January Jellybeans 2013!...

I just had an awful thing happen: I was about to pass out in the bathroom! I had to rush into the bathroom because of sickness (it's here... again) and as soon as I started throwing up my site started getting this little light sparkles flying everywhere, and then I felt my sight was about to go to black out, but I held to the toilette and just waited it off with my eyes shut tight. It was awful! I'm alone here! We live in an apartment complex but they are so well built I can't hear anything and I'm sure nobody would of heard me if I was going down!

Oh my gosh! Thats so scary! I've had that happen to me before, both when I was pregnant and when I wasn't.... Are you okay now?

I sat on the bathroom floor for a while and called hubby. He is in a training almost 2 hours away from here, poor thing, got him worried. As I finished writing my post here I felt tummy sick and had to drag me back there and now my stomach is all messed up BIG TIME! I was telling my In Laws earlier today on skype -they're back in Guatemala with my parents- This isn't my body anymore, it's the babies, and I'm just in it for the ride. Hahahahaha. I'm still feeling sick, I guess I'll have my mom on skype for a while 'til I feel I'm better. Gonna keep it all slow today, again.

I feel you on the dizzy and nearly fainting spells. I am plagued by that!! UGH! Scary indeed! I've almost passed out several times. Especially if I'm going to lose my stomach! It makes me nervous because I am here with our daughter and she doesn't know how to call Daddy. Thankfully I stay sitting unless I absolutely need to move around. It helps keep me from getting dizzy and lightheaded. Some days are better than others but I know to be very careful. DH had to watch me in the store because I got this horrible look on my face and he asked if I was ok. I said no and said I needed to go to the bathroom and rushed off. I rushed to the bathroom because I just knew I was going to be sick but I was more afraid I was going to pass out in the aisle. I think like someone else mentioned it has to do with all the extra blood flowing. Hopefully the second trimester will bring an easier time for us all!! Just try and take it easy. Small movements and be careful of getting up too fast.

Yeah, thanks for the tips! I need them. I guess I just started with the fainting this bad. I've become an expert on sickness hahahahaha but man, it seems to never end. I hope we all start feeling better soon. :hugs:
I also want to mention low blood sugar and the faint feeling. I know i am type 1 and may notice them more often, but even healthy adults withut diabtes will get low blood sugars while pregnant due to the increased blood volume... it happens.. try to drink juice in the morning.. my sis in law swore by OJ every morning no matter what because of this.

My mom asked me about my blood sugar too, and even my pressure. Because I told her my TMI vomit wasn't the same as usual, and my stomach got super ill after that. She told me to eat an orange. I'll drink juice now too, I've been sticking to water because of all the sugar in juice, but I guess some is good for you too.
sassy- i knew ud like it! It is really amazing what our bodies do! i loved watching it with hubby so he could see the changes that are/will be happening to me and for him to understand what a female body goes thru with carrying a child.

I really loved the beginning part where you see how really it takes the STRONGEST to make it to the egg, its crazy how many obsitcles are along the way.... out of 1/4 of a billion sperm only 6 even get a chance to make it to the egg..... thats NUTS! and it only happens if do do it right when the egg is making its way down the tube, CRAZY! i wanted to go to the library and watch more vidoes like that, but then i realized they would probably all be from 1960's :haha:
I just had an awful thing happen: I was about to pass out in the bathroom! I had to rush into the bathroom because of sickness (it's here... again) and as soon as I started throwing up my site started getting this little light sparkles flying everywhere, and then I felt my sight was about to go to black out, but I held to the toilette and just waited it off with my eyes shut tight. It was awful! I'm alone here! We live in an apartment complex but they are so well built I can't hear anything and I'm sure nobody would of heard me if I was going down!

I have had dizzy spells but this sounds like what I experienced once and was hospitalized with dehydration. Push the fluids. If it happens again I'd see about going to the e.r. to get rehydrated.
sassy- i knew ud like it! It is really amazing what our bodies do! i loved watching it with hubby so he could see the changes that are/will be happening to me and for him to understand what a female body goes thru with carrying a child.

I really loved the beginning part where you see how really it takes the STRONGEST to make it to the egg, its crazy how many obsitcles are along the way.... out of 1/4 of a billion sperm only 6 even get a chance to make it to the egg..... thats NUTS! and it only happens if do do it right when the egg is making its way down the tube, CRAZY! i wanted to go to the library and watch more vidoes like that, but then i realized they would probably all be from 1960's :haha:

I was shocked after watching the beginning at how difficult it really is to get that perfect timing. It really is a very miraculous process all the way through.

You might search around the internet. I know they have made other documentaries like this and you may be able to find some recent ones. I think I watched one similar when I was pregnant with my daughter ...so maybe from 4 or 5 years ago.
Found this one while searching around. I just started watching it but thought I would share.


Updating this later than I posted ... warning: Graphic video at the end!!! I hadn't watched it through and it does give up close and personal views of the lady's baby coming out.
Boooo! kinda bummed now.... at my 8 week apt. the Dr. said according to the scan she thought the baby implanted on the anterior part of my uterus... which i read makes it hard to find the HB:growlmad: Also you dont feel the baby kick as easily bc of the placenta cushion.....

ive read other ladies that have had them attach on the anterior and they say that they feel the baby kick their bladder and cervix! OWW! id much rather my tummy taking a beating than my needed functional parts!'

does anyone else know where their little on implanted?
Boooo! kinda bummed now.... at my 8 week apt. the Dr. said according to the scan she thought the baby implanted on the anterior part of my uterus... which i read makes it hard to find the HB:growlmad: Also you dont feel the baby kick as easily bc of the placenta cushion.....

ive read other ladies that have had them attach on the anterior and they say that they feel the baby kick their bladder and cervix! OWW! id much rather my tummy taking a beating than my needed functional parts!'

does anyone else know where their little on implanted?

Mine seems to be on the right side. That is where I always feel it and when they have done ultrasounds, it's always more to the right when they find baby.
tech said baby implanted on the left side but today when finding the heartbeat over stomach it was on the right, so im not sure whats going on.
Boooo! kinda bummed now.... at my 8 week apt. the Dr. said according to the scan she thought the baby implanted on the anterior part of my uterus... which i read makes it hard to find the HB:growlmad: Also you dont feel the baby kick as easily bc of the placenta cushion.....

ive read other ladies that have had them attach on the anterior and they say that they feel the baby kick their bladder and cervix! OWW! id much rather my tummy taking a beating than my needed functional parts!'

does anyone else know where their little on implanted?

Mine was on the right too.
Im in wisconsin and they only do scans at the 8 week and the 20 week (20 week is when they can tell you the sex bc they are doing the scan too look for abmornmailities) but my Dr. said they might have to do one at 12 weeks if they cant hear the babies heart on the doppler. i guess every visit from now on the Dr. uses a doppler to make sure the heart is beating good. She also said she would do a scan if she thought the baby might be in a awkward position or somthing....

ok, you are all going to think im crazy but im sick of NOT being sick like most of you with MS.... i get a tiny bit like 1 or 2 times a week but I feel like its nothing! SOOOO i had to break down and get a doppler bc im driving myself nuts and cant wait til my 12 week Dr. apt on July 17th. The only thing im freaked out about now is not hearing the heartbeat and freaking out more. I got the sonoline b 3hz. I hope it gets here this week! I want to be able to relax since im not having many symptoms anymore.... other than tired and a few headaches....

snowangel- thats a good idea about a tech school, but we dont have those here, all the students work thru the clinics and hospitals and get their practice with real Dr.s and patients.... so i wouldnt be able to do that

I keep sneezing alot!! which is a symptom i have had before i got my BFP! and i get that twinge/cramp feeling sometimes too when that happens.... so im taking that as a good sign thigns are still growing down there?

I also just bought the sololine B! :) Don't worry about lack of symptoms! I didn't have hardly any with DD and she's here! :hugs: My next appt. is also July 17. And my Dr. does the exact scans and testing as yours does. With DD, I got more for complications in the first before a doppler would pick up a HB. And DD was measuring small in the third trimester so I got a scan for growth. But, that is it!

It sucks to... I would love more scans! Can't wait for my doppler to get here! :)
Wow! Didn't realize that the link I posted earlier of the conception video got graphic at the end. It actually shows the baby coming out of the woman. Thankfully I've seen someone give birth but I wasn't expecting it so I was a bit shocked. I edited the post and said it showed her giving birth just in case someone needed a warning.
Last time I had a scan, I tried to pay attention to where Dr was putting the probe. It seemed like he found boop on my right. I tried scouring there for a heartbeat with no luck...
I also want to mention low blood sugar and the faint feeling. I know i am type 1 and may notice them more often, but even healthy adults withut diabtes will get low blood sugars while pregnant due to the increased blood volume... it happens.. try to drink juice in the morning.. my sis in law swore by OJ every morning no matter what because of this.

I don't have diabetes, but am plagued with low blood sugar from time to time even when I am not pregnant. I can't be certain, but I think it has something to do with my naturally low blood pressure...:shrug:
What a cutie you've got there, Lauren!

Hubby and I ordered my doppler ths morning! I can't wait to get it!

i ordered mine yesterday! it says it should only take 2-3 days to ship! and i already saw on the tracking that its been shipped!these next few days better go by fast!!

I just checked the order status a lil while ago and it says it's shipped out already! I'm so excited! :happydance:

Mine finally says shipped. Grrr, this is what I get for ordering a friday evening :dohh: haha, but it's on the way.
sassy- i knew ud like it! It is really amazing what our bodies do! i loved watching it with hubby so he could see the changes that are/will be happening to me and for him to understand what a female body goes thru with carrying a child.

I really loved the beginning part where you see how really it takes the STRONGEST to make it to the egg, its crazy how many obsitcles are along the way.... out of 1/4 of a billion sperm only 6 even get a chance to make it to the egg..... thats NUTS! and it only happens if do do it right when the egg is making its way down the tube, CRAZY! i wanted to go to the library and watch more vidoes like that, but then i realized they would probably all be from 1960's :haha:

There is a NOVA presentation called Life's Greatest Miracle that OH and I watched when I was pregnant with DD. And also one called The Miracle of Life.

What a cutie you've got there, Lauren!

Hubby and I ordered my doppler ths morning! I can't wait to get it!

i ordered mine yesterday! it says it should only take 2-3 days to ship! and i already saw on the tracking that its been shipped!these next few days better go by fast!!

I just checked the order status a lil while ago and it says it's shipped out already! I'm so excited! :happydance:

Mine finally says shipped. Grrr, this is what I get for ordering a friday evening :dohh: haha, but it's on the way.

Haha, I wanted to order back on Saturday! :haha: Lot of good that would have done. I can't wait for us to get our dopplers!!!:happydance:
Evening ladies. Sorry haven't been on much today. I've been in bed since 5pm which such a nasty migraine, it literally hit me within about 5 mins. Tried eating but no go :(

Have my twelve week scan tomorrow at 9am so going to try and get some sleep.
Hope all those who had scans today had good news and good luck for those with appointments tomorrow x
Sorry guys catching up on yesterdays posts

My gut feeling changes daily! Hahahaha one minute I think girl one minute boy. My friend said she did that chinese gender predictor for all of her friends and it always was accurate. If that's the case than boy for me!

I have an appt tomorrow but its not a scan. The receptionsit said it was a routin OB appt. What the hell does that mean? I want a damn scan! I javent had one since I was 9 weeks!

I'm being sent for a blood test for mine, I don't think there is a scan involved... Apparently it's different in Canada.....

I had both then blood test and the scan and they use both together to get the risk (im in Australia though)

I preemptively went shopping a few days ago and got some clothes that are MUCH more comfortable! It was SO worth it. Also got a shirt I will wear to announce that says "Carrying Precious Cargo" with a lil stork.

Anyone announce now? When did/ do u plan to?

I've told close friends and family. Waiting for 12 weeks to announce properly.

I just had an awful thing happen: I was about to pass out in the bathroom! I had to rush into the bathroom because of sickness (it's here... again) and as soon as I started throwing up my site started getting this little light sparkles flying everywhere, and then I felt my sight was about to go to black out, but I held to the toilette and just waited it off with my eyes shut tight. It was awful! I'm alone here! We live in an apartment complex but they are so well built I can't hear anything and I'm sure nobody would of heard me if I was going down!

Oh my gosh! Thats so scary! I've had that happen to me before, both when I was pregnant and when I wasn't.... Are you okay now?

I sat on the bathroom floor for a while and called hubby. He is in a training almost 2 hours away from here, poor thing, got him worried. As I finished writing my post here I felt tummy sick and had to drag me back there and now my stomach is all messed up BIG TIME! I was telling my In Laws earlier today on skype -they're back in Guatemala with my parents- This isn't my body anymore, it's the babies, and I'm just in it for the ride. Hahahahaha. I'm still feeling sick, I guess I'll have my mom on skype for a while 'til I feel I'm better. Gonna keep it all slow today, again.

I feel you on the dizzy and nearly fainting spells. I am plagued by that!! UGH! Scary indeed! I've almost passed out several times. Especially if I'm going to lose my stomach! It makes me nervous because I am here with our daughter and she doesn't know how to call Daddy. Thankfully I stay sitting unless I absolutely need to move around. It helps keep me from getting dizzy and lightheaded. Some days are better than others but I know to be very careful. DH had to watch me in the store because I got this horrible look on my face and he asked if I was ok. I said no and said I needed to go to the bathroom and rushed off. I rushed to the bathroom because I just knew I was going to be sick but I was more afraid I was going to pass out in the aisle. I think like someone else mentioned it has to do with all the extra blood flowing. Hopefully the second trimester will bring an easier time for us all!! Just try and take it easy. Small movements and be careful of getting up too fast.

I normally have low blood pressure. Each pregnancy I have had this and its got to do with blood pressure dropping to low.

Boooo! kinda bummed now.... at my 8 week apt. the Dr. said according to the scan she thought the baby implanted on the anterior part of my uterus... which i read makes it hard to find the HB:growlmad: Also you dont feel the baby kick as easily bc of the placenta cushion.....

ive read other ladies that have had them attach on the anterior and they say that they feel the baby kick their bladder and cervix! OWW! id much rather my tummy taking a beating than my needed functional parts!'

does anyone else know where their little on implanted?

I don't know where mine implanted however my DS was on the right and in the end it doesn't matter. I use to get him head butting my cervix when he had the hiccups and I use to say it felt like he was knocking to get out as it would be continuous for an hour or so :rofl:

They just get so big you get kicks in all sorts of places :p

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