*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Hi, how is everyone? I felt a few little thuds from baby last night and again this morning, so cute. Xx
I keep feeling something but I'm sure it's just gas so I can't wait until I really feel baby and can no for sure.
Morning ladies. Hope you're all well.
Had such a busy weekend. Had to pop into town on Saturday to get OH's hair cut and managed to get Alex's cut too :) then we had my friends wedding party. Yesterday we went to FIL's and didn't get back until half 10. So shattered isnt the word lol. Alex is starting swimming lessons today, so excited as he loves being in the water.

Sooo looks like my sickness is easing off, haven't woke up feeling sick for a good few days now. Not sure if I told you guys but Alex has nicknamed baby Percy! He just came up to me one day and said "percy in your tummy" lol.

I hope Alex enjoys his swimming hun and im glad your sickness has gone :D hahaha i asked seth what baby was called but his speech isn't the best so i couldn't understand what he called it.

Hi, how is everyone? I felt a few little thuds from baby last night and again this morning, so cute. Xx

I keep feeling something but I'm sure it's just gas so I can't wait until I really feel baby and can no for sure.

congratulations on getting some movements :D :dance:

afm - sickness is well and truly still with me.. today i dont feel so bad but it will probably kick in later. We had a rubbish night last night.. Ethan woke at 1 then by 2 he was screaming as i tried to get him back to bed which woke seth :dohh: I got Seth back to sleep at 4am but ethan took till 5:30am and i had to sleep on the floor beside his bed otherwise he kept going to wake up.
they woke at 9 and i crawled back into bed but my mind had woke up by then.. got to sleep at around 11 and woke again just before 12. :sleep: going to be a long day today! xxx
Oh and ttc_lolly, I love my donkey and can't rate it enough :) xx

Yay glad to hear it! Everyone I know loves there's too. I've had a cam and 2 bee's so I'm sure I'll love the donk just as much!

Lolly, I have always hated it. Still do, glad my bubba is end of Jan.
For my 21st only 4 ppl came out, was a pretty rubbish one. Everyone is always broke so I end up getting ooo can I get ur present to u later I just don't have any money right now and many have just given up completely and don't get me a late present either. I can't remember the last time I actually celebrated my birthday. The weekend before birthday is always busy with other celebrations and the weekend after everyone is on a health kick of no booze and like I said they are broke so can't really afford yet another night out. I almost wish I wasn't late, my due date was 1st Jan but I arrived 4 days late.

Anyway I'm sure my mum felt very much how we do and was just happy to have a baby on the way

Awww that's what I was thinking they'll feel like! But then again I guess you could always go out for NYE and double it up as a bday night out!?

Hi, how is everyone? I felt a few little thuds from baby last night and again this morning, so cute. Xx

:cloud9: best feeling ever!

Morning/afternoon/evening ladies :wave: it's my gender scan tomorrow :wohoo:
Eeeeek how exciting? Are you going to put gender next to everyone's names so we can see how many we have of each?

Girls with other children I need to pick your brains. Tristan is going to be 4 in October. I am really stuck for his main present for birthday and Christmas. He is car mad and when you ask what he wants all he says is "lots of cars". He's had a garage, has a track that attaches to the table, a million cars etc. I'm stuck for ideas!
I'm feeling more tired now than I have yet- and I've been useless this whole pregnancy from exhaustion! I'm also battling bad headaches... been trying to drink tons of water, but only taking tylenol when it gets really bad because I don't want to take it constantly! Also had to get out of bed in the middle of the night last night, thinking I was going to throw up- never did though. That was actually a first.

Still looking for that whole feeling better in the second trimester thing!

Also no signs of movements yet- I can hear baby moving on the doppler now, and the hb is louder than ever (also moving up quickly)... hopefully things are going well in there!

@brunette- what about one of those electric cars that he could sit in and drive around? 4 may be a bit young, but I'd imagine he'd be thrilled, feel like a big boy driving, and get the hang of it quickly!
A few people have said that. He has a motorbike like that and has used it twice! We don't really have the room either to be honest :(

I know what you mean about movement. I felt something last week then nothing since but it's a proper wiggle bum on the doppler and has moved up so much already!
Already put SMandel's :pink: by her name, will do everyone's as we find out :)

No suggestions I'm afraid for your DS's bday presents... if he was interested in My Little Pony and Palace Pets I would've definitely been able to help!
Is anyone else finding it quite difficult to sleep on their side? I'm a back-sleeper and the adjustment is not going well at all. Hopefully, I'll get used to it after a few weeks but right now I think I'm driving my DH crazy with my all-night flip-flopping.

As well, I'm not over the MS symptoms yet either, so don't worry, you aren't the only one. Bizarrely, I also broke out like a teenager this week. Holy spots!

PS..so exciting about all your gender scans coming up. A teeny part of me really wants to know, but we're not going to find out (it's driving my mum crazy...which has been pretty amusing)
Sides aren't totally comfy anymore, and I'm constantly changing positions at night.

I wake up several times a night with pressure/pain if it's been more than 2 hours since I've used the bathroom. It hurts when I'm on my side if I have even a partially full bladder- it's like I can feel it getting pushed around. This has been going on since like 8 weeks- my urine has been collected twice since then, and no signs of infection!
Hey ladies!! Hubby and I went back for a 2nd try at our gender scan and we got a nice, clear shot this time. I'm very happy to announce we are expecting a little GIRL!! :pink: :happydance:

Aw congratulations! Fab news :happydance:

My birthday is 15th December and I absolutely love it always have. I just don't want baby to be early cos it will be too close to new year. Lol.

I'm trying to work out if it's to early to start to buy stuff?? When is it acceptable??

My poor boyfriend is really starting to get annoyed with me never being in the mood to dtd?? I want to but I'm just meh about it. He says he understands but I feel really bad...

My whole job problem has got a whole lot worse with my colleague who got me the job texting me and reading between the lines saying it would be best if I left cos it looks like I'm not having an easy pregnancy and will be on and off with symptoms and they will have to hire a temp when I'm not there and pay me. I feel guilty cos I don't like the job and I was only there a month before I hit pregnant but that's beside the point if I leave we will have no money to be able to cope, but it isn't fair on the company... Has anyone any advice please, it would be so much appreciated.

I'm sorry. I always post moaning or asking for advice but I feel like a very small fish in a very big pond.

Thank you

Hope everyone else is okiee


I'm with you on the low libido...we've not dtd since I feel prenant (other stuff, but not that) :blush: I had a couple of big bleeds when I was pregnant with DS and were told to refrain from hanky-panky, so I think this time we're both too scared to even try! Luckily DH is very, very understanding and patient, but I'm sure he'd like it if I seemed a bit more up for it. Maybe in second tri...??

I've not really bought anything, but have been looking online and have popped into a pram shop to have a look at a pram I quite liked.

As for your job, honestly, I'd keep it and try my best to ignore any bad feeling coming from co-workers. You got that job legitimately, are qualified and they clearly believe you can do it. You're also entitled to have a family, and there's no moral, social or political argument against your right to start (or grow) that family now. Remind yourself of that and keep on going. Goodness knows its hard enough to get a job right now, so if you have one, then hang on to it with both hands! It's very kind of you to think about how your absence affects the company, but its something they'll have to deal with (they've probably got procedures and policies on the matter) and are no doubt prepared for. Don't worry about them. x

Morning ladies. Hope you're all well.
Had such a busy weekend. Had to pop into town on Saturday to get OH's hair cut and managed to get Alex's cut too :) then we had my friends wedding party. Yesterday we went to FIL's and didn't get back until half 10. So shattered isnt the word lol. Alex is starting swimming lessons today, so excited as he loves being in the water.

Sooo looks like my sickness is easing off, haven't woke up feeling sick for a good few days now. Not sure if I told you guys but Alex has nicknamed baby Percy! He just came up to me one day and said "percy in your tummy" lol.

That is so cute!

Hi, how is everyone? I felt a few little thuds from baby last night and again this morning, so cute. Xx

:cloud9: The movements are just amazing aren't they?! I think I may have felt the baby a couple of times, but nothing definite yet.

Morning/afternoon/evening ladies :wave: it's my gender scan tomorrow :wohoo:

Good luck, hope you get a clear shot! :thumbup:

Eeeeek how exciting? Are you going to put gender next to everyone's names so we can see how many we have of each?

Girls with other children I need to pick your brains. Tristan is going to be 4 in October. I am really stuck for his main present for birthday and Christmas. He is car mad and when you ask what he wants all he says is "lots of cars". He's had a garage, has a track that attaches to the table, a million cars etc. I'm stuck for ideas!

My boy is the same, and I've been wracking my brain for ideas too! How about something like a scalextric set? They have loads of options, but there is one specifically for 3-4 year olds (I think its called My First Scalextric). It's not too pricey either, only £25.00.
Oh and ttc_lolly, I love my donkey and can't rate it enough :) xx

Yay glad to hear it! Everyone I know loves there's too. I've had a cam and 2 bee's so I'm sure I'll love the donk just as much!

Lolly, I have always hated it. Still do, glad my bubba is end of Jan.
For my 21st only 4 ppl came out, was a pretty rubbish one. Everyone is always broke so I end up getting ooo can I get ur present to u later I just don't have any money right now and many have just given up completely and don't get me a late present either. I can't remember the last time I actually celebrated my birthday. The weekend before birthday is always busy with other celebrations and the weekend after everyone is on a health kick of no booze and like I said they are broke so can't really afford yet another night out. I almost wish I wasn't late, my due date was 1st Jan but I arrived 4 days late.

Anyway I'm sure my mum felt very much how we do and was just happy to have a baby on the way

Awww that's what I was thinking they'll feel like! But then again I guess you could always go out for NYE and double it up as a bday night out!?

Hi, how is everyone? I felt a few little thuds from baby last night and again this morning, so cute. Xx

:cloud9: best feeling ever!

Morning/afternoon/evening ladies :wave: it's my gender scan tomorrow :wohoo:

Good luck for your scan hun! I hope baby reveals all! <3

Eeeeek how exciting? Are you going to put gender next to everyone's names so we can see how many we have of each?

Girls with other children I need to pick your brains. Tristan is going to be 4 in October. I am really stuck for his main present for birthday and Christmas. He is car mad and when you ask what he wants all he says is "lots of cars". He's had a garage, has a track that attaches to the table, a million cars etc. I'm stuck for ideas!

how about hot wheels hun? ds1 is obsessed with cars too and even though he has tonnes he still loves getting new ones. they also do tracks that attach to the wall ;)

I'm feeling more tired now than I have yet- and I've been useless this whole pregnancy from exhaustion! I'm also battling bad headaches... been trying to drink tons of water, but only taking tylenol when it gets really bad because I don't want to take it constantly! Also had to get out of bed in the middle of the night last night, thinking I was going to throw up- never did though. That was actually a first.

Still looking for that whole feeling better in the second trimester thing!

Also no signs of movements yet- I can hear baby moving on the doppler now, and the hb is louder than ever (also moving up quickly)... hopefully things are going well in there!

@brunette- what about one of those electric cars that he could sit in and drive around? 4 may be a bit young, but I'd imagine he'd be thrilled, feel like a big boy driving, and get the hang of it quickly!

sorry to hear your getting headaches hun.. iv had a few of those too and nothing seems to help it go away. Iv read its a hormone thing and should get better soon.

Is anyone else finding it quite difficult to sleep on their side? I'm a back-sleeper and the adjustment is not going well at all. Hopefully, I'll get used to it after a few weeks but right now I think I'm driving my DH crazy with my all-night flip-flopping.

As well, I'm not over the MS symptoms yet either, so don't worry, you aren't the only one. Bizarrely, I also broke out like a teenager this week. Holy spots!

PS..so exciting about all your gender scans coming up. A teeny part of me really wants to know, but we're not going to find out (it's driving my mum crazy...which has been pretty amusing)

I turn every couple hours.. i kind of sleep on my side but tilted onto my front if you get what i mean. Its hard not to sleep right on my tummy or relax on my back lol. Argh what is with the spots!! i have broke out too.. lots of little pimples :S its like being 13 all over again :dohh::dohh:

hahahaha i love it.. my mum went batty with ds2 because we didnt tell anyone the gender... although in the end i told her as she got herself all excited and went and bought a tonne of girls clothes.. so i had to tell her to go exchange them :dohh:
Are there any tracks you would recommend? Some sound good but are rubbish when you get them out! :lol:
Hi ladies
How are we all? Well today I feel rubbish again :-( hardly ate anything all day as I've felt that ill & I'm coughing that much it's making me be sick now :-( Ive just made mine & hubby's tea as I've been out at football training with my eldest & now I can't eat it as the smell of it was knocking me sick which then with the coughing I had to run to the toilet to throw up :-( think another trip to the doctors is in order
Are there any tracks you would recommend? Some sound good but are rubbish when you get them out! :lol:

hope i can post this kind of link on here but https://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9148963.htm this is one that we have for christmas. its his first track so i dont know how good they are but i figured its got to be better than it cluttering the floor :haha:

Hi ladies
How are we all? Well today I feel rubbish again :-( hardly ate anything all day as I've felt that ill & I'm coughing that much it's making me be sick now :-( Ive just made mine & hubby's tea as I've been out at football training with my eldest & now I can't eat it as the smell of it was knocking me sick which then with the coughing I had to run to the toilet to throw up :-( think another trip to the doctors is in order

I hope the gp gives you some anti biotics hun it sounds like you really need them :hugs: xxxx
That looks pretty cool. Do they come out far? How do you attach them to the wall?
i have no idea hun its our first one although it was recommended by a friend. i cant remember how she said it attaches to thewall but she said it leaves no marks or anything when you take it off xx
yeah i started my christmas shopping early :haha: Its stored away in the cupboard away from prying eyes xx

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