*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Sethsmummy- so glad to hear Rohan is doing better!

Pix- congrats hun!

I'm struggling to upload the pics of my babies, but will as soon as I'm on a computer.

Baby Kaitlyn had low sugar at birth, but she's doing great now. I'm struggling with them drinking on me, one minute they wanna drink on me, the next they turn their noses up and pretend my milk is poison,lol. But I'm sure we'll get there! They are so precious and its great being a mom of twins:)
Seth!!! It's so good to hear from you!! Glad the peanut is getting well now. Can't wait to see more pics! He is just darling <3

Wildchic- also excited to see pics of the girls!! ^_^
So my baby girl is more interested in sleeping than feeding, I can't get her to feed today for more than 5 minutes then she goes bk off to sleep n I can't wake her for another couple of hours, my milk must have come in cos my boobs are so painful when I move and iv had to express loads because they were rock solid n sore.
Also is it normal for their cord stump to stink after 3 days? I no it will pong a bit cos its basically rotting but hers stinks! And finally her poos have become really runny, like watery runny not just loose runny, is this normal? So many unknowns lol, I'm a proper newb!!
INMT- I'm not gonna say its normal or not coz although I'm a 2nd time mom, I've been outta practice for 7years, so I'm also quite new to this. Hope someone with experience will chime in!
Congratulations Maisy :)

INMT - Baby isnt showing signs of jaundice is she? As for very wet nappies it is quite normal with breastfed babies, is it watery and yellow?
Baby James Robert arrived Tuesday, January 6th, at 7:08am weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. We just got home today as he is a bit jaundice, we call him James the yellow right now. We are both doing great, little overwhelmed but I am sure it will be ok.


Thank you so much ladies for all your love and support. I cannot tell you how scary it was on Sunday to see Rohan stop breathing... We honestly thought we had lost him as again at the hospital when he repeatedly stopped and went blue. I hope none of you have to ever go trough this because it's awful. BUT Rohan is now being a cheeky little monkey! Today he has finally been awake and opened his eyes and at every opportunity he has tried to rip wires and tubes off. He was taken off all meds this morning except paracetamol and will hopefully be coming off the ventilator tomorrow and moving onto cpap or high flow nasal canula so we will move from intensive care to either high dependency or a normal ward. I cannot wait for a cuddle.. I had not touched more than his head or hand since Sunday lunch time! He is blak and blue bless him from all the different lines etc he has had to have in. This has been the longest five days of my life and I miss Seth and Ethan like nothing on earth. I just cannot wait to get home but at the same time I am absolutely petrified of taking him home incase he catches something else!!

Congratulations to all of you who have had your babies <3

Such good news to hear Rohan is progressing so well.
Had the midwife out because she's barely fed n very difficult to wake, she's jaundice n possibly starting with an infection, we r currently enroute to the children's hospital. She's vomiting and still really wet watery bowel movements that's really offensive smelling n midwife thinks her stump might be getting infected
Had the midwife out because she's barely fed n very difficult to wake, she's jaundice n possibly starting with an infection, we r currently enroute to the children's hospital. She's vomiting and still really wet watery bowel movements that's really offensive smelling n midwife thinks her stump might be getting infected

One of my twins(Kaitlyn) vomited after she was born, but the nurses said it was her amniotic fluid that was still in her throat that was making her nauseas. The pediatrician ordered a gaviscon mixture(tiny amount), but she also vomited that out. The next say she was a lot better, as they had given her a water mixture which seemed to have helped. She feeds now with no problems.

I hope they do everything possible to get your little girl feeling better! Let us know what they say!
Don't no what they plan on doing tbh, the jaundicb doesn't seem too bad but obviously depends on levels. Because they were expecting us we were straight into assessment n now waiting for a dr
So we've chosen our name - Emily. My niece is called Emma. Are they too similar?
Little update, they r pretty sure she has an infection so started her on antibiotics already, done a full septic screen including lumbar puncture. She's only had 10 minutes of feed today so they have put a feeding tube in n iv expressed almost 150ml, my boobs feel a million times better now. Just waiting for another xray as tube wasn't in the right place then she can get some food in her. Being admitted n won't be home till at least Monday
Thank you so much ladies for all your love and support. I cannot tell you how scary it was on Sunday to see Rohan stop breathing... We honestly thought we had lost him as again at the hospital when he repeatedly stopped and went blue. I hope none of you have to ever go trough this because it's awful. BUT Rohan is now being a cheeky little monkey! Today he has finally been awake and opened his eyes and at every opportunity he has tried to rip wires and tubes off. He was taken off all meds this morning except paracetamol and will hopefully be coming off the ventilator tomorrow and moving onto cpap or high flow nasal canula so we will move from intensive care to either high dependency or a normal ward. I cannot wait for a cuddle.. I had not touched more than his head or hand since Sunday lunch time! He is blak and blue bless him from all the different lines etc he has had to have in. This has been the longest five days of my life and I miss Seth and Ethan like nothing on earth. I just cannot wait to get home but at the same time I am absolutely petrified of taking him home incase he catches something else!!

Congratulations to all of you who have had your babies <3

:hugs::hugs: So good to hear such a positive update; wonderful news that Rohan is doing so much better. I can't imagine how scary it must've been, and how hard it must've been being away from your older boys too.... You're an amazingly strong lady for coping with all of that! Thank goodness everything is so much better, and that Rohan got such good care. I kept you guys in my thoughts and prayers, and will keep sending loads of love and hugs till you're all home, safe and well x

Baby James Robert arrived Tuesday, January 6th, at 7:08am weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. We just got home today as he is a bit jaundice, we call him James the yellow right now. We are both doing great, little overwhelmed but I am sure it will be ok.

Huge congratualtions! Hopefully the jaundice will improve asap.

Sethsmummy- so glad to hear Rohan is doing better!

Pix- congrats hun!

I'm struggling to upload the pics of my babies, but will as soon as I'm on a computer.

Baby Kaitlyn had low sugar at birth, but she's doing great now. I'm struggling with them drinking on me, one minute they wanna drink on me, the next they turn their noses up and pretend my milk is poison,lol. But I'm sure we'll get there! They are so precious and its great being a mom of twins:)

Can't wait to see pics, though I'm amazed you even managed an update, so no pressure! Hope the feeding is going great!

So we've chosen our name - Emily. My niece is called Emma. Are they too similar?

They look more similar written down, but when you say them aloud they're more different. I think Emily is a lovely name!

Little update, they r pretty sure she has an infection so started her on antibiotics already, done a full septic screen including lumbar puncture. She's only had 10 minutes of feed today so they have put a feeding tube in n iv expressed almost 150ml, my boobs feel a million times better now. Just waiting for another xray as tube wasn't in the right place then she can get some food in her. Being admitted n won't be home till at least Monday

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear your baby girl isn't doing so well :hugs: I really hope they can work out what's wrong quickly so they can treat her effectively. Sending loads of love and get well wishes x
As for me...still waiting for birth lol! But, we had our last scan today and everything is perfect :cloud9: The sonographer had us look away when she went over the legs as she said it's pretty obvious whether baby is a boy or girl :haha: The scan was amazing though, as we even saw the baby's hair! Unbelievable!

Had a bit of back ache and some mild cramps, and lost a big bit of plug. Hopefully baby is getting ready!
Hello everyone, thought I'd check in here :) no sign of baby here yet. 38 weeks today. Had lots of what felt like stretching and stuff but nothing of note.

Hope the babies that have arrived are settling in well, those that are needing extra support get to go home soon, and those not here yet hope they arrive safe and soon x
She's perked up after having antibiotics n 2 feeds of 40ml, they said I can comfort feed her if she needs to so she can try n get bk to normal and they will just top up with ng fed expressed milk but I tried and she fed for a minute then fell asleep and sicked it up again. Her cord stump has fallen off so might be a bit easier to keep clean now.
In 24 hours Iv had 4 hours sleep and eaten 2 sandwiches, some apple slices and a packet of crisps, not good for a breastfeeding mother (or anyone else for that matter). They have put a really long tube in her n she keeps pulling at it, it's guna end up being pulled out n she hated having it put down n hated the xray to check position too so I hope I can keep her from pulling it
INMT- that's so awful :( poor baby girl!!! I am so sorry y'all have to go through that </3 I hope she continues to get better!
Induction officially scheduled for Monday! Be cleaning all day today and gonna finish up tomorrow. We still haven't finished the nursery but my husband is taking next week off and is planning to work on it then. I'm excited! Hope everyone is doing better and having a good weekend!

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