*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Omg all these birth stories have me remembering why I am terrified to do it again, I too had an awful experience that left us both traumatized for weeks afterwards. My poor ds head swelled 5 cm in the 3 hrs after birth and went to nicu.

I sincerely hope we all get a better time this time around, so jealous of those that have had a good birth!!

Hope you all are well!! Sm that sucks re clinic!! They are jerks

My anatomy scan is in 12 hours yay!!!! Finally get my gender!!
Ladies I need ur help.
Before my bfp I had (but never diagnosed) an overactive bladder. Iv noticed that through my pregnancy this has got worse, with sometimes bathroom trips being only 15 to 30 minutes apart and some leaking. Sometimes the leaking is so bad I get sore and have to use sudocream on myself because my skin feels raw from damp undies rubbing on me. It's embarrassing n I don't really want to mention it to the midwife, I'm sure they've heard it a thousand times but I would rather not. Other than pelvic floor exercises (when I remember) is there anything else I can do? It has been a long standing problem which I have never got round to sorting but it's getting worse n I dread to think how bad it will be later.....help me
First off use tenalady type liners so you don't make yourself sore. Def do your pelvic floor but I would also mention it to your dr or midwife, they might be able to help x don't suffer in silence
Seth- No wonder!! So sorry you don't get a proper apology now though ;(

Welsh- welcome back!! Good luck to you on your scan tomorrow <3 it's silly the midwife didn't just communicate with you. I feel like its a big problem with OBs and MWs these days... Just doctors in general I guess -.- pity. At least you know now and get to see little bean more often!! I was kind of hoping I would be considered high risk this time cuz my pregnancies are so close together but my OB didn't find it necessary :dohh:

I'm feeling a bit stressed here today ladies- between some tiffs with my mother lately and everything else going on (buying a new house in the next 2 months, getting approved for loans, hospital bills stacking up from my sons MRIs, then moving, the new baby, our gender reveal, money being tight until my husbands raise this month, blah blah blah) I will probably be on here for some major B&B love today. I guess the fuss with my mom last night made me super on edge :( I couldn't sleep and then I had horrid nightmares :coffee: :shrug: I am trying drawing a bath at the moment while DS naps. I hope it calms some nerves :nope:

so sorry you have had such a horrible time lately hun :hugs: I hope things will be on the up for you soon :hugs:

Omg all these birth stories have me remembering why I am terrified to do it again, I too had an awful experience that left us both traumatized for weeks afterwards. My poor ds head swelled 5 cm in the 3 hrs after birth and went to nicu.

I sincerely hope we all get a better time this time around, so jealous of those that have had a good birth!!

Hope you all are well!! Sm that sucks re clinic!! They are jerks

My anatomy scan is in 12 hours yay!!!! Finally get my gender!!

Good luck for your scan hun!

I also hope we all get better births this time. And thank you.. it does suck but ihave learned my lesson xx
Has anyone else had any brown spotting this pregnancy? I never had any with my DS but I just seem to keep getting it randomly this trimester. had some the day of my scan last week and baby was fine.. I've been up the hospital with it before but they said my cervix is closed and sent me home. I also listen to baby's heartbeat a lot on my doppler so I know she's still ok. Just didn't know what to do because I'm gonna end up getting in trouble at work if I keep going up the hospital and being told there's nothing wrong :(
Has anyone else had any brown spotting this pregnancy? I never had any with my DS but I just seem to keep getting it randomly this trimester. had some the day of my scan last week and baby was fine.. I've been up the hospital with it before but they said my cervix is closed and sent me home. I also listen to baby's heartbeat a lot on my doppler so I know she's still ok. Just didn't know what to do because I'm gonna end up getting in trouble at work if I keep going up the hospital and being told there's nothing wrong :(

Totally normal! I had tons with DS. Some with this pregnancy but tons more last time. It's just your cervix stretching as the baby grows (or at least that's what my OB told me) don't worry!!

Thanks ladies- I'm feeling a bit better now but still a little bummed <\3
gorgeous pic mummy laura! <3 <3

oh my i think id have felt queezy hearing about it too. :o

i hope you love your section as much as i did hun!

Here's a birth day picture from me, princess mummy :)

Tired mama!!! Lol :) what an adorable baby. Gosh I love the new born cheeks!!! <3 I wanna squish their faces 8D

Very tired and still a bit high haha, your sons are gorgeous! Can't wait to see what this baby is gonna look like. I'm so used to my Son and it's weird to think that I've made a child the same way I did the first one but it's gonna be a completely different person, know what I mean? :) xx

Love the baby pics! And I totally understand what you mean MummyL, I keep wondering how different this little one will be and find it strange picturing another little face. Every time I think of my baby I picture DS! They look quite different in the scans though....but equally cute :haha:

I had a fair bit of bleeding with DS and all was well (obviously!), apparently about a third of all women bleed at some time in pregnancy but it's never really mentioned. If you're feeling anxious about it definitely go see the Dr. Your work can just suck it up!

Gorgeous baby pictures! I just want to hug and squish every baby I see!:haha:

I've always been more scared of episiotomies and forceps than of a C-section for some reason. I've never had one, but I've had many abdominal surgeries...been cut from stem to stern several times.

You guys have reignited my fears about forceps. :nope:

How do you ladies feel about episiotomies? lol obviously no one wants one, but is it better than tearing? Ugh, just the thought of it.....:sick:

I was terrified of tearing, and episiotomies prior to giving birth. I ended up with having a horrific birth; the hospital were criminally negligent but we didn't sue as it not only does it go against my principles, I was so messed up afterwards I couldn't talk about it for over a year. I did raise a complaint though, in the hope that hat no woman would ever have to deal with what I did. Anyway... The incompetent, panicking Doc who delivered DS not only cut me unnecessarily, but I ended up with an internal 4th degree tear (yeah, the worst kind :cry:) due to her actions. Man, I'm still angry at that hospital! They didn't believe me that I was in labour, didn't call DH, so I also had to go through the whole thing alone.

It's still up in the air as to whether I'll try to deliver naturally, or have an elective section. I'm terrified of both tbh. But, one things for sure, I will kick, scream, and do everything else I need to to make sure I get what I need, when I need it. You have to be your own advocate in labour, that's for sure!

Afm - we did our gender reveal Saturday. Finally didn't have to keep it a secret anymore!!! The kids did a great job with shooting their balloons and everyone had a great time. We shared our names with family as well - Reed William and Evan John. Was a wonderful day filled and the outpouring of love was overwhelming :happydance:

We ordered cribs today too. Overstock is having a fabulous Labor Day sale so we finally made the leap. They'll be here on the 17th and then we'll be able to finish up the nursery!

Lovely reveal, and gorgeous family!

BB - no sorry hun never had vibrations.

hopeful - sorry to hear your in pain hun :hugs: I hope it gets better soon.

afm - well i wont be recieving any correspondence from the scan clinic... The clinic where i had it done is closing down this month. So no wonder she couldnt be bothered with my scan :dohh:

Not surprising really! How annoying that you won't get any answers though!

Seth- No wonder!! So sorry you don't get a proper apology now though ;(

Welsh- welcome back!! Good luck to you on your scan tomorrow <3 it's silly the midwife didn't just communicate with you. I feel like its a big problem with OBs and MWs these days... Just doctors in general I guess -.- pity. At least you know now and get to see little bean more often!! I was kind of hoping I would be considered high risk this time cuz my pregnancies are so close together but my OB didn't find it necessary :dohh:

I'm feeling a bit stressed here today ladies- between some tiffs with my mother lately and everything else going on (buying a new house in the next 2 months, getting approved for loans, hospital bills stacking up from my sons MRIs, then moving, the new baby, our gender reveal, money being tight until my husbands raise this month, blah blah blah) I will probably be on here for some major B&B love today. I guess the fuss with my mom last night made me super on edge :( I couldn't sleep and then I had horrid nightmares :coffee: :shrug: I am trying drawing a bath at the moment while DS naps. I hope it calms some nerves :nope:

Sorry you've had such a crappy day :hugs: I have a fairly up and down relationship with my Mother so I get how stressed it can make you feel when things aren't so great. Hope it gets better ASAP!

Omg all these birth stories have me remembering why I am terrified to do it again, I too had an awful experience that left us both traumatized for weeks afterwards. My poor ds head swelled 5 cm in the 3 hrs after birth and went to nicu.

I sincerely hope we all get a better time this time around, so jealous of those that have had a good birth!!

Hope you all are well!! Sm that sucks re clinic!! They are jerks

My anatomy scan is in 12 hours yay!!!! Finally get my gender!!

Sorry you had a difficult birth too :hugs: I took me a long time to recover from DS birth, in fact I'm not sure if I ever will, so I totally understand how it feels to face doing it again when it was rough the first time! It's hard getting over it when other people seem to do it all so easily, but I hope with all my heart that we get to be one of those people this time around. Good luck with your scan! X
How do you ladies feel about episiotomies? lol obviously no one wants one, but is it better than tearing? Ugh, just the thought of it.....:sick:

I was terrified of tearing, and episiotomies prior to giving birth. I ended up with having a horrific birth; the hospital were criminally negligent but we didn't sue as it not only does it go against my principles, I was so messed up afterwards I couldn't talk about it for over a year. I did raise a complaint though, in the hope that hat no woman would ever have to deal with what I did. Anyway... The incompetent, panicking Doc who delivered DS not only cut me unnecessarily, but I ended up with an internal 4th degree tear (yeah, the worst kind :cry:) due to her actions. Man, I'm still angry at that hospital! They didn't believe me that I was in labour, didn't call DH, so I also had to go through the whole thing alone.

It's still up in the air as to whether I'll try to deliver naturally, or have an elective section. I'm terrified of both tbh. But, one things for sure, I will kick, scream, and do everything else I need to to make sure I get what I need, when I need it. You have to be your own advocate in labour, that's for sure!
!!!! I am SOSOSO sorry you went through that!:hugs:I want to scream at your doctor and maybe even give HER an episiotomy...:growlmad:
First off use tenalady type liners so you don't make yourself sore. Def do your pelvic floor but I would also mention it to your dr or midwife, they might be able to help x don't suffer in silence

I do keep meaning to use liners but by the time I remember Its too late to use one, the damage has been done, thank the Lord for sudocream, I must have been leaking today because I'm so sore after a 13 hour shift at work.

As for episiotomies, I don't actually mind the thought of one as opposed to tearing. Last year I had vaginal surgery where they cut away loads of nerve damaged tissue that was making sex and sometimes even just sitting quite painful. They also did 2 episiotomies, I their words, to give me more capacity, that made me laugh lol. Although the damage wasn't done by me being small (or oh being big which was his preferred thought) it was from tensing and being nervous. But I have to say I was surprised with how quickly and well it healed, I did get an infection which needed antibiotics but I think that's quite common with where it is. But I can honestly say I doubt I'd be pregnant now without it n the recovery wasn't as bad as I expected, I'd prefer an episiotomy to a section I think
Omg buddy that sounds awful!!! That is just so incompetent of them!

I had an episiotomy last time, I was asked first after two hours of pushing with no advance, that part was actually fine and his head did come out after that, unfortunately the rest of him was super stuck! They stitched it up well and was only sore for a few weeks, have no residual side effects or anything. Would definitely consider it again if time came and thought it was needed.
We are team pink!!!! So happy and everything was looking good apparently :)
I do keep meaning to use liners but by the time I remember Its too late to use one, the damage has been done, thank the Lord for sudocream, I must have been leaking today because I'm so sore after a 13 hour shift at work.
I really can't say it strongly enough! Put one on in the morning before you leave :) the difference to every aspect of your day is immeasurable.

That said, I went through about 2 weeks of feeling like I was constantly weeing, then I got worried about leaking waters, then it stopped. Just like that. And some googling later and it seems it's pretty common around this time (18-20 weeks ish). Just lots and lots of clear thin discharge. It's a horrid feeling having wet pants.

I'm not surprised your sore! Get them tenalady on! Or even just panty liners, though tena hold more
I was induced and had a very quick labour really. I tore (I would prefer tearing to being cut) and had a second degree tear but they stitched me up well and I never even noticed the stitches :)
Good luck welshgirl xx
Congrats on team pink waiting xx
We are having a GIRL :) the head was measuring small so im worried about that. Waiting on a call from the midwife from the hospital now.
Thanks for the support janet and waiting :hugs: The episiotomy actually healed fine, so I wouldn't necessarily object to being cut again. It was the tear that did me in. It makes it so hard to decide how to give birth this time; I could avoid the possibility of a bad tear again by having a section, but that carries risks and recovery too. Then again, I could go natural and be absolutely fine. I wish someone had a crystal ball so I could make the right decision about this :shrug:

We are team pink!!!! So happy and everything was looking good apparently :)

That's wonderful news :cloud9::happydance: Hooray! I'm so happy for you! X
We are having a GIRL :) the head was measuring small so im worried about that. Waiting on a call from the midwife from the hospital now.

Congratulations! Lovely news :hugs: I hope everything goes well with the call x
Still have 11 and a half days to wait for my scan.....I'm not counting them or anything lol

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