*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Hi ladies! So Lou Simon was born on January 8th at 5:58pm! I went in on Wednesday morning for an induction due to excess amniotic fluid and a large baby (estimated 10lbs+ at birth) and they started with Cervacil (sp?), after about 1 hour terrible back labor began, I was in so much pain. The left the Cervacil in for another 4 hours and I could take it any more as contractions were constant with no breaks. They proceeded to check my cervix which wasn't even dilated to 1cm! They took it out and we waited for the next dr on call to give us a second opinion. They wanted to try the Cervacil again for another 12 hours to see if it would help opening/softening my cervix. After 6 hours (in the middle of the night - with the same back pain!!) they offered me some morphine. I took it and was able to sleep a bit. At my next check I had a high fever and was put on antibiotics and given more morphine. The Cervacil was taken out and I was still at 1cm and in so much pain. They decided to start the Pitocin drip. Four hours on it and not one contraction later I was taken off. My cervix still had made no progress. They then gave me two options - have a failed induction c-section or try to have them insert a balloon into my uterus and cervix to try and open it over a period of 12 hours. I could take any more pain so I went with the section. Less that 7
Hours after I had my son! He's precious and worth everything we went through. So far my stats and his are looking good and there's a good chance we can all go
Home tomorrow!!
We're still in hospital, here till at least Wednesday for antibiotics. She's mostly being ng fed, but i try feeding her before, she won't feed from the right boob but has a go with the left but she'll feed for the most of 3 minutes then falls asleep, we've worked out she's getting about 10ml from 3 minutes.
Her birth weight was 6.5, when we brought her in 4 days later it was down to 5.12, it's now creeping back up and it's now back to 6.3
A&e lost her umbilicus swab, the stump has fallen off now n it looks better, they swabbed it again yesterday but bet it has mostly cleared up with the antibiotics so im guna guess they won't be able to confirm the infection. Her eye is still sticky and gunky, they've swabbed that today to make sure that's OK.
I realised yesterday iv barely eaten for the last 3 days so was feeling weak, shaking, and irritable. Went out to buy some clothes n got a proper meal n felt better but I can't get much sleep because she's on a 3 hour feeding routine so I wake up a little bit before n slowly wake her up because she's still not waking, then when she's not feeding (all the time) I hold her while she has the tube feed so she will still associate me with food, then I have to change her then I have to go and express so by the time I'm done I get an hour sleep before I'm going again.
They did bloods yesterday so shud get those results tomorrow if not today.
INMT I'm based in Brum too, which hospital are you at? If you need anything dropping off etc please just say x
Wifey- congrats on your son:) enjoy him!

INMT- I'm so sorry that you going through this with your baby girl. I can only but imagine how you must be feeling! But I suggest you always eat a good meal as baby is still drinking on you and the little that she does get from you needs to be healthy(which will make her stronger) and if you don't eat healthy, your milk won't be healthy. I hope the antibiotics work and that you get to take her home and enjoy her!

BB-how is little Elijah getting on?

Buddy- you think you'll go to 40weeks? I do have time actually, but I use that time to sleep! The twins are not that bad.

Quick question- why did none of you ladies ever
say how gross it is/was for your waters to break? Lol, I felt so embarrassed, disgusted when mine broke. Luckily I was laying in a hospital bed. Really something I will never forget.
He's doing really well. Think we have hit a growth spurt as he's constantly feeding and just wants cuddling! He has a sticky eye but the Doctor said its a blocked duct and will sort itself out.

How are you?
INMT I'm based in Brum too, which hospital are you at? If you need anything dropping off etc please just say x

We are at the children's, thank u very much for the offer I will let u no if we need anything.

The Dr looked at her eye this morning and when he opened it it oozed with a big blob of puss, they've done another swab for different things and prescribed eye drops but I think it's a blocked tear duct because it comes and goes and when it's clean n clear she opens her eyes up. The only thing making me think maybe infection is that her other eye is going red and puffy as well so maybe as she's wiping her eyes with the sock iv had to put on her hand to stop her pulling the tube she's spreading it over to the other eye.
She had 2 good feeds off me earlier, one was 8 minutes and one was 12 so she only needed half feed top up but she has just had to have a full tube feed because she wudnt feed.

Didn't realise just how rare it was for a baby to be born in their amniotic sac, apparently it's 1 in 80,000, plus she has the second rarest blood group (o negative) and shares a birthday with her mummy, I reckon all that makes her pretty unique lol. She is also a Capricorn and although I'm not into astronomy or anything I think it's pretty cool that Capricorn is associated with this god of water that's associated with amniotic fluid so a bit of a coincidence there that she's a Capricorn and born in her waters lol.

I had a little cry yesterday for the first time, I was so exhausted from the night routine and frustrated that she wouldn't feed that I felt useless and her not feeding from me made me feel like I was doing something wrong because it's supposed to be the main thing us mothers can naturally do for them. But I no she's just not well and will hopefully perk up soon
Do let me know, a friend works there too and I'm only up sutton way so not far at all. It must be very stressful for you.

It's a great hospital for kids though, you're in superb hands. I hope things start to get easier soon x
Hi ladies! So Lou Simon was born on January 8th at 5:58pm! I went in on Wednesday morning for an induction due to excess amniotic fluid and a large baby (estimated 10lbs+ at birth) and they started with Cervacil (sp?), after about 1 hour terrible back labor began, I was in so much pain. The left the Cervacil in for another 4 hours and I could take it any more as contractions were constant with no breaks. They proceeded to check my cervix which wasn't even dilated to 1cm! They took it out and we waited for the next dr on call to give us a second opinion. They wanted to try the Cervacil again for another 12 hours to see if it would help opening/softening my cervix. After 6 hours (in the middle of the night - with the same back pain!!) they offered me some morphine. I took it and was able to sleep a bit. At my next check I had a high fever and was put on antibiotics and given more morphine. The Cervacil was taken out and I was still at 1cm and in so much pain. They decided to start the Pitocin drip. Four hours on it and not one contraction later I was taken off. My cervix still had made no progress. They then gave me two options - have a failed induction c-section or try to have them insert a balloon into my uterus and cervix to try and open it over a period of 12 hours. I could take any more pain so I went with the section. Less that 7
Hours after I had my son! He's precious and worth everything we went through. So far my stats and his are looking good and there's a good chance we can all go
Home tomorrow!!

Wow, congratulation Wifey! Hope you're both doing great and get home ASAP xxx

Wifey- congrats on your son:) enjoy him!

INMT- I'm so sorry that you going through this with your baby girl. I can only but imagine how you must be feeling! But I suggest you always eat a good meal as baby is still drinking on you and the little that she does get from you needs to be healthy(which will make her stronger) and if you don't eat healthy, your milk won't be healthy. I hope the antibiotics work and that you get to take her home and enjoy her!

BB-how is little Elijah getting on?

Buddy- you think you'll go to 40weeks? I do have time actually, but I use that time to sleep! The twins are not that bad.

Quick question- why did none of you ladies ever
say how gross it is/was for your waters to break? Lol, I felt so embarrassed, disgusted when mine broke. Luckily I was laying in a hospital bed. Really something I will never forget.

Yeah, sleep is sooooo precious! I never used to nap before I had my son, but afterwards I'd grab 10 minutes whenever I could! It looks like baby is pretty comfy in here, so I'm trying to be patient! Had signs that my body is getting ready but who knows!

INMT I'm based in Brum too, which hospital are you at? If you need anything dropping off etc please just say x

We are at the children's, thank u very much for the offer I will let u no if we need anything.

The Dr looked at her eye this morning and when he opened it it oozed with a big blob of puss, they've done another swab for different things and prescribed eye drops but I think it's a blocked tear duct because it comes and goes and when it's clean n clear she opens her eyes up. The only thing making me think maybe infection is that her other eye is going red and puffy as well so maybe as she's wiping her eyes with the sock iv had to put on her hand to stop her pulling the tube she's spreading it over to the other eye.
She had 2 good feeds off me earlier, one was 8 minutes and one was 12 so she only needed half feed top up but she has just had to have a full tube feed because she wudnt feed.

Didn't realise just how rare it was for a baby to be born in their amniotic sac, apparently it's 1 in 80,000, plus she has the second rarest blood group (o negative) and shares a birthday with her mummy, I reckon all that makes her pretty unique lol. She is also a Capricorn and although I'm not into astronomy or anything I think it's pretty cool that Capricorn is associated with this god of water that's associated with amniotic fluid so a bit of a coincidence there that she's a Capricorn and born in her waters lol.

I had a little cry yesterday for the first time, I was so exhausted from the night routine and frustrated that she wouldn't feed that I felt useless and her not feeding from me made me feel like I was doing something wrong because it's supposed to be the main thing us mothers can naturally do for them. But I no she's just not well and will hopefully perk up soon

It's amazing that she arrived in her waters! I'm glad her belly button area is looking better. Hopefully her eyes will get better really soon too. You're doing amazingly well at feeding; your up against some really difficult circumstances, but your still doing it! Every little bit is goodness for your daughter :hugs: Have a good cry, you'll feel better for getting it out :hugs: I hope your daughter's even better today x
Do let me know, a friend works there too and I'm only up sutton way so not far at all. It must be very stressful for you.

It's a great hospital for kids though, you're in superb hands. I hope things start to get easier soon x

I have to say the staff here are amazing!! They are very attentive and nothing is ever too much for them, they are very good at including me in what they are doing instead of just getting on with it.
I tend to feel more overwhelmed when my oh goes home and it's just me and her, the baby in the room with us has gone home now so it's very quiet in here but I don't expect it to stay this way. I do take everything in my stride, never really get too worked up about stuff n everyone thinks I'm bottling it up but I'm not that's just me, that's why labour n delivery didn't believe I was further than early labour because I was so calm.
What ward does ur friend work on?

Should know more tomorrow with blood work n belly swab. Will be happy if she's gone above her birth weight too. She's a week old tomorrow and still has no name. We're thinking maybe sophie for first name and something meaning water or like a goddess of water or something like that for middle name with her being born in the amniotic fluid. But I think what's stopping me making a decision is I keep thinking what if I call it her but then decide later it's not her
O forgot to say I tried a different position for feeding n she seemed to latch better, I put her on my knee n got her legs straddling my hips and thigh so she's sitting up to feed rather than laying down, it means I'm not trying to hold her in place which could be part of the reason because of my fibromyalgia and hypermobility means my muscles and joints get tired easily. She's due a feed in half an hour so I will try it again and see, she's very sleepy though so I don't no if she will feed
Glad you're feeling calm :) it can make all the difference and after all. Worrying achieves nothing except waste your precious energy and you need all that you can! Roll with the punches is much better for you all than being anxious or stressed about things that haven't happened yet :)

Glad the new feeding position is helping too. Is there a baby feeding specialist there? I know Jackie Scott is based at goodhope but I'm not sure of the other hospitals, I can ask if you want?

As for names, you have to choose one by 5/6 weeks but you have the first year to change it if you change your mind :) I love the idea of The water related name too :)
Il do a proper update later but wanted a name vote
Sophie Lana
Lana Sophie
Me and oh can't agree
I think that's what we're going for, although lana is a nice name I think it might be a bit too unusual, she will never find stuff with her name on etc n ppl will spell it wrong n pronounce it wrong but I really want it because in hawaiian it means as calm as still waters and in English it means fair or good looking. So think as a middle name is good, I think we have finally named the baby, after a week lol, although we have said we are going to sleep on it for tonight
Can you imagine yourself shouting it up the stairs when she's older? :haha:
Ok so update.
All tests and bloods came back completely clear, even umbilicus, they said we cud go home if she was feeding but as she's not we tried today to do on demand feeding, she had a tube feed at 8am, at 10 she had a 5 minute feed then between 12:30 and 15:10 she tried 5 times and fell asleep after 2 or 3 minutes every time. I then asked them to top her up because it had been 7 hours and she had only had about 15 minutes feed so they gave her a 30ml top up. She then went all the way up to half 5 and had a good 7 minutes, even though I had to wake her several times and then she wud only suck a few times before going back to sleep, it was still an improvement and hoped it was meaning things were looking up but then at half 6 she had 2 minutes and then had 1 minute at half 7, then me n oh went down to the parents room for food and left her, she cried because she's been held almost all day while we were feeding her like this and then daddy having cuddles so I wanted to have her down for a bit or il end up with a clingy baby. So we went n ate and had half hour to ourselves then I came back and she had worked herself up enough to have a 6 minute feed, still not great but better. She woke up then at half 11 n only had 3 minutes. I can't keep doing this, the new position is great, she latches well and drinks well when she's on, it's just keeping her awake. I asked the Dr what could he making her so sleepy but all I keep getting is its one of those things and there's nothing they can do because she's not physically unwell. I almost feel like when they thought she was really poorly they couldn't do enough but now it's just feeding issues they r making me feel like I'm bed blocking. If we go home like this she's only guna end up bk in with weight loss.
Anyway as they haven't offered any advice or don't even seem bothered about looking into a possible cause for it that tomorrow if she doesn't feed well thru the night I will try bottles sith my breast milk n see if she does then same with that, and then instead of doing it in minutes we can see how much she's taking because for all we no she cud be getting huge gulps and can work it better than the breast pump lol. I really wanted to avoid bottles until she was a little older but if it gets her home il give it a go. I still think they will discharge us on Wednesday even if she doesn't feed well. I am going to refuse her having a top up thru the tube tonight because it seems to defeat the object of this in my opinion, will probably mean I'm feeding her every bloody hour though and I won't do that once we go home, but it's worth seeing.
They have referred us to the breastfeeding support team and they are going to give me a call tomorrow so hopefully they can come along and help us.
Pfft what a week this has been, surprise birthday home birth baby then admission to hospital n been here all weekend, I'm getting cabin fever now I need to go home and be able to snooze on the sofa and watch some TV and sleep in my own bed
Well I have bronchitis... Also had my appointment today and was told it doesn't seem that baby will be coming any time soon so have an induction booked for Friday, another non stress test tomorrow too, major issues with the baby's father and I guess he no longer trusts anything I tell him as he's now phoned and talked to my mom twice this week...
As much as I don't want him there I'm willing to let him be at the hospital but I'll be damned if I'll let him in the room with me at all, not after the way he's been. (I broke up with him around the end of the first trimester and things have just been getting worse between us since.) I've been so stressed about not wanting him around that I wonder if maybe the baby can tell and that's why he hasn't decided to show yet?

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