*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Oh forgot to add, TMI but I passed a huge "clot" last week... had to pull it out myself as it wasn't quite detached :sick: sorry, I know that's really gross!! Described it to the MW and she said it was more than likely membranes and just to keep an eye on bleeding and signs of infection i.e smell, and let them know if I was concerned at all. Over the week my lower stomach just began to feel more and more tender and my PP bleeding has been ridiculous, especially compared to what I had with the older girls. Still bright red and gushing on occasions :wacko: called the MW's yesterday and they told me to come into hospital ASAP to be checked over. So Willow and I spent majority of yesterday in ADAU. I had to have an examination like a smear (was NOT nice! Wasn't expecting anything to be up there so soon after giving birth :rofl:) and luckily the dr couldn't see anything suspicious but agreed there was lots of fresh blood which was odd for 8 days PP. I also had a scan and they saw a large collection of blood and small bits that were yet to loosen and come out, but nothing to worry about on the whole. I've been put on antibiotics though because of the pain, I guess incase it goes become infected? So that's my little post labour drama!

Goodness me! There's always something isn't there!? Glad its nothing to worry about, as any loss of blood can give you such a fright. Willow sounds amazing, and good work with all the feeding :happydance: I'm going to BF too, and am a bit nervous about being anchored to the sofa (DS used to have mammoth cluster feeding sessions in the evenings (like 7 hours long :wacko:) whilst having a 4 year old to entertain, so its really nice to hear happy, successful stories.

Very random question .. But does anyone think pets can sense a hormone change or something before labour? My dog all of the sudden just started acting odd almost 2 hours ago. He literally NEVER licks anyone and he came right up to me and started sniffing and giving me tiny kisses. It was right after a HUGE and very uncomfortable braxton hicks contraction. He is usually very independent but has been watching me and my son like a hawk since. He's licking my son like crazy- making sure every time I put him down he is ok. He sits next to us both and is much more affectionate than normal. He even started shaking at one point when I was having some braxton hicks! I'm not feeling any pain so far... Just my sciatica has been killing me literally non stop today. I have this sharp pain near the right of my tail bone like a knife is in it. She must be hitting a nerve @__@ what do y'all think? I've been checking my son to make sure he's ok. Temp is fine and he's not acting weird. Just a little sleepy.

I've never had a dog, so don't know much about it, but I've heard from other people about their dog's sensitivity to changes in their owners physical states. I'm sure I read about dogs sensing when their owners are ill, so its not a huge leap to think that they could pick up when labour is coming. Keeping my fingers crossed for us PM!

Had a good checkup today- office should call tomorrow with my induction date (either Mon or tues). I'm excited but nervous for the change. I have a baby shower tomorrow afternoon and only two days of work left before leave... :happydance: I have lots to do before induction though, by My niece offered to come this weekend to help me clean the house an finish the little things.

Exciting! Only a few days to go, and you've got the whole weekend to sort out any loose ends. What a lovely niece too! Have fun at your baby shower!
Happy 37 weeks Izzie!!

Thanks Buddy :D eeeep I remember the cluster feeds from DD2. Not looking forward to those! Hoping Willow will go easy on me, but what with growth spurts and wonder weeks, I'm sure she won't :haha: I really do enjoy feeding her though, and there's nothing quite like watching a baby grow and knowing it's all down to you :smug: we have our day 10 check today with the MW's, I'm looking forward to seeing how much she's gained since our last check!
Very random question .. But does anyone think pets can sense a hormone change or something before labour? My dog all of the sudden just started acting odd almost 2 hours ago. He literally NEVER licks anyone and he came right up to me and started sniffing and giving me tiny kisses. It was right after a HUGE and very uncomfortable braxton hicks contraction. He is usually very independent but has been watching me and my son like a hawk since. He's licking my son like crazy- making sure every time I put him down he is ok. He sits next to us both and is much more affectionate than normal. He even started shaking at one point when I was having some braxton hicks! I'm not feeling any pain so far... Just my sciatica has been killing me literally non stop today. I have this sharp pain near the right of my tail bone like a knife is in it. She must be hitting a nerve @__@ what do y'all think? I've been checking my son to make sure he's ok. Temp is fine and he's not acting weird. Just a little sleepy.

My dads dog definitely gave me more attention when I first found out I was pregnant, she would jump straight on to my knee when I would sit down.
She comes to me alot more again now I'm nearing the end too, she's normally all my dad but will hover around me until I call her up and will sit and sniff around my belly.
Our dog is only 15weeks old and only had her 2 weeks before Christmas, she is normally trying to chew our hands or feet but when she is sat by me she just tries to lick my belly.
It is interesting.
Hi ladies! So my induction yesterday don't quite go so well. I had two bad reactions to the medication they put in the cervix. One was very strong and constant contractions for 6 hours! Finally they took it out and I didn't dilate at all. Then a few hours later they put it back in. This time I got a fever, was put on antibiotics, and the meds were removed. I did however get morphine this time which helped ease the pain. Around 4am they started the oxytocin drip. I think the morphine is still working because I haven't felt any pain yet. My poor hubby is sleeping on the floor because they're are no beds in L&D!

We're hoping and praying LO comes today. Please keep us in your thoughts!
Izze- that is interesting!! Happy term!!! :D

Welsh- awww a puppy!!! What kind?! 8D yes my dog couldn't have given two craps when I got pregnant but he did start peeing on things in the house so I know he isn't so happy about it.

Buddy- He seems to be having some anxiety about it cuz he later was trying to mount my child! :mad: I was so mad but I know it's an anxiety thing and I found he ripped something up yesterday which I have never seen him do as long as we have had him! He's a great dog and never does anything bad except the occasional pee.

Wifey- that sounds awful! I'm sooo sorry :( I hope your labour kick starts soon!
Hi ladies! So my induction yesterday don't quite go so well. I had two bad reactions to the medication they put in the cervix. One was very strong and constant contractions for 6 hours! Finally they took it out and I didn't dilate at all. Then a few hours later they put it back in. This time I got a fever, was put on antibiotics, and the meds were removed. I did however get morphine this time which helped ease the pain. Around 4am they started the oxytocin drip. I think the morphine is still working because I haven't felt any pain yet. My poor hubby is sleeping on the floor because they're are no beds in L&D!

We're hoping and praying LO comes today. Please keep us in your thoughts!

Oh no, that doesnt sound good honey! I hope things go easier, and are more straightforward from this point onwards. Fingers crossed that you're holding your baby in your arms by the end of the day...I'll be thinking of you xxx
I think I'm grasping at straws here trying to find anything that would signal labour :| geeze...
Late reply!! Baby Wyatt took a bit of coaxing. Born 1/6/15 at 10:18 pm weighing 8lbs 7ounces.

I never got past a 1 so they had to start pitocin which led to a panick attack and an epidural at 7:30pm. Check then was still 1. So l laid down and thankfully my nurse was a good friend!! After only 2 hours I was ready! Went from 1-10 in 2 hours. All I need was to chill out!

We are well. I had a bit of a fever and a bleed but ok. He had a fever yesterday which my pediatrician believes from the vaccine due to all negative blood tests! If all is well we can FINALLY go home tonight!!
Late reply!! Baby Wyatt took a bit of coaxing. Born 1/6/15 at 10:18 pm weighing 8lbs 7ounces.

I never got past a 1 so they had to start pitocin which led to a panick attack and an epidural at 7:30pm. Check then was still 1. So l laid down and thankfully my nurse was a good friend!! After only 2 hours I was ready! Went from 1-10 in 2 hours. All I need was to chill out!

We are well. I had a bit of a fever and a bleed but ok. He had a fever yesterday which my pediatrician believes from the vaccine due to all negative blood tests! If all is well we can FINALLY go home tonight!!

Congratulations on your bundle of joy.
Congrats pix!!

Good luck wifey - will be thinking of you!!

37 weeks today for me too!! My ticker doesn't change till the afternoon, think it's running on a different timezone to me!
Thank you so much ladies for all your love and support. I cannot tell you how scary it was on Sunday to see Rohan stop breathing... We honestly thought we had lost him as again at the hospital when he repeatedly stopped and went blue. I hope none of you have to ever go trough this because it's awful. BUT Rohan is now being a cheeky little monkey! Today he has finally been awake and opened his eyes and at every opportunity he has tried to rip wires and tubes off. He was taken off all meds this morning except paracetamol and will hopefully be coming off the ventilator tomorrow and moving onto cpap or high flow nasal canula so we will move from intensive care to either high dependency or a normal ward. I cannot wait for a cuddle.. I had not touched more than his head or hand since Sunday lunch time! He is blak and blue bless him from all the different lines etc he has had to have in. This has been the longest five days of my life and I miss Seth and Ethan like nothing on earth. I just cannot wait to get home but at the same time I am absolutely petrified of taking him home incase he catches something else!!

Congratulations to all of you who have had your babies <3
Baby James Robert arrived Tuesday, January 6th, at 7:08am weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. We just got home today as he is a bit jaundice, we call him James the yellow right now. We are both doing great, little overwhelmed but I am sure it will be ok.

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