*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

T minus 80 minutes until my glucose testing! I snacked a bit (with permission!).

I'm doing that today, too! Good luck. :)

Unfortunately, I only read the directions to focus on high protein, low carb foods for three days prior to the test yesterday...after my little sister's birthday party. Hopefully that doesn't screw things up too badly if I follow the directions today. :-/

I'm sure it will be alright!! I didn't even read the directions!! Dr wasn't worried about me messing it up!

Home and fed! I'm trying to figure out how other ladies did. Halfway through I got really sick. I refused to vomit because I did not want to do the test again!! But those of you who took the test did you get sick and if so or not did you pass or fail?
Got my glucose test tomorrow. Have had no direction about what to eat in days prior, just to fast from midnight. Test starts at 930am so think I will be starving by then. Don't want to vomit!
When I had my glucose test there were no instructions on how to eat beforehand. In fact, the day before I forgot about it and ate horribly! They also told me I didn't need to fast. The morning of I had a slice of toast with butter and cheese with a glass of water - just nothing sugary. Doctor said this was fine and my test came back clear!
When I had my glucose test there were no instructions on how to eat beforehand. In fact, the day before I forgot about it and ate horribly! They also told me I didn't need to fast. The morning of I had a slice of toast with butter and cheese with a glass of water - just nothing sugary. Doctor said this was fine and my test came back clear!

Carbs turn into sugar. Also everyone's body digests food at a different pace (metabolism). So with that in mind, its not a good idea for everyone to eat before the test (which is when they say not to eat, has nothing to do with the day before).
I'm taking the test on Wednesday- my only directions were not to eat anything 2 hours prior to the drink. They're only taking bloods after (no before)- so if they seem off it'll probably be followed by a more intense test haha
I went in to my ob office a few weeks ago and the lady had the drink ready. I thought to myself it was a bit soon... Turns out the dang nurse read I was 28 weeks when I was really 23 weeks -.- I drank the whole friggen thing and waited 15 min before anyone realized I wasn't even close to being that far along! I was never given directions in my first pregnancy about what not to eat/eat the day of or before the test... Mine came out clear and I ate horribly when pregnant with my son (many regrets). I hope you all get the OK after your tests!! :)
I will ask them if I can! They didn't let me stay with him the first time. It made me so mad cuz they were terrible at putting his IV in. When we got him back he had been stabbed like 8 times in multiple places. When we asked them why- they told us there were issues getting it in his veins. Like no crap- I see that! He has pretty apparent veins for a baby too. So I really didn't understand. Either way it was terrible and next time they better let us be with him -_- He has so many problems. My poor little man :( the hemangioma, eczema, a tongue tie, sensitive skin (he gets it from me :/) and he has horrid stomach issues. He can't digest things properly on his own so we have to be very careful with what we give him. He needs laxatives all the time (natural ones like prune, squash, zucchini, white grape) I feel like an awful mother even though none of it is my fault :'( ugh

Aw, you're a great Mummy! :hugs: My DS had an operation when he was just a few months old, and had to be anaesthatised too: it's just horrible isn't it! They let me hold him while they went through the process, and though its heartbreaking to see, it does make it feel a bit better to be able to comfort them while it's happening. You should definitely ask to stay, it makes sense to have a calmer patient anyway! I hope everything goes perfectly with it all x
I had my glucose test done last week on Tuesday, it came back a bit high so have to go back and do the 3 hour one this week, I have the feeling I'm going to fail as all I've wanted lately is sugar...
Has anyone ended up with gestational diabetes here before if so how was it, did it effect anything else, did you change how you were eating, did it go away after giving birth?
I have mine next Tuesday. I got sick with my first, but hoping not this time. My boss has already told me not to worry about coming in afterwards if I feel sick. Sometimes I love my boss.
I had my glucose test done last week on Tuesday, it came back a bit high so have to go back and do the 3 hour one this week, I have the feeling I'm going to fail as all I've wanted lately is sugar...
Has anyone ended up with gestational diabetes here before if so how was it, did it effect anything else, did you change how you were eating, did it go away after giving birth?

A friend of mine had GD her last pregnancy. From what I remember she had to limit her carbs to 25g (or around there) a day (I believe its based on your body type). I don't really know much more than that sadly. I remember her having to take some type of medication too, but I am not sure if that was apart of the GD or not. All of that could also be apart of what she has to do for other reasons as well not just GD, not really sure.

Here is some info I found with a quick google search.

What will I need to do if I have gestational diabetes?
You'll need to keep diligent track of your glucose levels, using a home glucose meter or strips. To keep those levels where they should be, you'll want to:

Eat a well-planned diet. The American Diabetes Association recommends getting nutritional counseling from a registered dietitian who'll help you develop specific meal and snack plans based on your height, weight, and activity level.

Your diet must have the correct balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, while providing the proper vitamins, minerals, and calories. To keep your glucose levels stable, it's particularly important that you don't skip meals, especially breakfast, and that you avoid sugary items like candy, cookies, cakes, and soda.

This may sound daunting, but it's not so hard once you get the hang of it. And don't think of yourself as being on a special or restrictive diet. The principles of the diabetic diet are good ones for everyone to follow. Think of this as an opportunity to create healthier eating habits for yourself and your whole family. If everyone in the house is eating the same foods, you won't feel as deprived.

Exercise. Studies show that moderate exercise also helps improve your body's ability to process glucose, keeping blood sugar levels in check. Many women with gestational diabetes benefit from 30 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking or swimming, each day. Ask your practitioner what level of physical activity would be beneficial for you.

Take medication if necessary. If you're not able to control your blood sugar well enough with diet and exercise alone, your provider will prescribe medication as well. About 15 percent of women with gestational diabetes need medication. Most patients start with oral medication now instead of injections.

Source: https://www.babycenter.com/0_gestational-diabetes_2058.bc?page=2
It's 330a here and I can't sleep !!!!!! 😡 I went to bed around 1130, fell asleep, woke up around 130 to pee, and here it is 2 hrs later!! This is the 2nd time this week it's happened. I just wanna sleep!!! 😴😴😴😴😴😩😩
I was the same on Sat night luvspnk, its horrible. Then when it was time to get up I could've slept all day xx
Good morning ladies!! Seems like you all are doing relatively well!! Are we all in the 3rd trimester yet? Or close to it!!

Finally getting baby's room somewhat organized! I feel like it's taking a good while this time around! At least he has somewhere to sleep now!! :)

T minus 80 minutes until my glucose testing! I snacked a bit (with permission!).

I can't believe I've less than 11 weeks to go!! I think these last few may drag tho!!

hope it went well hun.

I will ask them if I can! They didn't let me stay with him the first time. It made me so mad cuz they were terrible at putting his IV in. When we got him back he had been stabbed like 8 times in multiple places. When we asked them why- they told us there were issues getting it in his veins. Like no crap- I see that! He has pretty apparent veins for a baby too. So I really didn't understand. Either way it was terrible and next time they better let us be with him -_- He has so many problems. My poor little man :( the hemangioma, eczema, a tongue tie, sensitive skin (he gets it from me :/) and he has horrid stomach issues. He can't digest things properly on his own so we have to be very careful with what we give him. He needs laxatives all the time (natural ones like prune, squash, zucchini, white grape) I feel like an awful mother even though none of it is my fault :'( ugh

awww huni i know exactly how you feel and its completely normal. I often have days where i cry and think "what could i have done differently" "why did i do that". Yet i know seths problems are not my fault and neither are your little guys <3 <3 Seths problems are not as bad as your sons .. he had severe reflux as a baby, failure the thrive (put on specialist milk that was double calorie and still didng gain weight well (nutricia infitrini)), suspected Autism, hypermobility, speech delay, development delay, and still to this day struggle to put weight on (hes 31lb at almost 5 years old) and doesnt just get a little ill when bugs go round.. he gets really ill (usually at least one hospital trip a year. Hes also being tested for bowel problems as he hardly ever has a solid stool and hes still in nappies.
I would definitely hope that because he is older they will allow you to stay with him otherwise it will probably be harder for them as he will not be settled. Im panicked too because seth has blood tests coming up next month and im terrified of how hes going to react.. he watches me every time i get blood drawn and every time i do my glucose test so im hoping it will prepare him in some way.

T minus 80 minutes until my glucose testing! I snacked a bit (with permission!).

I'm doing that today, too! Good luck. :)

Unfortunately, I only read the directions to focus on high protein, low carb foods for three days prior to the test yesterday...after my little sister's birthday party. Hopefully that doesn't screw things up too badly if I follow the directions today. :-/

I'm sure it will be alright!! I didn't even read the directions!! Dr wasn't worried about me messing it up!

Home and fed! I'm trying to figure out how other ladies did. Halfway through I got really sick. I refused to vomit because I did not want to do the test again!! But those of you who took the test did you get sick and if so or not did you pass or fail?
i felt really sick and dizzy and just failed mine by 0.1

Got my glucose test tomorrow. Have had no direction about what to eat in days prior, just to fast from midnight. Test starts at 930am so think I will be starving by then. Don't want to vomit!
how did it go hun?

I had my glucose test done last week on Tuesday, it came back a bit high so have to go back and do the 3 hour one this week, I have the feeling I'm going to fail as all I've wanted lately is sugar...
Has anyone ended up with gestational diabetes here before if so how was it, did it effect anything else, did you change how you were eating, did it go away after giving birth?

iv never had it before but have it this time. Its not so bad so far but its a severe pain in the ass trying to find things that you can eat without effecting your bs too badly. I see a specialist on the 28th to go over everything.
my sister had it with each of her 3 last pregnancies... it cleared itsself after the first 2 but she now still has it (although shes not been to get it seen to! her bs was 28 the other day when it should have been below 7 at that time). It usually goes away after pregnancy but youll be asked to do another GTT at some point to make sure :)
Where i am i wont be allowed to go past 38 weeks unless i can get it under control with diet alone AND baby isnt big for gestation (first growth scan at 30 weeks)

AFM - im starting to feel sick now... tomorrow is scan day and i have to admit even though iv read all the info and i know its not life threatening i am scared to death of them saying Rohan definitely only has one kidney which is dilated. Its going to be hard work having 2 children with special needs and appointments etc and worried how its going to effect Ethan because Seth and Rohan will need more attention than him. Probably a silly silly worry as really day to day Rohan shouldnt need any different care than Ethan does :dohh:
Wow I don't have my phone for 3 weeks and so much to catch up on.
Kiwi congratulations, she looks amazing and glad to here she's doing well. I no someone who had their baby girl at 25+6 and she's now 3 and doing brilliantly.

Congratulations to all who have passed milestones and had scans etc.

For me, well I'm on my next lot of sickness from work because my fibromyalgia was flaring up. Seems to be getting better so il go.back tomorrow. However I now have a different issue, not sure if it's spd or not so any advice is welcome. For weeks now iv had a pain low down in the right side of my abdomen when walking but I assumed it was just pain from growing a baby lol, however yesterday when I was walking I started getting pain thru my groin, felt like it was in the bone, again on the right side but was in between my legs. By the time I got home it hurt to get out of the car and I was getting pains in my bum, but right where the hip joint would be, it hurts to lift my legs like if I'm gettimg them off the floor onto the sofa and turning over in bed hurts too, the reason I'm not sure if.it's spd is because I can separate my legs, it hurts while I'm doing it but once it's done and they are where I want them it's okay and I thought with spd it hurt to keep them in position. It hurts if I turn at my waist instead of turning my whole body too.
I'm going back to work tomorrow, luckily I think.I'm on my last stretch of days before they put me onto permanent nights which are tons easier and suit my body better but I don't no how il manage tomorrow if this pain doesn't go.

This little girl is giving me.so much aggro lol she's a madam. Iv also noticed that I get constant movement on nights but not nearly as much on days so I get a bit worried on days but as long as I feel her I'm ok, I just need to remember that she has two lots of typical movements and judge it based on days or.nights.

Pfft how is.everyone else doing
M dad has diabetes and I've had to use his meter to test myself a few times over the last year or two and most of the time when I have it was around a 2 and I'm pretty sure normal was considered 4-7 I think? I figured because of how low it usually was I'd be fine and wouldn't get gestational diabetes, guess I'll find out soon though, maybe I just took it granted and shouldn't have gave in to so many of the bad cravings, I swear all I want is carbs, sugar, etc... It was a lot better in the beginning when the thought of anything sweet grossed me out.
Hi ladies :hi: lots to catch up on! Hope you're all doing well :flower:

Princess mummy, so sorry to hear about your little boy :hugs: I have everything crossed that his surgery goes as well as possible, and of course that your new LO won't have the same issues :hugs:

It's not my turn, definitely sounds like SPD I'm afraid :( tell your MW ASAP and you may be able to get some physio or at least a support belt to help you. Mines coming back with a vengeance, it's agony at night time as I toss and turn a lot.

Kailetski, if your dad has diabetes that will put you at a higher chance of getting GD, but I hope your results are low at the new test. My friend had GD and she had to change her diet completely, and I think she did have insulin too but her case was quite severe.

Sethsmummy, good luck for your scan tomorrow hun, will be thinking of you and Rohan xx you're not silly for worrying about those things :hugs: it'll all work out though lovely and you'll be a fantastic mummy to all 3 of your boys so don't worry about that!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out, just skim reading though whilst I have a spare few moments as DD2 naps! I hit 29 weeks yesterday :wohoo: can not believe this is my last week in the 20's, I'm just not ready to be in the final stretch yet! SPD is kicking my arse (well, pelvis!) and I'm not sleeping great either (insomnia and then the SPD), feeling really stressed and now I've developed an eye twitch. I kid you not! :rofl: my left lower eyelid keeps spasming and it's driving me mad! Apparently I need to get more sleep and de-stress for it to go away, but that's easier said than done! Anyway enough of my whining! Here's my bump pic for the week :)


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Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well! Last night was pretty scary for me. I woke up to pee around 1:30am (as usual) and when i got up I had a sudden rush of acid refulx - this is pretty normal for me, and it usually comes up and goes right back down... but not last night! Last night it kept coming up. By the time I got to the washroom I couldn't breathe, I was wheezing for air. My husband heard me through his earplugs and was yelling asking if I was ok, I couldn't answer for at least 30 seconds (which felt like an eternity). It passed thankfully but I was petrified of it happening again all night. This morning I had a meeting with my OB, and he told me that TUMS aren't helping me anymore and now I have a special medication to take everyday until the baby is here.

Are any of you taking daily meds for heartburn/acid refulx? and do they work?
M dad has diabetes and I've had to use his meter to test myself a few times over the last year or two and most of the time when I have it was around a 2 and I'm pretty sure normal was considered 4-7 I think? I figured because of how low it usually was I'd be fine and wouldn't get gestational diabetes, guess I'll find out soon though, maybe I just took it granted and shouldn't have gave in to so many of the bad cravings, I swear all I want is carbs, sugar, etc... It was a lot better in the beginning when the thought of anything sweet grossed me out.

2 is very low hun. you need to get checked for hypoglycaemia, do a google search for it hun. it can be just as dangerous as high blood sugar. Your classed as hypoglycaemic if your numbers are between 3 and 4. "The symptoms of hypoglycaemia usually begin when a person's blood glucose level drops to somewhere between 3 and 4 millimoles (mmol) per litre."
Before meals my numbers have to be between 4-6mmol and 1 hour after meals between 5-8mmol. So your 2 is very very low.

Hi ladies :hi: lots to catch up on! Hope you're all doing well :flower:

Princess mummy, so sorry to hear about your little boy :hugs: I have everything crossed that his surgery goes as well as possible, and of course that your new LO won't have the same issues :hugs:

It's not my turn, definitely sounds like SPD I'm afraid :( tell your MW ASAP and you may be able to get some physio or at least a support belt to help you. Mines coming back with a vengeance, it's agony at night time as I toss and turn a lot.

Kailetski, if your dad has diabetes that will put you at a higher chance of getting GD, but I hope your results are low at the new test. My friend had GD and she had to change her diet completely, and I think she did have insulin too but her case was quite severe.

Sethsmummy, good luck for your scan tomorrow hun, will be thinking of you and Rohan xx you're not silly for worrying about those things :hugs: it'll all work out though lovely and you'll be a fantastic mummy to all 3 of your boys so don't worry about that!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out, just skim reading though whilst I have a spare few moments as DD2 naps! I hit 29 weeks yesterday :wohoo: can not believe this is my last week in the 20's, I'm just not ready to be in the final stretch yet! SPD is kicking my arse (well, pelvis!) and I'm not sleeping great either (insomnia and then the SPD), feeling really stressed and now I've developed an eye twitch. I kid you not! :rofl: my left lower eyelid keeps spasming and it's driving me mad! Apparently I need to get more sleep and de-stress for it to go away, but that's easier said than done! Anyway enough of my whining! Here's my bump pic for the week :)

Thanks lolly :hugs: scan is at 12pm.

Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well! Last night was pretty scary for me. I woke up to pee around 1:30am (as usual) and when i got up I had a sudden rush of acid refulx - this is pretty normal for me, and it usually comes up and goes right back down... but not last night! Last night it kept coming up. By the time I got to the washroom I couldn't breathe, I was wheezing for air. My husband heard me through his earplugs and was yelling asking if I was ok, I couldn't answer for at least 30 seconds (which felt like an eternity). It passed thankfully but I was petrified of it happening again all night. This morning I had a meeting with my OB, and he told me that TUMS aren't helping me anymore and now I have a special medication to take everyday until the baby is here.

Are any of you taking daily meds for heartburn/acid refulx? and do they work?

oh gosh hun sorry you had to go through that. I know when things like that happen seconds feel like minutes :hugs: I take Tums daily but thats it just now :hugs: xx

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