*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Good luck SC, hope all goes well with you and baby:)

Wow, its become so real now! Babies are almost here,some sooner than others, really exciting!

Good luck to all of us!

My twins are still going strong, doc is happy with how we're all doing and is hoping they stay in until 38 weeks(5weeks away!). We got their cots yesterday, so me,dh & dd set it up and I was in tears, so happy & eager to meet these 2 munchkins.

The hospital nurse put me at high risk due to family history of diabetes,epilepsy and heart problems.

Roll on JANUARY:)
Well ladies- looks like I'll be having a December baby- just don't know when. They're keeping me in the hospital and have diagnosed me with pre-eclampsia... Said they won't let me go past 37 weeks if I make it that far... But for now baby and I are doing well! (Occasional high bp, proteins in urine going up) Not looking forward to this bill if I'm here for 3 weeks!

awww hun :hugs: im sorry your now stuck in hospital :hugs: really is the best place though hun as pre-e can get scary fast. Im glad your holding in there ok though! Fx when the time comes everything goes smoothly <3

Good luck SC!! Keep us updated!

35+2 today, and feeling much bigger movements, well stronger I guess - some are even a tad painful. Getting really bad rib pain after sitting for a while and I'm getting more and more excited to start my Mat leave. Next Friday is my last day and I'm glad because by the end of each day I'm ready to drop.

Hope you're all doing well! Still can't believe that we're all due next month!!

I get the rib pain too on the left hand side where Rohan butt sticks in when im sat down :rofl: I bet your going to be so so happy to see next friday roll around!

Had my midwife home visit this morning. Everything has been approved for a Home Birth from 37 weeks. Will get birth box and drug box on the 16th and then I am good to go. Exciting,lol. xx

:wohoo: :wohoo:

Hi ladies, my appointment went good yesterday. I'm hoping that the back pain - almost at my rib cage only on the left side is what she described as normal pregnancy discomfort and not the start of another kidney stone. It feels more like the kidney stone and ces and goes. It hasn't gotten bad as of yet but it's there. Nothing is helping it.

:hugs: I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun that its not the start of another kidney stone :hugs:

Good luck SC, hope all goes well with you and baby:)

Wow, its become so real now! Babies are almost here,some sooner than others, really exciting!

Good luck to all of us!

My twins are still going strong, doc is happy with how we're all doing and is hoping they stay in until 38 weeks(5weeks away!). We got their cots yesterday, so me,dh & dd set it up and I was in tears, so happy & eager to meet these 2 munchkins.

The hospital nurse put me at high risk due to family history of diabetes,epilepsy and heart problems.

Roll on JANUARY:)

glad your doing well hun. Thats so sweet that dd helped set up the cot <3

Im finding it harder and harder to sleep properly.. and when i do manage a good sleep i regret it because i end up so damn stiff i cant move. Took me 15 minutes to get out of bed for a pee last night :dohh:
Hopefully buying the last of my bits on Tuesday and cant wait. Going to cost a fortune to get his clothes sorted but it will be worth it :)
Anyone else really really itchy.. iv scratched my poor leg to peices over the last couple of days. Id be thinking Cholestesis but its not on the soles of my feet and only on my palms the odd time.
oh oh and has anyone else broke out like a pre-hormonal tween? I have loads of spots popping up right now :dohh:
Good luck SC!! Keep us updated!

35+2 today, and feeling much bigger movements, well stronger I guess - some are even a tad painful. Getting really bad rib pain after sitting for a while and I'm getting more and more excited to start my Mat leave. Next Friday is my last day and I'm glad because by the end of each day I'm ready to drop.

Hope you're all doing well! Still can't believe that we're all due next month!!

Hooray: only 1 week to go till your mat leave starts! Ditto with the movements, I swear I've got Rocky Balboa growing in here! Baby's movements are huge and so powerful they sometimes take my breath away!

Had my midwife home visit this morning. Everything has been approved for a Home Birth from 37 weeks. Will get birth box and drug box on the 16th and then I am good to go. Exciting,lol. xx

That's so exciting ab! It's a beautiful thing to be giving birth at home... I can't wait to hear about your birth! x

Hi ladies, my appointment went good yesterday. I'm hoping that the back pain - almost at my rib cage only on the left side is what she described as normal pregnancy discomfort and not the start of another kidney stone. It feels more like the kidney stone and ces and goes. It hasn't gotten bad as of yet but it's there. Nothing is helping it.

Glad the appointment went well, but I really hope the pain eases off a bit.

Good luck SC, hope all goes well with you and baby:)

Wow, its become so real now! Babies are almost here,some sooner than others, really exciting!

Good luck to all of us!

My twins are still going strong, doc is happy with how we're all doing and is hoping they stay in until 38 weeks(5weeks away!). We got their cots yesterday, so me,dh & dd set it up and I was in tears, so happy & eager to meet these 2 munchkins.

The hospital nurse put me at high risk due to family history of diabetes,epilepsy and heart problems.

Roll on JANUARY:)

Awww, so sweet getting the cots set up! I remember doing that when I was pregnant with DS; putting up the cot made it all so real. Fingers crossed for 38 weeks honey!
Thanx Buddy & Sethsmummy:)
Here's to hoping I get to the 38week mark!

Seth- I've been itchy and actually thought something had bitten me! I'm always scratching if its not the top of my feet(when I can reach them,lol), its my legs or tummy! And I'm with you on the struggling to get outta bed! It takes me about 5-10minutes every time! Dh hates all the moaning though,haha.
Im finding it harder and harder to sleep properly.. and when i do manage a good sleep i regret it because i end up so damn stiff i cant move. Took me 15 minutes to get out of bed for a pee last night :dohh:
Hopefully buying the last of my bits on Tuesday and cant wait. Going to cost a fortune to get his clothes sorted but it will be worth it :)
Anyone else really really itchy.. iv scratched my poor leg to peices over the last couple of days. Id be thinking Cholestesis but its not on the soles of my feet and only on my palms the odd time.
oh oh and has anyone else broke out like a pre-hormonal tween? I have loads of spots popping up right now :dohh:

Sleep is like a friend who's fallen out with me right now! I rarely get to sleep before 2:00am, get up 47526587398759824 times to pee, can't get back to sleep, and then am up with DS around 7ish (though this morning it was 6 :nope:). I'm bloody shattered right now! All I can think though is that this is nothing compared to the first couple of months of round the clock feeds, so I'm trying really *really* hard not to get annoyed or down about it.

I get a really itchy leg too (MW said its to do with the SPD, or maybe baby pressing on a nerve), which drives me nuts at night. I got really itchy feet when I was pregnant with DS, but worked out it was because my feet were getting way too hot!

I've had more spots during the past 7 months than I've ever had in my entire life! Add the greasy hair and hormonal snappiness and I feel like I'm 15 again!

Speaking of which, how is everyone doing with the hormones? I'm starting to find my patience is running our waaaaaaaay faster than normal. Usually I have infinite patience with DS, but yesterday I found myself snapping at him when he was complaining about something. I felt so, so bad about it and instantly apologised for being a grumpy Mummy. I do my own version of Unconditional Parenting, so snapping or raising my voice is a rarity for me, but I'm just finding myself feeling a bit moody and grumpy at the moment. I'm sure a good nights sleep would help a lot though!

On a more positive note, we started the hypnobirthing course on Wednesday which was really good. I think it's going to be amazing at helping me feel positive about this birth. We watched a video of a lady practising hypnobirthing while she was giving birth, and honestly you couldn't even tell she was delivering the baby! Everything was so peaceful and clam! The baby just popped up out of the water, and the the woman started smiling and crying and shouted "I did it!" It was so beautiful! Honestly, if I hadn't been in a room full of strangers I would've been bawling my eyes out! I hope we all get equally beautiful births too xxx
Hey, Hope everyone is doing ok.
SC - sorry you're stuck in the hospital!

Have my growth scan next wednesday, can't wait to see her again :)
Still no news on mortgage offer, they said it would get seen to today but they also said that the other day.
We may be mad..but..meet the new member of our family

Her name is Storm and she's 11 weeks old. I was originally against getting a puppy until Scarlett was sleeping through, but then thought I didn't want to have sleepless nights again with a puppy then. So she should be holding it at night by time Scarlett is born and if not, she can be let out during night feeds :)
Well ladies- looks like I'll be having a December baby- just don't know when. They're keeping me in the hospital and have diagnosed me with pre-eclampsia... Said they won't let me go past 37 weeks if I make it that far... But for now baby and I are doing well! (Occasional high bp, proteins in urine going up) Not looking forward to this bill if I'm here for 3 weeks!

Good luck hun. I really hope that LO stays in for as long as possible.
Thanks so much ladies! Somehow, despite having pre-e, the doctor allowed me to go home since I was stable while in the hospital! (They sent me with a whole list of reasons to rush back, and said if I have another high BP reading at the Ob- which I will because I always do- that will probably be it.) so, I'm home for now, but fully expecting to be readmitted when my BP goes up from walking around at the doctor' office on Monday. Then we'll see if I can convince them to monitor me 3 days since it always goes back down, so I can make 35 weeks.....
Hey, Hope everyone is doing ok.
SC - sorry you're stuck in the hospital!

Have my growth scan next wednesday, can't wait to see her again :)
Still no news on mortgage offer, they said it would get seen to today but they also said that the other day.
We may be mad..but..meet the new member of our family

Her name is Storm and she's 11 weeks old. I was originally against getting a puppy until Scarlett was sleeping through, but then thought I didn't want to have sleepless nights again with a puppy then. So she should be holding it at night by time Scarlett is born and if not, she can be let out during night feeds :)

She's beautiful!!!! Is she a Staffy?
Hey, Hope everyone is doing ok.
SC - sorry you're stuck in the hospital!

Have my growth scan next wednesday, can't wait to see her again :)
Still no news on mortgage offer, they said it would get seen to today but they also said that the other day.
We may be mad..but..meet the new member of our family

Her name is Storm and she's 11 weeks old. I was originally against getting a puppy until Scarlett was sleeping through, but then thought I didn't want to have sleepless nights again with a puppy then. So she should be holding it at night by time Scarlett is born and if not, she can be let out during night feeds :)

She's beautiful!!!! Is she a Staffy?

Yeah, she's a staffy blue.

So about 45minutes ago I went to the toilet and when i wiped i had the tiniest smear of blood on the tissue, if i hadnt looked, i wouldnt of known. She's moving at the minute, and I've had none since. Going to keep an eye on it for next hour and ring midwife if i have more.
Buddy so glad to hear your hypno birthing class went well! I keep meaning to buy some CD's and books, but keep forgetting :blush:

Welsh girl, hopefully it wasn't anything too serious. Definitely speak to your MW though :hugs: gorgeous doggy! We got our boy when DD2 was 5 months old, and it was fun but definitely crazy! I think you did the right thing getting her before baby's due, that way you can get on top of toilet and general house training :thumbup:

So, it's a full moon tomorrow ladies. Full moons are well known for bringing on labours, something to do with the waters and whatnot (sorry I don't know much more than that :rofl:). I'm hoping none of us go tomorrow as it's still a bit too early, but will be interesting to see if many of the ladies due in December make birth announcements in the third tri board this weekend!

It's 1 month until my due date today!! And just 10 days to go until I'm full term :argh: I'm scared hahaha!
Thank you. There has been no more so don't know what it was. Baby been moving as normal and no pain so not really too worried at the minute but i do keep checking. Aw thanks, she really is, happy we got her, and that was my thinking too, that she should be house trained before baby arrives. And she wouldn't be messing in the new house as much lol...if we get in. The sellers are threatening to pull out if its not sorted by next week, we only got the mortgage offer at 4.30pm today. Been crying so much over it today, hoping the solicitors can get it done quickly now and that the sellers are happy enough with the mortgage offer for now!

Wow, lolly 10days until you are full term! Gosh time seems to have flown!
Time really is flying for you ladies! I am excited to see some baby pictures. It feels like it will all happen at once lol.
Glad everything is ok WG :)

Lolly, I just told Hubby I'm taking it easy today because it's a full moon :rofl: Fat chance! We need to sort out the house because we've been decorating!
Kiwi how's ur lil bubba doing now?

Went to the physio yesterday, they said there's something that's slightly out of line so tried to correct it and gave me exercises to help it, just typical that the night before my appointment I could barely walk but at my appointment most things felt ok.
Getting horrendous reflux, feel like my stomach is in my throat and it's on fire, alwats feel really full too, it's really affecting how much i can eat which can't be good for the baby.
Started having baby dreams last night, making me look forward to bringing her home even more
That sounds so stressful Welshgirl, have everything crossed the solicitor sorts it out ASAP :hugs:

BB, OMG I hope you're not decorating!? You should be supervising your hubby. And bu supervising, I mean sat drinking tea whilst bossing him about :haha:

INMT :hugs: heartburn/reflux is horrible. Just eat little and often, baby is fine so don't worry about that, it's mostly about getting enough in for you to keep your strength up. Once baby drops you'll find that really helps (although not for your pelvis!) x
Even better than that. My FIL has done the decorating!
It's upside down, our drawers etc are in the nursery, you can't even get through the door then we've been sleeping on our mattress in the living room. Should hopefully be finished today!

Anyone else struggling to fill up? I am so hungry!
Having trouble finding a baby changing bag I really like. Where have you bought them and who do you recommend (esp UK ladies). They seem to be very expensive too so don't want to get one I'm not happy with.
Even better than that. My FIL has done the decorating!
It's upside down, our drawers etc are in the nursery, you can't even get through the door then we've been sleeping on our mattress in the living room. Should hopefully be finished today!

Anyone else struggling to fill up? I am so hungry!

I have the problem that if I eat too much I feel absolutely dreadful pain. I need to eat little and often. We went out for pizza with friends last night and I walked back from the carpark to our flat doubled over, but was fine once I lay down! :wacko:

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