*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Sethsmummy yeah my mat leave will automatically start the day she arrives if it's before planned n then my manager can decide whether to allow me to carry it over or whether I will just lose it, occasionally they will just pay the outstanding but that's rare.

wow i cant believe she gets a choice like that. at the end of the day you earned those days!

Thanx Buddy & Sethsmummy:)
Here's to hoping I get to the 38week mark!

Seth- I've been itchy and actually thought something had bitten me! I'm always scratching if its not the top of my feet(when I can reach them,lol), its my legs or tummy! And I'm with you on the struggling to get outta bed! It takes me about 5-10minutes every time! Dh hates all the moaning though,haha.

argh my leg is a complete mess from all the itching iv been doing :( haha my dh hates the moaning too.. but he does more than me :haha:

Im finding it harder and harder to sleep properly.. and when i do manage a good sleep i regret it because i end up so damn stiff i cant move. Took me 15 minutes to get out of bed for a pee last night :dohh:
Hopefully buying the last of my bits on Tuesday and cant wait. Going to cost a fortune to get his clothes sorted but it will be worth it :)
Anyone else really really itchy.. iv scratched my poor leg to peices over the last couple of days. Id be thinking Cholestesis but its not on the soles of my feet and only on my palms the odd time.
oh oh and has anyone else broke out like a pre-hormonal tween? I have loads of spots popping up right now :dohh:

Sleep is like a friend who's fallen out with me right now! I rarely get to sleep before 2:00am, get up 47526587398759824 times to pee, can't get back to sleep, and then am up with DS around 7ish (though this morning it was 6 :nope:). I'm bloody shattered right now! All I can think though is that this is nothing compared to the first couple of months of round the clock feeds, so I'm trying really *really* hard not to get annoyed or down about it.

I get a really itchy leg too (MW said its to do with the SPD, or maybe baby pressing on a nerve), which drives me nuts at night. I got really itchy feet when I was pregnant with DS, but worked out it was because my feet were getting way too hot!

I've had more spots during the past 7 months than I've ever had in my entire life! Add the greasy hair and hormonal snappiness and I feel like I'm 15 again!

Speaking of which, how is everyone doing with the hormones? I'm starting to find my patience is running our waaaaaaaay faster than normal. Usually I have infinite patience with DS, but yesterday I found myself snapping at him when he was complaining about something. I felt so, so bad about it and instantly apologised for being a grumpy Mummy. I do my own version of Unconditional Parenting, so snapping or raising my voice is a rarity for me, but I'm just finding myself feeling a bit moody and grumpy at the moment. I'm sure a good nights sleep would help a lot though!

On a more positive note, we started the hypnobirthing course on Wednesday which was really good. I think it's going to be amazing at helping me feel positive about this birth. We watched a video of a lady practising hypnobirthing while she was giving birth, and honestly you couldn't even tell she was delivering the baby! Everything was so peaceful and clam! The baby just popped up out of the water, and the the woman started smiling and crying and shouted "I did it!" It was so beautiful! Honestly, if I hadn't been in a room full of strangers I would've been bawling my eyes out! I hope we all get equally beautiful births too xxx


Im with you on the patience front.. iv a really short temper right now and normally iv the patience of a saint. :rofl: im glad your hypnobirthing classes are going well.

Hey, Hope everyone is doing ok.
SC - sorry you're stuck in the hospital!

Have my growth scan next wednesday, can't wait to see her again :)
Still no news on mortgage offer, they said it would get seen to today but they also said that the other day.
We may be mad..but..meet the new member of our family

Her name is Storm and she's 11 weeks old. I was originally against getting a puppy until Scarlett was sleeping through, but then thought I didn't want to have sleepless nights again with a puppy then. So she should be holding it at night by time Scarlett is born and if not, she can be let out during night feeds :)

omg how cute is she!! <3 <3 <3

Thanks so much ladies! Somehow, despite having pre-e, the doctor allowed me to go home since I was stable while in the hospital! (They sent me with a whole list of reasons to rush back, and said if I have another high BP reading at the Ob- which I will because I always do- that will probably be it.) so, I'm home for now, but fully expecting to be readmitted when my BP goes up from walking around at the doctor' office on Monday. Then we'll see if I can convince them to monitor me 3 days since it always goes back down, so I can make 35 weeks.....

im glad you got home hun! fx you manage to keep cooking for another few weeks at least hun :hugs:

Buddy so glad to hear your hypno birthing class went well! I keep meaning to buy some CD's and books, but keep forgetting :blush:

Welsh girl, hopefully it wasn't anything too serious. Definitely speak to your MW though :hugs: gorgeous doggy! We got our boy when DD2 was 5 months old, and it was fun but definitely crazy! I think you did the right thing getting her before baby's due, that way you can get on top of toilet and general house training :thumbup:

So, it's a full moon tomorrow ladies. Full moons are well known for bringing on labours, something to do with the waters and whatnot (sorry I don't know much more than that :rofl:). I'm hoping none of us go tomorrow as it's still a bit too early, but will be interesting to see if many of the ladies due in December make birth announcements in the third tri board this weekend!

It's 1 month until my due date today!! And just 10 days to go until I'm full term :argh: I'm scared hahaha!

:rofl: nooo i hope none of us are effected by this full moon. maybe next months one ;)

Kiwi how's ur lil bubba doing now?

Went to the physio yesterday, they said there's something that's slightly out of line so tried to correct it and gave me exercises to help it, just typical that the night before my appointment I could barely walk but at my appointment most things felt ok.
Getting horrendous reflux, feel like my stomach is in my throat and it's on fire, alwats feel really full too, it's really affecting how much i can eat which can't be good for the baby.
Started having baby dreams last night, making me look forward to bringing her home even more

im glad physio went well hun i hope the exercises help hun.

Having trouble finding a baby changing bag I really like. Where have you bought them and who do you recommend (esp UK ladies). They seem to be very expensive too so don't want to get one I'm not happy with.

i have the babymoov baby natural changing bag and i love it.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005M0ITP6?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00 its £44.99 but its so worth it as it has a detachable changing mat and comes with a blanket etc. lots and lots of room in there too!

I have had such a crappy day today. Started off by not being able to turn over in bed last night.. my hips were too painful to move. Then today when we went out my ankle went from under me TWICE! first time i couldn't catch myself and fell down a curb landing on my leg and hand. the second time i thankfully managed to catch myself as i was in the middle of crossing the road :dohh: Iv had cramps ever since then ... they got pretty damn intense but have eased off a bit now. Iv had a little blood each time iv wiped today (literally a tiny spot) along with tiny bits of mucous plug. Hoping everything dies down.. Rohan has been moving ok. If im still cramping tomorrow and spotting then ill call the midwives and see if i can get checked out. This baby is not allowed out for another 2 weeks at the earliest! x
thanks izzie.. only left with very mild cramps now so hopefully thats it! 3 hours of intense cramps is more than enough for me :rofl: xx
Even better than that. My FIL has done the decorating!
It's upside down, our drawers etc are in the nursery, you can't even get through the door then we've been sleeping on our mattress in the living room. Should hopefully be finished today!

Anyone else struggling to fill up? I am so hungry!

Mememememeeee! I could eat and eat and eat at the moment...it's shocking! Thankfully we eat healthily, and normally I have no trouble balancing my diet, but right now I just want to eat fat and sugar and salt!!! I'm trying sooooo hard to eat normally but its a proper effort!

Sethsmummy Oh my gosh honey :hugs: No more falls please!! What a fright you must've got! I really hope everything calms down and that plug stays put. I know little bits can fall away all the time, and it grows back, so I'm sure that'll be what happens with you. Sending loads of positive thoughts and hugs xxx
I can't stop eating brunettebimbo! I'm ravenous all the time :wacko: and this baby doesn't feel like she's dropped at all but I'm still packing away huge portions :rofl:

Izzie, I have a Sugarjack changing bag. Love it! Had one before with DD2 too. They are pricey but I think worth every penny and can easily be used as a large handbag once you no longer need a change bag :thumbup: or you could sell it on as they retain value pretty well. I had a pink lining YM with DD1 and hated it. The design wasn't really for me anyway, I'm not a very girly girl but just thought I'd get one as everyone raved on about them all the time. Anyway, the outside got very marked and stained easily, they can't be washed as the pink lining runs and my strap broke after 5 months of using it (but was out of the warranty by then as bought it early :grr:).

Tara, OMG hope you're ok? How's your ankle? Hope the spotting eases off hun x
We had a birthday party for our 2 year old today. It was great, except the part where my niece dropped my very expensive camera on the tile floor and now it's going to have to be sent off for repairs. It sucks even more since it means I won't have a camera for Christmas. I feel awful a I got upset about it and of course she started crying. But like I told her it can be fixed and my munchkin ha a ball at her party. Then the hubby took me out for dinner at my favorite nice restaurant.

I still don't have much of an appetite, but I was all to eat pretty good tonight. I didn't show a loss this week at the doctor either. I'm still hurting in my back by it not severe so hoping it not a stone.
urg wish i wanted to eat BB! i have no apetite still.. i will munch on little things but i cant eat a full meal or anything still :(

Even better than that. My FIL has done the decorating!
It's upside down, our drawers etc are in the nursery, you can't even get through the door then we've been sleeping on our mattress in the living room. Should hopefully be finished today!

Anyone else struggling to fill up? I am so hungry!

Mememememeeee! I could eat and eat and eat at the moment...it's shocking! Thankfully we eat healthily, and normally I have no trouble balancing my diet, but right now I just want to eat fat and sugar and salt!!! I'm trying sooooo hard to eat normally but its a proper effort!

Sethsmummy Oh my gosh honey :hugs: No more falls please!! What a fright you must've got! I really hope everything calms down and that plug stays put. I know little bits can fall away all the time, and it grows back, so I'm sure that'll be what happens with you. Sending loads of positive thoughts and hugs xxx

I can't stop eating brunettebimbo! I'm ravenous all the time :wacko: and this baby doesn't feel like she's dropped at all but I'm still packing away huge portions :rofl:

Izzie, I have a Sugarjack changing bag. Love it! Had one before with DD2 too. They are pricey but I think worth every penny and can easily be used as a large handbag once you no longer need a change bag :thumbup: or you could sell it on as they retain value pretty well. I had a pink lining YM with DD1 and hated it. The design wasn't really for me anyway, I'm not a very girly girl but just thought I'd get one as everyone raved on about them all the time. Anyway, the outside got very marked and stained easily, they can't be washed as the pink lining runs and my strap broke after 5 months of using it (but was out of the warranty by then as bought it early :grr:).

Tara, OMG hope you're ok? How's your ankle? Hope the spotting eases off hun x

Im ok now thank you :hugs: <3 No more spotting today and just lots of clear stretchy mucous when i wipe.. although plug coming away now is no problem as it can go weeks before baby decides to arrive. Were aiming for hopefully a 37 week natural anyway so id be quite happy if it went fully now and he stayed put till boxing day.

Ankle is ok :) its stupid really.. i have hypermobility in it so this happens often. just not usually as bad and hasnt for a while. The last time was when i was only a couple weeks pregnant and i fell down the stairs. :dohh: it picks the most appropriate times to happen :dohh:

We had a birthday party for our 2 year old today. It was great, except the part where my niece dropped my very expensive camera on the tile floor and now it's going to have to be sent off for repairs. It sucks even more since it means I won't have a camera for Christmas. I feel awful a I got upset about it and of course she started crying. But like I told her it can be fixed and my munchkin ha a ball at her party. Then the hubby took me out for dinner at my favorite nice restaurant.

I still don't have much of an appetite, but I was all to eat pretty good tonight. I didn't show a loss this week at the doctor either. I'm still hurting in my back by it not severe so hoping it not a stone.

aww no thats a shame about your camera!! my boys broke my nikon and it cant be fixed :dohh: i either need to buy another slim one of use dh's camera which is one of the big bulky ones... not ideal for packing in hospital bag at all.

im glad your lo had a fantastic party an that you got to go out for a nice meal :D I hope your back eases up soon hun :hugs: xx
34 weeks! Wow, it getting scary and exciting how close we are. I have this gut feeling that this baby will be early, not super early but like the week after Christmas early. I'm trying to get everything ready just in case. My hubby informed me today that he is meeting a contractor (who happens to be his uncle) at the home improvement store tomorrow to get materials. Work starts on the Baby room tomorrow! We had decided not to do it until after she was here, but he said it's bothering him with it not being ready.I have almost everything we need for when we come home and its organized and ready but I don't feel prepared either.
I also had a tiny spot of blood today and a couple contractions but no more blood. I think it's either due to the stone I think I have or losing a small piece of my plug. I just think I overdid it with the birthday party, cleaning, and keeping up with the 2 year old. I tried to take it easy today so I went to church and the Christmas parade but let grandparents chase the toddler. I also do managed to work on sewing their coming home dresses. Hopefully I can finish them tomorrow
I am not trying to say this to make you worry but I too had a feeling my baby was going to be born early.
Hopeful have you had anymore blood? I would ring your MW.

We too were going to wait until baby had arrived to do the nursery but we need it done so all the baby stuff can come out of our bedroom! :lol:
I lost a bit of clear plug weeks back but nothing since, I am on constant knicker watch though :haha: never lost any early on with either of my girls, must be this overworked cervix of mine haha!

BB, same here. I never got to do a proper nursery with the girls as we were always moving house, so I have taken advantage this time around, but also it's nice to have one place to put all of her things so it's not clogging everywhere else up! We just set the changing/shelving unit up the other day so I had to bring the Moses basket up to our room to make space. It looks so weird just sitting by my bed! Can't believe there'll be a baby in there soon!

I'm 36 weeks today!! One more week until I'm FULL TERM :shock: how did this happen!? I have my growth scan on Wednesday morning followed by my consultant appt. Hoping that all my checks are fine and she signs me off from her care so I can get the go ahead for a home birth! I doubt it'll be straight forward though, nothing ever is!

EDIT: yaaaay I'm on the last box in my ticker. Sh!t just got real!!!! :argh::rofl:
Happy 36 weeks lolly.
Home birth was easier to organise than I expected xx
woo happy 36 weeks lolly :D :D

i expect to see more babies arriving from pretty soon :D So exciting!

Iv been having some more cramps today during/after walking. as long as he stays put till Thursday ill be happy whenever he decides to come coz then he can stay at the local hospital (well not exactly local haha but 17 miles away) instead of being taken away to glasgow x
Hope he stays put for another couple of weeks Tara xx
thanks hun. he can come at 36 weeks .. id be super duper happy then :rofl:
I'm happy for bubs to come anytime from 37w! The later the better for her sake obviously, but I'll be ready to give birth from next Monday :rofl: I'm panicking about my appointments this week. It's always at this stage of pregnancy that my BP starts playing up, and I kmow worrying about it won't help (especially at the time of having it taken :dohh:) but just one high measurement and it's game over home birth :( I'm absolutely fine with giving birth in hospital, had 2 fab hospital births before, but just kinda got my hopes up for a water birth in the comfort of my own home now! Probably should've held off getting excited by the prospect of it all UNTIL I'd been signed off by the consultant :wacko:
Hopefully you'll be fine lolly.
I am ready to give birth now but little man needs to stay put til next tuesday for me to have a home birth without transfer xx
Happy 36 weeks Lolly!! One week until full term. It feels great, we've all made it this far!!! :)
Happy 36 weeks :)

Just back from the midwife. He's measuring 34, I'm 34+5 but she didn't seem bothered. She did seem concerned that Id been getting a lot of headaches and occasional dizzy spells though and that baby has been quieter since yesterday. I'm to keep my eye on movements and if I get any swelling to ring delivery. I also have a suspected water infection. I'm hoping everything is fine. These babies sure do know how to scare us!
Happy 36 weeks lolly.

Aww I wish I could get Scarlett's room set up. I don't know where we will be when she is born, I don't even know where we will be for Christmas. Had the mortgage offer on Friday, the sellers wanted it sorted by this week or they were pulling out. Solicitors said no way will it be completed by Friday as the bank takes 5 working days to transfer the money and they are still waiting on some replies from the other solicitors. Hope they are happy enough with the mortgage offer until next week!

Alex is full of a cold and has a croaky voice, I'm starting to get his cold. Hope he is better by Thursday as he has got his Christmas concert then he's booked in for his Christmas photos in town.

Storm is already getting quite good in the house. Last night OH let her out before bed lastnight. 10mins after coming to bed she cried so he went down and she had pood (she seems to poo after we gone to bed then cries to let us know as she doesnt cry in the night) then she had only weed when he got up. 2 hrs later she had done 2 wees when I got up. Then this afternoon me and Alex went up for a nap for a couple of hours so put her in kitchen as havent got a kennel and no messes :) yay.

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