*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Wifey! Did the nipple stimulation bring you any contractions?? (If you tried it)
Hi Ladies

I was admitted to hospital the 30th and doc was going to do a c-section the 31st. Theatre was booked and everything, then he decided not to go ahead with it coz babies were happy inside and he wanted their lungs to get stronger. In the mean time, I'm swelling more & more! Can barely walk & sleeping is a nightmare!

On a happy note, I'll be 37weeks tomorrow(according to my ticker). So I'm happy:)

To all of you with babies born, I hope things are going smoothly and that your little ones are bringing you so much joy!
https://www.birthingnaturally.net/cn/technique/nipple.html :) hope it works!

Well ladies I have lost an extreme amount of plug tonight. About as much as my friggen palm the first time (around 2pm)! Then I've been losing quarter size pices since. I started cramping right after the first bout of plug.. Then it stopped for a few hours and came around again. Now I'm getting contractions that increase in intensity. Mostly in my back and they wrap around to my groin. I hope this isn't back labour again because I had that last time and it was awful!!!

Wish me luck tonight!!

Really hope things get going for you PM! Will be thinking of you xxx

Happy January ladies!!! Ahhh c'monn babies :dance:

How's everyone doing? Sorry I'm not getting on much... forgot how hard this newborn lark is :lol: Willow and I are doing great! She's such a little gem bless her, we barely know she's even here! It's really refreshing as we had a hard time with DD2, she was very high needs and grumpy. Long may this continue!

Princess Mommy, that sounds promising! Good luck :flower:

Ab, hope little man doesn't keep you waiting much longer! x

Awww...Willow sounds like a wee dream! I'm hoping for a more chilled out baby this time as DS was soooo grumpy lol!

Hi everybody, I haven't had Chance to check the last couple of pages but I hope you are all well. Not sure if you remember my last post a couple of days a go saying I was so fed up of what I thought was false labour. Well about 2 hours after that my waters broke and it turns out I was 4cm! Baby Henry Stuart was born at 8.31am on 01/01/15 weighing 7lb 0.5 oz at 39+1 weeks

We had a very happy new year!! I can't believe he is actually here (and that he is a he) love him so much! Can't wait for more jellybeans announcements!

:happydance: Aaahhhhhh! congratulations! Wonderful news!

Wifey! Did the nipple stimulation bring you any contractions?? (If you tried it)

I just saw your link now! Thank you :) I will try it this afternoon.

Nipple stimulation and sex are the only two things my MW said actually work! Good luck :winkwink:

Hi Ladies

I was admitted to hospital the 30th and doc was going to do a c-section the 31st. Theatre was booked and everything, then he decided not to go ahead with it coz babies were happy inside and he wanted their lungs to get stronger. In the mean time, I'm swelling more & more! Can barely walk & sleeping is a nightmare!

On a happy note, I'll be 37weeks tomorrow(according to my ticker). So I'm happy:)

To all of you with babies born, I hope things are going smoothly and that your little ones are bringing you so much joy!

That's fantastic that you've made it to full term with the twins! I'm in awe of you as I'm uncomfortable enough with one in here! Xxx
Thanks buddy! Nothing ended up happening :( still losing lots of plug today and cramping up. I assume my bout of contractions will be more painful tonight as they keep getting worse every night :(
Hi ladies! Congratulations to those who has had their babies already. I'm still losing plug and cramping daily but no baby yet. I got some news today that apparently our house is in active foreclosure! We haven't been served yet, I actually called to make 2 payments and that's when they told me. It was a complete shock. I knew we were behind but I didn't get any paperwork on that. Of course with yesterday being the new year, the person handling our account isn't in today and nobody could tell me if or what to do to stop it. So I get to worry about this until Monday- the worst part is we were supposed to work on the nursery and I don't want to put any money in it if we're gonna have to move. Luckily, I know that God is in control and there's a plan. My husband told his fastballs response was- there's always room here. move in, save your money until you can buy th land you want. It may be a sign that we need to start over somewhere else. I have this strange peace about it for now and hopefully it will last the weekend. Not the best timing but it will work out. We would be cramped at his parents house but I'm sure we could make it work. We are.still working on the painting the crib since we'll still need it either way, so I still have some projects to work on
Let me know!! I've heard it works wonders 8D

Doesn't seem to be working. Since doing it I had two minor cramps that lasted about 15-20 seconds each but weren't painful and we're almost two hours apart. Here's hoping though!! I may give it another try before going to sleep.
Hopeful- so sorry that's happening to y'all :( it will all work out! We had to stay with my parents for the same reason a few months ago before we moved in here... Now we are here and I'm in love with this place!! Everything happens for a reason :)

Wifey- just keep doing it!! 4 min on one nipple, wait 4 min, then do the other. Wait 4 min and repeat for a few cycles! Then wait 15 min and do it again!! It's a lot of work but I have heard from many friends its what made them labour! Good luck to you :)
Thanks buddy! Nothing ended up happening :( still losing lots of plug today and cramping up. I assume my bout of contractions will be more painful tonight as they keep getting worse every night :(

:hugs: one things for sure, your body is gearing up for birth. Even if it doesn't happen today it's gonna happen soon! I've had a lot of pre-labour signs this week so fingers crossed it won't be too long for me either!

Hi ladies! Congratulations to those who has had their babies already. I'm still losing plug and cramping daily but no baby yet. I got some news today that apparently our house is in active foreclosure! We haven't been served yet, I actually called to make 2 payments and that's when they told me. It was a complete shock. I knew we were behind but I didn't get any paperwork on that. Of course with yesterday being the new year, the person handling our account isn't in today and nobody could tell me if or what to do to stop it. So I get to worry about this until Monday- the worst part is we were supposed to work on the nursery and I don't want to put any money in it if we're gonna have to move. Luckily, I know that God is in control and there's a plan. My husband told his fastballs response was- there's always room here. move in, save your money until you can buy th land you want. It may be a sign that we need to start over somewhere else. I have this strange peace about it for now and hopefully it will last the weekend. Not the best timing but it will work out. We would be cramped at his parents house but I'm sure we could make it work. We are.still working on the painting the crib since we'll still need it either way, so I still have some projects to work on

Oh my goodness, that's the last thing you need right now! :hugs: So sorry you're having to deal with this, but you've got a great attitude to it...it will all work out in the end, and thankfully you've got some family support around you. I hope Monday brings some good news with it xxx
Thanks for all the congratulations, I really can't believe he is here :) here is a little picture Henry Stuart born 01/01/15


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Awful news about the house but try not to worry, I spent ages worrying about whether we will be moved before baby comes but about 4 weeks ago I just stopped worrying and decided to just wait n see n figured that everything will work out in the end and although the situation isn't ideal it could be worse. I do still get little bits where I worry because it is going to close to due date that we move and I don't want a late baby but then I just think of the positive side of if I have had her I can help a little more hopefully. Look at the positives of it all and then ul feel more relaxed about if it does happen. Good luck xx
Hi everybody, I haven't had Chance to check the last couple of pages but I hope you are all well. Not sure if you remember my last post a couple of days a go saying I was so fed up of what I thought was false labour. Well about 2 hours after that my waters broke and it turns out I was 4cm! Baby Henry Stuart was born at 8.31am on 01/01/15 weighing 7lb 0.5 oz at 39+1 weeks

We had a very happy new year!! I can't believe he is actually here (and that he is a he) love him so much! Can't wait for more jellybeans announcements!

Yaaay fantastic news 0203, huge congrats on the birth of baby Henry <3

Hi Ladies

I was admitted to hospital the 30th and doc was going to do a c-section the 31st. Theatre was booked and everything, then he decided not to go ahead with it coz babies were happy inside and he wanted their lungs to get stronger. In the mean time, I'm swelling more & more! Can barely walk & sleeping is a nightmare!

On a happy note, I'll be 37weeks tomorrow(according to my ticker). So I'm happy:)

To all of you with babies born, I hope things are going smoothly and that your little ones are bringing you so much joy!

That's great the doctor decided you didn't need to meet the babies so soon after all, but not so good for you swelling, not being able to walk or sleep!! :hugs: hopefully they won't make you wait much longer now you're term?

Thanks for all the congratulations, I really can't believe he is here :) here is a little picture Henry Stuart born 01/01/15

What a little beauty!! :cloud9:

Hi ladies! :flower: sorry to those of you in early labour that doesn't seem to be developing much further. Things can change so suddenly though so don't lose hope, baby has to come out at some point :lol:

I feel as though I've really been through the wars! My milk came in a couple of days ago so I'm so engorged it's not even funny :nope: you forget about these joys!! Willow is doing her best to keep up with the supply but her tummy is just too little, so I'm just riding it out and hoping my body realises we don't need this much milk soon and it buggers off :haha: she's still a little superstar, however her awake/sleep routine is exactly the same as it was when she was in my tummy - sleeps all day, and comes alive at night! :dohh: last night was pretty bad, I'm so glad OH is off work to help out with the older girls in the morning so I can get a lie in, but not looking forward to when he's back after next week and I'm left to get up on little sleep and do the school run and keep DD2 entertained whilst feeling like a zombie! I'm sure we'll cope, will just have to get used to this no sleeping lark now :lol:
Buddy- thanks! Yes it's just one of those things @_@ I hope we both go soon with all the labour signs <3

0203- he is stunning!!! Isn't it great to have little man all to yourself?? :)
So I'm just over 36 weeks and seem to have lost my appetite. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm still eating, but more picking here and there instead of feeling the need to eat. Baby is still active, so not worried about her, and trying to keep up fluid intake. Going out for lunch tomorrow so guess I'll be eating a 'proper' meal then.

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