*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!
Did he give you any ideas on things to look out for or things that could help prevent it? I'd be scared to death too- (although pregnancy seems to have me constantly in that state).

Hope it's something you don't have to deal with- sounds like you're doing well so far! Good luck!!
Second trimester today! I hope my worrying calms down, I'm always always worried.

I TOTALLY feel the same way, constant worry is a way of life at this point. 15 weeks today...amnio tomorrow.

I try to remember that worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair...it's something to do, but it gets you nowhere.

good luck with your amnio hun :hugs:

My phone battery is so low so a quick update until I can charge my phone.
Scan went great, everything was fine but baby was a wriggeler lol.
Here is the pic:

awww lovely pic hun!

Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!

aww no so sorry hun :hugs: I hope you never have to deal with that :hugs:
Hi everybody! All went really good today. Baby's HB was 173 and it was all cute and looking more like a baby. :) They didn't give me a pic this time so I was sad about that but I was still so happy and I feel a little less fearful now. Hope everyone else's scans went good! WelshGirl beautiful pic! <3 it!
Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!

I haven't heard of that before :( I will be praying for you! I think the Dr needs to be more tactful in what and how he says things to you! My goodness don't they understand how worrying it is for pregnant
He didn't really say. I think it's just the usual, pains, bleeding etc. Bloody terrified!
Hey ladies!!! I'm loving all the bump and scan pics!!! I have a nice bump going....I try to remember to post a pic later. Our next scan is Wednesday. I'll be 15w5d, so I'm really hoping we might get lucky and see the gender. I know it's super early and definitely not getting my hopes up. But it would be really nice because I sure could use some uplifting....

As some of you read a week or two back, I was having a pretty rough time. Well, life hasn't gotten any better. Worse actually. :(

I feel as though I have been in a constant state of stress. It seems as though everyday, it's something. And not small shit either. Yesterday, my husband was working for the company I manage and was transporting some construction materials from one of our buildings to another and got into a really bad accident. His trailer was too heavy and once he got momentum going, the trailer ended up driving the truck. It tossed him across the opposite lane of traffic on a road where people travel 55-70mph, flipped him around and into a 15-20' ditch and was only stopped from flipping over by slamming into a light post. The trailer flipped and was ripped right off the truck. The entire bed of the truck is gone. We have no idea how he walked out of it. But he did, and we're beyond lucky. I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow. He's at the dr now getting checked out for a sore neck, back and arm. He'll be ok though.

What makes it all worse is it was my boss's personal truck. The same boss who practically forced me out the door once he found out I was pregnant. So not only am I dealing with almost losing my husband, my boss is livid and my workload just increased tenfold. I haven't slept in about a day and a half because I have so much on my mind.

I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.
Hey ladies!!! I'm loving all the bump and scan pics!!! I have a nice bump going....I try to remember to post a pic later. Our next scan is Wednesday. I'll be 15w5d, so I'm really hoping we might get lucky and see the gender. I know it's super early and definitely not getting my hopes up. But it would be really nice because I sure could use some uplifting....

As some of you read a week or two back, I was having a pretty rough time. Well, life hasn't gotten any better. Worse actually. :(

I feel as though I have been in a constant state of stress. It seems as though everyday, it's something. And not small shit either. Yesterday, my husband was working for the company I manage and was transporting some construction materials from one of our buildings to another and got into a really bad accident. His trailer was too heavy and once he got momentum going, the trailer ended up driving the truck. It tossed him across the opposite lane of traffic on a road where people travel 55-70mph, flipped him around and into a 15-20' ditch and was only stopped from flipping over by slamming into a light post. The trailer flipped and was ripped right off the truck. The entire bed of the truck is gone. We have no idea how he walked out of it. But he did, and we're beyond lucky. I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow. He's at the dr now getting checked out for a sore neck, back and arm. He'll be ok though.

What makes it all worse is it was my boss's personal truck. The same boss who practically forced me out the door once he found out I was pregnant. So not only am I dealing with almost losing my husband, my boss is livid and my workload just increased tenfold. I haven't slept in about a day and a half because I have so much on my mind.

I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

Holy cow!!! Really glad that DH is ok!! I'll be praying for you that things will settle down and be stress free!!

MS is worse for me than it was in the 1st tri. :( constantly feeling nauseous. Food is NOT appealing at all. We've had VBS at church all week, and I've been doing the crafts for the preschoolers and kindergarten kids. So glad tonight is the last night. I've just not been myself.
Second trimester today! I hope my worrying calms down, I'm always always worried.

I TOTALLY feel the same way, constant worry is a way of life at this point. 15 weeks today...amnio tomorrow.

I try to remember that worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair...it's something to do, but it gets you nowhere.

Worrying is almost involuntary...we just cannot help doing it! I'm a worrier at the best of times, but I'm trying to get better at letting go of the worry. If I can't do anything to actually change it, the worrying isn't doing anything positive. Easier said than done though! Wishing you millions of luck for tomorrow x

My phone battery is so low so a quick update until I can charge my phone.
Scan went great, everything was fine but baby was a wriggeler lol.
Here is the pic:

Lovely scan photo! Congrats!

Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!

That's so shocking bb! I can't believe he'd be so insensitive! I'm sure his aim was to inform/educate, but he could've been a lot more delicate about it. I suppose it's best to know the facts, but still...he could do with improving his communication skills to say the least! You're going to be fine though: this is our time to be happy!

Hi everybody! All went really good today. Baby's HB was 173 and it was all cute and looking more like a baby. :) They didn't give me a pic this time so I was sad about that but I was still so happy and I feel a little less fearful now. Hope everyone else's scans went good! WelshGirl beautiful pic! <3 it!

Congrats on the scan...hooray!!

Hey ladies!!! I'm loving all the bump and scan pics!!! I have a nice bump going....I try to remember to post a pic later. Our next scan is Wednesday. I'll be 15w5d, so I'm really hoping we might get lucky and see the gender. I know it's super early and definitely not getting my hopes up. But it would be really nice because I sure could use some uplifting....

As some of you read a week or two back, I was having a pretty rough time. Well, life hasn't gotten any better. Worse actually. :(

I feel as though I have been in a constant state of stress. It seems as though everyday, it's something. And not small shit either. Yesterday, my husband was working for the company I manage and was transporting some construction materials from one of our buildings to another and got into a really bad accident. His trailer was too heavy and once he got momentum going, the trailer ended up driving the truck. It tossed him across the opposite lane of traffic on a road where people travel 55-70mph, flipped him around and into a 15-20' ditch and was only stopped from flipping over by slamming into a light post. The trailer flipped and was ripped right off the truck. The entire bed of the truck is gone. We have no idea how he walked out of it. But he did, and we're beyond lucky. I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow. He's at the dr now getting checked out for a sore neck, back and arm. He'll be ok though.

What makes it all worse is it was my boss's personal truck. The same boss who practically forced me out the door once he found out I was pregnant. So not only am I dealing with almost losing my husband, my boss is livid and my workload just increased tenfold. I haven't slept in about a day and a half because I have so much on my mind.

I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

Holy Moly!!! I am sending you a virtual hug! I'm so glad your husband is ok; that must've been legitimately terrifying for you both. Your boss is being an A-hole, no doubt. I really hope things settle down, that you get some sleep, and get to relax. Is there anyway you can take a break from work (not necessarily a vacation, but a stay-at-home break)? Is there any support from any one else at your work? Sometimes life just piles it on, but you'll get through it and good things will happen again. We're here for you :hugs:
So, I think we are going to cloth diaper this time. I really like the pocket diapers, we'll probably use primarily those. Any particular brands u ladies like?? Even though this is #5, we've only ever used disposable , and I really am learning what is what, lol. Thx!
I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

I'm so sorry this happened to you and your husband. But wow, how lucky that he's ok!!!

And your boss can go efff himself. I would go to straight to the NC Department of Labor and see what your rights are. There are very strict laws about this stuff.
Hey ladies!!! I'm loving all the bump and scan pics!!! I have a nice bump going....I try to remember to post a pic later. Our next scan is Wednesday. I'll be 15w5d, so I'm really hoping we might get lucky and see the gender. I know it's super early and definitely not getting my hopes up. But it would be really nice because I sure could use some uplifting....

As some of you read a week or two back, I was having a pretty rough time. Well, life hasn't gotten any better. Worse actually. :(

I feel as though I have been in a constant state of stress. It seems as though everyday, it's something. And not small shit either. Yesterday, my husband was working for the company I manage and was transporting some construction materials from one of our buildings to another and got into a really bad accident. His trailer was too heavy and once he got momentum going, the trailer ended up driving the truck. It tossed him across the opposite lane of traffic on a road where people travel 55-70mph, flipped him around and into a 15-20' ditch and was only stopped from flipping over by slamming into a light post. The trailer flipped and was ripped right off the truck. The entire bed of the truck is gone. We have no idea how he walked out of it. But he did, and we're beyond lucky. I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow. He's at the dr now getting checked out for a sore neck, back and arm. He'll be ok though.

What makes it all worse is it was my boss's personal truck. The same boss who practically forced me out the door once he found out I was pregnant. So not only am I dealing with almost losing my husband, my boss is livid and my workload just increased tenfold. I haven't slept in about a day and a half because I have so much on my mind.

I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

Happy your husband is ok!! I hope everything turns around :)
Thanks everyone. Due date is exact same! I showed Alex when MIL brought him home and said it's his baby brother or sister, then he keeps saying brother. We will see. Booked my 20week scan for 3rd September, first appointment of the day so no waiting around!

SMandel22- so glad your husband is ok. Easier said than done but I wouldn't even worry about your boss being livid, a truck is a piece of metal which can easily be replaced, a life cannot. Someone was looking out for your husband that day and him walking out of the accident is the only thing that matters xx
Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!

Will you be taking a baby aspirin daily? I've heard of that being used for this syndrome.

Hey ladies!!! I'm loving all the bump and scan pics!!! I have a nice bump going....I try to remember to post a pic later. Our next scan is Wednesday. I'll be 15w5d, so I'm really hoping we might get lucky and see the gender. I know it's super early and definitely not getting my hopes up. But it would be really nice because I sure could use some uplifting....

As some of you read a week or two back, I was having a pretty rough time. Well, life hasn't gotten any better. Worse actually. :(

I feel as though I have been in a constant state of stress. It seems as though everyday, it's something. And not small shit either. Yesterday, my husband was working for the company I manage and was transporting some construction materials from one of our buildings to another and got into a really bad accident. His trailer was too heavy and once he got momentum going, the trailer ended up driving the truck. It tossed him across the opposite lane of traffic on a road where people travel 55-70mph, flipped him around and into a 15-20' ditch and was only stopped from flipping over by slamming into a light post. The trailer flipped and was ripped right off the truck. The entire bed of the truck is gone. We have no idea how he walked out of it. But he did, and we're beyond lucky. I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow. He's at the dr now getting checked out for a sore neck, back and arm. He'll be ok though.

What makes it all worse is it was my boss's personal truck. The same boss who practically forced me out the door once he found out I was pregnant. So not only am I dealing with almost losing my husband, my boss is livid and my workload just increased tenfold. I haven't slept in about a day and a half because I have so much on my mind.

I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

I'm so sorry to hear about your DH!! I hope he recovers soon! I vote for a xanax, while on vacation!!!

So, I think we are going to cloth diaper this time. I really like the pocket diapers, we'll probably use primarily those. Any particular brands u ladies like?? Even though this is #5, we've only ever used disposable , and I really am learning what is what, lol. Thx!

I loved using cloth diapers with my girls! It was very easy, and sooo cute! Although, I had to use onsie extenders, and use pants 1 size up to fit over the big bums! We used several different brands and styles. All in ones, all in 2s, pockets, fitted with covers.... I can't wait to find out the gender of this baby so that I can buy more!

So... I haven't been on in a while. Welcome to all the new January mums!! So lovely to add all of you! And I'm so excited to see everyone's scan pics! I've been super busy lately.

My very best friend since we were 9 years old delivered her first child last week, so I've been helping her a lot with the transition, and giving her lots of breastfeeding support. She's doing a wonderful job, but I'm definitely grateful that this pg is my third, and that I don't have "new mum" worries! (no offense to first-timers!)

I also had a terrible gallbladder attack last week. It happened during my first pg, and they said it was common in pg. It never happened with DD2, but boy was it painful this time! Lab work was ok, and ultrasound just showed sludge there, no stones. Fingers crossed it goes away!!
Dolce yeh I take 75mg daily, 5mg folic acid and Clexane injections.

SM so glad your husband is ok. That sounds terrifying!
So, I think we are going to cloth diaper this time. I really like the pocket diapers, we'll probably use primarily those. Any particular brands u ladies like?? Even though this is #5, we've only ever used disposable , and I really am learning what is what, lol. Thx!

We're thinking about cloth nappies this time too! I know a lovely Mum here who did it with her second, who's desperate to share her knowledge with someone willing! We've not announced the pregnancy to friends yet, but when I talk to her I'll share everything she tells me with you. I'd really like to try it out! It made me uncomfortable every time I threw out a nappy and I'd like to stick to my principles this time!

So... I haven't been on in a while. Welcome to all the new January mums!! So lovely to add all of you! And I'm so excited to see everyone's scan pics! I've been super busy lately.

My very best friend since we were 9 years old delivered her first child last week, so I've been helping her a lot with the transition, and giving her lots of breastfeeding support. She's doing a wonderful job, but I'm definitely grateful that this pg is my third, and that I don't have "new mum" worries! (no offense to first-timers!)

I also had a terrible gallbladder attack last week. It happened during my first pg, and they said it was common in pg. It never happened with DD2, but boy was it painful this time! Lab work was ok, and ultrasound just showed sludge there, no stones. Fingers crossed it goes away!!

Congratulations to your friend! I was just thinking last night that it'll be nice to be a bit more relaxed with this one than I was with DS. We struggled a lot in the first months, but it'll be nice to know that even if there are difficulties at first, it'll get a little easier every day. I'm hoping I'll feel a lot more confident this time around! How lovely for your friend to have such great support with BF. I'd love to have a friend to rely on for that this time, as it was a little awkward getting support from a stranger with DS. I'm a little prudish and felt kind of embarrassed suddenly having to get my boobs out in front of all and sundry while they examined my technique! :haha:

Sorry to hear about the gallbladder issue: I really hope it doesn't give you anymore trouble x
As an aside, week 10 and 11 have kicked my ass. Here's hoping after dating scan next week, and hitting week 12 I'll be feeling back to normal!
SM - so glad to hear your DH escaped unscathed. What a miracle!

We had our booking appointment last night with a really lovely midwife called Tessa. Due to history we are going to be closely monitored by a consultant throughout, so am hoping will get some reassurances there. Waiting for her to call me back today with a scan appointment for next week.
Holy cow!!! Really glad that DH is ok!! I'll be praying for you that things will settle down and be stress free!!

Thank you very much!! Hubby is ok. Went to the dr yesterday and just has muscle spasms. A few days rest and he will be fine.

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