helps
I'm out already, o'd early and we're both full of a really bad bout of the flu! - it's not going to happen!
Did you bd at all? Maybe some sicky sicky bd?......Feel better!!!! :flower:

We did last night heehee you ready my mind!! My ovulation symptoms are wierd this month hence my original post but i could be on cycle day 13 today afterall! So you never know, I might even feel like more tonight!! :haha: You can put me back down for testing on my original date (sorry to be a nuisance!!) :happydance:argh! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

edited - I'm going to do an OPK now lol!
edited - I'm going to do an OPK now lol!

I'm definitely doing that next cycle too since my O day changed on me and kind of messed up my DTD schedule LOL! I hope we get lucky this cycle though so I don't have to buy them!

edited - I'm going to do an OPK now lol!

I'm definitely doing that next cycle too since my O day changed on me and kind of messed up my DTD schedule LOL! I hope we get lucky this cycle though so I don't have to buy them!


I am using OPKs for the first time this cycle, and I have to say they are very helpful. If I wasnt using them, I wouldve assumed I Od on CD14 and I wouldve probably stopped BDing by now. But I am actually due to O today or tomorrow (according to my OPK) which are day18 and day19, so am keeping up with the BDing. So I think they are great!
Hoping you both get a BFP this cycle, but if not, the OPKs I used were Tesco, and only £7 for 7 strips. Hope that helps?
OPK stink lol (just kidding they're great) - i've just got a big fat 100% negative and I'm only on day 13! I had a faint positive a week ago, I've only gone and missed ovulation! :dohh:. ah well, I was getting the suspect ewcm just under a week ago but was like 'Nah, can't be ov'ing, it's far too early! - I must have been!

Oh well, we live and learn, next month I'll catch it on time, even when it comes a week early to catch me out, how mean!

*toodles off to Tesco to buy some more* February bfp here I come! ^^ Thank you for that!

If it was only a faint positive last week, you may not have Od yet, you may be due to O this week? I got a neg on monday, a faint pos on tues, a neg on weds, and a dark pos on thurs. So who knows?? lol. you could still be in the race, Hun!
:hugs: we can wallow in self pity together those two days. :(
My sister is due the week before my due date, so January is going to be a rough month for me.
I agree with having something to look forward to even though our loss's will play on our minds and hearts.
I have only taken 100mg of soy (bought it at walmart - purple bottle) and took two at night right before bed from CD3-CD7 (this past cycle I forgot CD7 and I still O'd early). It works for some and doesnt for some. Fingers crossed it works for you! When do you usually O? How long are your cycles?

Aww, that must be so hard for you, having a sister who is a week ahead of you. I will be thinking of you, Hun :hugs:

My cycles have been abit messed up since i lost Baby C. So i dont have an average cycle length. It was 32 days last month, so I am going by that this month. And i dont know when I ovulate either, so im taking OPKs this month. Had negatives last night and tonight. But my ticker says I am due to O on New Years Day, so FXd.

Fingers Crossed!!! Have Fun! :sex:

My cycles were always very sparatic before my mc and got even longer after my mc. I started using soy isoflavones ( and I know they dont work for everyone, but they have worked for me so far - used them 2 cycles so far) and I would take 100mg CD3-CD7 (purple bottle from walmart, but you can get whichever ones) at night so I wouldnt get sick, just in case, and instead of O'ing CD18-CD22 or longer I have O'd CD14 the last 2 cycles! A few days difference means alot!!! I love opks!

Hey Everyone!!!! Hope all of you had a nice holiday! Time is standing still for me! I am patiently waiting for this cycle to end so I can call the doc and get my testing underway but today is cd 14 and I haven't O"D yet. Saw someone I used to be very close with (but we had a falling out years ago) and she is pregs. UGHHHHH would have been due around the same time as my 2nd mc. I guess it kind of gave me an incentive to put up with the testing to see if I can find a cause of the mc's.

Try - sorry January will be hard for you! Hope you get a sticky bean to make Januray the best month ever for you!

:dust:to all!

Thanks! I hope 2011 will be an awesome year for us all! 2010 sucked for us!

Pregnant new and old friends seem to be everywhere...... :wacko: Makes my head hurt!

I too am hoping for a BFP in January. I just got AF 2 days ago so I still have 1 more month to test. Hehe

I'm giving it to God this month


Hi girls - well I am being driven mad by extremely sore boobs - but can't even get excited as one of the symptoms of my low progesterone is also sore boobs... but there's a little part of me still hoping....shall I test again in the morning? Will be about 10-11 dpo

mpepe - I feel for you hun. I've done lots of waiting for tests in my time and the limbo is torture - hope you get some results that help

Welcome Amy & princess - hoping the new year bring the babies of your dreams!

Shelleney - hope that champagne makes you as frisky as it does me, then your OV should be perfectly timed, don't forget to warm up to it in the next couple of days though!

Tryfor - I hope we are all at our journies end soon. I've been TTC for exactly 2 years this cycle. I was visiting my in laws in Peru for xmas 2 years ago when I fell for my baby Soloman - the 1st of my MMCs... can't believe it's been so long now. At the time I thought nothing could touch me and all would be plain sailing as it had been with my gorgeous daughter and now I know I'll never have that priviledge again:cry:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

2011 WILL be our year!

Hi all :wave:

Feisty - your chart is looking very good. FXed...will you test again on new years or before? I love your idea of lifting off a lantern for your LO.

Blue - Nice NYE plans - we've got none really...just me and OH and a bottle of bubbly and lighting a candle for "wee nut" and hoping that next year will be our year to become parents on this earth.

Chilli - have you tested again yet?...I would wait till DPO14 but I'm a cautious tester after too many disappointments. Whatever makes you feel better...good symptoms though.

Mpepe - hope you get your tests done soon...limbo is no fun.

Shelleney - hoping you O soon :)

Try - my sister just gave birth (our babies were going to be 3 months apart). It was really hard I'm not going to lie to you but after a good cry and hug from OH...I have really started to love my niece - she is beautiful and just inspires me because I know I want to be a mom!

Cla - Excellent! Catch that egg!

Where's Kelster???

I think that is exactly what I am going to do. Have an insanely good cry :cry:
I am pampering myself jan into feb. Once I get AF I am going to tan alittle to clear my skin again, get my teeth whitened, get a manicure and pedicure, a body massage at the spa, start my nutrisystem diet food and workout at the gym again.....If I cant be pregnant I am going to look fantastic while doing it! :winkwink:
Maybe it'll boost my self-esteem up again!
Plus we have an adoption appointment for information scheduled for Jan 19th, if we accept the challenge, training will start the 25th of Jan. Calling for my annual OBGYN appointment and also starting my RE appointments again! Told DH this morning he has to do his SA and produce again for the IUI!

I have got plans this time. No more pussyfooting around. I am tired of NOT being pregnant!


I was wondering where kelster was hope she is ok xxxxx

I believe our love Kels is taking a short break. But I did just notice she had commented on this!

"LOVE YA KELS!!!" :kiss:

Cla, Have fun boinking! :sex: :lol:

Mpepe you found me.. :rofl: you figured out my hide out spot... :rofl: nahh been in that thread since I started posting on here.. hee hee

I haven't left ya.. I just am taking a break... but I am routing ya ALL on....

I was really sick last week- hence the very high temps on my FF chart.. so you can see as soon as I got better my temps came right back down to where they always are soooooooI still haven't O'd..but I am OK.. really I am......

gonna try to figure out what we are gonna do for 2011.... hubby will be 42 in 4 months I will be 41 in eight months..... just not sure if we have it in us anymore..... we might and we might not.... I still have my referral to the fertility specialists- so we'll see

I miss you guys and ONLY wish the best for ALL of you...

I promise to make it a point to come on everyday to say :hi: and to see who has graduated....


Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Ya!


AFM, 11DPO, feel absolutely NON-pregnant and waiting to just get af here and over with. My grand scheme of things will commence as soon as the bloody bitch arrives! :haha:

I am wondering if really and truly just laying off ttc and just go with the flow and relax is my winning ticket.:shrug: Who knows?.....But at least I will be completely busy!!!

:dust: TO ALL!

P.S. Everyone is updated!!!
Next Up! Chili! Testing day is tomorrow! Good Luck and Baby Dust!!!

Hey Try.
Yeah, i am seriously considering giving Soy a go, if i dont get my BFP this cycle. Am due to Ov on CD19, but would much prefer it to be CD14 so that I have a decent LP. Glad to hear it worked for you, and that you are Oing on CD14.
Really hope you get your BFP this month Hun. And I know you dont feel pregnant, but its not over til the witch arrives, so stay positive
oh kel - yes I found you!!!!! I was kinda worried not seeing your posts! And even though I'm a bit younger than you, I totally understand not knowing whether to continue with this stuff. I soemtimes feel like I'm missing out on life becasue I'm too obseessed with what I don't have instead of being appreciative of what I do have. A whole year has gone by of being stressed, anxious and depressed and nothing to show for it. Best wishes to you no matter what choices you make.:hugs:

Try - Do you know how many flippin' commercials I see for pregnancy, babies etc since my mc's along with seeing baby bumps????? I think the universe knows how to peeve me off lol.. maybe laying off is better, I've thought about it myself. Just throwing out my thermometer, charts, etc, but I can't bring myself to do it yet!

Good luck every one for this month and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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