*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Welsh- we had the opposite problem with my son. His head was too big and it's still growing a bit faster than his body, but steady to it. We have to get it checked monthly now but I remember at his 21w ultrasound they said his head was 1.5 weeks ahead. I asked if that was normal, they said it is normal for certain parts of baby to measure a week behind or ahead. So he was a bit abnormal, but I am sure everything is fine with your little bean!! I would phone again of you're feeling uneasy, though. Don't let them make you wait!!

On a random note I wanted to announce that last night I felt my first external kick!!!!! :D I was NOT expecting it at all :) I laid down for bed and I always just rest my hand on my tummy when trying to feel her. I didn't feel anything, then suddenly POP! Right on my hand. And right on my c-section scar o.o it felt a bit odd :p
Got more Christmas presents in, I need to be super organised this year.
On sat when I was in tesco they had a twirling my little pony for £5.50,I had seen it elsewhere for about £20 so I got it for Zoe's Christmas. Today it was £22!! They had smaller my little ponies today, price on shelf £5 buy one get one free, scanned at £8 each but I showed them the ticket so got 2 for a fiver, also got 2 minnie mouse play doh things down from £8 each to £2 each. I'm well pleased with myself lol.
And the 2 cute fluffy blankets I ordered from amazon for £3 each came today, so cute and well worth the money xx
Had my ultrasound today, looks like we are team :blue: the picture isn't the best quality and he didn't seem to want to cooperate and give us a profile shot but there is a somewhat creepy looking face picture.

Cool pics! Congratulations on team blue! x

Argh so the hospital didnt ring me yesterday. I rang at 2:30 asking what was happening and they were still waiting for the doctor to look at the scan and stuff. I'm hoping they ring me this morning. And I'm hoping it wont be anything serious to worry about. Her head was measuring a week behind..fancy leaving people all stressed!

How frustrating! I really hope you hear from them soon! I know Dr's are, super busy but I think they sometimes forget that there's some person sitting by the phone worrying and waiting for their call. X

Welsh- we had the opposite problem with my son. His head was too big and it's still growing a bit faster than his body, but steady to it. We have to get it checked monthly now but I remember at his 21w ultrasound they said his head was 1.5 weeks ahead. I asked if that was normal, they said it is normal for certain parts of baby to measure a week behind or ahead. So he was a bit abnormal, but I am sure everything is fine with your little bean!! I would phone again of you're feeling uneasy, though. Don't let them make you wait!!

On a random note I wanted to announce that last night I felt my first external kick!!!!! :D I was NOT expecting it at all :) I laid down for bed and I always just rest my hand on my tummy when trying to feel her. I didn't feel anything, then suddenly POP! Right on my hand. And right on my c-section scar o.o it felt a bit odd :p

:cloud9: aw lovely! It's amazing to feel those big kicks isn't it!? Total bliss!

Had a lovely morning this morning; my bump has finally gotten big enough for a few of the other parents at nursery to congratulate me and ask how far along I am etc etc etc. It was so nice to be able to tell people :happydance: One of the Dad's was so funny though and said he thought I might be pregnant for a while but was terrified to ask in case he was wrong, so he waited till it was obvious lol!
Buddy- yes!! And I could feel her kicking and shifting when I woke up this am. I can even feel her wee little head with my fingers!! It's crazy how different this pregnancy is.. I feel like I am in a different body or something :p
Oh and that daddy who waited to ask if you were pregnant is a sharp one! Haha! Someone taught him right :p most men could use a lesson from him
Welsh- we had the opposite problem with my son. His head was too big and it's still growing a bit faster than his body, but steady to it. We have to get it checked monthly now but I remember at his 21w ultrasound they said his head was 1.5 weeks ahead. I asked if that was normal, they said it is normal for certain parts of baby to measure a week behind or ahead. So he was a bit abnormal, but I am sure everything is fine with your little bean!! I would phone again of you're feeling uneasy, though. Don't let them make you wait!!

On a random note I wanted to announce that last night I felt my first external kick!!!!! :D I was NOT expecting it at all :) I laid down for bed and I always just rest my hand on my tummy when trying to feel her. I didn't feel anything, then suddenly POP! Right on my hand. And right on my c-section scar o.o it felt a bit odd :p

The sonographer told us she was literally just under the bottom acceptable percentile line. But she did say like every adult are different shapes and sizes, so are babies. That they could look at me and dean and say we both have small heads so she is like us etc but we left with no information from the antenatal clinic. They were meant to be expecting me at the antenatal clinic straight after my scan yesterday so I dont know why I am still waiting.
I just rang them again, the receptionist said "oh we have been busy this morning" basically told me to ring back in an hour. I've been waiting since 9:30 yesterday morning for answers! I'm taking Alex to the doctors later so don't want to miss this call.

It's like I tried getting in touch with my midwife on tuesday, she wasnt there so another one left a message for her and said she would ring me back, nothing. Rang yesterday and apparently she tried getting in touch with me..well I had no voicemail or missed calls. Its like me and Alex fall off the radar with all these health professionals.
Will let you all know when I eventually get answers then I can catch up properly!
I'm sorry hun that's so irritating :( I'm certain it'll all be ok!! I think health offices/professionals are just SO terrible at communication most times. Sounds like me an my hubby. Whenever it's something important, we seem to not get these "calls" or "emails" that were sent to us. I would just keep ringin if I were you- so what if it's annoyong? They should have gotten back to you long ago. The most they can do is get flustered with you. Hoping you get a call soon and sending good vibes!!
Btw- my hubby and I have HUGE craniums. They can't find any issues with my son so they have told us it's just a result of two really big headed people :p I'm hoping this poor little girl of mine doesn't end up having a huge head haha. I am sure that's just what's up with your baby, though <3
Buddy- yes!! And I could feel her kicking and shifting when I woke up this am. I can even feel her wee little head with my fingers!! It's crazy how different this pregnancy is.. I feel like I am in a different body or something :p
Oh and that daddy who waited to ask if you were pregnant is a sharp one! Haha! Someone taught him right :p most men could use a lesson from him

It is so different second time around! I think you know so much more, and can tell things that you maybe wouldn't have first time. Maybe that's just me though :haha:

The Dad is such a nice guy; he does all the nursery runs so I think he's around all the Mums enough to know better than to guess lol! I asked him if he'd wondered if I just gotten a bit fat over the summer :haha:
You're probably right! It's still totally strange to me, but it's fun :D today she is just a busy bee in there!! Whenever I sit down for a bit or lay she gives me a few jabs to remind me that she is here!!

Aw what a dedicated daddy! I love seeing men like that :) it's so refreshing :3 There was a guy at my place of work that thought I had just gotten fat :X I about did away with him >_<
Right, she just rang me. She said they didnt measure baby's tummy at the scan so they can't tell if she is just on the smaller side. She said just because her head is on the bottom scale doesn't mean anything is wrong. She's writing to the ultrasound department for them to do a tummy measurement when I go back next Wednesday then if anything is wrong then to send me down to antenatal.
So I'm not going to worry anymore until I need to. Whether there turns out to be something wrong or she is just petite she is loved regardless. I mean I'm only 5ft a bit on the larger side but small in height, my OH isn't really tall. Alex is petite also.

Ab75 - some great bargains there. I need to get cracking with my Christmas shopping. Seen a cool army toy in poundstretchers which I will be picking up for Alex for christmas. He's getting super spoilt this year lol.

Princessmommy - yay for external kicks :) I can't wait to be able to feel kicks from the outside. I've been feeling her kick for a couple of weeks now but on my notes from my scan yesterday it said I had an anterior placenta so prob why they aren't strong enough yet. With Alex me and OH both felt him kick the night we had our 20week scan.
It's such a great feeling isn't it :)
Hi ladies :hi: sorry I'm so behind on catching up. Still so busy, but DD1 went back to school today so hoping I'll have a little more free time to come online more and catch up :) any new gender reveals that I've missed? Hope everyone's doing ok? :flower:

Just noticed I've moved up to the last 2nd tri box on my ticker :shock: love it when that happens but they seem to be moving soooo quickly! Only 4 & a bit weeks until 3rd tri. I feel excited and sick just thinking about it :rofl:

Got more Christmas presents in, I need to be super organised this year.
On sat when I was in tesco they had a twirling my little pony for £5.50,I had seen it elsewhere for about £20 so I got it for Zoe's Christmas. Today it was £22!! They had smaller my little ponies today, price on shelf £5 buy one get one free, scanned at £8 each but I showed them the ticket so got 2 for a fiver, also got 2 minnie mouse play doh things down from £8 each to £2 each. I'm well pleased with myself lol.
And the 2 cute fluffy blankets I ordered from amazon for £3 each came today, so cute and well worth the money xx

You're super organised! Every year I say I'm going to start early and I never do :blush: I've only just started buying for DD1's bday which is at the end of this month. Oops! But have started picking up some little bits for DD2's in November, so hoping once this month is out of the way they'll both be sorted for b'days and I can concentrate on Xmas! Awww wish I'd seen or known about the MLP bargain in tesco :dohh: they are so bloody expensive!
Only just seen your post welsh girl :hugs: I'm sure everything's fine, and you're right - do not worry, definitely not at least until you have all of the answers xx
Argh so the hospital didnt ring me yesterday. I rang at 2:30 asking what was happening and they were still waiting for the doctor to look at the scan and stuff. I'm hoping they ring me this morning. And I'm hoping it wont be anything serious to worry about. Her head was measuring a week behind..fancy leaving people all stressed!

glad you finally got some answers hun. Cant believe they didnt measure her stomach though :s thats a standard measurement. Fx the re-scan goes fine and shes just petite hun <3

Welsh- we had the opposite problem with my son. His head was too big and it's still growing a bit faster than his body, but steady to it. We have to get it checked monthly now but I remember at his 21w ultrasound they said his head was 1.5 weeks ahead. I asked if that was normal, they said it is normal for certain parts of baby to measure a week behind or ahead. So he was a bit abnormal, but I am sure everything is fine with your little bean!! I would phone again of you're feeling uneasy, though. Don't let them make you wait!!

On a random note I wanted to announce that last night I felt my first external kick!!!!! :D I was NOT expecting it at all :) I laid down for bed and I always just rest my hand on my tummy when trying to feel her. I didn't feel anything, then suddenly POP! Right on my hand. And right on my c-section scar o.o it felt a bit odd :p

congratulations on feeling outside kicks hun!!

Got more Christmas presents in, I need to be super organised this year.
On sat when I was in tesco they had a twirling my little pony for £5.50,I had seen it elsewhere for about £20 so I got it for Zoe's Christmas. Today it was £22!! They had smaller my little ponies today, price on shelf £5 buy one get one free, scanned at £8 each but I showed them the ticket so got 2 for a fiver, also got 2 minnie mouse play doh things down from £8 each to £2 each. I'm well pleased with myself lol.
And the 2 cute fluffy blankets I ordered from amazon for £3 each came today, so cute and well worth the money xx

ooo blankets? do share lol. Iv been finding a few bargains too. I have loads for the boys already but all wrapped it looks like nothing :s Even though its cost a fortune. Need to get some more this month. And also think what ds1 is having for his birthday. I dont know whether to give him the ipad .. or get something else :shrug: :dohh:

Had my ultrasound today, looks like we are team :blue: the picture isn't the best quality and he didn't seem to want to cooperate and give us a profile shot but there is a somewhat creepy looking face picture.

Cool pics! Congratulations on team blue! x

Argh so the hospital didnt ring me yesterday. I rang at 2:30 asking what was happening and they were still waiting for the doctor to look at the scan and stuff. I'm hoping they ring me this morning. And I'm hoping it wont be anything serious to worry about. Her head was measuring a week behind..fancy leaving people all stressed!

How frustrating! I really hope you hear from them soon! I know Dr's are, super busy but I think they sometimes forget that there's some person sitting by the phone worrying and waiting for their call. X

Welsh- we had the opposite problem with my son. His head was too big and it's still growing a bit faster than his body, but steady to it. We have to get it checked monthly now but I remember at his 21w ultrasound they said his head was 1.5 weeks ahead. I asked if that was normal, they said it is normal for certain parts of baby to measure a week behind or ahead. So he was a bit abnormal, but I am sure everything is fine with your little bean!! I would phone again of you're feeling uneasy, though. Don't let them make you wait!!

On a random note I wanted to announce that last night I felt my first external kick!!!!! :D I was NOT expecting it at all :) I laid down for bed and I always just rest my hand on my tummy when trying to feel her. I didn't feel anything, then suddenly POP! Right on my hand. And right on my c-section scar o.o it felt a bit odd :p

:cloud9: aw lovely! It's amazing to feel those big kicks isn't it!? Total bliss!

Had a lovely morning this morning; my bump has finally gotten big enough for a few of the other parents at nursery to congratulate me and ask how far along I am etc etc etc. It was so nice to be able to tell people :happydance: One of the Dad's was so funny though and said he thought I might be pregnant for a while but was terrified to ask in case he was wrong, so he waited till it was obvious lol!

aww yey! Its so nice when people notice <3 nobody has noticed im pregnant yet :haha: its nice but sucks at the same time as they obv think im just getting fatter :haha: Waht a nice guy to wait till its obvious though!

I have a friend who is really really slim when not pregnant and when she was quite big someone looked at her and said "ohh look at the size of you when are you due?" and she just looked at them and said "erm im not pregnant"... well this poor persons face just dropped :rofl: she did tell her after 5 mins she was only joking though lol
Thats good that you are getting another scan Welsh girl. Hope all is well. I forgot poundstretcher did toys!!xx

Lolly, I have a lot bought already. Zoe is getting the MLP castle thing with the slide and swing so when I saw those other ponies at that price I had to get them lol xx
I only have 8 Xmas/birthday presents left to get and I'm done, oh can bloody wait lol. I can't be bothered with Xmas this year, I'm doing it early just to please family n have a meal with them but if it was up to me I'd not bother thus year n just buy for nieces n nephews
I only have 8 Xmas/birthday presents left to get and I'm done, oh can bloody wait lol. I can't be bothered with Xmas this year, I'm doing it early just to please family n have a meal with them but if it was up to me I'd not bother thus year n just buy for nieces n nephews

i dont do a lot of adults. I get my parents, ohs parents, my sister and bil, and my nanna and thats it for adults. then i just get my neices and nephews and cousins little girl.

Im looking forward to it this year (even got excited today to see the choccies out in co-op.. both boys for a choccy santa :haha: ) but im not spending it with family this year.. will just be us and the boys.
We just buy a small thing for grandparents from the girls and I buy for my 3 nephews,2 nieces and stepson. Already got nieces and nephews gifts and a few things for the girls and know what I am getting grandparents, so thats half the battle lol.
Going to buy a couple of things for baby and a son's 1st Christmas card in case he comes early xx
I have had a horrid few days. The ranitidine the doctors gave me for the gallbladder/heartburn pain I was having didn't work after a week so ended up back at the doctors surgery yesterday. They were concerned I may have h pylori or pre eclampsia so I had to have my urine checked and a stool sample. The urine sample showed sugar so I now have to have the glucose test that I was going to have at 28 weeks tomorrow as I may now have gestational diabetes. Ended up in a&e aswell because I was told to keep taking ranitidine with Gaviscon and was in agony. Am now on omeprazole for a week to see if that makes any difference to my pain and if it does have to get more from the doctors as well as wait for a hall blabber ultrasound. The next 4 months are going to seem so long :(
Is that the twilight sparkle castle? She got that already for her birthday last year and has all of the Equestria girls dolls, so now I don't know what to buy that is worth the money AND is durable - DD2 likes to eat and break stuff, much to poor DD1's dismay :lol:

Oh no I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it at the moment Luce :hugs: when's your GTT? I hope you don't have GD but if you do it's good they'll be able to diagnose and treat early x
Luce I'm on Oneprazole. Brilliant stuff!

Did it take a few days for it to properly kick in for you? I think I'm feeling a tad better but I'm still in some pain so hoping after a few days worth I'll be feeling more myself xxxx

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