*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Hey ca, I think we're due same day...23rd? My ticker is wrong and it won't let me on to change it lol. I did online shopping last night in bed, got boys and girls stuff thinking well the other gender stuff with either do as gifts or future babies but then I decided not to buy it all lol. I don't mind getting given stuff but that first purchase I make (other than reusable nappies) will be like a little milestone lol I wanna do a shopping spree lol

Yes we are! Not sure how to change the ticker I just figured out how to upload a pic lol! Is this first baby? I find that window shopping on amazon and adding stuff to my registry helps ease the urges :p That way I just remove it later if its wrong with out hassle of returns :winkwink:

I'm more of a going into the shop and seeing what I want sort of person lol. Il wait until the gender scan then go on the shop. I don't no why because I still intend to buy a lot of neutral to use for future children but I think it will be even more real then. Yes this is my first what about u?
I don't find out the gender till 8th September!!

I seem to be feeling worse with sickness as my pregnancy is progressing, none to start with but since week 10 iv been getting it on n off but this last week it's been every day, feel crap n want it to bugger off
I'm really struggling to sleep at the moment, can't get comfy at all and once I am asleep I then battle to stay asleep, not good when u consider the amount of lost sleep after January

I've never been a great sleeper, but I like to think it's training for the early weeks of having a newborn...we'll be well practised in the ways of functioning without sleep!

I went and put down the deposit on my pram today!! Im getting the oyster Max tandem :) put down £100.. only £475 to go! I almost lost my stomach a few times though on the bus into town :sick: it was awful! And the heat... the bloody heat is rediculous.. i almost toppled over a few times today :S its been 25/26 degrees today!

oh and does anyone elses nipples hurt like hell?!?! its only one of mine but i swear anything touches it and it kills! xx

Yup...nipples hurt like hell too! It's like getting electric bolts shooting through them sometimes! I was in the shower and the jets of water hit right on them and it was sooooo sore! It's almost as bad as when I was first BF DS (I'm hoping its like boot-camp for my boobies :haha:)

We had an Oyster for DS and it was great; hope you like yours too!

So I'm just back from an overnight stay in hospital as I was so very dehydrated and couldn't stop being sick. They gave me lots of fluids when in. But seemed confused by my high then low bp. Then my blood sugar was really low and they couldn't get it to rise. Then my temperature was high... So I'm totally uncomfortable right now and can't settle.

They didn't scan me to see the baby or do a Doppler =[ which was abit sad...

I'm signed off work for another 2 weeks so I fear I may go out of my mind...

Hope everyone is okiee and welcome all newbies xxxxxxxx

:hugs: Oh sorry hun! Really hope you are feeling better asap! :hugs:

I'm due jan 22nd!!! Glad to find a January group of girls!!

Welcome and congratulations!

Morning/evening ladies! :hi: had my gender scan and it's a GIRL!!!

Over the moon of course, although slightly mourning the son I'll obviously never have!! I think id have felt the same if it had been a boy and not a girl though :haha: my poor OH is in shock. 3 girls, all of those hormones and PMS in a few years time... LOL!

Here's a potty shot. Obvious girly!


:happydance::happydance: Congratualtions!!! Fantastic news!

Congrats! I still think mine will be a boy, which means it will probably be a girl! :haha:

We'll find out a week from Friday, on the first! (I'll be 16+1 as well- so glad to see you can see things pretty well at that point!) Did they give you any kind of percentages on how sure they are?

I can't wait to start buying things... I just can't bring myself to do it yet- guess that after-loss fear! I think the gender scan will make it more real for me and dh- just how we are. (not like the sickness isn't real enough! haha)

We moved recently, and the room that will be the nursery is the only empty room in the house (all others are still piled high with boxes because I feel too sick to unpack)- only item in it is a wood rocking chair given to me years ago by a former co-worker! I've already picked the paint color I want (want the same overall colors if girl or boy- sea green walls, white furniture, and yellow/gray bedding. Add some coral if it's a girl.), and put a few unisex items on an amazon wishlist... so ready to start getting that going! (Also- we went into an outdoor store last night and they happened to have a BOB stroller- I loved it!)

Your nursery plan sounds beautiful! I'm going for different shades of gray, white and bright yellow with little touches of another colour (not sure yet). I'm the same with buying things...I look but don't purchase! It's hard to completely let go of the fear; just yesterday I was thinking how much of a relief it'll be when I'm finally holding this baby in my arms. I think when you've experienced losses you realise how fragile the balance has to be to create a healthy life, and its hard to believe the balance is just right this time. That being said, I really feel that this is our time and we've got every reason (and scans as evidence!) to know that our little babies are strong, growing and beautifully healthy xxx

We found out over a month ago that we're expecting dangly bits. And a week and a half ago we saw the proof.

I'm really hesitant to post this because we're still waiting on our amnio results and I'm TERRIFIED.

Lovely news about having a baby boy :happydance: And the photos are amazing! I can't imagine how worried you are; we're all here for you and are praying for good news :hugs: Do you know when you'll get the results? I hope you dont have to wait for too much longer xxx
Just got date through for our next scan in August to check on fluid levels. They were low for DS, so I'm really hoping they're all perfectly normal this time around. I'm already nervous about it! Hopefully though, all going well (pleeeeeaaaaseeeee), I can relax a bit more after this scan.

I really dont want to find out the gender until the birth...I hope it isn't obvious!!

I know we've already asked, but who else is planning on keeping a yellow bump?
Any first time moms feel the baby move yet? I try to lay still and feel him/her all the time but I can't feel a thing. I know it's too early but I was just wondering if anyone had any luck.
Thank you for all your lovely "good luck" wishes. It really means a lot to me.

We should have the results of the amnio by Monday.
Here I am at 16w2d. (Hopefully it posts, and not sideways, lol.)

And no, this first time mom hasn't felt much yet either. Almost every time I can contribute it to gas. There have been a couple of times I felt something, but I really don't know what it was. :haha:
Let's try that again, lol.

Ok, I give up, hahahaha!!! I'll post it from my Ipad later when it's easier. :)
Hey ca, I think we're due same day...23rd? My ticker is wrong and it won't let me on to change it lol. I did online shopping last night in bed, got boys and girls stuff thinking well the other gender stuff with either do as gifts or future babies but then I decided not to buy it all lol. I don't mind getting given stuff but that first purchase I make (other than reusable nappies) will be like a little milestone lol I wanna do a shopping spree lol

Yes we are! Not sure how to change the ticker I just figured out how to upload a pic lol! Is this first baby? I find that window shopping on amazon and adding stuff to my registry helps ease the urges :p That way I just remove it later if its wrong with out hassle of returns :winkwink:

I'm more of a going into the shop and seeing what I want sort of person lol. Il wait until the gender scan then go on the shop. I don't no why because I still intend to buy a lot of neutral to use for future children but I think it will be even more real then. Yes this is my first what about u?

This will be my third:) As it is your first baby I certainly recommend going in person and seeing whats out there. :thumbup: Once I find out gender I will be looking through stores also lol. So happy for you it is such an exciting time especially your first imo. :happydance: They say 20-24 weeks to feel movement for first timers but I was about 16 with my first. This one i 'think' i feel a flutter every couple days but nothing where I can say yes thats it lol. Hopefully we will feel our lil :baby: s soon :flower:
Morning/evening ladies! :hi: had my gender scan and it's a GIRL!!!

Over the moon of course, although slightly mourning the son I'll obviously never have!! I think id have felt the same if it had been a boy and not a girl though :haha: my poor OH is in shock. 3 girls, all of those hormones and PMS in a few years time... LOL!

Here's a potty shot. Obvious girly!


congrats on the girl!! So exciting. I'm starting to think this will be a girl dominant thread. I believe I'm having a girl also.

Congrats ttc_lolly!!!! Yay for genders starting to come through! Mine isn't for well over a month :(

Mine too! I'm so jealous of all the ladies getting early scans. I know I could go get it done privately, but just trying to be patient because I have to pay out of pocket for the gender/anatomy scan through my doctor's office as it is, and don't want to have to pay for two ultrasounds.

Here I am at 16w2d. (Hopefully it posts, and not sideways, lol.)

And no, this first time mom hasn't felt much yet either. Almost every time I can contribute it to gas. There have been a couple of times I felt something, but I really don't know what it was. :haha:

Same here! I've felt little things that could have possibly been gas, but the feelings have been so incredibly quick that before I can even analyze them, they're gone.

So I'm starting to feel nervous about my 20wk ultrasound. I'm very excited to find out the gender, but worried they'll find something wrong:( I have three close acquaintances that have babies that were born with SEVERE problems, so I feel that chances are not good that I'll have a healthy baby. I know that kind of thinking is distorted, as there are more healthy babies born than nonhealthy, but I'm feeling kind of freaked out. Can't wait until we can see baby on the ultrasound screen again to make sure everything is ok.
I feel the same about my scan, I work in a special needs nursery and I met a well meaning mum who didn't know I am pregnant who was explaining to about how hey found out a lot of her daughters disabilities at the 20 week scan, ever since then I have been so terrified.
Congrats on all the gender scans, I'm more convinced I'm having a boy... Mines not for another 29 days... Not that I'm counting. Haha.

Every time I go into a shop I have to look for baby stuff but I look at the clothes and toys etc. not the wipes, nappies and wash stuff as I don't really know what I need and how good which brand is?? Any advice from mums already?

I'm feeling a little better today... Still have no appetite but forcing myself to drink which is so hard, I'm trying to function normally around the house but I keep getting really dizzy and tired so have to have regular breaks, but I'm hoping I'll get loads done in the next week at home, start to empty the spare room which will become the baby's nursery, we will have yellow, even though we are finding out I only want gender neutral stuff.

I hope everyone is okiee and all upcoming scans and results are good news.

I've always used Pampers (not the orange box) and thought they are great. I tend to stock up when Asda have a baby event on.
I also use pampers nappies... I used to use huggies but we cant get them anymore :( I also tend to use johnsons baby stuff and the normally whichever wipes are on offer.

tbh you dont "need" any wash stuff to start with as good old water does the job BUT if you want something then i always use a little johnsons baby bath in the bath tub from the very first bath. I talc then once dried but thats it. When they are a bit older i like the night time bath stuff which smells of lavender :D

sorry to hear some of you are terrified of your 20 week scans :hugs: I have to admit i get very very nervous coming upto any scan (3 weeks 3 days to go). im normally fine till the day before then i start to panic a little and actually cross my fingers when the scan first starts.

Is anyone struggling to cope with this heat? its just too much right now x
Hey ca, I think we're due same day...23rd? My ticker is wrong and it won't let me on to change it lol. I did online shopping last night in bed, got boys and girls stuff thinking well the other gender stuff with either do as gifts or future babies but then I decided not to buy it all lol. I don't mind getting given stuff but that first purchase I make (other than reusable nappies) will be like a little milestone lol I wanna do a shopping spree lol

Yes we are! Not sure how to change the ticker I just figured out how to upload a pic lol! Is this first baby? I find that window shopping on amazon and adding stuff to my registry helps ease the urges :p That way I just remove it later if its wrong with out hassle of returns :winkwink:

I'm more of a going into the shop and seeing what I want sort of person lol. Il wait until the gender scan then go on the shop. I don't no why because I still intend to buy a lot of neutral to use for future children but I think it will be even more real then. Yes this is my first what about u?

This will be my third:) As it is your first baby I certainly recommend going in person and seeing whats out there. :thumbup: Once I find out gender I will be looking through stores also lol. So happy for you it is such an exciting time especially your first imo. :happydance: They say 20-24 weeks to feel movement for first timers but I was about 16 with my first. This one i 'think' i feel a flutter every couple days but nothing where I can say yes thats it lol. Hopefully we will feel our lil :baby: s soon :flower:

I brought something today but was rushing so picked up wrong size n got tiny baby by accident so need to go and swap it for a bigger size. My oh response was it's started lol. It's a 6 piece set (hat, mitts, boots, bib, grow and sleep suit) for only £7 so I thought why not.
Hey ca, I think we're due same day...23rd? My ticker is wrong and it won't let me on to change it lol. I did online shopping last night in bed, got boys and girls stuff thinking well the other gender stuff with either do as gifts or future babies but then I decided not to buy it all lol. I don't mind getting given stuff but that first purchase I make (other than reusable nappies) will be like a little milestone lol I wanna do a shopping spree lol

Yes we are! Not sure how to change the ticker I just figured out how to upload a pic lol! Is this first baby? I find that window shopping on amazon and adding stuff to my registry helps ease the urges :p That way I just remove it later if its wrong with out hassle of returns :winkwink:

I'm more of a going into the shop and seeing what I want sort of person lol. Il wait until the gender scan then go on the shop. I don't no why because I still intend to buy a lot of neutral to use for future children but I think it will be even more real then. Yes this is my first what about u?

This will be my third:) As it is your first baby I certainly recommend going in person and seeing whats out there. :thumbup: Once I find out gender I will be looking through stores also lol. So happy for you it is such an exciting time especially your first imo. :happydance: They say 20-24 weeks to feel movement for first timers but I was about 16 with my first. This one i 'think' i feel a flutter every couple days but nothing where I can say yes thats it lol. Hopefully we will feel our lil :baby: s soon :flower:

I brought something today but was rushing so picked up wrong size n got tiny baby by accident so need to go and swap it for a bigger size. My oh response was it's started lol. It's a 6 piece set (hat, mitts, boots, bib, grow and sleep suit) for only £7 so I thought why not.

you never know hun you might need those ;) I always get tiny baby just incase so im always prepared! Ds1 i got newborn and 0-3 and he came out tiny... we had absolutely nothing for him! so now i always buy some micro nappies and tiny baby clothes just incase they are needed and if not i sell them on xx
20 week scan also has terrible memories for me. I feel blessed that this time they will see me at 14 weeks and 16 weeks for extra early scans ... But now I'm worried for the 14 week scan next Thursday!
Hey ca, I think we're due same day...23rd? My ticker is wrong and it won't let me on to change it lol. I did online shopping last night in bed, got boys and girls stuff thinking well the other gender stuff with either do as gifts or future babies but then I decided not to buy it all lol. I don't mind getting given stuff but that first purchase I make (other than reusable nappies) will be like a little milestone lol I wanna do a shopping spree lol

Yes we are! Not sure how to change the ticker I just figured out how to upload a pic lol! Is this first baby? I find that window shopping on amazon and adding stuff to my registry helps ease the urges :p That way I just remove it later if its wrong with out hassle of returns :winkwink:

I'm more of a going into the shop and seeing what I want sort of person lol. Il wait until the gender scan then go on the shop. I don't no why because I still intend to buy a lot of neutral to use for future children but I think it will be even more real then. Yes this is my first what about u?

This will be my third:) As it is your first baby I certainly recommend going in person and seeing whats out there. :thumbup: Once I find out gender I will be looking through stores also lol. So happy for you it is such an exciting time especially your first imo. :happydance: They say 20-24 weeks to feel movement for first timers but I was about 16 with my first. This one i 'think' i feel a flutter every couple days but nothing where I can say yes thats it lol. Hopefully we will feel our lil :baby: s soon :flower:

I brought something today but was rushing so picked up wrong size n got tiny baby by accident so need to go and swap it for a bigger size. My oh response was it's started lol. It's a 6 piece set (hat, mitts, boots, bib, grow and sleep suit) for only £7 so I thought why not.

you never know hun you might need those ;) I always get tiny baby just incase so im always prepared! Ds1 i got newborn and 0-3 and he came out tiny... we had absolutely nothing for him! so now i always buy some micro nappies and tiny baby clothes just incase they are needed and if not i sell them on xx

Not a bad idea to be honest, I dont think I'm going to have a small baby though, the scan showed it already has quite long legs so I'm expecting it to be long and with the amount I'm eating I'm expecting it to be at least an 8lb baby or more lol and the tiny baby only go to 5 1/2lb lol.
I guess the hat, bib, boots and mitts will still fit and it will just be the grow and sleepsuit that wont get used, which will be a shame but like you said better to have something just in case.

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