*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Good luck to you ladies who are doing home birth. I would never be able to, just a bit scary for me. Here in South Africa we don't have many midwives like we did 30 years ago, people prefer to go to gynecologists.

INMT- I'm sorry that you guys didn't get the other house, but it was probably just not meant to be! I hope you get feedback on the offer you did the weekend & that you move in before xmas!

Welshgirl- I probably missed it, but how far are things with the place you put an offer on? I hope things move quick & you guys are in before baby comes!

BB- I think 4weeks before your Due Date is a good time to wash baby's clothes. If you want, you can even wash everything now, then you know that's out of the way.

I hope everyone else is doing good! I'm about ready for my girls to come! I've been in agony at resting time! I wake up every hour coz the pain is just too much! Wish there was a way I could sit and sleep, but how comfortable is that??
I contemplated a home birth before this pregnancy but now that I've been diagnosed with APS I would feel much safer at the hospital. I'm not sure what my blood is going to do this time round and it scares me. I've been told to stop my Aspirin at 36 weeks and I'm terrified. It's been my crutch for so long!

My first birth was awful, I went into labour Saturday and had him Monday! Failed Ventous, failed forceps and an episiotomy!

WC I'm finding certain positions in bed painful so dread to think how you feel!
Ladies who are doing home births, you are so brave! I would be petrified to even attempt one. I'm nervous enough for the hospital birth.

I still can't believe how close we are to having our little ones here - this group has been amazing.

I hope everyone is feeling well!
Good luck to you ladies who are doing home birth. I would never be able to, just a bit scary for me. Here in South Africa we don't have many midwives like we did 30 years ago, people prefer to go to gynecologists.

INMT- I'm sorry that you guys didn't get the other house, but it was probably just not meant to be! I hope you get feedback on the offer you did the weekend & that you move in before xmas!

Welshgirl- I probably missed it, but how far are things with the place you put an offer on? I hope things move quick & you guys are in before baby comes!

BB- I think 4weeks before your Due Date is a good time to wash baby's clothes. If you want, you can even wash everything now, then you know that's out of the way.

I hope everyone else is doing good! I'm about ready for my girls to come! I've been in agony at resting time! I wake up every hour coz the pain is just too much! Wish there was a way I could sit and sleep, but how comfortable is that??

They did the valuation last Thursday, the solicitors are literally just waiting for the mortgage offer for the bank. We signed the contract last week, so once they get the mortgage offer through they just need to exchange contracts and get a completion date. Our mortgage advisor hasn't been in since Thursday as his mum is ill in hospital so we can't get intouch with him to speed things up. The estate agents rang us up asking what's going on because the sellers are getting frustrated, but so are we, we put the offer in on the house on 11th September, so for it to go on this long is ridiculous, especially as we were originally hoping to move in last weekend!
Good luck to you ladies who are doing home birth. I would never be able to, just a bit scary for me. Here in South Africa we don't have many midwives like we did 30 years ago, people prefer to go to gynecologists.

INMT- I'm sorry that you guys didn't get the other house, but it was probably just not meant to be! I hope you get feedback on the offer you did the weekend & that you move in before xmas!

Welshgirl- I probably missed it, but how far are things with the place you put an offer on? I hope things move quick & you guys are in before baby comes!

BB- I think 4weeks before your Due Date is a good time to wash baby's clothes. If you want, you can even wash everything now, then you know that's out of the way.

I hope everyone else is doing good! I'm about ready for my girls to come! I've been in agony at resting time! I wake up every hour coz the pain is just too much! Wish there was a way I could sit and sleep, but how comfortable is that??

They did the valuation last Thursday, the solicitors are literally just waiting for the mortgage offer for the bank. We signed the contract last week, so once they get the mortgage offer through they just need to exchange contracts and get a completion date. Our mortgage advisor hasn't been in since Thursday as his mum is ill in hospital so we can't get intouch with him to speed things up. The estate agents rang us up asking what's going on because the sellers are getting frustrated, but so are we, we put the offer in on the house on 11th September, so for it to go on this long is ridiculous, especially as we were originally hoping to move in last weekend!

I hope things move quickly now! It is taking long! Hope you're in before baby arrives!
I contemplated a home birth before this pregnancy but now that I've been diagnosed with APS I would feel much safer at the hospital. I'm not sure what my blood is going to do this time round and it scares me. I've been told to stop my Aspirin at 36 weeks and I'm terrified. It's been my crutch for so long!

My first birth was awful, I went into labour Saturday and had him Monday! Failed Ventous, failed forceps and an episiotomy!

WC I'm finding certain positions in bed painful so dread to think how you feel!

I think they know why they told you to stop the asprin at 36weeks. Doesn't the asprin thin your blood? If so, then it would be best to stop coz if you're still on them by the time you give birth, you could lose a lot of blood. So it probably is best to stop it.
I hope when you have this baby, things will be better than it was with Tristan. Have you considered a c-section?

BB, the pain I feel is indescribable! I can't lay or sit in one position too long then my body hurts! I don't want to take any pain meds coz I don't want to intoxicate my babies. So I just deal with it! My dh is probably tired of hearing me complain as this has become a daily thing,haha!
I want a home birth as I laboured and delivered quickly with both girls, 90mins dd1 and 50mins dd2, start to finish. I don't have any family close enough now to get here in time to have the girls. If I do end up having to go to hospital I will be on my own and dh will have the girls, which I don't mind but would obviously be better if dh could be there. I have to have growth scans as dd1 was 6lb 13.5oz at 34+5 and dd2 was 9lb 6oz at 38+5 so they were worried that this baby would be too big for me to birth at home but he was below the 95th centile,just, so they said I should be fine.
I have a couple of questions I want to ask lolly, but mainly just about things to do if he arrives before the midwife gets here, regarding cord etc. I had to convince dh that a home birth will be good, he's still not 100% but he just worrries. He is panicking in case a midwife doesn't get here in time, where as I am fully expecting that to happen and dh having to deliver him lol xx

Happy 34 weeks lolly xx
Happy32 weeks welshgirl xx

Thanks Ab, and happy 34 weeks to you too!

My reasons are exactly the same as yours, previous fast labours and worrying whether or not we'll have childcare on time! My OH sounds like your DH, Ab. It's going to take a bit more talking around by me I think, but he just worries incase something goes wrong. Giving birth is the most natural thing in the world and with 2 previous straight forward labours I'm fairly certain we'll be ok! I'm just looking into whether or not to hire a birthing pool or buy a cheap used one and get a new liner for it :shrug: well, I'll wait to talk to my MW on Thursday before I go ahead and do anything, but already got my eye on a few bargains on eBay!
I contemplated a home birth before this pregnancy but now that I've been diagnosed with APS I would feel much safer at the hospital. I'm not sure what my blood is going to do this time round and it scares me. I've been told to stop my Aspirin at 36 weeks and I'm terrified. It's been my crutch for so long!

My first birth was awful, I went into labour Saturday and had him Monday! Failed Ventous, failed forceps and an episiotomy!

WC I'm finding certain positions in bed painful so dread to think how you feel!

I think they know why they told you to stop the asprin at 36weeks. Doesn't the asprin thin your blood? If so, then it would be best to stop coz if you're still on them by the time you give birth, you could lose a lot of blood. So it probably is best to stop it.
I hope when you have this baby, things will be better than it was with Tristan. Have you considered a c-section?

BB, the pain I feel is indescribable! I can't lay or sit in one position too long then my body hurts! I don't want to take any pain meds coz I don't want to intoxicate my babies. So I just deal with it! My dh is probably tired of hearing me complain as this has become a daily thing,haha!

Yeh I think it is. I'm on my Clexane injections until 6 weeks after birth.
I would never have a c-section through choice.
Thanks lolly.
Midwife was good. Measuring 35 weeks so nothing too drastic.
She is new to the area so not sure about procedure for home birth here, she is going to speak with her colleagues tomorrow and come and see me on thursday or friday as I will have to sign forms. I will get a drugs box delivered to keep in my fridge for delivery with vitamin k for the baby, injection to help deliver placenta and other drugs in case I bleed to much after birth. Nearer the time I will get a birth box delivered with everything the midwife on call will need when the time comes.
I asked what to do about the cord and placenta if baby gets here before the midwife. So she told me what to do about that, which is basically nothing. She told me to phone an ambulance if I feel unwell or if I have excessive bleeding before a mw gets here. I refused gas and air for at home(never had it before but don't fancy it).
I asked about epo, she said she could not recommend it as she didn't know enough about it but I could try it if I wanted. She suggested perineal massage, which can be started now and although not guaranteed to prevent tearing, there is a good chance that it will prevent it. dh offered his services for that lol, any excuse.
She said that I seemed very calm about it all and was happy that I would manage as Zara was quite big.
I don't fancy a birthing pool. Hope your appointment goes well and you manage to convince oh. I read that you get more one on one attention at a home birth as mw can't get buzzed to another room to help someone else, I used that one on dh lol xx
️Awww. I truly can't wait to hear all these birthing stories especially as so many of you are having a home birth.

I pushed for in but unfortunately it isn't something the states, specifically mine, approves of. :-( plus DH's response was "we are having the baby in a hospital because you will not die on me." No underlying fear there. (She says sarcastically)

I hope you are all well! Nearing the end! This home stretch feels like it may take forever!! I'm so ready. (Physically and mentally) not so much house wise. :)
I contemplated a home birth before this pregnancy but now that I've been diagnosed with APS I would feel much safer at the hospital. I'm not sure what my blood is going to do this time round and it scares me. I've been told to stop my Aspirin at 36 weeks and I'm terrified. It's been my crutch for so long!

My first birth was awful, I went into labour Saturday and had him Monday! Failed Ventous, failed forceps and an episiotomy!

WC I'm finding certain positions in bed painful so dread to think how you feel!

I think they know why they told you to stop the asprin at 36weeks. Doesn't the asprin thin your blood? If so, then it would be best to stop coz if you're still on them by the time you give birth, you could lose a lot of blood. So it probably is best to stop it.
I hope when you have this baby, things will be better than it was with Tristan. Have you considered a c-section?

BB, the pain I feel is indescribable! I can't lay or sit in one position too long then my body hurts! I don't want to take any pain meds coz I don't want to intoxicate my babies. So I just deal with it! My dh is probably tired of hearing me complain as this has become a daily thing,haha!

Yeh I think it is. I'm on my Clexane injections until 6 weeks after birth.
I would never have a c-section through choice.

I totally understand(about the c-section) although that's all I know. I've never been in labour and given natural birth, so needless to say, I am terrified of what's to come.
Arghh Ab that all sounds so exciting!! Just reading your post gave me goosebumps :haha: I can't wait for Thursday now :dance: OH & I were talking about the MW being here whilst I was birthing actually, and how it's just 1-2-1, her not having to rush off or deal with other patients, and I just think I'll feel so much more relaxed at home. I'll be opting in for the G&A there... I love that stuff :rofl:

You can use EPO for perineal massage btw :thumbup: as well as taking it orally and vaginally! So many uses lol!

OMG Pix, I can't believe he said that :lol: definitely something my OH would say too (he's probably thinking it!). They can be such drama queens at times!

It's becoming so surreal reading all of us talking about giving birth. How did we go from getting our BFP's in April/May, which only seems like 5 mins ago, to THIS!? And we only have 6 more days until we can say "I AM DUE NEXT MONTH!" :shock::yipee:
It's so exciting hearing everyone's plans for the impending births. I really hope we all have the births we hope for :hugs:

I'm still undecided about what the best course of action is for me. Maybe you ladies can help; give me your opinions!

I had a super fast (75 minutes) non-drug labour, which was full of panic and very bad decisions from the staff, and I ended up with a 4th degree internal tear. It was very traumatic, and the recovery was honestly a nightmare. Because 4th degree tears are fairly rare (less than 8%) there's very little evidence and research to advise on subsequent births, so no standard approach. So far, the MWs I've seen have been leaving it up to me to decide how to give birth, but honestly, I have no idea what to do!

I'm terrified of tearing again if I deliver vaginally (it could leave me rectally incontinent...nice eh!?), but I know there's a chance I could avoid tearing altogether and be absolutely fine, especially if I get to deliver in the position I want to (they literally forced me on to my back last time, despite me saying all the pressure was in my bum, and my body compelling me to be on all fours). I'm starting my hypnobirthing classes next week to try and help me get over my fears.

All that being said, I suspect when I see the consultant she'll advise for a c-section (baby is big, apparently), and there is something about the controlled nature of the section that appeals to me. Yet, I'm fully aware of the risks of a section, and the guaranteed trauma to my body (as opposed to the risk of trauma involved in vaginal delivery), and that scares me too.

I honestly don't know what to do for the best! I'm running out of time to make this decision...argh!!

Sorry for the long post! X
Oh buddy that's a tough one :hugs: I'm all for birthing vaginally and as naturally as possible, so would always advise against c-secs, unless they were for a very good reason, and yours does sound like it could be. So I don't know what to advise or suggest, basically :haha: I've heard so many horror stories about terrible first time births because of one thing or another, and poor decisions made by the care team, and then how amazing those same women's second births were just by doing it their own way and following their bodies own instincts. I'd definitely give the hypno birthing classes a go, and maybe reach out to other mums who had a bad experience like you but one completely opposite for their next birth :thumbup:
I think only you can really make that choice. Personally, my first birth was horrendous, I ended up with failed forceps, failed ventous and an episiotomy that I never agreed too which then split and I had multiple infections afterwards, recovery was horrendous, I cried countless times daily from the pain, still though the thought of a c-section scares me more!
Wow, can't believe they forced you on to your back! I literally had just got back from the toilet when I said I needed a wee again and said oh bugger I can't move I'm gonna have to do it here lol. I then felt a need to push so I got on the bed, on my knees, leaning over the back of the bed which was slightly reclined. I've only ever give birth once but that position seemed to be so natural for me. If you don't go for a c section, definitely deliver in the position you want and feel most comfortable!

Ordered my steriliser off amazon lastnight for £26.99. MIL ages ago said I can have the one from their house, but they got that 2nd hand and I would prefer a new one in all honesty lol.

On the mortgage front, someone has taken over our mortgage advisors cases (his mum is really ill apparently) so she got intouch yesterday and sending things off today for us. I'm guessing it's going to be atleast another week until we can get a completion date.
I am never moving again! Last time, Alex was 4 weeks old, although at 14 weeks pregnant we did move in to my mums lol. This time I will be atleast 35 weeks pregnant. Thank god we have lots of people willing to help!
Thanks so much ladies :hugs:. I know the decision ultimately rests with me, and the advice of the consultant, but its good to talk and see what other people think too. I've gone round in circles in my head for weeks, but I do think my intuition is towards vaginal delivery under very specific conditions.

I've been talking to some friends about their second births ttclolly, and every single one of them says the second one was easier and more straightforward; its really, really helpful to hear such positive stories and definitely gives me a bit of hope!

Sorry you had such a rough time too brunettebimbo :hugs: Its hard to get over having such a difficult experience, but I agree, the thought of a section is just as scary! I wish I had a crystal ball that could tell me if I would tear so badly again! I really, really hope everything goes beautifully for you this time :hugs:

Welshgirl, funnily enough that exactly the position I was in when left on my own; it felt a billion times better and more natural than being on my back. I honestly think a lot of the damage I suffered could've been avoided if I'd birthed like that. If I do decide to go vaginal, I'm 100% against birthing on my back and will point blank refuse to do it! If the medical staff have to lie on the flipping floor while I push, so be it :haha: So glad you're getting some help to move; we moved house when I was just at the start of 2nd tri (I think!) and our family and friends were a godsend! Good luck with it all!

Thanks again for reading and replying ladies; you're the best! :hugs:
Thank you :) My consultant has said that this time should be so much easier because both myself and my body know what we are doing this time. I hope yours is easier too :D

I'm onto my last 2 loads of baby washing, that's all tiny baby, first size, newborn and 0-3 clothes, muslins, socks, scratch mitts, bibs, flannels, bouncer chair cover, blankets etc all washed! It's taken ages :lol: Feels good to be getting it done though because I have lots of other jobs to do in the house over the next 7 weeks, not including Christmas! We need to organise and decorate our room, get things from the loft, put up the Christmas Tree, touch up the nursery, put up cot, collect Moses basket etc. So much to do!
Welshgirl I'm glad I'm not the only one who is claiming to never ever move again, if we get the house I intend to be in it till kiddies are all grown up or at least until I have fully got over the trauma of this purchase lol, however if we end up with the original property I will want to move again in a few years as I think we will outgrow it quite quickly but one way or another we have to move before baby comes which leaves me with such limited time. Unless things fly on now it won't be till the new year when we move so il be getting on for 37/38 weeks by moving day, then we need to at least get the lounge and our bedroom done before baby gets here so she has suitable places to be while other rooms are being done. Still waiting to hear about the offer but should hear today, the estate agent has already spoken to our agent and seen proof.of our mortgage offer and id so hopefully they wudnt do all that if they weren't confident the offer was going to be accepted. Keep ur fingers crossed for me, I really want that house!!
You ladies are brave to move now! I wish you all the best of luck! It's difficult enough and add a pregnancy Id be a wreck.

As for 2nd births mine was much easier as well.

I had a 4th degree tear after an episiotomy gone wrong. :-/ she was just too big for me. Luckily the 2nd time around I got my facts straight. Got a midwife and had her massage 'down there.' No tear then. Not idea what this time will bring. Thankfully it is usually easier!

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