January Jellybeans 2013!...

so ms has now showed up and im sure its here to stay its not so fun but maybe its a sign baby is doing good :)

this is what i keep telling myself too! like, right now, as i type. lol

it's 12:46 am here in CA and although tired, i still can't sleep. my acid reflux is back with a vengeance and my hunger is just too hard to ignore (to the point of gagging earlier) that i got up and wolfed down an entire french sponge cake.

now i'm contemplating dipping that sponge cake in ketchup. is this what craving is all about? i've never even liked sponge cake. :laugh2:
So i'm confused, sad , and pissed

I went in for my scan.....i was 5 weeks 3 days........the us only showed a sac measuring 5 weeks and 4.

when my doctor met with us she said we should abort now because it isn't a viable pregnancy.........i blighted ovum.

ive googled for the last 48 hours about msdiagnosed miscarriages.

idk what is going on.

i don't have bleeding - i had cramping (not that bad) last week. idk what to do but im so nervous! any success stories here?!?

This happened to me in my last pregnancy there was just a sac nothing in it so they told me its not viable I still felt pregnant so I said I wanted to wait a week, the following week their was my baby girl with heartbeat, she's now 9 months. 5w 4 days is way too early most don't like to see you till st least 6 and even then they warn they might not see anything, I wouldn't worry the dates match which shows its growing! Sit tight and rescan in 1 week x
Did my Doppler again this morning and I found beany again despite more bleeds during the night! Anyone else got a Doppler? Xx
Hi Ladies

Just popping in quickly - mamaspath I found out that it depends on the size of the sac - a sac has to be at least 2cm for them to see into it. (So if your sac is smaller which mine was 15mm) and yours probably is even smaller there is no way they can see into it.

Did they offer to do another HCG test - that's what my doc did so we could see where the levels are at.

They should also have you back in for a scan in a week to 10 days (I am due back for mine on Friday when I will be 8w 5d) so I am hoping I see a little one.

Don't let the Docs talk you into anything wait hun.


:hugs: MamaofOne :(, really hoping it was just the doctors messing stuff up, I'm sure if you'd have got the same one things would've been a lot better and consistant. Can't believe they refused to do an internal even though you were clearly distressed and upset :( horrible people

filipenko - I've shamefully eaten full big tubes of pringles since being pregnant. Twice finished a whole one in the evening :( did NOT feel good for it. I don't really eat crisps at all usually. Either way, two packets is fine I'm sure :) I was mad on vinegar with my first pregnancy and there's nothing good about that! Then I had marmite on everything which, although it has some good things in it, is basically salt paste lol. Keep hydrated :thumbup:

Little J - LOL at your hubby, there's going to be plenty of people sticking things up there before bubs is here! :haha: We have been DTD no different than before, my libido died a bit when I was really tired but I'm determined to have a regular sex life whilst I'm all preggo-horny ;), afterall...we'll have to be using contraception again afterwards, so might as well try and enjoy this 'free' time and get use of 'normal' posistions before having to work around a bump!
I often cramp a bit afterwards and it concerns me a tiny bit, however if I have an O by myself that happens too, so I wouldn't worry. :hugs: Try and enjoy it if you want to keep DTD, your ulterus probably takes as much jiggling by a fast walk as by gentle love-making.

sassy_mom - my appetite is also sort of dead. I can stomach the idea of really random things just. But generally I'm not eating a lot (apart from pringles mentioned above LOL). So glad it doesn't last forever, such a short portion of our lives and totally worth it in every way. :hugs:. I just feel so fortunate for not being sick all the time! I was telling OH it was the thing I was looking forward to the least and it hasn't happened :)

brieri1 - I HAVE to nibble if on an empty stomach before I go to sleep or I just can't override the nausea! No food looks 'good' to me either :nope:, just 'I'll eat that maybe'. Meant to be doing something nice for The Apprentice final tonight, wish I fancied takeaway but I just don't :(

Summerhope - looking good :) definately unusual to have SO many scans this early but better just accepting and knowing bean is growing well and on track.

Beth - agree that your can't compare, but yes, fab pregnancy sex here :) being single last time meant I have nothing to compare it too and no idea how long after-birth I would be up for it, and it was 6 months before me and OH first DTD. I bled for 8 weeks so it definately wouldn't have been before then! And yeah, I do NOT want dildo-cam ever if I can avoid it. The internals are bad enough :sick:

Poppy84 - great news! :D do you have a pic? :happydance:

Precious84 - :hugs: hoping there's some good news for you, must be very hard x
Boke! Ketchup and cake :sick:!

DeedeeBeester - oh no!!! I remember this :( my bras are all too tight and OH has noticed BBs much bigger, I've ordered two more nursing/maternity bras in a 38DD. They tried to tell me I was a 40 last time but it was LIES. Be back in my big black size 16 panties before long...

Bella'smummy - :cloud9: Oh wow! That's amazing! My friend is giving me her doppler but I was opting to wait a while longer, maybe I shouldn't? That's so special!!!

mammaspath - I agree with snowangel :hugs:, just give it sometime. I've heard the term before but don't know how they diagnose it, if they didn't explain then how do they expect you to make a decision like that? They can see so little at this stage, it's got to be worth waiting a wee bit longer. x Did your doctor think you were further along than you were?

I have a cupboard in my kitchen mainly full of tubberware but I keep onions in there also...for some reason it smells mega musty to be today and everytime I open it I want to hurl! Going to have to get OH to clean it or something :sick:, we only got new onions yesterday, it's fine! Just an overwelming smell to a preggo lady!

Tomorrow it's a fortnight to my scan :happydance:!
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is well and those in the uk are enjoying the long weekend?

All ok here. Now 9 weeks 2 days, 12 weeks is fri 22 June and scan is tues 26 so think we'll properly announce then. I've been a little cheeky today - a friend gave me some gift vouchers for a baby shop in town which needed using by June 15. I wasn't going to use them but popped in there earlier with hubby and we got some really cute, plain white basic bits - some baby grows, a blanket and a hooded cardigan. I know we are still early but it felt right.

It's fathers day in the uk soon and I've ordered a daddy to be card for hubby, it's really cute. Anyone else thinking getting on? I couldn't find any in shops so got it online
https://www.funkypigeon.com/Pages/Main.aspx?search=Dad to be&country=UK

Hope everyone's well x
Hi ladies not been in here for ages my baby brain couldn't figure out where it was :haha:
Ms is in full swing along with really bad fatigue. I had my bookin in appointment 4 days ago and I'm booking my scan on Thursday for 2 weeks time. Starting to feel real now. Mw still dating me by lmp which makes me 22nd dec but I'm still going by our dates of 5th jan till the scan.
How is everyone else feelin
exactly...chicken alfredo is my favorite allll time food but as soon as i start making the sauce my stomach turns and i cant do it (thanks baby) lol
i have had a loss of appetite lately too!! i thought id be a garbage disposal for food by now but nope!! my taste buds are allll off...the few things i love lately tho is watermelon, or tostitos chips (the scoops just no dip lol) foods i used to eat like chicken alfredo or mac and cheese, pizza, or baked chicken just isnt appealing anymore :( i guess its normal tho right ??? bc of alllll the changes my bodies going tthru??

Those are my favorite foods too... And as much as I think I might want them because I know I like them. Baby does not! :haha:
ok ladies, sorry if this is TMI for ppl but this morning i went to wipe after going to the potty (#1 and #2) and there was a little redish blood.... it scared the CRAP out of me!!! the couple days i have been needing to have a BM and so i wipe alot which kinda makes me have light dabs of blood when i wipe my butt area. So i dont know if thats what it was this morning? I wiped my vaginal area again to make sure it wasnt continuous blood and it was clean as day with a tad discharge that was creamy colored.

I am SO scared.... i know i need to calm down, but what happened last MC was i wiped and got one wipe of blood, then wiped againa nd nothing... then and hour or 2 later i was dripping blood MCing.

My BB's arent sore like they were yestrerday and my lower back hurts a tad, so its making me worry..... i PRAY this is jsut somthing stupid and not my baby having problems:nope:
well my sea bands worked brill yesterday for my ms and travel sickness, but not so good today i feel crap!!! havent really moved off the sofa all day and i dnt plan to! not long till my scan now, its on wednesday. starting to get nervous now. have decided that i am goin on my own just incase its bad news. but fingers crossed had no problems so far so all should be well.
ok ladies, sorry if this is TMI for ppl but this morning i went to wipe after going to the potty (#1 and #2) and there was a little redish blood.... it scared the CRAP out of me!!! the couple days i have been needing to have a BM and so i wipe alot which kinda makes me have light dabs of blood when i wipe my butt area. So i dont know if thats what it was this morning? I wiped my vaginal area again to make sure it wasnt continuous blood and it was clean as day with a tad discharge that was creamy colored.

I am SO scared.... i know i need to calm down, but what happened last MC was i wiped and got one wipe of blood, then wiped againa nd nothing... then and hour or 2 later i was dripping blood MCing.

My BB's arent sore like they were yestrerday and my lower back hurts a tad, so its making me worry..... i PRAY this is jsut somthing stupid and not my baby having problems:nope:

calm down and breathe. I know its really scary, chances are its nothing serious bt if you are still worried you should ring a gp or midwife and have a chat and they should put your mind at rest. :hugs:
ok ladies, sorry if this is TMI for ppl but this morning i went to wipe after going to the potty (#1 and #2) and there was a little redish blood.... it scared the CRAP out of me!!! the couple days i have been needing to have a BM and so i wipe alot which kinda makes me have light dabs of blood when i wipe my butt area. So i dont know if thats what it was this morning? I wiped my vaginal area again to make sure it wasnt continuous blood and it was clean as day with a tad discharge that was creamy colored.

I am SO scared.... i know i need to calm down, but what happened last MC was i wiped and got one wipe of blood, then wiped againa nd nothing... then and hour or 2 later i was dripping blood MCing.

My BB's arent sore like they were yestrerday and my lower back hurts a tad, so its making me worry..... i PRAY this is jsut somthing stupid and not my baby having problems:nope:

calm down and breathe. I know its really scary, chances are its nothing serious bt if you are still worried you should ring a gp or midwife and have a chat and they should put your mind at rest. :hugs:

all i could do is call the "on call" number and its just nurses.... and i know waht tehy are going to say..... call back if the bleeding gets worse... but thats what im afraid of is the bleeding to get worse! i keep running to the bathroom every 30 min to wipe and check, but seems fine right now, but its jsut scary.... i was thinking for sure this is my sticky beanie since i was diagnosed with low progesterone and this pregnancy iv been on supplements to help. I hope its just my butt being sensitive from having to wipe it. Hubby has a baseball game today and i def. dont wanna MC while im there watching bc thatd be so hard. i feel like im gunna be paranoid all day!
Littlej - to be it sounds like it could be from the BM, I've had this before. I would suggest putting your feet up and having a lie down. Do you have to go to the game?
Littlej - to be it sounds like it could be from the BM, I've had this before. I would suggest putting your feet up and having a lie down. Do you have to go to the game?

no, but I LOVE watching baseball and cheering on my hubby. It makes me feel better somenoe else has had this problem.... this is y i dont wanna BD before the scan... just freaks me out with any sort of blood or color bc it makes me think the worst!
I'm there with you hun, I freaked out when I had it but it was definitely from behind and stopped pretty soon afterwards. We've had a few scans now because of early problems but haven't bd'd - hubby doesn't want to which believe me is a first! No chance I can refrain for 9 months, we have had the odd moment but haven't had intercourse. I was scared I would bleed either way but didn't so maybe that's a happy half way house.

Maybe go along, it will take your mind off things but would definitely say put your feet up until you go and when you come back x
ladies i need your advice...my inlaws wants to go out for dinner tonight for my fil bday, and I dont want to go because food doesnt agree with me! I only really like breakfast foods rights now, the smells of everything else make me nauseous. I told them to go out without me and Ill meet them for dessert after, and my DH is mad because I wont go. I think I am trying to be nice so they can go out and enjoy a nice dinner and not have to worry about me and he thinks im wrong. What would you ladies do?
That's tricky Lauren.. If it was me I would go (and I'm feeling very sick now as I type so iknow what you mean) but I would take my peppermint tea and ask for hot water. Also I would just order something small and pick and go out for fresh air when I went to the 'toilet' good luck!
That is a good idea!
That's tricky Lauren.. If it was me I would go (and I'm feeling very sick now as I type so iknow what you mean) but I would take my peppermint tea and ask for hot water. Also I would just order something small and pick and go out for fresh air when I went to the 'toilet' good luck!
thank you ladies for all the encouragement.............im literally in tears.

All the success stories are helping me!!!!!

i miscarried at 12 weeks in december so i'm just praying to GOD that this isn't the end for me...........

the doctor did not want to take blood again and when I asked for another ultrasound she was hesitant and said okay and I have another scan on the 15th

I have mild crampiness on the right side.....which the tech said the sac was attached to the right side of my uterus.........im thinking normal........no bleeding or spotting....

Hoping for progress in the next couple weeks! but i figure if in fact that it is a bo my body will tell me.........i don't wanna take the pills!
ok ladies, sorry if this is TMI for ppl but this morning i went to wipe after going to the potty (#1 and #2) and there was a little redish blood.... it scared the CRAP out of me!!! the couple days i have been needing to have a BM and so i wipe alot which kinda makes me have light dabs of blood when i wipe my butt area. So i dont know if thats what it was this morning? I wiped my vaginal area again to make sure it wasnt continuous blood and it was clean as day with a tad discharge that was creamy colored.

I am SO scared.... i know i need to calm down, but what happened last MC was i wiped and got one wipe of blood, then wiped againa nd nothing... then and hour or 2 later i was dripping blood MCing.

My BB's arent sore like they were yestrerday and my lower back hurts a tad, so its making me worry..... i PRAY this is jsut somthing stupid and not my baby having problems:nope:

calm down and breathe. I know its really scary, chances are its nothing serious bt if you are still worried you should ring a gp or midwife and have a chat and they should put your mind at rest. :hugs:

all i could do is call the "on call" number and its just nurses.... and i know waht tehy are going to say..... call back if the bleeding gets worse... but thats what im afraid of is the bleeding to get worse! i keep running to the bathroom every 30 min to wipe and check, but seems fine right now, but its jsut scary.... i was thinking for sure this is my sticky beanie since i was diagnosed with low progesterone and this pregnancy iv been on supplements to help. I hope its just my butt being sensitive from having to wipe it. Hubby has a baseball game today and i def. dont wanna MC while im there watching bc thatd be so hard. i feel like im gunna be paranoid all day!

Don't worry. I had this too. My OBGYN said it can be common to have some spotting with your bm. If you bleed more and it is bright red, then be worried a little. But a little bit with a bm was pretty common according to my doc.

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