January Jellybeans 2013!...

That is awesome Sassy! I can't wait until both me and DH can feel our little sweetie.
I wouldn't mind another girl! But, I'd also love to give DH the son, his heart desires. And either way this time.... We plan for another. :)

They say heart rates can make a difference. But, I don't think HB's start beating more than 150 bpm until 8 weeks. I thought higher is for girl. DD was always around 160.
my babes hb today was 149........
thinking pink but we will see!

Firstly fantastic news!!! I know I'm getting my hopes up but when they scanned you a few weeks better am I right in saying it showed only an empty sac at 5w3d and did you ever have your HCG checked? Hope you don't mind me asking??:flower:

i dont mind at all...........i had my betas drawn around 4 weeks they were 200 and i didn't have them drawn again........ at 5 weeks three days i was measuring 5weeks4days and yes empty sac no yolk no heartbeat nada!!

doctor wanted me to take medicated miscarriage.........i had another appt with her today........i made her cry........i just don't think its right that she can seriously damage people like that.......its not right.....

i actually saw her because the doc i was supposed to see was out sick and she was my only option.......god makes funny things happen right??

Thank you! It's reassuring news for me. I haven't actually seem my Doc it's all been through my MW. She hasn't been very optimistic but at least hasnt written me off just yet. However I did have another MW call me wondering if I still need a MW (bit late) and I told her what was going and she automatically said "sorry for your loss" and that my betas should have risen by at least 60% and don't worry you will get pregnant again!!! I can tell you I just cried when I put that phone down. I just hope my other MW is right and that after 6000 they don't double anymore and it was a good enough rise! I am glad that I have her as my MW!! People just don't understand what we are going through and can be very insensitive!!

I am just very pleased for you, we needed some good news on this thread at last:happydance:
Just a bit of advice please ladies!!!
Is it normal for your symptoms to come and go? for the last few days they have subsided, ms gone, boobs not as sore, still needing to pee and soooo tired, in bed for half 8 every night. Its starting to make me worry slighty about my scan on wed, ive got it in my head that there will be nothing there!!! :wacko: prob just being silly.
I'm afraid to buy anything, because it's so permanant (well, not really, but you know what I mean). We told everyone early, though, because with Tess, the only thing we got to tell most people was that she was gone. This time, we want to spend as much time enjoying it "pubically" as we can - meaning not keeping it a secret. We wanted to be able to "celabrate" with people as early as possible. I dunno, does that make sense?? :shrug:

previously I wouldn't understand why you would want that until just these last couple of weeks my friend had a loss. My friend just had a loss at 11 weeks and really regretted not telling certain people, she said she never got to celebrate being pregnant with her brothers in-law and instead had to tell them that they'd miscarried. She said it would of been nice to of enjoyed the pregnancy more the small time she was pregnant. So i totally understand where you're coming from.

But i've always been funny about announcing it myself, i'm happy to tell people who i would want to be there for me if i had a miscarriage like close friends and immediate family but i think a public miscarriage would be awful. But other than those immediate close people i'm not even announcing it this time, everyone can figure it out as i get big and fat.

AHHH! I just got a package from my grandma. She was sending me a few things I knew about but when I opened it up there were BABY CLOTHES in there!!!! :happydance::happydance: That just made my day!!!! SOOOO CUTE!!! OH goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop smiling! And they smell like her house!!! OH man! This day is wonderful!!!

Naaaaaaaaaaaw i remember my first package for Eva from my mother in-law i was shocked by my excitement and took photos and continued to play and touch with all the clothes all day.

I don't get worried by things on here, I'd be worrying even if I'd not read anything! I'd hate to think that someone might not want to post something on here incase it upset us. When I was in a Jan group I said I thought something was going wrong and my pg tests were getting lighter. I was basically told to shut up if I didn't have nice happy things to say!

I don't get worried by things on here either, my first pregnancy i did and was a total mess but now i'm in first tri for a second time i can see that 80% of morbid posts are just women panicking and nothing is really wrong anyway. Alot of them are frantic "i'm having a miscarriage" posts when in fact they aren't. Plus i just have this deep down feeling that everything is okay, nothing seems to be stressing me this pregnancy, i mean i was spotting for about 4 weeks and with a bleed smack bang in the middle, now i must admit that the bleed did scare me but once i realised it wasn't amounting to anything and was a one off i wasn't scared at all anymore and went back to being calm and positive. But like i said i was completely different the first time around! and was a total MESS!!

I'm a prune today!!!!! :happydance:

Thank you, Betheney! I really appreciate that.:flower: Well, she was my second midwife since I moved mid-pregnancy. But she did all my prenatal care, and attended the birth. Her two sisters were training to train to be midwives, so I can kinda understand why she brought them... But I was not expecting that many people. I had been more expecting her and at most both of her assistants. Plus, OH and my mom.. It just became to overwhelming for me with some many people around so it made me uncomfortable which led to my long labor, I think anyway... I've read so many stories of home birth and natural hospital births, that said it was so much easier :)haha:) when they were as comfortable as can be and relaxed.

I don't know about you but second time around i'm definitly taking more of a role in my pregnancy, with Eva i did whatever the doctor wanted and never asked for anything. This time i'm running the show, i tell him what tests i want down and where and when.

Maybe this time upon your MW visit you just need to tell them exactly what you want and that there's no other options.

I know what you mean about being relaxed, i don't blame the hospital setting for what made me not relaxed as me and hubby were pretty much left entirely alone during labour except someone would check on me every couple of hours, but i was the total opposite of relaxed i was crying and frantic and hysterical and i think this time around i'm going to make an effort to learn a large amount of relaxation techniques.

Now that I've had time to think about it, should I be worried that they want me to have an NT scan so much? I'm 21 and as far as I know, I'm not at increased risk for having a Down Syndrome baby. Do you think the Specialist just wants to have his own ultrasound of the baby to go over to make sure its developing well? I'm worried now.

Brier i don't know if this can apply because we're in different countries but last night my sister told me in Aus the health insurance companies (for those people who go private) love to send alot of unnecessary tests because of 2 reasons. 1. the patient/clients has money and 2. because they want to look like they're a really good system who take care of their clients. Could this possibly apply? i know it sounds odd because the more tests the more expensive it is for them but my sister insists they like to look like they really take a big pro-active approach.
Just a bit of advice please ladies!!!
Is it normal for your symptoms to come and go? for the last few days they have subsided, ms gone, boobs not as sore, still needing to pee and soooo tired, in bed for half 8 every night. Its starting to make me worry slighty about my scan on wed, ive got it in my head that there will be nothing there!!! :wacko: prob just being silly.

Yes, it's perfectly normal. Your hormones are surging then leveling off, so it's normal for symptoms to come and go or fade a little then come back full force. When the placenta takes over (around 12 weeks, I think), then you'll start to feel better (in the second tri). No worries, okay? :hugs:
Mrs. Miggins i didn't get a number either, i saw it beating away but didn't get to hear it.

Snowangel and all previous mamas, do u remember what the heartrate was with your little ones?

His was always in the 'girl range' so no truth in it for us :p

my babes hb today was 149........
thinking pink but we will see!

Firstly fantastic news!!! I know I'm getting my hopes up but when they scanned you a few weeks better am I right in saying it showed only an empty sac at 5w3d and did you ever have your HCG checked? Hope you don't mind me asking??:flower:

i dont mind at all...........i had my betas drawn around 4 weeks they were 200 and i didn't have them drawn again........ at 5 weeks three days i was measuring 5weeks4days and yes empty sac no yolk no heartbeat nada!!

doctor wanted me to take medicated miscarriage.........i had another appt with her today........i made her cry........i just don't think its right that she can seriously damage people like that.......its not right.....

i actually saw her because the doc i was supposed to see was out sick and she was my only option.......god makes funny things happen right??

I remember you getting that diagnosis and that has made shivers go up my back! Fine right she cried. How can you say a thing like that when there's a chance it's not correct? Totally sick. :( so glad your little beanie is thriving and proving her wrong.

brieri1 - I was 21 with my first and I never even heard mention of a NF scan. It's totally up to you if you do it or not. Don't be worried, you are statiscally less likely to have a DS baby than someone aged 16-19. 20-25 is the lowest level. There may've been a bit more fluid than they'd like or something like that, but I'm sure it will be fine x

Sassy_mum - WOW! that's early and totally amazing :) enjoy it! I did love that most about my last pregnancy, espiecally the really big movements and the lumps!

alannadee - as the placenta starts processing the hormones etc your symptoms often slow down or decrease. It's normal, but I don't like it either!

Two days till my scan...excited and nervous. Hope all is well.
Hi, Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA.... this thread is sometimes hard to keep up with!

I finally started feeling "myself" again 2 days ago! Yesss!!!!! I have a TON of energy! I am one happy lady!
Hi, Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA.... this thread is sometimes hard to keep up with!

I finally started feeling "myself" again 2 days ago! Yesss!!!!! I have a TON of energy! I am one happy lady!

Glad to see you back!!
Thats amazing! Can I ask what it feels like I have been feeling these wierd flutters and I wonder if thats the baby
Just a quick update ... wanted to say that DH got to feel the baby move tonight! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Mine feels like bubbles. If you can imagine a soda when you pour it in a glass and all the bubbles floating up, that is what mine feels like. If you are feeling weird flutters that is probably the baby!!! :happydance:
Welcome back Jaime!! Can't believe how far you are... And that's fantastic how great you feel! Gives me lots to look forward to :)
yeayy your back and what a lovely bump:thumbup::thumbup:
Hi, Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA.... this thread is sometimes hard to keep up with!

I finally started feeling "myself" again 2 days ago! Yesss!!!!! I have a TON of energy! I am one happy lady!
Hi, Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA.... this thread is sometimes hard to keep up with!

I finally started feeling "myself" again 2 days ago! Yesss!!!!! I have a TON of energy! I am one happy lady!

That's FAB news and I agree this thread runs away by itself, very hard to keep up with everything.
my EDD has been moved forward after an ultrasound, its now Jan 10th instead of Jan 12th.
Now that I've had time to think about it, should I be worried that they want me to have an NT scan so much? I'm 21 and as far as I know, I'm not at increased risk for having a Down Syndrome baby. Do you think the Specialist just wants to have his own ultrasound of the baby to go over to make sure its developing well? I'm worried now.

Brier i don't know if this can apply because we're in different countries but last night my sister told me in Aus the health insurance companies (for those people who go private) love to send alot of unnecessary tests because of 2 reasons. 1. the patient/clients has money and 2. because they want to look like they're a really good system who take care of their clients. Could this possibly apply? i know it sounds odd because the more tests the more expensive it is for them but my sister insists they like to look like they really take a big pro-active approach.[/QUOTE]

Its possible. I have military insurance, so whatever this outside organization they're sending me to does is completely paid for by the government.
Hey ladies..could I get some advice please...

This may sound a little odd..so I will put it as best I can lol
I've been getting what I can only describe as a nervous feeling below my tummy where the baby is.. Its like the feeling you get when...your excited but nervous, if that makes sense.. Kind of weird.. Its not painful just strange.. anyone had this??
I'm a prune today!!!!! :happydance:

Thank you, Betheney! I really appreciate that.:flower: Well, she was my second midwife since I moved mid-pregnancy. But she did all my prenatal care, and attended the birth. Her two sisters were training to train to be midwives, so I can kinda understand why she brought them... But I was not expecting that many people. I had been more expecting her and at most both of her assistants. Plus, OH and my mom.. It just became to overwhelming for me with some many people around so it made me uncomfortable which led to my long labor, I think anyway... I've read so many stories of home birth and natural hospital births, that said it was so much easier :)haha:) when they were as comfortable as can be and relaxed.

I don't know about you but second time around i'm definitly taking more of a role in my pregnancy, with Eva i did whatever the doctor wanted and never asked for anything. This time i'm running the show, i tell him what tests i want down and where and when.

Maybe this time upon your MW visit you just need to tell them exactly what you want and that there's no other options.

I know what you mean about being relaxed, i don't blame the hospital setting for what made me not relaxed as me and hubby were pretty much left entirely alone during labour except someone would check on me every couple of hours, but i was the total opposite of relaxed i was crying and frantic and hysterical and i think this time around i'm going to make an effort to learn a large amount of relaxation techniques.

I completely agree. I will definitely be more involved with this pregnancy. Taking matters into my own hands so to speak. I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant, so I was kinda more willing to reply on someone else and their experience. This time I am more confident about what I want and how I would like things to progress along the way.

You could try aromatherapy for relaxation or even reflexology. I've been looking into color therapy as well, as certain colors promote relaxation and calm and others promote a more stressful environment.

Jrowanj- Glad to see you back! Cute bump!

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