*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Oh my SCgirl, so sorry you're back in hospital. You and bubs are in the best place though. I really hope it's not pre eclampsia and that they can manage your BP until you are at least full term :hugs: keep us updated hun x
So today I was kicked, twice, by a five year old in my class. I was telling him off for hurting other children at playtime. He is on antibiotics and ill so probably shouldn't even be in school. Mum so unsupportive. Am expecting her to come up with a reason/excuse for it tomorrow. Of course it can't be his fault... It never rains but it pours!
That sounds horrible Izzie! I wish mums would keep their children home until they are better. It's really not fair to the other children or the teachers.
I am going crazy on bedrest- slightly envious of those of you still able to work/prepare, but then remember how painful and difficult work was getting... And that was pre-30 weeks!

It's sad when I eagerly look forward to going to the doctor, because that's the only time I'm allowed up and out of the house! I have weekly BPPs (Monday's) and NSTs (thurs), with the usual urine dip for proteins each visit. Praying pre-e stays away, but at least I'm closing in on 34 weeks...

I'm crazy emotional as well. Watching the intro to a football game made me cry the other day...

Also baby moved more and stronger than ever on Thursday, but has been decreasing since. Barely anything yesterday evening/today... Will be asking doctor about that this afternoon! Anyone else having fewer movements?

eek hugs hun :hugs: I hope your bp comes back down and you do get to go home :hugs: Rohans movements through the day have quietened right down now.. theyre more rolls than kicks now until night time.

Do they still advise you to have a full bladder for your scans this late on Tara? I didn't think it mattered past 20 weeks(ish)!? So I had been told and led to believe anyway! Good luck for your scan tomorrow hun, I hope you get the news you're wanting to hear!

Izzie :hugs: rant away hun! My emotions are all over the place too, it's hard work this pregnancy lark. Hope your last days roll by quickly :)

yep still need a full bladder.. it apparently gives them a much better picture. not that i can hold much in my bladder anymore :haha:

I plan to work right up until time, so I still have over a month left ( but we have lots of parties and holidays from now til then, so almost every week will be a 3- 4 day.
I can only take up to 12 weeks, last I heard our director was still saying she would only approve 8. We have been talking about me cutting back on work or going back to hospital nursing where I would work 3 12 hour shifts instead of 5 8 hours. So I guess depending on that decision, we will see if I even go back to my current job.
We go back to the doctor Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully it will be a quick visit and I can finish shopping/preparing for the party this weekend. I get to order my breast pump this month :) something else to cross off my list!

ooo wow hun that sucks that theyre only going to let you have 8 weeks off. American Maternity leave really sucks!! Which breast pump are you going for?

I finish work Xmas week, working boxing day night then I'm done, taking my final 3 weeks annual leave then start my mat leave 4 days before baby is due, so she's allowed to come along from a few days before the end of my annual leave, I don't mind losing a bit of leave but not all of it, plus I would prefer her birthday to be towards the end of Jan, mine is the 5th so I would like to get Xmas and my birthday out the way then have a week or so to relax before the baby gets her birthday, at least then people might be less skint lol, hoping for maybe 30th Jan, will make me a week late but it wud be a nicer birthday for her.

I still keep pulling my groin, need to go back to physio, walking can be very painful now so think I need to go see if there's anything they can do and if not they can give me crutches instead to take the pressure off my pelvis when I walk

:hugs: sorry your so sore hun. Thats fab that you have anual leave to use aswell. Can i ask.. does your mat leave automatically start when baby comes or do you still just get to use your annual leave if they come then? And if not then do you get the remaining annual leave added onto the end of mat leave? If not that really sucks!

Happy 35 weeks lolly.
Sethsmummy - was wondering where you had got to lol.

This non sleeping lark is getting ridiculous now. I was awake the other night from 3am til 6am!

Sooo...OH rang the bank after work today. They said they will speed it up and we should get our mortgage offer on Wednesday if he phones up then, and should come through the post thursday or friday. So once the solicitors receive it, we should get a completion date.
I've put a couple bits of tinsel and a santa light in the window so it looks a bit more Christmassy in here but I can't wait to get in that house now. Aslong as everything gets moved, dont mind if boxes are cluttering kids bedrooms or not aslong as kitchen and lounge are nice and tidy :)

Happy 35 weeks to all the 1st weekers!! Had my 34 wk appt yesterday. My b/p was up when I got there. 134/92, but no protein and it came down before I left, so no worries. She does want me to just rest a little more during the day. I've been feeling most of lo's movements low and was worried she might be breech, but dr did a quick u/s and she is headdown! 😃

I hear you about the no sleep! 😡 I'm absolutely exhausted by 8 pm, and fall asleep. By midnight I'm awake and can't get back to sleep . Arghhhhh!!!! Its usually 3-4 hrs before I can get back to sleep. By then it's almost time to get up. SOOOO..... over it!

glad baby is head down hun! All this insomnia is getting us ready for the night shifts.. although i wish babies would understand that really we could do with the extra sleep before they come along lol.

So today I was kicked, twice, by a five year old in my class. I was telling him off for hurting other children at playtime. He is on antibiotics and ill so probably shouldn't even be in school. Mum so unsupportive. Am expecting her to come up with a reason/excuse for it tomorrow. Of course it can't be his fault... It never rains but it pours!

oh my gosh hun thats awful! I hate when people send their children into nursery/school when they are obviously ill. And i cant believe his mum didnt say anything! I would be mortified is Seth kicked or hit any of his teachers!

I had my scan :D Rohan is measuring 5lb 5oz so looking to be around 7lb 15oz at 40 weeks. I have my section booked for 6th January :wohoo: Ill be 38+5 like i was when i had Ethan. :Dance: We have agreed though that if i go in before then in active labour i am going to give it a try. Myself and the consultant just didnt think induction would be a good idea for me and he was very understanding about it being better for Seth if i have a definite date i can get him ready for. xx
Eeek now exciting you have a date Tara!! :wohoo:

Izzie that's terrible. And shame on the mother for sending her poorly child into school too :wacko:

Ouchhhh I've been so crampy all day. The scary bit is... I can't remember what is normal and what isn't at this stage of the game :rofl: I should be a professional at this by now but I feel like a newbie all over again! They aren't contractions or BH, just sharp pains in my cervix that make me really wince and stop me dead in my tracks. Hopefully it's just everything loosening up...
is it lightening crotch hun? really sharp pain that starts in your foof and shoots up? I am VERY crampy lately and getting a tonne of discharge.. i get contractions when i walk too. all apparently normal for a third time when the smallest is so young. x
Hmmm possibly! I forgot about lightening crotch (well, that it had a name!). It's more cervix than my foof though, but coming from somewhere in that direction :haha:
31 weeks and 3 days. Can't believe I am getting so close!

Lovely bump! Sorry to hear about your classroom incident; I hope the parent gets the boy to apologise to you, at the very least! I can understand that sometimes we don't want our kids missing out on their education, and there are maybe times when the child isn't really sick enough to be absent, but there are times when its just so clear that a child shouldn't be in school or nursery as its doing far more harm than good. There's a bigger picture to think about y'know!

gorgeous bump Izzie <3

https://i58.tinypic.com/2ng6gly.jpg 33+3 bumpy


Definitely dropped honey, and you're looking fab! Congratulations on getting the section date fixed...its sooooo exciting! It sounds like the consultant is being really understanding, and its great they're working with you so well. Hooray!!!

AFM, I'm 35 weeks today! :wohoo: I'm so ready for this baby now! Constant uncomfortable BH, my pelvis feels like it might crumble apart at any moment and I'm impatient to meet her now :haha: kinda hoping she makes an appearance before Christmas, but when she's good and ready and fully baked of course ;)

I can't believe it's 1st December :saywhat: we can all officially say "I'M DUE NEXT MONTH!!" Madness!

Happy 35 weeks Lolly! It is absolutely nuts that we're able to say we're due next month! Did we go through some time warp or something? I swear only last week we were all going through the 1st tri nerves... now we're all grumbling about the 3rd tri pains and strains! Before we know it we're all going to be announcing the births :happydance::cloud9:

Happy 35 weeks lolly.
Sethsmummy - was wondering where you had got to lol.

This non sleeping lark is getting ridiculous now. I was awake the other night from 3am til 6am!

Sooo...OH rang the bank after work today. They said they will speed it up and we should get our mortgage offer on Wednesday if he phones up then, and should come through the post thursday or friday. So once the solicitors receive it, we should get a completion date.
I've put a couple bits of tinsel and a santa light in the window so it looks a bit more Christmassy in here but I can't wait to get in that house now. Aslong as everything gets moved, dont mind if boxes are cluttering kids bedrooms or not aslong as kitchen and lounge are nice and tidy :)

That's awesome news about the house: congrats! I'm with you on the lack of sleep. It's horrible, but at least we're in this together jellybeans!

I spoke too soon. Back in the hospital due to high BP and trace proteins. So blood tests are being run, and in the middle of a 24-he collection. The doctor doesn't seem to think ill be leaving without a baby, but I'm still hoping for an uneventful and quick release. She seems doubtful that I'll make it to 35 weeks. Said we'd be lucky if we can make it to 34...

Oh my goodness SC, I really hope everything goes ok. At least you're in the right place and being looked after. Sending you lots of hugs! :hugs:

Happy 35 weeks to all the 1st weekers!! Had my 34 wk appt yesterday. My b/p was up when I got there. 134/92, but no protein and it came down before I left, so no worries. She does want me to just rest a little more during the day. I've been feeling most of lo's movements low and was worried she might be breech, but dr did a quick u/s and she is headdown! &#55357;&#56835;

I hear you about the no sleep! &#55357;&#56865; I'm absolutely exhausted by 8 pm, and fall asleep. By midnight I'm awake and can't get back to sleep . Arghhhhh!!!! Its usually 3-4 hrs before I can get back to sleep. By then it's almost time to get up. SOOOO..... over it!

Hooray for being head down! Fab news on all counts!

I plan to work right up until time, so I still have over a month left ( but we have lots of parties and holidays from now til then, so almost every week will be a 3- 4 day.
I can only take up to 12 weeks, last I heard our director was still saying she would only approve 8. We have been talking about me cutting back on work or going back to hospital nursing where I would work 3 12 hour shifts instead of 5 8 hours. So I guess depending on that decision, we will see if I even go back to my current job.
We go back to the doctor Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully it will be a quick visit and I can finish shopping/preparing for the party this weekend. I get to order my breast pump this month :) something else to cross off my list!

Can she give you a good explanation as to why she'll only approve 8 weeks? I know the maternity leave in America isn't, but it seems really unfair to give you even less than the 12 weeks you're entitled to! The shortened working week would be good though.

I think that's me caught up, but sorry if I've missed anyone! I start hypnobirthing classes tomorrow; so excited about them! I really hope I get to have a lovely, normal birth this time around...fingers crossed!
No. She doesn't have a good reason, I think she just wants to be a butt. She's like that sometimes. I gave up a month ago trying to talk to her about it. I just plan to take it, legally they have to hold my job for the 12 weeks. If I have too I'll get my ob to keep me out for that long. He's great! My administrator usually doesn't care so it shouldn't end up being a problem. I'm great the medela pump in style. It's the same one that I had with my first. Hope everyone is doing good! We go to the doctor tomorrow and I think I'm going to take the 2 year old in to the pediatrician too. She's coughing, snotty, and clingy. No fever but looks and sounds awful- and her party is this weekend.
SC sorry you are back in hospital. Happy 34 weeks!

As for sending children to nursery poorly, sometimes you just don't have a choice as a working parent. I would never send Tristan really poorly but I have had to send him with a cold etc. If he doesn't go I still have to pay for nursery which is £39 a day and then I lose out on a day's pay which is about £70. It's a lot to loose.

Tara I'm glad you have a plan in place :)

Lolly I get those pains too. I never had then with Tristan. They hurt! Ouch!

Buddy that sounds great! You'll have to let us know how it goes :)

Hopeful your boss sounds like an ass! :growlmad:
Sethsmummy yeah my mat leave will automatically start the day she arrives if it's before planned n then my manager can decide whether to allow me to carry it over or whether I will just lose it, occasionally they will just pay the outstanding but that's rare.
Oh no I totally get a little cough or cold BB, but Izzie said this little boy was on antibiotics so assuming he must have been quite a bit poorly!?

Hopeful your boss is an utter moron! Is this the same one who made you do a urine sample so she could test it for alcohol/drugs when you fell at work!? Bitch :grr:
Well ladies- looks like I'll be having a December baby- just don't know when. They're keeping me in the hospital and have diagnosed me with pre-eclampsia... Said they won't let me go past 37 weeks if I make it that far... But for now baby and I are doing well! (Occasional high bp, proteins in urine going up) Not looking forward to this bill if I'm here for 3 weeks!
At least they are keeping an eye on you sc and you're in the right place. I hope you don't have to wait to long to meet your lo xx
I hope everything goes ok SC, and that baby stays put for as long as possible :hugs: Better to be at the hospital and being closely monitored though, even if it's not much fun! If it's any consolation, my son arrived at 36 weeks (spontaneous early labour), and is now a very happy, healthy and boisterous 4 year old...I'm sure your little one will be just the same xxx
I hope everything goes ok SC, and that baby stays put for as long as possible :hugs: Better to be at the hospital and being closely monitored though, even if it's not much fun! If it's any consolation, my son arrived at 36 weeks (spontaneous early labour), and is now a very happy, healthy and boisterous 4 year old...I'm sure your little one will be just the same xxx
SC,If it makes you less anxious, dd1 was early spontaneous labour at 34+5 and she never had any problems. Your lo will be fine xx
Good luck SC!! Keep us updated!

35+2 today, and feeling much bigger movements, well stronger I guess - some are even a tad painful. Getting really bad rib pain after sitting for a while and I'm getting more and more excited to start my Mat leave. Next Friday is my last day and I'm glad because by the end of each day I'm ready to drop.

Hope you're all doing well! Still can't believe that we're all due next month!!
Had my midwife home visit this morning. Everything has been approved for a Home Birth from 37 weeks. Will get birth box and drug box on the 16th and then I am good to go. Exciting,lol. xx
Hi ladies, my appointment went good yesterday. I'm hoping that the back pain - almost at my rib cage only on the left side is what she described as normal pregnancy discomfort and not the start of another kidney stone. It feels more like the kidney stone and ces and goes. It hasn't gotten bad as of yet but it's there. Nothing is helping it.

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