*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Dawny mine is from morrisons has the sleepsuit got teddy bears on? It's so cute

I'm feeling more and more tired, as a stomach sleeper I'm starting to find it difficult to get comfortable at night. Getting to sleep is one battle, staying asleep is the other.
It's only 830 here and I'm going to be off to bed soon.
Dawny mine is from morrisons has the sleepsuit got teddy bears on? It's so cute

I'm feeling more and more tired, as a stomach sleeper I'm starting to find it difficult to get comfortable at night. Getting to sleep is one battle, staying asleep is the other.
It's only 830 here and I'm going to be off to bed soon.

Same, we will have lil matching babies =]

I'm thinking of going to bed now too.... Everything just tires me out...

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.
Broached the baby shopping subject, he's subtly changed the subject lol, he keeps telling me there's loads of time lol

am I the only one who's not quite into the baby shopping yet? I just can't get excited about all the cute clothes, blankets, or anything! I am happy about #3 but I just can't get into it yet! Mom and sis keep pointing out baby outfits but I don't think any are cute. :(

We haven't bought anything yet either. I'll probably be running around like a crazy person with one week to go trying to buy everything!

Awwww. I was told DD would be small. Perhaps 6lbs. She was 8lbs 8oz. Lol. An DS was 8.1

Ya never know!!!

Hope all is well with everyone and time is flying for you!! I currently feel like a cow. Weight gain started and I've caught up for not gaining in the 1st trimester. :-/

I wish I could find motivation. But the past few days I've been so exhausted. Blood supply jumps up this week so i keep blamin it on that. Must remember to take all of my vitamins!! Perhaps force myself to exercise more. It'll be easier once the kidlets are back in school!!

That's interesting about the blood supply (I knew it went up, but thought it went up steadily rather than in bursts. Our bodies are amazing!). Exercise always helps, but it's so hard to get motivated, especially when trying to stop boredom from creeping in over the summer hols! Thankfully the weather has been so good we've been able to hang out in the garden for big chunks of the day.

haven't really posted in here yet but I'm super nervous for my scan tomorrow, worried something's up :(

Good luck for tomorrow! x

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.

Exciting! Hope all goes well x

As for me: thankfully the nausea seems to be easing off now, and my bump is starting to pop out a little more :happydance: We're just about to move house so things are in total chaos, and everywhere I look all I can see are things that need packed up. I'm a neat freak so this situation is a horror-show for me! Can't wait till we're in the new house and I can start nesting!

Has anyone moved with a LO before? I'm going to try and involve DS as much as possible, especially with setting up his room, but if anyone has any tips for making the move go smoothly, I would really appreciate them!
Congrats to all making a milestone!!!

Decided to switch Drs , so I made an appt with a midwife for next wed. Found out she will do an u/s first, so we , might be finding out what were having much sooner than I thought!! Yay!!
anyone else feel like they're leaking fluids all the time? this has been going on the last few days now... clear/watery/slightly silky in texture, leaves wet spots but can't see when dries (lovely, i know)... pretty annoying and I'm constantly checking for blood (none). even had a dream last night where it turned to blood and I was losing it!
anyone else feel like they're leaking fluids all the time? this has been going on the last few days now... clear/watery/slightly silky in texture, leaves wet spots but can't see when dries (lovely, i know)... pretty annoying and I'm constantly checking for blood (none). even had a dream last night where it turned to blood and I was losing it!

Yes!! I especially noticed it the last 2 days. Driving me crazy, I keep checking. It is normal, though and I know that.

Been having more crazy dreams again!! Last night, I was mad at my husband because he bought a groupon that gave him 200 tickets to a an amusement part, and he had to go door to door selling them. Lol, I never know what I'm gonna dream next!!
Buddy we moved when our LO was about 1 year old. It didn't really effect him at all. Good Luck!
anyone else feel like they're leaking fluids all the time? this has been going on the last few days now... clear/watery/slightly silky in texture, leaves wet spots but can't see when dries (lovely, i know)... pretty annoying and I'm constantly checking for blood (none). even had a dream last night where it turned to blood and I was losing it!

This is happening to me too!! I hate it, but its normal and its essential in protecting your birth canal from infection. I thinks its called leucorrhea. I also always check to see if its blood(paranoid!). So, you should try to ease that stress off a bit!
Buddy, we moved last sept and the girls were fine xx
I've just had my 16week appointment and heard the heartbeat it was 160bpm...I've read that that can sometimes be an indication of the gender but not sure if that is just am old wives tale.

UK mummies how often do sales come up at mothercare? I've fallen in love with a pram that is in the sale but don't want to buy anything too early
haven't really posted in here yet but I'm super nervous for my scan tomorrow, worried something's up :(

Good luck for your scan huni.. I hop everything goes well :hugs:

Hey ladies!

Long time no speak, just been catching up a little! Does anyone think time is going fast or is it me?

Wow congrats on the gender scans! I had my 13 week scan on Monday, ob said happy baby, but when I asked for a gender scan next scan, he said it might be too early...ummm i'll be nearly 19 weeks...strange! lol

Well I'm feeling my uterus when lying down all of a sudden. No movement yet tho. I do seem to be showing ALOT quicker than with DS1, I'm amazed!! It's really high too DS1 was low all the way through the pregnancy. Wonder if it means girly??! Also have sore big bbs lol and hunger is stupid, but so far so good only 2kg weight gain....phew!!

Loving all the scan pics! Mine is not very clear :(

hey hun! I feel like time is flying past! although feels like iv been pregnant forever already lol. oh wow thats strange.. unless they were planning on seeing you sooner than that? well done on only a 2kg gain so far :thumbup: thats fab.

Hi Ive been lurking again for a while. Posted ages ago but haven't for quite a while. Had my 16 wk MW apt today. Heard HB strongly. DD was in awe of it and was very excited. She loved the MWs stethoscope as she has a doctors bag at home so she recognised it and was loving it that she had one at home just like that! Ive got so many appts between now and January. 20 wk scan is the next. Not seeing MW again until 24 wks. Only because of my complications with DD. Was surprised that if I was all straight forward that it would be 12 wks before I saw a MW again at 28 wks.

I was wondering if you have all started feeling anything yet? Ive had a few little kicks here and there but so gentle. Nothing like the kicks I get on the outside from DD. Being O neg im freaking out at how many anti Ds im going to need this time!

I have been feeling little movements for a few weeks now. I dont think well get the constant really strong ones till later on. I've half a tonne of appointments coming up.

I use asda little angel nappies and have found them to be really great :thumbup: I always think the chemicals in pampers really make wee smell bad! I've started buying aldi's own brand on occasion too and they are just as good :thumbup:

I've got the Moses basket, bf'ing pillow and bras (but will get measured for new ones incase my boobs have changed size since DD2), bouncer and a few clothes already :haha: I like to slowly start collecting stuff, and then go through it all every month to see what else I need to get!

I think being nervous for upcoming scans is totally normal :hugs: I say to OH before each scan "I really hope they find the heartbeat/I hope baby's growing normally... etc etc" and he calls me crazy every time!

I had my 16w MW appt today and all was well :) she found baby's heartbeat straight away too <3 I feel like I have so many appts coming up. Consultant on the 14th Aug, then my 20w scan on the 19th, then back to the mw in September. I'm not complaining, but it's sure going to make the time fly by and I want it to slow down now!

glad your appointment went well hun :D and im with you on having loads to fill up time. I have midwife next week, then 2 weeks after my gender scan, then aneasthetist just after that, then midwife at 21 weeks then anomoly scan a few days later. lol it goes on like that for the rest of my pregnancy. lots and lots of appointments

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.

Congratulations on reaching 16 weeks hun! :hugs: Are you feeling better now you've reached this point? oooo i hope baby shows all for you on Monday

Broached the baby shopping subject, he's subtly changed the subject lol, he keeps telling me there's loads of time lol

am I the only one who's not quite into the baby shopping yet? I just can't get excited about all the cute clothes, blankets, or anything! I am happy about #3 but I just can't get into it yet! Mom and sis keep pointing out baby outfits but I don't think any are cute. :(

We haven't bought anything yet either. I'll probably be running around like a crazy person with one week to go trying to buy everything!

Awwww. I was told DD would be small. Perhaps 6lbs. She was 8lbs 8oz. Lol. An DS was 8.1

Ya never know!!!

Hope all is well with everyone and time is flying for you!! I currently feel like a cow. Weight gain started and I've caught up for not gaining in the 1st trimester. :-/

I wish I could find motivation. But the past few days I've been so exhausted. Blood supply jumps up this week so i keep blamin it on that. Must remember to take all of my vitamins!! Perhaps force myself to exercise more. It'll be easier once the kidlets are back in school!!

That's interesting about the blood supply (I knew it went up, but thought it went up steadily rather than in bursts. Our bodies are amazing!). Exercise always helps, but it's so hard to get motivated, especially when trying to stop boredom from creeping in over the summer hols! Thankfully the weather has been so good we've been able to hang out in the garden for big chunks of the day.

haven't really posted in here yet but I'm super nervous for my scan tomorrow, worried something's up :(

Good luck for tomorrow! x

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.

Exciting! Hope all goes well x

As for me: thankfully the nausea seems to be easing off now, and my bump is starting to pop out a little more :happydance: We're just about to move house so things are in total chaos, and everywhere I look all I can see are things that need packed up. I'm a neat freak so this situation is a horror-show for me! Can't wait till we're in the new house and I can start nesting!

Has anyone moved with a LO before? I'm going to try and involve DS as much as possible, especially with setting up his room, but if anyone has any tips for making the move go smoothly, I would really appreciate them!

glad your nausea is easing off hun! I've moved twice with lil one now.. once when he was a month old then when he was 1... to be honest i think the best advice is to be as prepared as you can for the actual day and have everything sorted so thats its just essentials left to pack on the day. leave out some toys that are easy to just chuck in the car at the end so theyve something to do.. and have a last look around BEFORE putting them in the car incase youve forgotten anything :haha: we did that.. put ds1 in the car and then realised we'de missed some stuff so had to get back out the car and get him back out the car :dohh:

Congrats to all making a milestone!!!

Decided to switch Drs , so I made an appt with a midwife for next wed. Found out she will do an u/s first, so we , might be finding out what were having much sooner than I thought!! Yay!!

ooo good luck hun i hope the doctor is better than the last one!

anyone else feel like they're leaking fluids all the time? this has been going on the last few days now... clear/watery/slightly silky in texture, leaves wet spots but can't see when dries (lovely, i know)... pretty annoying and I'm constantly checking for blood (none). even had a dream last night where it turned to blood and I was losing it!

yes! agree with others though that its totally normal to help prevent infection xx

AFM - i am sweating like i don't know what! Its TOO HOT! I cant cope with this heat much longer... i need to dig out our fan today. 27 degrees is just too much. I would take the boys to the park but id be too scared of teh toys being too hot and burning them.

i didnt waje up with morning sickness today but its sure started now. I wish it would go away.. although its probably to do with how hot it is! must drink tonnes and tonnes of water!
haven't really posted in here yet but I'm super nervous for my scan tomorrow, worried something's up :(

Good luck for your scan huni.. I hop everything goes well :hugs:

Hey ladies!

Long time no speak, just been catching up a little! Does anyone think time is going fast or is it me?

Wow congrats on the gender scans! I had my 13 week scan on Monday, ob said happy baby, but when I asked for a gender scan next scan, he said it might be too early...ummm i'll be nearly 19 weeks...strange! lol

Well I'm feeling my uterus when lying down all of a sudden. No movement yet tho. I do seem to be showing ALOT quicker than with DS1, I'm amazed!! It's really high too DS1 was low all the way through the pregnancy. Wonder if it means girly??! Also have sore big bbs lol and hunger is stupid, but so far so good only 2kg weight gain....phew!!

Loving all the scan pics! Mine is not very clear :(

hey hun! I feel like time is flying past! although feels like iv been pregnant forever already lol. oh wow thats strange.. unless they were planning on seeing you sooner than that? well done on only a 2kg gain so far :thumbup: thats fab.

Hi Ive been lurking again for a while. Posted ages ago but haven't for quite a while. Had my 16 wk MW apt today. Heard HB strongly. DD was in awe of it and was very excited. She loved the MWs stethoscope as she has a doctors bag at home so she recognised it and was loving it that she had one at home just like that! Ive got so many appts between now and January. 20 wk scan is the next. Not seeing MW again until 24 wks. Only because of my complications with DD. Was surprised that if I was all straight forward that it would be 12 wks before I saw a MW again at 28 wks.

I was wondering if you have all started feeling anything yet? Ive had a few little kicks here and there but so gentle. Nothing like the kicks I get on the outside from DD. Being O neg im freaking out at how many anti Ds im going to need this time!

I have been feeling little movements for a few weeks now. I dont think well get the constant really strong ones till later on. I've half a tonne of appointments coming up.

I use asda little angel nappies and have found them to be really great :thumbup: I always think the chemicals in pampers really make wee smell bad! I've started buying aldi's own brand on occasion too and they are just as good :thumbup:

I've got the Moses basket, bf'ing pillow and bras (but will get measured for new ones incase my boobs have changed size since DD2), bouncer and a few clothes already :haha: I like to slowly start collecting stuff, and then go through it all every month to see what else I need to get!

I think being nervous for upcoming scans is totally normal :hugs: I say to OH before each scan "I really hope they find the heartbeat/I hope baby's growing normally... etc etc" and he calls me crazy every time!

I had my 16w MW appt today and all was well :) she found baby's heartbeat straight away too <3 I feel like I have so many appts coming up. Consultant on the 14th Aug, then my 20w scan on the 19th, then back to the mw in September. I'm not complaining, but it's sure going to make the time fly by and I want it to slow down now!

glad your appointment went well hun :D and im with you on having loads to fill up time. I have midwife next week, then 2 weeks after my gender scan, then aneasthetist just after that, then midwife at 21 weeks then anomoly scan a few days later. lol it goes on like that for the rest of my pregnancy. lots and lots of appointments

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.

Congratulations on reaching 16 weeks hun! :hugs: Are you feeling better now you've reached this point? oooo i hope baby shows all for you on Monday

Yes I feel good so far and ty hun :hugs:

Broached the baby shopping subject, he's subtly changed the subject lol, he keeps telling me there's loads of time lol

am I the only one who's not quite into the baby shopping yet? I just can't get excited about all the cute clothes, blankets, or anything! I am happy about #3 but I just can't get into it yet! Mom and sis keep pointing out baby outfits but I don't think any are cute. :(

We haven't bought anything yet either. I'll probably be running around like a crazy person with one week to go trying to buy everything!

Awwww. I was told DD would be small. Perhaps 6lbs. She was 8lbs 8oz. Lol. An DS was 8.1

Ya never know!!!

Hope all is well with everyone and time is flying for you!! I currently feel like a cow. Weight gain started and I've caught up for not gaining in the 1st trimester. :-/

I wish I could find motivation. But the past few days I've been so exhausted. Blood supply jumps up this week so i keep blamin it on that. Must remember to take all of my vitamins!! Perhaps force myself to exercise more. It'll be easier once the kidlets are back in school!!

That's interesting about the blood supply (I knew it went up, but thought it went up steadily rather than in bursts. Our bodies are amazing!). Exercise always helps, but it's so hard to get motivated, especially when trying to stop boredom from creeping in over the summer hols! Thankfully the weather has been so good we've been able to hang out in the garden for big chunks of the day.

haven't really posted in here yet but I'm super nervous for my scan tomorrow, worried something's up :(

Good luck for tomorrow! x

Hey everyone! Been kinda MIA but all is well, hope you girls are too!

Today makes 16 weeks! Yay what a milestone! We actually are having a gender scan on Monday.

Exciting! Hope all goes well x

As for me: thankfully the nausea seems to be easing off now, and my bump is starting to pop out a little more :happydance: We're just about to move house so things are in total chaos, and everywhere I look all I can see are things that need packed up. I'm a neat freak so this situation is a horror-show for me! Can't wait till we're in the new house and I can start nesting!

Has anyone moved with a LO before? I'm going to try and involve DS as much as possible, especially with setting up his room, but if anyone has any tips for making the move go smoothly, I would really appreciate them!

glad your nausea is easing off hun! I've moved twice with lil one now.. once when he was a month old then when he was 1... to be honest i think the best advice is to be as prepared as you can for the actual day and have everything sorted so thats its just essentials left to pack on the day. leave out some toys that are easy to just chuck in the car at the end so theyve something to do.. and have a last look around BEFORE putting them in the car incase youve forgotten anything :haha: we did that.. put ds1 in the car and then realised we'de missed some stuff so had to get back out the car and get him back out the car :dohh:

Congrats to all making a milestone!!!

Decided to switch Drs , so I made an appt with a midwife for next wed. Found out she will do an u/s first, so we , might be finding out what were having much sooner than I thought!! Yay!!

ooo good luck hun i hope the doctor is better than the last one!

anyone else feel like they're leaking fluids all the time? this has been going on the last few days now... clear/watery/slightly silky in texture, leaves wet spots but can't see when dries (lovely, i know)... pretty annoying and I'm constantly checking for blood (none). even had a dream last night where it turned to blood and I was losing it!

yes! agree with others though that its totally normal to help prevent infection xx

AFM - i am sweating like i don't know what! Its TOO HOT! I cant cope with this heat much longer... i need to dig out our fan today. 27 degrees is just too much. I would take the boys to the park but id be too scared of teh toys being too hot and burning them.

i didnt waje up with morning sickness today but its sure started now. I wish it would go away.. although its probably to do with how hot it is! must drink tonnes and tonnes of water!

Yup I am excited and also feeling okay :)
Seems like as soon as I get rid of a damn UTI another one comes....ugh, they have me on macrobid antibiotic....anyone else suffering from uti's too? I just don't get it
not yet but in both pregnancies before i had recurrant uti's from about 20 weeks onwards x
Wow- 27&#8226;C (80&#8226;F) sounds fantastic! We've had a surprisingly mild July- but should be around 34&#8226;C+ (~94&#8226;F) this weekend- which is pretty average! (And humid- always humid!) I'm so ready for fall/winter! (It will stay hot here at least through September and into October...)
Wow- 27•C (80•F) sounds fantastic! We've had a surprisingly mild July- but should be around 34•C+ (~94•F) this weekend- which is pretty average! (And humid- always humid!) I'm so ready for fall/winter! (It will stay hot here at least through September and into October...)

oh my gosh nooo! I think most of us in the UK would pass out at 34! lol. I cannot wait for the rain to hit on sunday then the temperature next week is to go back to around 18/19 degrees C. :dance: much more manageable xx
Wow- 27•C (80•F) sounds fantastic! We've had a surprisingly mild July- but should be around 34•C+ (~94•F) this weekend- which is pretty average! (And humid- always humid!) I'm so ready for fall/winter! (It will stay hot here at least through September and into October...)

oh my gosh nooo! I think most of us in the UK would pass out at 34! lol. I cannot wait for the rain to hit on sunday then the temperature next week is to go back to around 18/19 degrees C. :dance: much more manageable xx

That sounds amazing. Sounds like a nice fall day here!
Oh forgot to say that we were told with DD1 that she'd be a big baby as my fundal height measurements were always way ahead and then I had a growth scan @ 26w. She was born a tiny 5lbs 7.5oz, so they were well off! My FH measurements were ahead again with DD2 and a growth scan at 36w said she was average sized and she was born @ 39+5 weighing 7lbs 12oz. So if any of your FH measurements are way ahead in the future don't panic! And growth scans can be sooooo off, but I've found the closer you have it done to your due date the more accurate they are :thumbup:

I've just had my 16week appointment and heard the heartbeat it was 160bpm...I've read that that can sometimes be an indication of the gender but not sure if that is just am old wives tale.

UK mummies how often do sales come up at mothercare? I've fallen in love with a pram that is in the sale but don't want to buy anything too early

My baby's heartbeat was 158bpm at our appt yesterday, which falls in line for the girl prediction (and she is a girl!), so could be right but wouldn't take it as total gospel!

I think it's end of seasons usually, so you've just missed the big one they've had. Boxing Day will probably be the next one :thumbup:

Arghhh it's so hot here. I know us Brits can moan a lot about the weather but I've had enough of this now! It's too muggy, and sticky and I'm sick of all of the bugs! I'm just glad I'm not heavily pregnant through it this time!

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