*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Afm - we did our gender reveal Saturday. Finally didn't have to keep it a secret anymore!!! The kids did a great job with shooting their balloons and everyone had a great time. We shared our names with family as well - Reed William and Evan John. Was a wonderful day filled and the outpouring of love was overwhelming :happydance:

We ordered cribs today too. Overstock is having a fabulous Labor Day sale so we finally made the leap. They'll be here on the 17th and then we'll be able to finish up the nursery!


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I think this is where choosing a really experienced OB comes into play.

Forceps and episiotomies are completely unnecessary in most circumstances. If you do end up needing either, you should trust that your doc wouldn't be going that far unless you or baby really REALLY needs it.

I know for many docs their use becomes routine - that wouldn't be ok with me. I raked mine over the coals before deciding he was "worthy" of delivering my kids lol. I didn't want someone who was going to cut me unnecessarily, or use ridiculous instrumentation that was potentially dangerous to my babies, on a whim just because he wanted to get to lunch faster. He delivers loads of babies, and it's extremely rare he needs to resort to such things.

ACOG themselves have said episiotomies are a largely unnecessary procedure of the past. I'm glad he agrees.

(I didn't need episiotomies or tools to assist with my births. Perineal massage, patience and good guidance via my OB and nurses did the trick - and sure does get the vast majority of women through just fine :flower: )
Thanks so much for that info. I'm going to have to research perineal massage when I'm closer. Will I still be able to reach my perineum when I'm 9 months along!? :haha:

I think every doctor should get raked over the coals! It really is an honor and a privilege to help Mamas bring babies into the world. :hugs:No woman should be treated like an assembly line. I can remember EVERYTHING about my son's birth a thousand years ago and I'm thankful it went relatively smoothly.

I won't know who's delivering me until I get there so that's a bit unnerving...but that's just the way my HMO does things.

Thanks again.
Messica- that's an awesome gender reveal!!! So glad the day went well for yall!!

Hubby and I are currently trying to figure out ideas for our gender reveal <3
Thanks so much for that info. I'm going to have to research perineal massage when I'm closer. Will I still be able to reach my perineum when I'm 9 months along!? :haha:

I think every doctor should get raked over the coals! It really is an honor and a privilege to help Mamas bring babies into the world. :hugs:No woman should be treated like an assembly line. I can remember EVERYTHING about my son's birth a thousand years ago and I'm thankful it went relatively smoothly.

I won't know who's delivering me until I get there so that's a bit unnerving...but that's just the way my HMO does things.

Thanks again.

It's so crummy that you don't know who before you're set to deliver! What a bummer!

To clarify - you don't have to do the PM, doc does. Studies have actually shown that doing it prior to labor setting in reduces the positive effects. Doc/midwife/doula should be doing it throughout labor and during delivery to give you the max benefit :thumbup:
Afm - we did our gender reveal Saturday. Finally didn't have to keep it a secret anymore!!! The kids did a great job with shooting their balloons and everyone had a great time. We shared our names with family as well - Reed William and Evan John. Was a wonderful day filled and the outpouring of love was overwhelming :happydance:
I love it! Gorgeous family too!
gorgeous pic mummy laura! <3 <3

oh my i think id have felt queezy hearing about it too. :o

i hope you love your section as much as i did hun!

Here's a birth day picture from me, princess mummy :)

Tired mama!!! Lol :) what an adorable baby. Gosh I love the new born cheeks!!! <3 I wanna squish their faces 8D

Very tired and still a bit high haha, your sons are gorgeous! Can't wait to see what this baby is gonna look like. I'm so used to my Son and it's weird to think that I've made a child the same way I did the first one but it's gonna be a completely different person, know what I mean? :) xx

Beautiful baby pictures ladies.

So sorry some if you had very dramatic birth stories, here's hoping this time round we are all Lucky.

I feel so impatient :haha: feels like there is still ages to wait!

oh man i feel like its flying past so fast! Im so scared im not going to be prepared in time.

SM birth story link at bottom of first post on my journal :)

thanks hun ill have another look <3

Gorgeous baby pictures! I just want to hug and squish every baby I see!:haha:

I've always been more scared of episiotomies and forceps than of a C-section for some reason. I've never had one, but I've had many abdominal surgeries...been cut from stem to stern several times.

You guys have reignited my fears about forceps. :nope:

How do you ladies feel about episiotomies? lol obviously no one wants one, but is it better than tearing? Ugh, just the thought of it.....:sick:

i have no issue with episiotomies as long as they're done for the right reason and not just because the doc is getting impatient. Mine healed really quickly afterwards.

Afm - we did our gender reveal Saturday. Finally didn't have to keep it a secret anymore!!! The kids did a great job with shooting their balloons and everyone had a great time. We shared our names with family as well - Reed William and Evan John. Was a wonderful day filled and the outpouring of love was overwhelming :happydance:

We ordered cribs today too. Overstock is having a fabulous Labor Day sale so we finally made the leap. They'll be here on the 17th and then we'll be able to finish up the nursery!

what a fab way to do a gender reveal and i love your names hun! <3 <3

Thanks so much for that info. I'm going to have to research perineal massage when I'm closer. Will I still be able to reach my perineum when I'm 9 months along!? :haha:

I think every doctor should get raked over the coals! It really is an honor and a privilege to help Mamas bring babies into the world. :hugs:No woman should be treated like an assembly line. I can remember EVERYTHING about my son's birth a thousand years ago and I'm thankful it went relatively smoothly.

I won't know who's delivering me until I get there so that's a bit unnerving...but that's just the way my HMO does things.

Thanks again.

It's so crummy that you don't know who before you're set to deliver! What a bummer!

To clarify - you don't have to do the PM, doc does. Studies have actually shown that doing it prior to labor setting in reduces the positive effects. Doc/midwife/doula should be doing it throughout labor and during delivery to give you the max benefit :thumbup:

I wish we had the choice of choosing who was going to deliver us. we get whatever random person is on duty at the time we go in. And none of them would sit there and do perennial massage either.. we'de have to have our partner do it.

Id love a midwife whos pro natural ways but my only labour experience is you get a handful of different midwives coming in and out at random times so you dont get the continued support form one specific midwife. Although it could be very different at the hospital im at this time.
I had an episiotomy. I wasn't asked. She just did it. A lot of the things this Doctor did annoyed me which is why she will not be putting a toe through the door this time!
My episiotomy stitches split after delivery, I had infection after infection and countless antibiotic. I spent weeks crying from the pain and half my life in the bath just trying to soothe it. My scar is still tender nearly 4 years on and I'm terrified it's going to make labour hard this time. I'm not sure how I'd cope with that pain again with a 4 year old and a newborn!
:hugs: eekk sounds bad hun. They stitched me up a bit wrong so i had a bit of skin up high that had to be removed later on but the actual bit on the perenium was fine. I hope you have a much better experience this time xx
Has anyone had small vibrations low down in the bump that lasts a few seconds? I never had it with Tristan.
I was induced due to severe pain from kidney stones. My induction went very smoothly. I was in labor for eight hours, they tried to use a vacuum but couldn't due to dd having too much hair. I did have an episiotomy that healed great. My doctor was awesome. I'm hoping that I will be induced this time around too that way I know which doctor I will have- there are 4 in my group
OAN- I'm haven't been able to sleep tonight due to awful jaw and ear pain. If I call the Doctor they will tell me to take zyrtec- which I stopped last week. I started taking it again last night. This sucks because all I can take is Tylenol, which doesn't work well.
BB - no sorry hun never had vibrations.

hopeful - sorry to hear your in pain hun :hugs: I hope it gets better soon.

afm - well i wont be recieving any correspondence from the scan clinic... The clinic where i had it done is closing down this month. So no wonder she couldnt be bothered with my scan :dohh:
Wow... that really sucks SM :(.
Hi ladies. It's been sooo long since I posted in here. Hope ypu are all keeping ok!
I've been feeling little tiny kicks lately, mostly when I'm lying in bed. I can't wait until they get stronger.

So I had my consultant appointment today, in my notes my midwife wrote "due to prev ab smear" so when the consultant asked if I knew why I was there I felt a right idiot, she said no its because of my bmi! Why did my midwife not tell me the truth! My blood pressure was a little high so have to have that taken every 2 weeks and have to have a growth scan at 28 and 34 weeks. Atleast I don't have to wait so long to see my midwife now though.
Also, tomorrow by 9am I should know if we are having a girl or a boy :)
Hi ladies. It's been sooo long since I posted in here. Hope ypu are all keeping ok!
I've been feeling little tiny kicks lately, mostly when I'm lying in bed. I can't wait until they get stronger.

So I had my consultant appointment today, in my notes my midwife wrote "due to prev ab smear" so when the consultant asked if I knew why I was there I felt a right idiot, she said no its because of my bmi! Why did my midwife not tell me the truth! My blood pressure was a little high so have to have that taken every 2 weeks and have to have a growth scan at 28 and 34 weeks. Atleast I don't have to wait so long to see my midwife now though.
Also, tomorrow by 9am I should know if we are having a girl or a boy :)

hey hun im glad your ok. I cant believe the midwife didnt just tell you it was because of your BMI. We all have to do it here if our bmi is 30 or over.

growth scans are fab <3 extra time to see baby.. i get 3 of them. I hope your bp comes back down hun.

good luck for your scan!! xxxx
I know, I wouldn't of minded her just telling me that. Rang her when I got out the hospital to say I need to make an appointment for 2 weeks time, she wasnt there and was meant to ring me back, she hasn't yet so will be ringing again in the morning. I don't mind being 'high risk' and having extra scans and seeing my midwife more just the fact I felt such an idiot!

Literally in my notes from my booking in app it says something like "consultant triage due to prev ab smear...... bmi pathway commenced blady bla" lol. Do they show you baby at the growth scans?
Also booked my 3d scan for 11th October, my boyfriend is paying for it for me for my birthday (11th sep) so a month to wait for my birthday present but it will be so worth it.

8:40am my scan is tomorrow, too excited! Will pop on and let you all know.
My battery is low now so will try and pop on after we get home from MIL's lately and try and catch up on a few more pages.
I had an episiotomy. I wasn't asked. She just did it. A lot of the things this Doctor did annoyed me which is why she will not be putting a toe through the door this time!
My episiotomy stitches split after delivery, I had infection after infection and countless antibiotic. I spent weeks crying from the pain and half my life in the bath just trying to soothe it. My scar is still tender nearly 4 years on and I'm terrified it's going to make labour hard this time. I'm not sure how I'd cope with that pain again with a 4 year old and a newborn!
I'm so sorry you had to go through that.:cry:Stupid doctor.:growlmad:
I know, I wouldn't of minded her just telling me that. Rang her when I got out the hospital to say I need to make an appointment for 2 weeks time, she wasnt there and was meant to ring me back, she hasn't yet so will be ringing again in the morning. I don't mind being 'high risk' and having extra scans and seeing my midwife more just the fact I felt such an idiot!

Literally in my notes from my booking in app it says something like "consultant triage due to prev ab smear...... bmi pathway commenced blady bla" lol. Do they show you baby at the growth scans?
Also booked my 3d scan for 11th October, my boyfriend is paying for it for me for my birthday (11th sep) so a month to wait for my birthday present but it will be so worth it.

8:40am my scan is tomorrow, too excited! Will pop on and let you all know.
My battery is low now so will try and pop on after we get home from MIL's lately and try and catch up on a few more pages.

yeah it kinda makes you embarrased when you dont know why theyve actually sent you. I was lucky enough to know so when i was asked i just looked and said "yeah because im fat" lol. I hope she rings you back hun.. she doesnt sound very good.

erm it depends on the person. I get to see about 2 minutes of baby at the growth scans. but then thats all i get to see at the big scans too.

aww yey for a private scan! Although thats a long time to wait but it will be so worth it! Id love another 3d scan a little later on. x
Seth- No wonder!! So sorry you don't get a proper apology now though ;(

Welsh- welcome back!! Good luck to you on your scan tomorrow <3 it's silly the midwife didn't just communicate with you. I feel like its a big problem with OBs and MWs these days... Just doctors in general I guess -.- pity. At least you know now and get to see little bean more often!! I was kind of hoping I would be considered high risk this time cuz my pregnancies are so close together but my OB didn't find it necessary :dohh:

I'm feeling a bit stressed here today ladies- between some tiffs with my mother lately and everything else going on (buying a new house in the next 2 months, getting approved for loans, hospital bills stacking up from my sons MRIs, then moving, the new baby, our gender reveal, money being tight until my husbands raise this month, blah blah blah) I will probably be on here for some major B&B love today. I guess the fuss with my mom last night made me super on edge :( I couldn't sleep and then I had horrid nightmares :coffee: :shrug: I am trying drawing a bath at the moment while DS naps. I hope it calms some nerves :nope:
Seth- No wonder!! So sorry you don't get a proper apology now though ;(

I'm feeling a bit stressed here today ladies- between some tiffs with my mother lately and everything else going on (buying a new house in the next 2 months, getting approved for loans, hospital bills stacking up from my sons MRIs, then moving, the new baby, our gender reveal, money being tight until my husbands raise this month, blah blah blah) I will probably be on here for some major B&B love today. I guess the fuss with my mom last night made me super on edge :( I couldn't sleep and then I had horrid nightmares :coffee: :shrug: I am trying drawing a bath at the moment while DS naps. I hope it calms some nerves :nope:
Sorry you're having a rough day hun. :hugs:
Seth- No wonder!! So sorry you don't get a proper apology now though ;(

Welsh- welcome back!! Good luck to you on your scan tomorrow <3 it's silly the midwife didn't just communicate with you. I feel like its a big problem with OBs and MWs these days... Just doctors in general I guess -.- pity. At least you know now and get to see little bean more often!! I was kind of hoping I would be considered high risk this time cuz my pregnancies are so close together but my OB didn't find it necessary :dohh:

I'm feeling a bit stressed here today ladies- between some tiffs with my mother lately and everything else going on (buying a new house in the next 2 months, getting approved for loans, hospital bills stacking up from my sons MRIs, then moving, the new baby, our gender reveal, money being tight until my husbands raise this month, blah blah blah) I will probably be on here for some major B&B love today. I guess the fuss with my mom last night made me super on edge :( I couldn't sleep and then I had horrid nightmares :coffee: :shrug: I am trying drawing a bath at the moment while DS naps. I hope it calms some nerves :nope:

Sorry it has been so rough for you this month :hugs:. I hope the bath helps!! I love nice hot baths. I just feel like crap trying to get out of it lol!

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