January Jellybeans 2013!...

Hi, this is my first time posting so I'm a little bit nervous :blush: Don't know why because I'm used to conversations by iMessage, email, FaceTime, etc as my husband works overseas for long periods of time. Anyway, I am already mum to 3 gorgeous boys aged 16, 11 and 6 and excitedly expecting my fourth boy (mine and hubby's first together) so would love to join "the January Jelly Beans'!!! My little munchkin is due on the 2nd Jan and I was told yesterday that they wouldn't let me go a day over my due date, which for me is great news as I have always been late!

Looking forward to reading posts from other January mummies to be :hi:
hi Mummy4boys

This thread is a great place to be. It moves very quickly. So just jump in wherever and whenever you want.

Hi munmys4boys !

Welcome! We shared a due date :)
This thread is amazing, all the ladies are fantastic, anything is discussed, pregnant / non-pregnant, rants, happy moments - anything goes!

Happy to welcome another January jellybean x
welcome mummy4!

Well ladies, i wont be on too much as hubby and i are having our little vacation (just going to our cabin and staying home) this weekend and all next week. We are going to our cabin for the weekend til monday to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary (Congrats ahead of time to Nik and Deedee also! 10/15/11 was a great day!) then we will be back to do cermic tile in the kitchen, bathroom and dinning room. Im SUPER excited because I have been waiting forever to get this done!! The doggies are really gunna like the cool tile in summers... so they can lay on it with their bellys and it will cool them off!

Have a great weekend ladies, and i will try and pop on while im out for "vacation"! :happydance:
Hi ladies.

All back from growth scan, will catch up on what I've missed when back. Hope everyone is ok.

All is fine, well ok ish. Baby is measuring ok for head and all measurements etc except tummy which is larger than average, a lot larger but not obvious reasons why, they said all is ok, he just as a big tummy. All is fine. The consultant did say we'll see what happens at 32 week scan and whether to consider c section :( baby is also breach at the moment.

Chat later x
Aww thanks ladies I feel welcome already!

Hi Soniamillie01, yes we do share the same due date and by the sounds of it you are in the same boat as me, I also went for a growth scan yesterday. They have estimated his weight to be 3.1 lbs, which is a little over average (sounds huge to me!!). The reason I am classed as high risk is purely down to my age (41), apparently the placenta can deteriorate earlier in more 'mature' mothers, hence my growth scans. My little man seems to be thriving though. Still it's reassuring to know everything is going ok :thumbup:
Snap! My little man was 3lb 6oz, I'm high risk due to my bmi mainly but no probs so far, gtt's all fine, b pressure fine and I've not gained any weight.

Are you in the uk? Can't see on your profile as on my phone :)
Snap! My little man was 3lb 6oz, I'm high risk due to my bmi mainly but no probs so far, gtt's all fine, b pressure fine and I've not gained any weight.

Are you in the uk? Can't see on your profile as on my phone :)

Have they already ruled out gestational diabetes? Sorry if u already have said. I was just wondering if that had to do with baby's size? :flower:

Wow apparently it's too early for me since it's posted in ur comment :rofl:
I did have a friend who passed her gd test and then later failed. Might be worth asking about again?
Any US/ Canadian mommas - Motherhood Maternity has a good "nursing" deal on right now for buy 3 and get 1 free on nursing tops, bras, sleepwear and accessories until the end of the month - going shopping in the US with my mom on Monday :) So excited!
Been for my gtt today, luckily they gave me a bottle of lucazade and nothing horrible to drink! At least I got to sit and read my hypnobirthing book. Apparently if I relax and breath and think of a rose opening I won't feel any pain, and the baby just pops out without even pushing lol, not that I'm in the slightest bit sceptical!

As for circumcision, dh is ds isn't. If this one is a boy it won't be either. Dh said his scar is very sensitive though

Sonia, glad scan went well, maybe baby just had wind lol

Welcome mumny4! Can't believe they won't let you go over! You're not that old, I'm 38 and my age hasn't come into it. I'm only allowed to go 10 days over but thats because I've had a previous c section.
Hi snow. Yes all gtt's have been fine, had one at 12 weeks, one at 24 and one today, first two passed with flying colours, second set of bloods both lower than first which they were somewhat surprised at, hoping this third test is ok. They did say about GTT when I had my scan and said it could just be that his measurements will even out in time. Looking at my 21 week scan notes his tummy measurement was in the 95 pet centile albeit over average.

Measurements were

Head circumference - 274mm (192mm at 21 wk)
Abdominal circumference - 266mm (163mm at 21 wk)
Femur length - 55mm (36mm at 21 wk)
Weight - 3lb 7oz approx, 1547g (15oz at 21 wk, 424g)

The consultant said all measurements are fine and whilst tummy is measuring larger, weight is just on cusp on top per centile. He mentioned that they'll keep an eye on it at next scan, 32 weeks where I will also be booked to see the anaestitist (sp?) team re spinal pain relief options and said we'll go from there. I've not gained any weight. He said if looking like 4.5kg + which is about 9.5-10lb then we should consider c section before edd.

I'm feeling a little mixed emotion about it. I know I was more at risk if you like of having a larger baby but just seems odd how I've not gained weight but baby is bigger. I know that obviously can happen but just seems strange. One thing I didn't want was a huge baby and don't get me wrong I'll love any baby as I would another but I don't want people saying oh isn't he big like his mummy :(
Hi snow. Yes all gtt's have been fine, had one at 12 weeks, one at 24 and one today, first two passed with flying colours, second set of bloods both lower than first which they were somewhat surprised at, hoping this third test is ok. They did say about GTT when I had my scan and said it could just be that his measurements will even out in time. Looking at my 21 week scan notes his tummy measurement was in the 95 pet centile albeit over average.

Measurements were

Head circumference - 274mm (192mm at 21 wk)
Abdominal circumference - 266mm (163mm at 21 wk)
Femur length - 55mm (36mm at 21 wk)
Weight - 3lb 7oz approx, 1547g (15oz at 21 wk, 424g)

The consultant said all measurements are fine and whilst tummy is measuring larger, weight is just on cusp on top per centile. He mentioned that they'll keep an eye on it at next scan, 32 weeks where I will also be booked to see the anaestitist (sp?) team re spinal pain relief options and said we'll go from there. I've not gained any weight. He said if looking like 4.5kg + which is about 9.5-10lb then we should consider c section before edd.

I'm feeling a little mixed emotion about it. I know I was more at risk if you like of having a larger baby but just seems odd how I've not gained weight but baby is bigger. I know that obviously can happen but just seems strange. One thing I didn't want was a huge baby and don't get me wrong I'll love any baby as I would another but I don't want people saying oh isn't he big like his mummy :(

oh you poor thing :-( I don't think anyone will think that. I didn't even think maternal weight held that much significance to baby weight. I know big ladies who gave birth to little babies and little ladies who gave birth to big babies (Miranda Kerr). I've never associated a big baby with a big mummy. But I know tall ladies have big babies so I do make that connection easily.

Plus a lot of small babies when born get really fat really quickly especially if they're formula fed. So you could give birth to a little baby and find yourself holding a big baby in as little as 1 month. lol

don't let it upset you.

My mum gave birth naturally to a 10lb baby and everyone looks back so fondly at his size. Everyone used to say how incredibly adorable he was.

Eva was a skinny baby after about 4 months of age. I was very conscious of her size. you'd be surprised how many times people would say "oh I love a fat baby with little fat rolls" it's true people LOVE fat chubby babies and you must admit they are adorable. No one loves the skinny baby with no meat on them whose ribs you can see. all I ever got was "oh dear, was she prem?" or "the wee thing, is she sickly?" also when they decide to go on a feeding hiatus it's very scary because they have no body fat to fall back on. Big babies have all that safety weight!!! haha. When people say things like "if she won't eat just stop giving her food until the next meal" and it's like "WE CAN'T AFFORD TO DO THAT!!!"

Eva's small size makes me so sad sometimes, I really struggle to talk about it :-(

Welcome this is a great group of women I see u have 3 boys and expecting another that must be a busy house :) ill be having my 3rd boy hoping for a girl soon lol


Hope u have fun enjoy ur time off :)
My boys were chubby but I find a lot of girls tend to be smaller and not so chubby like boys dh doesn't want a chubby baby like I had with ex but I think it's so cute
Try not to let it get to you Sonia, everything could change by your next scan. I'm being really thick here, but I presume the graphs we got at the 20 week scans showed the different bits they measured, but each one just had initials and not the actual title of which is for what. How do I decode it?
Good morning ladies! Welcome mummy4boys! I think you'll really like the ladies here! Great group we have.

Doing some cleaning today but Chloe is making me so tired. DD is also feeling under the weather. I think it is because she is really tired though. She woke up at 3am soaking wet and I had to get her showered and put her in our bed. She didn't get back to sleep until 6am and then woke up right before 9. I think she'll be taking a long nap today and hopefully she will be feeling better. I hate to see her so .... still. lol!

Glad that it is Friday and DH doesn't have to get up at 5am tomorrow!!! I hate that alarm clock! :haha:

Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!
sonia- my little guy isnt small either. my 20 week anatomy scan showed he mesured in 98th percecntile for growth and was weighing in at 15 oz. when the "average" at 20 weeks is 9oz. My Dr. just said he is a big baby and didnt have too much worries. Iv only gained 2.5 lbs this whole pregnancy even tho he weighed 1 lb 4 weeks ago. Sometimes things are just odd?

thus far my urine prescreens seem free of sugar or having no signs of GD but my next apt. i will be having my GD test.

How is your belly measuring? My uterus is measuring 1 week ahead and thats how it has been consitantly

My Dr. said they would watch me as I get closer to my due date to make sure the baby doesnt get TOO big, but she said she has delviered a 11 lb baby vaginally before, so im a bit afraid she thinks im willing to do that. OUCH!
La mere
Like I said before u are a much stronger person than me I cry at the epidural needle lol

:hugs: Thanks, Kaiecee! You're very sweet to say that.

Forgot to update u ladies earlier...my little pup tore ligaments in her hip and back while running so the vet injected her with pain meds and shes a brand new pup! Shes also on some pill pain meds starting tomorrow! She should be back. To normal in a few weeks :) the vet said no running, no playing, no climbing, and lots and lots of babying and puppy love ... Just glad no broken bones or dislocations! Phew!

Glad your pup got some relief and that she is eating and acting herself again. Hope she is back to 100% and zooming around again soon! :hugs:

Hi, this is my first time posting so I'm a little bit nervous :blush: Don't know why because I'm used to conversations by iMessage, email, FaceTime, etc as my husband works overseas for long periods of time. Anyway, I am already mum to 3 gorgeous boys aged 16, 11 and 6 and excitedly expecting my fourth boy (mine and hubby's first together) so would love to join "the January Jelly Beans'!!! My little munchkin is due on the 2nd Jan and I was told yesterday that they wouldn't let me go a day over my due date, which for me is great news as I have always been late!

Looking forward to reading posts from other January mummies to be :hi:

Welcome, Mummy! This is a wonderful group of ladies here! And we're always here when you need and ear or a shoulder! Glad to have another January Jellybean join!

welcome mummy4!

Well ladies, i wont be on too much as hubby and i are having our little vacation (just going to our cabin and staying home) this weekend and all next week. We are going to our cabin for the weekend til monday to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary (Congrats ahead of time to Nik and Deedee also! 10/15/11 was a great day!) then we will be back to do cermic tile in the kitchen, bathroom and dinning room. Im SUPER excited because I have been waiting forever to get this done!! The doggies are really gunna like the cool tile in summers... so they can lay on it with their bellys and it will cool them off!

Have a great weekend ladies, and i will try and pop on while im out for "vacation"! :happydance:

Happy anniversary, Little J! Hope you have a great weekend celebrating!!

Nikki & DeeDee- Happy anniversary to you and your hubby's as well! Hope y'all have a great time celebrating too!

Hi ladies.

All back from growth scan, will catch up on what I've missed when back. Hope everyone is ok.

All is fine, well ok ish. Baby is measuring ok for head and all measurements etc except tummy which is larger than average, a lot larger but not obvious reasons why, they said all is ok, he just as a big tummy. All is fine. The consultant did say we'll see what happens at 32 week scan and whether to consider c section :( baby is also breach at the moment.

Chat later x

:hugs: Try not to stress yourself too much, Sonia. I am sure things will be fine. And as for people saying he's big like his mummy... Don't worry about that. If they feel the need to be nasty, it is all their problem. And like Betheney said, people love chubby little ones! Rayven is very petite and skinny, but so am I am so is hubby! Though she did chunk out for a couple months, then dropped it.

Hi snow. Yes all gtt's have been fine, had one at 12 weeks, one at 24 and one today, first two passed with flying colours, second set of bloods both lower than first which they were somewhat surprised at, hoping this third test is ok. They did say about GTT when I had my scan and said it could just be that his measurements will even out in time. Looking at my 21 week scan notes his tummy measurement was in the 95 pet centile albeit over average.

Measurements were

Head circumference - 274mm (192mm at 21 wk)
Abdominal circumference - 266mm (163mm at 21 wk)
Femur length - 55mm (36mm at 21 wk)
Weight - 3lb 7oz approx, 1547g (15oz at 21 wk, 424g)

The consultant said all measurements are fine and whilst tummy is measuring larger, weight is just on cusp on top per centile. He mentioned that they'll keep an eye on it at next scan, 32 weeks where I will also be booked to see the anaestitist (sp?) team re spinal pain relief options and said we'll go from there. I've not gained any weight. He said if looking like 4.5kg + which is about 9.5-10lb then we should consider c section before edd.

I'm feeling a little mixed emotion about it. I know I was more at risk if you like of having a larger baby but just seems odd how I've not gained weight but baby is bigger. I know that obviously can happen but just seems strange. One thing I didn't want was a huge baby and don't get me wrong I'll love any baby as I would another but I don't want people saying oh isn't he big like his mummy :(

oh you poor thing :-( I don't think anyone will think that. I didn't even think maternal weight held that much significance to baby weight. I know big ladies who gave birth to little babies and little ladies who gave birth to big babies (Miranda Kerr). I've never associated a big baby with a big mummy. But I know tall ladies have big babies so I do make that connection easily.

Plus a lot of small babies when born get really fat really quickly especially if they're formula fed. So you could give birth to a little baby and find yourself holding a big baby in as little as 1 month. lol

don't let it upset you.

My mum gave birth naturally to a 10lb baby and everyone looks back so fondly at his size. Everyone used to say how incredibly adorable he was.

Eva was a skinny baby after about 4 months of age. I was very conscious of her size. you'd be surprised how many times people would say "oh I love a fat baby with little fat rolls" it's true people LOVE fat chubby babies and you must admit they are adorable. No one loves the skinny baby with no meat on them whose ribs you can see. all I ever got was "oh dear, was she prem?" or "the wee thing, is she sickly?" also when they decide to go on a feeding hiatus it's very scary because they have no body fat to fall back on. Big babies have all that safety weight!!! haha. When people say things like "if she won't eat just stop giving her food until the next meal" and it's like "WE CAN'T AFFORD TO DO THAT!!!"

Eva's small size makes me so sad sometimes, I really struggle to talk about it :-(

:hugs: I know what you mean, Betheney. It makes me sad how small Rayven is at times too. She's gonna be tall and skinny like her daddy I am sure of it. I'm very short and petite but have meat on my bones. :shrug: It's the mystery of genetics! :hugs:

:flower: <3 :flower: <3 :flower: <3 :flower: <3 :flower: <3

I'm 27 weeks today!!!! Hello 3rd tri!!!! :happydance: According to the chart on the site I'm a rutabaga!!! It's raining here :( We need it, but it's cold and wet and cold have never mixed very well in my book. Also means Rayven and I are stuck inside!!!
Thanks as ever ladies, you are all wonderful.
I have STUPIDLY been online and seen what others who have had the same have said and some are saying it could be a sign of Down's syndrome, although my tests showed at low risk (I know there is still a risk), chromes disease and something else.

I'm trying not to worry and putting it down to my bmi and maybe diabetes dependant upon this GTT result. People also saying he could have been laying funny.

Also forgot to say he is breach at mo x

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