*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Holy Moly!!! I am sending you a virtual hug! I'm so glad your husband is ok; that must've been legitimately terrifying for you both. Your boss is being an A-hole, no doubt. I really hope things settle down, that you get some sleep, and get to relax. Is there anyway you can take a break from work (not necessarily a vacation, but a stay-at-home break)? Is there any support from any one else at your work? Sometimes life just piles it on, but you'll get through it and good things will happen again. We're here for you :hugs:[/QUOTE]

Thank you!!! I handle bad situations much better than the average person. Not sure why. Maybe because I've been through a ton or terrifying situations in life? It didn't hit me until the truck was driven past me on the tow truck. Then I lost it. That's when I had time to process everything and realized what could of happened.

Unfortunately, I can't. I am literally the only one here. I have a staff of workers, but they are all laborers and the only one that speaks English is my husband, lol. (He's a teacher but helps us out in the summer.) I'm just trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping to have my replacement trained by October 31 and then I am out of here.
I feel like the worst mother because I don't even think about my pregnancy anymore. There's just so much other shit going on. I need a vacation. Or a cigarette. Or xanax. Pregnancy sure does take away all the fun shit, lol.

I'm so sorry this happened to you and your husband. But wow, how lucky that he's ok!!!

And your boss can go efff himself. I would go to straight to the NC Department of Labor and see what your rights are. There are very strict laws about this stuff.

Thank you!!! I thought about it and even spoke to a lawyer who said I had a very strong case. But...it takes time, energy and money to file a suit and quite frankly, I don't care enough to go through all that. Life is stressful enough right now and I know it will settle down once I'm out of here. And that is all I want right now. I'm hoping to have my replacement start training with me on Monday and it will take about 3 months to train her. Plus, we came to an agreement that I will receive unemployment once I leave and fully train my replacement. So in a way, it's partially paid maternity leave and when that runs out, about 2 months after the baby is born, I can then go find another job that I won't dread going to every morning. I'm holding onto hope that the old saying is true...everything happens for a reason.
Thanks everyone. Due date is exact same! I showed Alex when MIL brought him home and said it's his baby brother or sister, then he keeps saying brother. We will see. Booked my 20week scan for 3rd September, first appointment of the day so no waiting around!

SMandel22- so glad your husband is ok. Easier said than done but I wouldn't even worry about your boss being livid, a truck is a piece of metal which can easily be replaced, a life cannot. Someone was looking out for your husband that day and him walking out of the accident is the only thing that matters xx

Absolutely!!! He most definitely had an :angel: by his side.
Here's a bump pic. That was last night. I'm 15 weeks today. (Hopefully it posted)


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So ladies....I was looking over my first OB visit paperwork. And it says, "High Risk - Elderly Multigravida".

I know I'm super old to be having a baby, but "elderly"? WOW! It doesn't offend me, I actually find it hilarious.

And truthfully, I am a bit embarrassed to be knocked up at this age. I guess I'm going to have to get over that.
Here's a bump pic. That was last night. I'm 15 weeks today. (Hopefully it posted)

Lovely bump! x

So ladies....I was looking over my first OB visit paperwork. And it says, "High Risk - Elderly Multigravida".

I know I'm super old to be having a baby, but "elderly"? WOW! It doesn't offend me, I actually find it hilarious.

And truthfully, I am a bit embarrassed to be knocked up at this age. I guess I'm going to have to get over that.

:haha: I know I'm seen as a more - ahem - "mature" mother by the NHS at 34, but like you I find it funny rather than offensive. I had my DS at 30 and my own Mother said to be that "in her day" I'd have been considered ancient...it'd have been a bit of a scandal that someone that old was having a baby. Gee, thanks Mum!
Here's a bump pic. That was last night. I'm 15 weeks today. (Hopefully it posted)

Lovely bump! x

So ladies....I was looking over my first OB visit paperwork. And it says, "High Risk - Elderly Multigravida".

I know I'm super old to be having a baby, but "elderly"? WOW! It doesn't offend me, I actually find it hilarious.

And truthfully, I am a bit embarrassed to be knocked up at this age. I guess I'm going to have to get over that.

:haha: I know I'm seen as a more - ahem - "mature" mother by the NHS at 34, but like you I find it funny rather than offensive. I had my DS at 30 and my own Mother said to be that "in her day" I'd have been considered ancient...it'd have been a bit of a scandal that someone that old was having a baby. Gee, thanks Mum!

These days more and more women are choosing to have children later in life! As a matter of fact I was at the WIC office today and they told me they have a mom that conceived naturally at age 61! I think older moms and younger moms each have benefits. I had my first at age 19 and I am 32 now I feel I have more patience now but I had more energy then. Babies are blessings regardless of age :) Elderly is a bit of a stretch I agree I would prefer 'mature' lol. :hugs: :thumbup:
So ladies....I was looking over my first OB visit paperwork. And it says, "High Risk - Elderly Multigravida".

I know I'm super old to be having a baby, but "elderly"? WOW! It doesn't offend me, I actually find it hilarious.

And truthfully, I am a bit embarrassed to be knocked up at this age. I guess I'm going to have to get over that.

Lol, I know how u feel. My paperwork says the same thing!! I didn't know 37 was elderly! :)
Janetplanet, wow, that's funny and rather annoying. I am 38. I was expecting to be seen by the medical community as ancient and high risk when this process started, but so far nothing is different from my other pregnancies (31,33). It's weird. I must admit I am in better shape/eating now than I ever was in my 20s. Personally I don't feel "elderly" but I usually refer to 80 year olds as that not late 30s-40s!:wacko:
Janetplanet, wow, that's funny and rather annoying. I am 38. I was expecting to be seen by the medical community as ancient and high risk when this process started, but so far nothing is different from my other pregnancies (31,33). It's weird. I must admit I am in better shape/eating now than I ever was in my 20s. Personally I don't feel "elderly" but I usually refer to 80 year olds as that not late 30s-40s!:wacko:

I was expecting to be lectured because of my age, but my OB is incredibly supportive and never even mentioned it. I'm the one who brought it up.

She also said that in her practice, she doesn't see more complications in my age group, and that older preggies take better care of themselves. I haven't had anyone actually bug me about my age, except on another site where I felt so bullied that I had to shut down my account.
When is your amnio Janet?

Today at 2:15. We're leaving in about 20 minutes.

Thanks for asking!

I hope your amnio went well hun!

Smandel - I am so so sorry things seem to be going even worse for you right now. I am glad your oh is ok! very lucky man :hugs: I dont see how your boss can be more of a jerk.... it was an accident and like others have said.. metal can be replaced.. your oh couldnt!

I cant believe some of you are being regarded as "elderly" :rofl: That tickled me something rotten. Yes you may be older than most people they see... but elderly? LAst i checked none of you were over your 60s :haha:

My MS is really kicking my ass this week! Its back to being constant and this morning I've already thrown up once :sick: It left me a little unsure as to whether i needed to take my folic acid and vitamins again but i think ill leave it incase i already obsorbed any of it. wouldnt want to double dose... thank heavens i hadnt taken my aspirin yet... that would have been foul!
Ok catching up, and didn't multi quote everyone as there were soooo many so hope I don't miss anyone out!

Lovely scan pics ladies :flower: sethsmummy, an absolute complete random guess for yours as I can't see a nub but I'm going to say :blue: and SCgirl I'm going for :pink: can't see the nub on yours either but the skull looks very neat and round (I believe boys are supposed to look more protruding!). Can't wait to find out! Just 10 more days to go until my gender scan :dance: the sex will make no difference but I'm impatient and for practical reasons (SHOPPING!!) it's good to know early :) so excited!

0203, urgh what is wrong with people!? No one has asked me that question yet, which I'm glad of as with my current emotional state I might just judo chop them in the eye! :lol:

brunettebimbo, lovely little bump :) I didn't show as early as I'd have expected with dd2, but it definitely was earlier than dd1. Some of my stomach muscles must have been clinging on... unlike now!

Loving all of the bump photos, and scan pics too. Keep them coming!

Hi ladies I am due 1-23-15 and wondered if I could join you all? I am married to an awesome man and have 2 amazing boys that are 11 and 6. This is our 6th pregnancy after ttc for 4 years. 3 angel babies and hoping this baby stays, as it is our last time trying for emotional reasons. Have been scared to do anything more than read posts but am approaching 12 weeks tomorrow so am cautiously hopeful. I have had a big bleed with this pregnancy @ 6 weeks and was sure I had lost it but scan was ok w/ heartbeat but progesterone was only 7.8 so was put on supplements and still am right now. had a scan @ 9wks hb was 157. Tomorrow I go in again but am so scared they will say no hb. wish I could stop worrying. Look forward to talking w/ you all!

Hello ladies, I've been lurking for a while but too shy to say hello till now!:blush: I too have my scan tomorrow, baby number 3 for us and think I'm due the 23rd. Looking forward to sharing the rest of this exciting journey with you all! Xx

Congratulations ladies!! Welcome to our group, I'll add both of your EDD's to our list now :flower:

Good luck for your scan hun.. i hope you manage to get lovely pictures!

Ladies.. have any of you ever had a 3D scan at 18 weeks? I am going to book a private scan but dont know whether to book it for 18 or 19 weeks. my anomoly scan isn't going to be till 21+6 and i want to find out gender before then (totally inpatient).

If you're wanting to find out the gender then they should be able to do it from 16w :thumbup: I wouldn't book a scan solely for 3D at 18w though... we've had gender scans with both girls at 16w and the company always offer a glimpse of baby in 4D, which is nice but super strange!! Obviously it's a perfectly formed baby at this point but it's practically just skin and bones! So if you're paying just for the 3/4D option I'd definitely wait until you're further along, nearing or just entering 3rd tri :flower: x

Hi all :) Congrats to you!

I'm due Jan 5th with baby #5! I have 4 girls so hoping for a boy this time.

Hope you are all well :)

Welcome and congrats! :dance:

My phone battery is so low so a quick update until I can charge my phone.
Scan went great, everything was fine but baby was a wriggeler lol.
Here is the pic:

Lovely scan pic! I'm guessing :pink:

Lovely pictures :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!

WTG on scaring a mum, mr consultant! I'm sure everything will be fine hun, this is your forever baby :) may I ask what is anti phospholipid syndrome? I've never heard of it before x

So, I think we are going to cloth diaper this time. I really like the pocket diapers, we'll probably use primarily those. Any particular brands u ladies like?? Even though this is #5, we've only ever used disposable , and I really am learning what is what, lol. Thx!

I say I'll try cloth with each baby, and then never get round to it! I hear lots of good things about tots bots and even handmade ones from eBay. Will look forward to hear what answers you get though, incase I actually go through with cloth this time!

SM - so glad to hear your DH escaped unscathed. What a miracle!

We had our booking appointment last night with a really lovely midwife called Tessa. Due to history we are going to be closely monitored by a consultant throughout, so am hoping will get some reassurances there. Waiting for her to call me back today with a scan appointment for next week.

I'm glad you got a lovely mw :) it really does make all the difference x

So ladies....I was looking over my first OB visit paperwork. And it says, "High Risk - Elderly Multigravida".

I know I'm super old to be having a baby, but "elderly"? WOW! It doesn't offend me, I actually find it hilarious.

And truthfully, I am a bit embarrassed to be knocked up at this age. I guess I'm going to have to get over that.

I can only echo what all the other ladies have said :hugs: if it makes you feel any better, on my anamoly scan paperwork with dd2, the sonographer wrote a lovely little note that I had to google the meaning as I didn't have a clue... anyway I don't remember the exact technical words she used but it was basically that I was fat :rofl: I was a little upset at first but after research and lots of kind words from ladies on the tri boards, apparently they have to write these things down incase a problem ever arose and they were liable to be sued! Or sacked, or blamed that whatever possible problem was never spotted or marked down in the notes. Basically they're covering their own backs :wacko:

When is your amnio Janet?

Today at 2:15. We're leaving in about 20 minutes.

Thanks for asking!

Good luck with the amnio :flower:
thanks lolly :) Im paying for the gender more than the 3D :) Its the only private scan i will be able to get so i wan to go the full hog and do 3d. I think it will be amazing.

Ic ant believe you find out so soon what your having! :happydance: I cant wait to find out what im having! I feel :blue: ... i wish it was :pink: but i know in my heart of hearts thats its another :blue: bundle xx
I can't believe it either, it's come around so fast! If it's what you want to do then go for it :) it's still awesome seeing them in 4D, it just freaked me out slightly :haha: I'll see if I can find a pic of dd1 in 3D @ 16+4 and I'll share it, then you can at least get an idea of what to expect :) I'll get a shot of this bubs in 3D too.

I hope you get your girly <3 I'm the same, I think I know deep down it's another girl... I think OH is incapable of producing little boys :lol: but I'm good with it, just as long as s/he's healthy. I'm biased but we do make pretty beautiful girls too!
It's a bit blurry but this is what DD1 looked like @ 16+4 (or +5) in 3D x


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