*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

oh no i hope i dont get headaches from it lol. I've had a manual one with DS1 but it didnt get anything out at all.. but then again neither did trying to express by hand.

I figure its worth a try though to get the best into baby for the first couple days/weeks. I wont bf in public and i will have loads of nursery runs etc to do so pumping will deff work best for me. and if it doesnt work then iv not forked out too much on it and could pass it on.

I love the piano play mats too! i love any of them really that have lots to keep baby interested.. music /sounds. xx
I never used to get a lot when pumping but could manage better hand expressing, everyones different tho. Think I got myself stressed and tense and that caused the headaches. I used to bf anywhere, lol, first day out of hospital we went to the Gyle in E'burgh and I just thought its now or never lol xx
I fed everywhere and anywhere too. I learnt the vest top trick. No-one could see a thing and often thought I was cuddling him. I love BF and look forward to doing it again.
Just found out my maternity hospital don't tell me gender at scan, think I'm going to book a private scan for tues night, oooooohhhhhh!!! Xx
Had my midwife appointment today. She used the Doppler and found the heart beat, it's the first time I've heard it. She moved my consultant appointment from September to next Tuesday as she is concerned about my sick and dizzy not eating/drinking... So I dunno what will happen then. My bp was 103/67 something like that today, so that's still low ish but she doesn't seem to worried....

I have my 20 week scan in 23 days and I'm hoping baby will show us his gender, if not we will have to go private. (Luckily an old colleague has said I can have it done free at my old work place)

Just to let you all know kiddicare are closing all there stores so have a massive sale on...

We went and had a look and got a changing mat, and my boyfriends mum has got us a travel cot from a car boot sale.
I'm not really sure how I feel about buying stuff....

My boyfriend also took me to do a food shop and I nearly passed out twice... Which wasn't fun...

I'm still not sure if I can feel the baby move yet...

Hope everyone is okiee today

Dawn xxxxxx
Just had my 16 weeks midwife appointment. Uterus is exactly where is should be and baby sounds perfect :)

My BP was 100/50 Dawny but she said that was fine?

Anyone else think I'm carrying lower?


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Eugh I feel awful. I did a night shift last night which I don't mind, I actually enjoy night shifts but I felt ill for most of it and when I got him I threw up, only managed to get 4 and half hours sleep and feeling shocking today and got a night shift again tonight. I feel like my stomach is constantly full which is making me think it's more to do with reflux but I don't no. I don't want to eat, I'm constantly thirsty but the more I drink the fuller my stomach feels. I was fine up.until 10 weeks then the sickness started and I feel worse in second trimester than I did in first. I have my 16 week appointment next Friday so hopefully she can give me some tips, until then if u guys can help I'd appreciate it.

Il take a look at kiddicare hopefully I can get a pram and travel cot at good prices. Iv decided I'm having a boy lol, I wanted a girl right up until yesterday but something has been telling me for weeks that it's a boy and something in me yesterday said yeah definitely boy, I think il be really shocked if it's a girl. I don't no why I think boy I just do
I find I feel more sick during the night if I wake for a wee etc. You could feel sicker because everything is being shoved about. :hugs:
Eugh I feel awful. I did a night shift last night which I don't mind, I actually enjoy night shifts but I felt ill for most of it and when I got him I threw up, only managed to get 4 and half hours sleep and feeling shocking today and got a night shift again tonight. I feel like my stomach is constantly full which is making me think it's more to do with reflux but I don't no. I don't want to eat, I'm constantly thirsty but the more I drink the fuller my stomach feels. I was fine up.until 10 weeks then the sickness started and I feel worse in second trimester than I did in first. I have my 16 week appointment next Friday so hopefully she can give me some tips, until then if u guys can help I'd appreciate it.

Il take a look at kiddicare hopefully I can get a pram and travel cot at good prices. Iv decided I'm having a boy lol, I wanted a girl right up until yesterday but something has been telling me for weeks that it's a boy and something in me yesterday said yeah definitely boy, I think il be really shocked if it's a girl. I don't no why I think boy I just do

Oh sweety so sorry you are still so sick :( Tums is safe to take in pregnancy maybe it could help? Also try rootbeer if you haven't it may help I used to think my shoes would come out of my mouth i was so sick with my daughter but rootbeer was all that helped. :hugs: feel better soon!
Eugh I feel awful. I did a night shift last night which I don't mind, I actually enjoy night shifts but I felt ill for most of it and when I got him I threw up, only managed to get 4 and half hours sleep and feeling shocking today and got a night shift again tonight. I feel like my stomach is constantly full which is making me think it's more to do with reflux but I don't no. I don't want to eat, I'm constantly thirsty but the more I drink the fuller my stomach feels. I was fine up.until 10 weeks then the sickness started and I feel worse in second trimester than I did in first. I have my 16 week appointment next Friday so hopefully she can give me some tips, until then if u guys can help I'd appreciate it.

Il take a look at kiddicare hopefully I can get a pram and travel cot at good prices. Iv decided I'm having a boy lol, I wanted a girl right up until yesterday but something has been telling me for weeks that it's a boy and something in me yesterday said yeah definitely boy, I think il be really shocked if it's a girl. I don't no why I think boy I just do

Oh sweety so sorry you are still so sick :( Tums is safe to take in pregnancy maybe it could help? Also try rootbeer if you haven't it may help I used to think my shoes would come out of my mouth i was so sick with my daughter but rootbeer was all that helped. :hugs: feel better soon!

Lemon squash for me!
Soooo I had a mini panic attack today. I just felt off the last couple of days and have read some things on google I shouldn't have and needless to say by this morning I was in a full blown tizzy. I took a pregnancy test and for the first time the control was darker than my positive. (turns out this is normal this far along but i didn't know till later) I called my OB and asked if they could fit me in b/c I felt something was wrong w/ the baby. I got there and they immediately brought out the doppler and couldn't find the heartbeat. I just laid there and was kindof in shock. After 5 minutes the nurse said let me get another nurse to try. Would you believe the new nurse found it in like 30 secs? I couldn't help it I started crying so hard I was so relieved. The doctor came in and said its normal after everything I have been through to panic but that if I ever want to come in just to reassure myself and listen to the doppler I can. I thought that was so kind! He hugged me and said the chance of something happening at this stage is so small and they are watching me closely. I feel so much better now and they said losing symptoms can be normal at this stage. So very relieved and am not going to search google anymore!

So glad everything was fine! Sounds like your Dr was very empathetic too...wish they were all like that!

Week 17 pic, looking huge in this top!!

View attachment 788263

You look lovely ab :flower:

Cute bump pic!! I need to get some tops, but really hate to pay full price. I guess with this being #5, a few things have lost their charm, lol.

Is anyone else having blood sugar drops?? I had a what I think was one yesterday evening. My dh is diabetic and so I would normally be able to check it, but he is out of town this week. My sister brought hers over about half an hr after I ate and it was 99. So, in range, but I wish I had been able to check it. This I'd my 5th, but my first since being DX with hypothyroidism. Could that have something to do with it? I had a 1 hr glucose already and passed, but I will def mention it at my appt tomorrow. Anyone experience this ??

Sorry your having these issues luvs x I don't know anything in depth, but I know I've already started having some blood sugar crashes (cold sweat, light headed, trembly and really weak, all in about 2 minutes!). I had them a lot when I was pregnant with DS, but I never thought to mention it. I used to carry an emergency chocolate bar to help deal with them when I was out! I'll mention it to my consultant on the 11th and see what she says.

Omgosh I forgot to post. Tristan said the funniest thing before. This was roughly how the conversation went -

Me "So when is baby coming?"
Tristan "I have my birthday, then Christmas then baby comes out of your bum!"
We both then starting howling with laughter and I go on to explain that girls don't have willies because they have babies and that babies come from lady bits.
Tristan "But how?"
Me "Like this" and I do a push sound whilst giggling.
Tristan "Pushhhhhhhhhh, you have to put your arms up at the same time Mummy then it will pop out of your rudey bits"

So yeh. That's not really how I thought that would go and not at the age of 3 but he thought it was hilarious plus I'd rather not lie to him!

That is hilarious :rofl: DS knows that girls/ladies have vaginas and boys/men have a penis (or willys :haha:), but we've not gotten as far as talking about the exit strategy of this baby lol!

Wow. I'm sorry for those still havin morning sickness. :-/ mine has definitely passed and I'm now a hungry hungry hippo. :-(

Had my appointment today and I've gained 5 pounds. Good grief. That seems like a lot in a month.

Past that baby is rather active. I absolutely adore feeling baby move.

"Big" scan on the 7th. I'm excited and nervous. We have special screening due to both my parents having a form of spina bifida. So it's 2 hours. I truly hope I make it through without passing out or peeing myself! Lol.

Randomness now. I really need to buy new bras and panties!!

The movements are one of the best things about pregnancy aren't they?! So happy for you that you're feeling the baby so much! Good luck with the scan; I hope you manage not to pee! I'm very much in need of some new undies but haven't had a chance to buy any yet. Right now I'm just enjoying having a cleavage again!

Hey all! Finally in front of a computer so can type a nice reply instead of a quick one!!

Sorry to hear some are still struck down with MS, mine has been getting better this week and I sincerely hope yours all does soon too, it is the pits feeling gross all the time!

Sunshine - that really sucks about your gender scan! To look forward to something for so long only to be let down is really shitty! Glad you managed to get another one booked pretty quickly!

Pix - Good luck for the scan, 2 hours is a decent scan length, will be awesome to see what is going on in there. Hope it is all good results for you!

Hope everyone is taking it easy and making sure to relax a bit with your feet up! I laugh as I type that actually as how often do we have the time! Its a nice thought though huh!

Hubby and I have decided to have the screening done, I think knowledge, whatever it is, is better than anxiously waiting to see. Have a midwife apt in.. sheesh 20 mins, better get moving! Will disucss all of that with her and get to hear heartbeat for the very first time! So excited, also get NT results, fingers crossed all is well.

I really hope everything went well; I'll be thinking of you :hugs:

Bb, I think that means pix has a 9 year old and a 6 year old!! Xx

:rofl: OMG almighty fail :lol: I can't stop laughing! What an idiot I am!!! :rofl:

I'm 16 weeks today :happydance: Going to have a much needed hair cut then off to my 16 week appointment with the midwife. I'm so glad, I feel like no-one has checked baby for ages!

4 days until my gender scan :happydance: Can not wait!

Congrats on getting to 16 weeks! And :haha: at the fail...put it down to baby brain huh :winkwink:

A couple of people have asked on an update from me. I'm on my phone so can't multiquote but thanks so much for asking.

I had a little but more blood, it was only when I was wiping and a really small amount but I called the midwives to reassure me. They said I didn't need to go in unless it got heavier but looked at my records and saw that I have got a urine infection and a bacterial infection that needs treating. I'm so angry because they passed it on to my gp and he hasn't done anything about it . They said they would phone for me to get the antibiotics sorted. Midwife thinks that may be the reason behind the spotting.

For good news though...I'm sure I felt movement today :) It was 3 little "pops" right where the heartbeat was heard on Friday :) I can't wait until I feel definite movement, especially with the spotting as it has me a little anxious

So glad all is well and that you have an explanation. Hooray for movements!

oh no i hope i dont get headaches from it lol. I've had a manual one with DS1 but it didnt get anything out at all.. but then again neither did trying to express by hand.

I figure its worth a try though to get the best into baby for the first couple days/weeks. I wont bf in public and i will have loads of nursery runs etc to do so pumping will deff work best for me. and if it doesnt work then iv not forked out too much on it and could pass it on.

I love the piano play mats too! i love any of them really that have lots to keep baby interested.. music /sounds. xx

I found it really handy to have the pump, especially when I was struggling a bit with BF. I got a pretty decent amount when expressing, but it definitely took a lot longer! No idea on baby mats yet; I've got a lot of stuff to look at!

Had my midwife appointment today. She used the Doppler and found the heart beat, it's the first time I've heard it. She moved my consultant appointment from September to next Tuesday as she is concerned about my sick and dizzy not eating/drinking... So I dunno what will happen then. My bp was 103/67 something like that today, so that's still low ish but she doesn't seem to worried....

I have my 20 week scan in 23 days and I'm hoping baby will show us his gender, if not we will have to go private. (Luckily an old colleague has said I can have it done free at my old work place)

Just to let you all know kiddicare are closing all there stores so have a massive sale on...

We went and had a look and got a changing mat, and my boyfriends mum has got us a travel cot from a car boot sale.
I'm not really sure how I feel about buying stuff....

My boyfriend also took me to do a food shop and I nearly passed out twice... Which wasn't fun...

I'm still not sure if I can feel the baby move yet...

Hope everyone is okiee today

Dawn xxxxxx

Sorry you're still feeling so poorly :hugs:

Just had my 16 weeks midwife appointment. Uterus is exactly where is should be and baby sounds perfect :)

My BP was 100/50 Dawny but she said that was fine?

Anyone else think I'm carrying lower?

This is the 3rd time I've quoted you bb! Congrats on the great appointment; positive news is so reassuring isn't it?! Your bumps looks exactly like mine for both pregnancies (my first was a boy too!). I'm lower, bigger and rounder this time, for sure.
Thank you. It's a massive milestone! :)

I seem to be carrying EVERYWHERE this time :rofl: I just had a bump with my son but this time I have love handles, back fat, everything! O how attractive I feel. :lol: I think second time round your muscles aren't as right which could be why I'm carrying lower maybe?
Wow. So no. I definitely do not have 15. Holy sh@t! Haha. Guess I should change that.

I've decided I miss my small boobies. Lol. These have tripled in size and I just don't know what to do with them. Lol and they keep leaking! So my nipples stick to my bras! Tmi sure but ehhh.

Ok. That's all for now. I can't wait to see what all these babies are gonna be!!!
Wow. So no. I definitely do not have 15. Holy sh@t! Haha. Guess I should change that.

I've decided I miss my small boobies. Lol. These have tripled in size and I just don't know what to do with them. Lol and they keep leaking! So my nipples stick to my bras! Tmi sure but ehhh.

Ok. That's all for now. I can't wait to see what all these babies are gonna be!!!

I miss my old boobs too, they were very nicely proportioned to my body just lovely and now they are huge and my bum has got massive so I'm all out of proportion now and still only look like that half and half stage where you think I'm pregnant but I could just be fat.... Xxxxxxxx
:rofl: Just my baby brain!

LOVE it!!!!! Gave me my morning laugh today!! Love baby brain lol :)

My appt went well yest - heard heartbeat -150bpm and nt results low risk. Get my next scan in five weeks and will find out gender - yay!!!!
Sorry about the length of that multi-quote ladies! We just moved and I've been without proper internet for 3 days so a lot to catch up on!

Thanks to everyone for the moving tips. It's been relatively straightforward, and DS has been wonderful. He got a bit upset and grumpy yesterday, but its a big change for a little one so I've tried to be patient and understanding. I'm just glad that now we're settled I can go back to giving him loads of attention because the poor wee boy has watched far too much tv recently (I'm normally so strict!).

Does anyone else ever get a really sore vagina? I've had pains on and off throughout this pregnancy (almost like a lightening bolt...nice, right? :nope:), but today it honestly feels as if someone as kicked me really hard right there every time I move my right leg...so, so painful!

Man, the things I end up talking about on here!
Sorry about the length of that multi-quote ladies! We just moved and I've been without proper internet for 3 days so a lot to catch up on!

Thanks to everyone for the moving tips. It's been relatively straightforward, and DS has been wonderful. He got a bit upset and grumpy yesterday, but its a big change for a little one so I've tried to be patient and understanding. I'm just glad that now we're settled I can go back to giving him loads of attention because the poor wee boy has watched far too much tv recently (I'm normally so strict!).

Does anyone else ever get a really sore vagina? I've had pains on and off throughout this pregnancy (almost like a lightening bolt...nice, right? :nope:), but today it honestly feels as if someone as kicked me really hard right there every time I move my right leg...so, so painful!

Man, the things I end up talking about on here!

LIGHTENING CROTCH!! Its a wonderful thing. I dont know what causes it but its quite common. I had it really bad with DS2 and have had it a few times so far this pregnancy.

I'm glad you got moved and settled ok hun :D are you liking being in your new house? xx
:rofl: Just my baby brain!

LOVE it!!!!! Gave me my morning laugh today!! Love baby brain lol :)

My appt went well yest - heard heartbeat -150bpm and nt results low risk. Get my next scan in five weeks and will find out gender - yay!!!!

:happydance: for the great results!

Yeah, baby brain is real. Whilst moving my hubbie keeps asking me where things are and my usual response is "the thingy is up with the stuff in the thing with the chair." I cannot find the words for anything!
Sorry about the length of that multi-quote ladies! We just moved and I've been without proper internet for 3 days so a lot to catch up on!

Thanks to everyone for the moving tips. It's been relatively straightforward, and DS has been wonderful. He got a bit upset and grumpy yesterday, but its a big change for a little one so I've tried to be patient and understanding. I'm just glad that now we're settled I can go back to giving him loads of attention because the poor wee boy has watched far too much tv recently (I'm normally so strict!).

Does anyone else ever get a really sore vagina? I've had pains on and off throughout this pregnancy (almost like a lightening bolt...nice, right? :nope:), but today it honestly feels as if someone as kicked me really hard right there every time I move my right leg...so, so painful!

Man, the things I end up talking about on here!

LIGHTENING CROTCH!! Its a wonderful thing. I dont know what causes it but its quite common. I had it really bad with DS2 and have had it a few times so far this pregnancy.

I'm glad you got moved and settled ok hun :D are you liking being in your new house? xx

Gosh that's it exactly! My poor lady bits are flipping agony!! Sorry you've had it too x I'm doing nothing tonight (hence the million posts from me tonight :haha:). Thanks so much hun; we absolutely love the new house...it's everything we could have wanted :cloud9: I'm nesting like crazy now and cant wait to sort out the nursery.

DS was putting his shoes on this morning and said "Aw I love our new home Mummy." I almost started crying!

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