*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

17 weeks this Thursday! :happydance:

Got a call from my doc office about the NT scan and no down syndrome, trisomy 13 or 18 so we are in the clear for those..yay! They did fingerstick me yesterday for a spina bifida screen or something...hmmm

Anyway, we were supposed to have our gender scan yesterday (we have been waiting for three weeks for the day) my dh took off work (which is hard to do in the military) and a close friend came with. After my regular appt with my Ob we were waiting for my gender scan with the sonographer whem theh decided to tell us right there that she had quit a week ago and we would not be getting a scan done....what the f@#%?!?! I was so livid because they have about 6 girls working their front dwsk and no one could have called and told us this shit BEFORE we arrived there? A waste of gas and time....BUT the part that made me curse the girl out at the front desk is when she said "well the gender scan is something YOU wanted so its not as important as the ob appointment" I lost it on her ass...excuse me?!? Who the EFF are you to decide what is and what is not important to me. How dare she? She tried to save face but it was too late at that point. No one could calm me down at that point. Needless to say, I will be finding a new OB/Gyn anyway.

So yesterday after that whole ordeal I found a private ultrasound place to do my gender scan this Friday. It is a beautiful office the rooms are so big and its a 3D/4D scan and they show it on a big projection screen. Has couches in there where you can have up to 12 ppl in the room. Best part is they offer military discounts and we don't mind paying.
Omgosh I forgot to post. Tristan said the funniest thing before. This was roughly how the conversation went -

Me "So when is baby coming?"
Tristan "I have my birthday, then Christmas then baby comes out of your bum!"
We both then starting howling with laughter and I go on to explain that girls don't have willies because they have babies and that babies come from lady bits.
Tristan "But how?"
Me "Like this" and I do a push sound whilst giggling.
Tristan "Pushhhhhhhhhh, you have to put your arms up at the same time Mummy then it will pop out of your rudey bits"

So yeh. That's not really how I thought that would go and not at the age of 3 but he thought it was hilarious plus I'd rather not lie to him!

That's hysterical!! :rofl:
Omgosh I forgot to post. Tristan said the funniest thing before. This was roughly how the conversation went -

Me "So when is baby coming?"
Tristan "I have my birthday, then Christmas then baby comes out of your bum!"
We both then starting howling with laughter and I go on to explain that girls don't have willies because they have babies and that babies come from lady bits.
Tristan "But how?"
Me "Like this" and I do a push sound whilst giggling.
Tristan "Pushhhhhhhhhh, you have to put your arms up at the same time Mummy then it will pop out of your rudey bits"

So yeh. That's not really how I thought that would go and not at the age of 3 but he thought it was hilarious plus I'd rather not lie to him!

Lol, the girls know that the baby will come out my "flower".
Like you I didn't want to lie to them, lol xx
Looking good Ab :)

Congratulations Nette :D

Dawny you feeling any better?

I thought it would all be passing by now but it's still here, I can't function normally can only do things in small doses and today under strict instructions from my boyfriend I have been bed bound I still feel like I'm going to pass out lying down... I'm gunna speak to my midwife tomorrow. I did my bp again today (we have a at home machine) and it's still low 90/53.....

Great bump pic Ab!!

Welcome Nette!

Dawny - I'm sorry things are still miserable for you. What does your midwife say about it? :hugs:

I have my midwife tomorrow so will speak to her tomorrow, I'm gunna refuse to leave until she gives me answers cos I can't be like this for the next 23 weeks....

17 weeks this Thursday! :happydance:

Got a call from my doc office about the NT scan and no down syndrome, trisomy 13 or 18 so we are in the clear for those..yay! They did fingerstick me yesterday for a spina bifida screen or something...hmmm

Anyway, we were supposed to have our gender scan yesterday (we have been waiting for three weeks for the day) my dh took off work (which is hard to do in the military) and a close friend came with. After my regular appt with my Ob we were waiting for my gender scan with the sonographer whem theh decided to tell us right there that she had quit a week ago and we would not be getting a scan done....what the f@#%?!?! I was so livid because they have about 6 girls working their front dwsk and no one could have called and told us this shit BEFORE we arrived there? A waste of gas and time....BUT the part that made me curse the girl out at the front desk is when she said "well the gender scan is something YOU wanted so its not as important as the ob appointment" I lost it on her ass...excuse me?!? Who the EFF are you to decide what is and what is not important to me. How dare she? She tried to save face but it was too late at that point. No one could calm me down at that point. Needless to say, I will be finding a new OB/Gyn anyway.

So yesterday after that whole ordeal I found a private ultrasound place to do my gender scan this Friday. It is a beautiful office the rooms are so big and its a 3D/4D scan and they show it on a big projection screen. Has couches in there where you can have up to 12 ppl in the room. Best part is they offer military discounts and we don't mind paying.

Oh my gosh I would be fuming that's so bad to not call and say so y could make other arrangements. I'm glad you have found somewhere else that sounds super lovely. Can't wait to find out what you are having

Wow. I'm sorry for those still havin morning sickness. :-/ mine has definitely passed and I'm now a hungry hungry hippo. :-(

Had my appointment today and I've gained 5 pounds. Good grief. That seems like a lot in a month.

Past that baby is rather active. I absolutely adore feeling baby move.

"Big" scan on the 7th. I'm excited and nervous. We have special screening due to both my parents having a form of spina bifida. So it's 2 hours. I truly hope I make it through without passing out or peeing myself! Lol.

Randomness now. I really need to buy new bras and panties!!
17 weeks this Thursday! :happydance:

Got a call from my doc office about the NT scan and no down syndrome, trisomy 13 or 18 so we are in the clear for those..yay! They did fingerstick me yesterday for a spina bifida screen or something...hmmm

Anyway, we were supposed to have our gender scan yesterday (we have been waiting for three weeks for the day) my dh took off work (which is hard to do in the military) and a close friend came with. After my regular appt with my Ob we were waiting for my gender scan with the sonographer whem theh decided to tell us right there that she had quit a week ago and we would not be getting a scan done....what the f@#%?!?! I was so livid because they have about 6 girls working their front dwsk and no one could have called and told us this shit BEFORE we arrived there? A waste of gas and time....BUT the part that made me curse the girl out at the front desk is when she said "well the gender scan is something YOU wanted so its not as important as the ob appointment" I lost it on her ass...excuse me?!? Who the EFF are you to decide what is and what is not important to me. How dare she? She tried to save face but it was too late at that point. No one could calm me down at that point. Needless to say, I will be finding a new OB/Gyn anyway.

So yesterday after that whole ordeal I found a private ultrasound place to do my gender scan this Friday. It is a beautiful office the rooms are so big and its a 3D/4D scan and they show it on a big projection screen. Has couches in there where you can have up to 12 ppl in the room. Best part is they offer military discounts and we don't mind paying.

WOW, nobody should piss off a pregnant lady like that. But besides how unprofessional of them.. Eitherway, glad your baby is all good and well and you'll be getting your scan soon :D x
Wow. I'm sorry for those still havin morning sickness. :-/ mine has definitely passed and I'm now a hungry hungry hippo. :-(

Had my appointment today and I've gained 5 pounds. Good grief. That seems like a lot in a month.

Past that baby is rather active. I absolutely adore feeling baby move.

"Big" scan on the 7th. I'm excited and nervous. We have special screening due to both my parents having a form of spina bifida. So it's 2 hours. I truly hope I make it through without passing out or peeing myself! Lol.

Randomness now. I really need to buy new bras and panties!!

I bought new knickers at weekend! I luckily still have my maternity bras from when I was pregnant with my son.

What will the scan involve? 2 hours is a long time!

Have I read your signature right, have you got 15 children?
Hey all! Finally in front of a computer so can type a nice reply instead of a quick one!!

Sorry to hear some are still struck down with MS, mine has been getting better this week and I sincerely hope yours all does soon too, it is the pits feeling gross all the time!

Sunshine - that really sucks about your gender scan! To look forward to something for so long only to be let down is really shitty! Glad you managed to get another one booked pretty quickly!

Pix - Good luck for the scan, 2 hours is a decent scan length, will be awesome to see what is going on in there. Hope it is all good results for you!

Hope everyone is taking it easy and making sure to relax a bit with your feet up! I laugh as I type that actually as how often do we have the time! Its a nice thought though huh!

Hubby and I have decided to have the screening done, I think knowledge, whatever it is, is better than anxiously waiting to see. Have a midwife apt in.. sheesh 20 mins, better get moving! Will disucss all of that with her and get to hear heartbeat for the very first time! So excited, also get NT results, fingers crossed all is well.
Bb, I think that means pix has a 9 year old and a 6 year old!! Xx
forgive me if i do this wrong but theres a lot of multi quotes in here :haha: and they always confuse me!

hey ladies, just joined this group... decided its time to be normal and move over from the LTTC group.... due 21st jan after successful IVF... loving your chats on hear and learning quite a bit!

Congratulations Nette! You must be absolutely over the moon :hugs:

Soooo I had a mini panic attack today. I just felt off the last couple of days and have read some things on google I shouldn't have and needless to say by this morning I was in a full blown tizzy. I took a pregnancy test and for the first time the control was darker than my positive. (turns out this is normal this far along but i didn't know till later) I called my OB and asked if they could fit me in b/c I felt something was wrong w/ the baby. I got there and they immediately brought out the doppler and couldn't find the heartbeat. I just laid there and was kindof in shock. After 5 minutes the nurse said let me get another nurse to try. Would you believe the new nurse found it in like 30 secs? I couldn't help it I started crying so hard I was so relieved. The doctor came in and said its normal after everything I have been through to panic but that if I ever want to come in just to reassure myself and listen to the doppler I can. I thought that was so kind! He hugged me and said the chance of something happening at this stage is so small and they are watching me closely. I feel so much better now and they said losing symptoms can be normal at this stage. So very relieved and am not going to search google anymore!

I am glad you have some a lovely lovely doctor hun. :hugs: Im glad everything was ok

So I start week 3 of being signed off work and still I am feeling sick and dizzy... This is getting silly now, nothing is making any difference... I have the midwife tomorrow so will speak to her but has anyone any advice or anything??

Hope everyone is okiee and had a nice weekend xxxxxx

so sorry your still having a rough time hun. they should be able to do something for you! im sure my friend was put on meds as it got a lot better for her the further on she got.

Week 17 pic, looking huge in this top!!

View attachment 788263

gorgeous pic hun <3

Cute bump pic!! I need to get some tops, but really hate to pay full price. I guess with this being #5, a few things have lost their charm, lol.

Is anyone else having blood sugar drops?? I had a what I think was one yesterday evening. My dh is diabetic and so I would normally be able to check it, but he is out of town this week. My sister brought hers over about half an hr after I ate and it was 99. So, in range, but I wish I had been able to check it. This I'd my 5th, but my first since being DX with hypothyroidism. Could that have something to do with it? I had a 1 hr glucose already and passed, but I will def mention it at my appt tomorrow. Anyone experience this ??

Ive no idea what bs drops feel like but just wanted to give you a big :hugs: I hope you got/get some answers at your appointment hun.

Omgosh I forgot to post. Tristan said the funniest thing before. This was roughly how the conversation went -

Me "So when is baby coming?"
Tristan "I have my birthday, then Christmas then baby comes out of your bum!"
We both then starting howling with laughter and I go on to explain that girls don't have willies because they have babies and that babies come from lady bits.
Tristan "But how?"
Me "Like this" and I do a push sound whilst giggling.
Tristan "Pushhhhhhhhhh, you have to put your arms up at the same time Mummy then it will pop out of your rudey bits"

So yeh. That's not really how I thought that would go and not at the age of 3 but he thought it was hilarious plus I'd rather not lie to him!

hahahaha i love it! I think Seth knows where/how babies are born as he often watched one born with me (and tell it to hurry up and get to the babies lol ) and he knows where my "ouchie" is from having ethan.

17 weeks this Thursday! :happydance:

Got a call from my doc office about the NT scan and no down syndrome, trisomy 13 or 18 so we are in the clear for those..yay! They did fingerstick me yesterday for a spina bifida screen or something...hmmm

Anyway, we were supposed to have our gender scan yesterday (we have been waiting for three weeks for the day) my dh took off work (which is hard to do in the military) and a close friend came with. After my regular appt with my Ob we were waiting for my gender scan with the sonographer whem theh decided to tell us right there that she had quit a week ago and we would not be getting a scan done....what the f@#%?!?! I was so livid because they have about 6 girls working their front dwsk and no one could have called and told us this shit BEFORE we arrived there? A waste of gas and time....BUT the part that made me curse the girl out at the front desk is when she said "well the gender scan is something YOU wanted so its not as important as the ob appointment" I lost it on her ass...excuse me?!? Who the EFF are you to decide what is and what is not important to me. How dare she? She tried to save face but it was too late at that point. No one could calm me down at that point. Needless to say, I will be finding a new OB/Gyn anyway.

So yesterday after that whole ordeal I found a private ultrasound place to do my gender scan this Friday. It is a beautiful office the rooms are so big and its a 3D/4D scan and they show it on a big projection screen. Has couches in there where you can have up to 12 ppl in the room. Best part is they offer military discounts and we don't mind paying.

omg i would be fuming too hun! That is so darn unprofessional! Would have took them 2 minutes to give you a call and let you know!

Wow. I'm sorry for those still havin morning sickness. :-/ mine has definitely passed and I'm now a hungry hungry hippo. :-(

Had my appointment today and I've gained 5 pounds. Good grief. That seems like a lot in a month.

Past that baby is rather active. I absolutely adore feeling baby move.

"Big" scan on the 7th. I'm excited and nervous. We have special screening due to both my parents having a form of spina bifida. So it's 2 hours. I truly hope I make it through without passing out or peeing myself! Lol.

Randomness now. I really need to buy new bras and panties!!

good luck for your big scan hun! i wouldnt say 5lb is so bad :hugs: i say that an im a serial weigher.. i do it at least once a week/every 4 days.

Hey all! Finally in front of a computer so can type a nice reply instead of a quick one!!

Sorry to hear some are still struck down with MS, mine has been getting better this week and I sincerely hope yours all does soon too, it is the pits feeling gross all the time!

Sunshine - that really sucks about your gender scan! To look forward to something for so long only to be let down is really shitty! Glad you managed to get another one booked pretty quickly!

Pix - Good luck for the scan, 2 hours is a decent scan length, will be awesome to see what is going on in there. Hope it is all good results for you!

Hope everyone is taking it easy and making sure to relax a bit with your feet up! I laugh as I type that actually as how often do we have the time! Its a nice thought though huh!

Hubby and I have decided to have the screening done, I think knowledge, whatever it is, is better than anxiously waiting to see. Have a midwife apt in.. sheesh 20 mins, better get moving! Will disucss all of that with her and get to hear heartbeat for the very first time! So excited, also get NT results, fingers crossed all is well.

i hope your appointment went well and you got ot hear the hb hun!

I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow and am so so hoping she can find the HB.. going to take a marker pen and tell her to draw an x where she finds it :haha: xxx
Bb, I think that means pix has a 9 year old and a 6 year old!! Xx

:rofl: OMG almighty fail :lol: I can't stop laughing! What an idiot I am!!! :rofl:

I'm 16 weeks today :happydance: Going to have a much needed hair cut then off to my 16 week appointment with the midwife. I'm so glad, I feel like no-one has checked baby for ages!

4 days until my gender scan :happydance: Can not wait!
A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious
That could explain it. One of my friends has spotting because she had thrush. I'd be very angry with the Doctor :growlmad: Yayyyy for movement :happydance:

What play mats is everyone getting?
hey ladies, just joined this group... decided its time to be normal and move over from the LTTC group.... due 21st jan after successful IVF... loving your chats on hear and learning quite a bit!

Welcome to the group, and congrats! :happydance:

Week 17 pic, looking huge in this top!!

View attachment 788263

You look great Ab!

Omgosh I forgot to post. Tristan said the funniest thing before. This was roughly how the conversation went -

Me "So when is baby coming?"
Tristan "I have my birthday, then Christmas then baby comes out of your bum!"
We both then starting howling with laughter and I go on to explain that girls don't have willies because they have babies and that babies come from lady bits.
Tristan "But how?"
Me "Like this" and I do a push sound whilst giggling.
Tristan "Pushhhhhhhhhh, you have to put your arms up at the same time Mummy then it will pop out of your rudey bits"

So yeh. That's not really how I thought that would go and not at the age of 3 but he thought it was hilarious plus I'd rather not lie to him!

Hilarious! :rofl: DD1 hasn't really asked much about how baby is getting here, but I did watch the ending of a OBEM episode I had to catch up on whilst she was around and I she was very intrigued!

Bb, I think that means pix has a 9 year old and a 6 year old!! Xx

:rofl: OMG almighty fail :lol: I can't stop laughing! What an idiot I am!!! :rofl:

I'm 16 weeks today :happydance: Going to have a much needed hair cut then off to my 16 week appointment with the midwife. I'm so glad, I feel like no-one has checked baby for ages!

4 days until my gender scan :happydance: Can not wait!

Happy 16 weeks!

A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious

How terrible :nope: I'm glad it's nothing too serious though, and great to hear an update from you. First movements too :dance:

Morning/evening ladies! :hi: not much to report from me. Feeling great, although still tired constantly. I'm taking a quick 1-1.5hr nap in the early evening when OH gets home from work and that seems to help, just wish I could have them earlier in the day! Unfortunately kids do not allow that :haha: I can't believe it's august on Friday. Where is the time going!? Just 5 months until our due month then :argh:
A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious

oh my gosh hun that is absolutely disgusting! I cant believe they didnt get straight onto you to get that sorted out! Although iv had this happen to me before. xx

BB - i have this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Pri...ainforest+Melodies+and+Lights+Deluxe+Baby+Gym. from ethan but i dont know if i still have all the bits for it so will probably need to get a new one :dohh:
A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious

oh my gosh hun that is absolutely disgusting! I cant believe they didnt get straight onto you to get that sorted out! Although iv had this happen to me before. xx

BB - i have this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Pri...ainforest+Melodies+and+Lights+Deluxe+Baby+Gym. from ethan but i dont know if i still have all the bits for it so will probably need to get a new one :dohh:

It's actually the 2nd time it's happened during this pregnancy, it happened with a urine infection at 6 weeks too. I need to phone the doctors to arrange the prescription and I am going to complain and ask to switch to a different gp.

I really wish I had a doppler, although midwives did her best to reassure me I just want to know for sure that my baby is okay in there, I know they can't give out scans for everyone that has spotting every time but I really wish they could!
A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious

oh my gosh hun that is absolutely disgusting! I cant believe they didnt get straight onto you to get that sorted out! Although iv had this happen to me before. xx

BB - i have this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Pri...ainforest+Melodies+and+Lights+Deluxe+Baby+Gym. from ethan but i dont know if i still have all the bits for it so will probably need to get a new one :dohh:

It's actually the 2nd time it's happened during this pregnancy, it happened with a urine infection at 6 weeks too. I need to phone the doctors to arrange the prescription and I am going to complain and ask to switch to a different gp.

I really wish I had a doppler, although midwives did her best to reassure me I just want to know for sure that my baby is okay in there, I know they can't give out scans for everyone that has spotting every time but I really wish they could!

i know what you mean hun. its a shame we cant buy a scanning machine lol. I have a doppler but havent found baby yet. ive found 101 other noises but not what i can 100% say is baby.

oh wow that is shocking hun i hope changing to a different gp helps!

any uk ladies who want an electric breast pump... tesco have the TT closer to nature one half price just now in the baby and toddler event. I just ordered one. as much as i dont want to BF full time i think it would be nice for the first couple weeks to do it or combi feed. xx
I'll have a look. Thanks :) I'll probably only buy a hand one again. I breastfed exclusively until 18 months when my son self weaned last time. Hoping to do the same this time.
Bb, I think that means pix has a 9 year old and a 6 year old!! Xx

:rofl: OMG almighty fail :lol: I can't stop laughing! What an idiot I am!!! :rofl:

I'm 16 weeks today :happydance: Going to have a much needed hair cut then off to my 16 week appointment with the midwife. I'm so glad, I feel like no-one has checked baby for ages!

4 days until my gender scan :happydance: Can not wait!

Lol I had to double check pix sig!!
Good luck at mw xx
Hope antibiotics help 0203.
I bf both girls exclusively but got migraines when I tried to express with my tt electric pump. Ended up hand expressing.
I've just been looking at playmats, but not sure yet. I like the piano one xx

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