*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Just had our first antenatal class. Fortunately for DH it finished early! Had finally managed to convince him to come, it was in a hot room and she started by saying this was the most boring of the three classes! How he didn't fall asleep I'll never know! Just grateful he came. Next week we are touring the different wards. Not looking forward to visiting the labour ward where we lost DS, but think going before I'm in labour will definitely be better. The chances of them showing the same room must be very low...fingers crossed.
I hope you get some answers SCGirl, and that they go for bed rest at home x

Woo hoo waiting2c! You'll feel so good once you're all finished up at work! I've got 2 weeks left too... I cannot wait to be done!

Glad your DH went along Izzie :thumbup: My DH was a teensy bit reluctant to come to the hypnobirthing, but he actually enjoyed it and I think it really helps to make them feel involved. I can only imagine how difficult it'll be to walk into that labour ward again :hugs: It probably will be useful to face it now rather than later though, even though it'll be hard. You're such a strong woman; sending you lots of hugs xxx
Izzie :hugs: that's great you managed to get DH to go with you! I remember having to bribe OH to come with me to ours when I was expecting DD1! We were like the naughty, giggling school kids sat at the back for each session :haha:

I wouldn't worry too much if a HV asks you where you plan on having the baby sleep 0203, just tell them baby will be in with you to begin with. I don't know anyone that has been asked that but I guess you can get some nosey HV's or sometimes some new mums need extra support/monitoring (those who were in care for example).
I'm starting to wonder if I really have pre-e, as my blood pressure is in the normal range for over half of the day. When I woke up today, it was 111/72, which is great. But then I showered a bit ago and that simple act made it spike up to 195/109, which is probably should be in hospital level. However, within 20 min of laying down, it was back down to the upper end of normal. I'm wondering if there's something else going on here... Have a dr apt in 2 hours and will definitely ask, but wouldn't be surprised if I get sent back to hospital because of the spike. Problem is- as long as I don't move- my BP is amazing! (An when I don't move, I have too much time to sit here and think about it... Haha)

Hope you are able to stay at home to rest instead of stuck in hospital.

Just had our first antenatal class. Fortunately for DH it finished early! Had finally managed to convince him to come, it was in a hot room and she started by saying this was the most boring of the three classes! How he didn't fall asleep I'll never know! Just grateful he came. Next week we are touring the different wards. Not looking forward to visiting the labour ward where we lost DS, but think going before I'm in labour will definitely be better. The chances of them showing the same room must be very low...fingers crossed.

When we had Alex we decided to take the antenatal class at the midwifes office, it was from like 9am-4 pm and such a long day.

Alex spent the night with my sister lastnight, so while the football was on, I went to my parents to start wrapping some presents. I got home about 9pm, OH said I could put the Christmas tree up, so up it is and now we will probably get a date to move next week, but hey, won't take long to get down and back up lol. Went in the bath at half 10 as was absolutely aching. Got up this morning to give Storm her breakfast then sorted Alex's toys out which looks better downstairs. I'm now having a well deserved rest before tackeling the kitchen!

i can't believe how quick these pregnancies are going! We are going out on new years eve to a family event (just literally down the road from the new house if sellers dont pull out) I told OH I don't think he should have a drink as Scarlett will probably decide to make an appearance. I'll be 37weeks that week! Although I hope she stays put until 40weeks, no later so I'm a bit more prepared haha.
Just had my visit from the hv and apparently it is a pilot scheme In my area to visit antenatal now too. All went well, she just wanted to know a little about me to get red book started and told me what to expect for next couple of visits. Did say my house was too cold! But I was kind of expecting that, I was actually going to say something because I love it cold but know I will have to have it warmer once baby is here :haha:
Brunette hiccups don't class as movements because they r involuntary if ur worried go to hospital and tell them ur having reduced movements and the pattern of movements has changed, u don't need to go into any more detail than that they shud check u n bubs over just from that. I got monitored at 28 weeks because I said in passing that my baby had had a couple of lazy days.

Getting very frustrated with this house move stuff, we're now back onto the house we put an offer in n it got rejected, the offer they accepted fell thru so they have come back to us, we're no further along with the Original house because the seller doesn't seem to understand heavily pregnant and want to move NOW and the agent ducks my calls and ignores my emails because he has no.update for me even though I said we wanted updating weekly. We have started the process going with the new house but haven't told the original one that were not continuing just in case this one hits trouble and falls thru, at least then we have a fall back. But with Xmas and new year we r seriously going to be pushing it to be in any house by the time the baby comes. I'm really hoping she stays put until her due date. I'm really glad were not moving before Xmas though I need to just focus on getting thru these last 3 weeks at work with nothing else to do then I can focus on preparing baby stuff then I can focus on baby coming and moving house.

We got a spare pram at the weekend same as the new one were getting and it doesn't fit in my car boot oops!! Iv been saying for about 6 months I want a new car so now I have an excuse, we went up to my mums at the weekend and really struggled to fit everything in the car so add a baby into that with all her stuff and we have no chance so this weekend I'm off to get myself a volkswagon passat :-D can't wait!!
Last night the doctor reluctantly let me go home despite crazy high bp spikes because my numbers have been good when I'm down doing absolutely nothing. I'm apparently a fingertip dilated (sorry tmi!) so she thinks my body may be getting ready... Had bloods checked too. Uric acid was going up but still in the ok range (combine that with bp and protein, and it looks like we're running out of time). Doc said only reason she let me go home (after consulting with another) was to try to get me to 35 weeks (Thursday) before inducing. Wants me back in tomorrow to check. Said if I was 36 weeks I'd have been induced no question... Sooo that's where we are. I'm scared- more for his health as a 35 weeker!
Just wanted to give you all a update.

I am still in hospital (15 weeks now) but move to the maternity unit tomorrow morning as they have decided to do a cesarean section under general anaesthetic tomorrow. I will be 36 weeks. They have decided that this should give me and the baby the best possible chance of bonding as my mental state and eating are so unstable. I will be on the post natal ward for at least one week and my boyfriend has to stay with me 24hours as I am to unsafe to be left on my own... Then depending on how things go they will decide where I go when I leave the unit either to a psychiatric mother and baby unit or home but if I am allowed home my mum and my boyfriends mum have to share living with us for at least a month so that there is someone to monitor me and someone to care for the baby...

I feel sad that I haven't been able to share and enjoy all that comes with pregnancy with all of you but hopefully I will take to motherhood and things will start to improve (if social services give me a chance)

They say I have made progress in the past couple of weeks, I have been trying really hard, we have bought some clothes and things for the room, but I am still struggling with the concept to make it all real (I have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (they expect this is part of the reason I didn't cope with pregnancy))

I hope my post makes sense and doesn't cause any offence to anyone.

When I have the chance I will post again to let you all know what has happened and how things are going.

I hope everyone is all okiee.

Speak soon xxxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to give you all a update.

I am still in hospital (15 weeks now) but move to the maternity unit tomorrow morning as they have decided to do a cesarean section under general anaesthetic tomorrow. I will be 36 weeks. They have decided that this should give me and the baby the best possible chance of bonding as my mental state and eating are so unstable. I will be on the post natal ward for at least one week and my boyfriend has to stay with me 24hours as I am to unsafe to be left on my own... Then depending on how things go they will decide where I go when I leave the unit either to a psychiatric mother and baby unit or home but if I am allowed home my mum and my boyfriends mum have to share living with us for at least a month so that there is someone to monitor me and someone to care for the baby...

I feel sad that I haven't been able to share and enjoy all that comes with pregnancy with all of you but hopefully I will take to motherhood and things will start to improve (if social services give me a chance)

They say I have made progress in the past couple of weeks, I have been trying really hard, we have bought some clothes and things for the room, but I am still struggling with the concept to make it all real (I have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (they expect this is part of the reason I didn't cope with pregnancy))

I hope my post makes sense and doesn't cause any offence to anyone.

When I have the chance I will post again to let you all know what has happened and how things are going.

I hope everyone is all okiee.

Speak soon xxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Good luck for your section huni :hugs: :hugs: im glad your slowly on the road to recovery :hugs: xx
Good luck with everything dawnybus- I am so sorry to hear how hard things have been for you. Enjoy having cuddles with your new baby soon!!
Good luck Dawny. Hope all goes well. Do let us know how it all goes.
:hugs: Dawny, good luck with your section tomorrow and enjoy snuggling your baby:hugs: I hope you get the help you need to take your baby home and be a little family:hugs::hugs:

:hugs:sc, your baby will be fine if born now, hope you are ok:hugs:

INMT:hugs::hugs::hugs: I would be stressed to the max if I was you, hope you get the move sorted soon:hugs:

0203, my house is usually a bit on the colder side too, I lived in vest tops when the girls were babies lol xx
Just wanted to give you all a update.

I am still in hospital (15 weeks now) but move to the maternity unit tomorrow morning as they have decided to do a cesarean section under general anaesthetic tomorrow. I will be 36 weeks. They have decided that this should give me and the baby the best possible chance of bonding as my mental state and eating are so unstable. I will be on the post natal ward for at least one week and my boyfriend has to stay with me 24hours as I am to unsafe to be left on my own... Then depending on how things go they will decide where I go when I leave the unit either to a psychiatric mother and baby unit or home but if I am allowed home my mum and my boyfriends mum have to share living with us for at least a month so that there is someone to monitor me and someone to care for the baby...

I feel sad that I haven't been able to share and enjoy all that comes with pregnancy with all of you but hopefully I will take to motherhood and things will start to improve (if social services give me a chance)

They say I have made progress in the past couple of weeks, I have been trying really hard, we have bought some clothes and things for the room, but I am still struggling with the concept to make it all real (I have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (they expect this is part of the reason I didn't cope with pregnancy))

I hope my post makes sense and doesn't cause any offence to anyone.

When I have the chance I will post again to let you all know what has happened and how things are going.

I hope everyone is all okiee.

Speak soon xxxxxxxxxxx

I'm so sorry that you're still having to be in the hospital, but I'm glad ur getting help. I'll be praying for you and ur bubs and all goes well with the c-section and after. :hugs:
Good luck sc and dawny. It must be so scary for the both of u. Dawny I'm glad u have family around u where u can get support, I work in mental health so understand that this must be incredibly hard for u but couldn't imagine what it's like from the point of view of the sufferer and not a carer. I'm glad u have a bit more clarification on the issue and hopefully that will make treatment better. Don't be scared of going into a mother and baby unit, they really are good places to get the best help tailored specifically for ur situation, family r great but they will find it hard to understand why there isn't that automatic instant bond (which u might still get) do what's right for u and the baby and don't be scared about social services, ur getting treatment and help so they should be there just as additional support and always remind urself that they are there to make sure the baby is cared for and that although u might be caring for baby properly there are ppl out there that don't so unfortunately they have to assume the worst and hope for the best.
Really best of luck to u xx
Ab and 0203 ... We like a cooler house too, esp at night and never even have heating on overnight. Am thinking I too will be in minimal clothing! Are people getting room thermometers? What temperature should I be looking at?
The hv today told me it should be between 18°c and 20°C the Internet says 16°c . I just ordered the gro egg room thermometer because I'm a bit paranoid now!

Good luck dawny, thinking of you!

Can't believe we nearly have 3 and nearly 4 jellybeans born already (i think sorry if I am wrong) I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and all of a sudden it feels very close :)
Good Luck tomorrow Dawny. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery and have the support you need.
Izzie I never have heating on overnight, baby will get an extra blanket on. The girls used to sleep in pj's, a cosy sleepsuit and a baby sleeping bag as they wouldn't keep covers on. They do now but both prefer to be cooler too xx
Dawny I'm sorry to hear you're still not well, but sounds like you're getting the best of care so fx'd all goes well once baby is here. I hope your c sec goes perfectly, enjoy your newborn snuggles! :hugs:

My growth scan is tomorrow... feeling a bit nervous with how big they say she's going to be! I know growth scans aren't all that accurate, and were really off with DD1, but I had hers earlier on so think that's why. DD2's growth scan at 35/36w was pretty accurate for guessing her birth weight at term if memory serves me correctly, so I think I'll believe whatever this scan says! Also seeing my consultant after, which I'm even more nervous about! Keep yours fingers and toes (and legs too because it's still a bit too early for births!) crossed for me that all my checks are fine and I'm given the go ahead for a home birth!!

Please can you add me to jan 16th I'm having a girl :) xx

Of course! A very belated congrats :lol: and welcome to the group!

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