*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Congratulations ab and wild chick. So great to hear of all the babies coming.
Congratulations to those who have had their babies since I last logged on. Hoping to get wifi on Friday, it's so hard to keep track on this group without as can only get on when I'm at my mums.
Well baby is still tucked away nicely here. No signs of her arriving any time soon. Been doing loads round the house recently too but nothing!
Well ladies, its 5am here in S.A.

I was just about to watch a movie on my phone at about 12am this morning & BAM, I feel like I'm wetting myself! I knew instantly it was my waters! I of cause was in a state coz its the 1st time I've experienced it! I called dh and told him & he rushed to be here at the hospital. The nurses prepped me so quickly that by the time dh got 2 the hospital I was ready to have the c-section done.

Just after 1am baby Kaitlin & Courtney were born:)

Kaitlin- 2.9kgs
Courtney- 2.7kgs

They are doing great, just Courtney's sugar was a bit low, but otherwise they are ok.

I'm feeling a bit drowsy so will update later. Also with some pics.

Sorry for long post that makes no sense.

Congratulations! Thank goodness your OH got there in time too! And your post made perfect sense, especially for someone who just delivered twins...can't wait to see pics! x

Frazer was born at 00:56 on 7th Jan. He is 10lb 7oz of perfect boy. Had a few niggles so mw came out at 1130pm to check me. Said i was still 3cm so i started pacing the floor. Had a few pains as he was back to back. Labour was 26 minutes. No pain relief. No stitches. We are so in love with our gorgeous little boy. Xx*

Aw, that sounds like a beautiful birth ab; congratulations! Hope his big sisters are loving giving their baby brother lots of cuddles! x
Congrats ab and wildchic!! I'm crossing my fingers so hard that we are next haha!!

I have decided to ask for a sweep on Monday. It will be better for all as my mom has to go back to school on the 20th and we need someone to watch my son. Also- I am SO done with prodromal labour :mad: every night I am in pain and I am soooooo worn out its hard for me to cope the next day until it all starts up again.
Tristan really is not adjusting to being a big brother well at all :( It's breaking my heart. He is totally and utterly smitten with Elijah luckily but his attitude towards me and Dean is awful. He's always been really placid and laid back but he is really angry at the minute, he's stamping his feet, paddying, crying all the time, hitting etc. He hasn't used his taggy blanket in months but he's gone back to wanting it all the time plus he will root out a taggy whenever possible eg tag on my breastfeeding pillow. I know it's all a massive change and it's all new but I don't know what to do to make this easier for him. Elijah sleeps most of the time at the moment so wanting to sort it out and make it easier for Tristan before Elijah needs more of my time.
Bb- that is heartbreaking :( I'm scared of this happening myself. We haven't had the baby yet but it seems like my son can almost sense that she is coming soon and is having fits all over the place. It's like someone flipped a switch a few days ago and he has just been a waaaaay different child. It took us 2 hours to get him down the past few nights and he usually is a great sleeper! He keeps waking up... Throws fits when he doesn't get what he wants.. I try to let him cry out but he just never stops when I do! Ugh :( I hope things get easier for you soon!!
Tristan really is not adjusting to being a big brother well at all :( It's breaking my heart. He is totally and utterly smitten with Elijah luckily but his attitude towards me and Dean is awful. He's always been really placid and laid back but he is really angry at the minute, he's stamping his feet, paddying, crying all the time, hitting etc. He hasn't used his taggy blanket in months but he's gone back to wanting it all the time plus he will root out a taggy whenever possible eg tag on my breastfeeding pillow. I know it's all a massive change and it's all new but I don't know what to do to make this easier for him. Elijah sleeps most of the time at the moment so wanting to sort it out and make it easier for Tristan before Elijah needs more of my time.

:hugs: I was going to ask you how Tristan was finding it; it is such a huge adjustment, and he's had you all to himself for a while so I can imagine its really hard for the older child to get used to having another person in the family. I guess all we can do is try and reassure, and give as much love and attention as we possibly can. They'll adjust eventually... I'm hoping anyways!!

My DS has become really cuddly and wants me to play with him all the time, so I know he's probably a bit nervous that I wont have as much time to give him once baby arrives. I'm aiming to just try and give DS some lee-way and not be hard on him if he does get a bit out of sorts. We'll get there! Have hope that things will settle down, and all our big boys will get back to thier usual selves soon enough xxx
That's what we've been doing. Hubby has started getting him to count 10 back to zero when he feels angry. It is working sometimes but not others. He threw a fit before because they were racing Hexbugs and Hubbys won so he took himself off, stormed back for his taggy blanket then went back behind the sofa and could hear him saying "I'm counting" I think returning to hospital probably hasn't helped either. :( He's also had late nights (9.30pm ish) for the past week most nights which I don't think has helped. He's returned to nursery yesterday which seemed to have helped a little, hoping the back to normality will help.
Oh bless him, doing the counting! That's a really good idea...I'll pinch it if you dont mind! We tell DS to take some deep breaths if he's feeling like he's getting angry; sometimes it works and sometimes nothing works and the meltdown happens regardless. I have to try and remember that getting angry is normal though and sometimes we all lose it! It's amazing that at 4 years old Tristan recognises that he wants to calm down and is trying to do something about it.

I'm sure getting back into his normal routine will really help. I know some people dont have thier kids in nursery/school when a new baby first arrives, and I totally understand the reasoning behind it, but my thought is that if I can make everything else as normal as possible DS might realise quicker that not everything is different. He might miss one day, depending on when baby arrives, but I'd like to try my best to keep his routine as normal as I can.

We can totally help each other through this stuff; goodness knows I'll need all the help I can get! :hugs:
He only goes Tuesday and Thursday. On a Tuesday he has drama and on a Thursday he has swimming so he loves going.

He never went last week because he came to meet his baby brother then it was New Years day. If he said he really didn't want to go I wouldn't make him but he's actually really excited to go. :)
Congratulations to the new babies.
Our baby girl still has no name, and right now she is a dream, we had 2 lots of full 3 hours sleep last night, few good feeds today and she's been lovely n quiet lol.

My only issue at the moment is I ache from head to toe, think the birth flared up my joint hypermobility, my spd and my fibromyalgia. Plus the uterus contractions r causing my good old endometriosis pains. I'm still very swollen and sore and she can be a bit of a lazy feeder so giving me sore nipples, although we r both still learning and she seems to be getting better n had one or two feeds that didn't hurt
He only goes Tuesday and Thursday. On a Tuesday he has drama and on a Thursday he has swimming so he loves going.

He never went last week because he came to meet his baby brother then it was New Years day. If he said he really didn't want to go I wouldn't make him but he's actually really excited to go. :)

It's great that he's excited to go, and enjoying it so much! My DS has only just gone back to nursery on Tues too, and he's definitely happy about being back in his routine! I think you're right though, if he really doesn't want to go and would rather stay home getting to know his little brother/sister I'll not make him.

Congratulations to the new babies.
Our baby girl still has no name, and right now she is a dream, we had 2 lots of full 3 hours sleep last night, few good feeds today and she's been lovely n quiet lol.

My only issue at the moment is I ache from head to toe, think the birth flared up my joint hypermobility, my spd and my fibromyalgia. Plus the uterus contractions r causing my good old endometriosis pains. I'm still very swollen and sore and she can be a bit of a lazy feeder so giving me sore nipples, although we r both still learning and she seems to be getting better n had one or two feeds that didn't hurt

Ouch, sounds like you're dealing with a lot there! I hope you feel better soon. Recovery can be tough, but it's fantastic your having such a lovely time with your daughter. Do you have a short list of names that you think might suit her? We can always help! x
Nope no short list, we think she will suit something simple like holly but still don't no, I have a name on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out or figure out exactly what it is lol, getting proper sick of family n friends asking if we've named her yet, even ppl who asked this morning...what's that all about!! Go away lol
Hi Ladies! Haven't been on here in ages so hope you don't mind me popping in to say hello... So exciting to see babies arriving. Can't wait to meet my LO now! No signs yet tho. Hope you're all ok? xx
Well those pains I was having turned out to be labour, which the consultant dismissed n told me to go enjoy my last day, got home at half 2, called l n d at quart to 4, they told me to get a bath n paracetamol, as soon as I got.off the phone I needed to push, called ambulance who delivered my baby on my bed at 10 past 5 weighing 6lb 5. She was born in her waters but very healthy. Had to come to hospital as placenta had to be delivered and hadn't come after an hour

Yaaay congrats hun!! What a fab birth story to tell :happydance:

Pic of my teeny bundle

Beautiful! <3

Well ladies. Its 4:12 am and my water broke an hour ago!!! Sooooo much! I gushed!!

Exciting!! Good luck Pix, can't wait to hear how you get on :dance:

How exciting! You've done so well to get this far!

Just got the results. WE ARE GOING HOME!!!!! Yayyyyyy. Levels are down to 170.

Fantastic news :hugs:

Well ladies, its 5am here in S.A.

I was just about to watch a movie on my phone at about 12am this morning & BAM, I feel like I'm wetting myself! I knew instantly it was my waters! I of cause was in a state coz its the 1st time I've experienced it! I called dh and told him & he rushed to be here at the hospital. The nurses prepped me so quickly that by the time dh got 2 the hospital I was ready to have the c-section done.

Just after 1am baby Kaitlin & Courtney were born:)

Kaitlin- 2.9kgs
Courtney- 2.7kgs

They are doing great, just Courtney's sugar was a bit low, but otherwise they are ok.

I'm feeling a bit drowsy so will update later. Also with some pics.

Sorry for long post that makes no sense.

Amazing news, congrats on the birth of your babies! Rest up mama x

Frazer was born at 00:56 on 7th Jan. He is 10lb 7oz of perfect boy. Had a few niggles so mw came out at 1130pm to check me. Said i was still 3cm so i started pacing the floor. Had a few pains as he was back to back. Labour was 26 minutes. No pain relief. No stitches. We are so in love with our gorgeous little boy. Xx*

Woohoo congrats Ab! Love the name choice :) he was a good size! Well done you on doing it completely natural, so glad you got your home birth :hugs:

Tristan really is not adjusting to being a big brother well at all :( It's breaking my heart. He is totally and utterly smitten with Elijah luckily but his attitude towards me and Dean is awful. He's always been really placid and laid back but he is really angry at the minute, he's stamping his feet, paddying, crying all the time, hitting etc. He hasn't used his taggy blanket in months but he's gone back to wanting it all the time plus he will root out a taggy whenever possible eg tag on my breastfeeding pillow. I know it's all a massive change and it's all new but I don't know what to do to make this easier for him. Elijah sleeps most of the time at the moment so wanting to sort it out and make it easier for Tristan before Elijah needs more of my time.

Sorry to hear that lovely :hugs: having a new sibling is a big adjustment for them, but I can assure you his bad behaviour won't last forever, hopefully not long at all x

So much to catch up on, sorry I've been AWOL and missed so much. Still adjusting to having 3 kids! Willow is doing amazingly at her day 5 check she'd only lost 55g of her birth weight :happydance: super booby milk! The MW's are coming back out to us tomorrow to re weigh and hopefully discharge us if all is well. She's a little angel, we don't hear from her all day! She has a crazy wide awake sesh between 11pm-1.30am and is feeding every 2-3hrs at night so I'm just having to get used to that, early nights for me I think once OH is back at work (and I don't get any more lie ins :nope:).

I hope little Rohan is doing ok, send Tara my love and lots of healing thoughts for her little guy x
Oh forgot to add, TMI but I passed a huge "clot" last week... had to pull it out myself as it wasn't quite detached :sick: sorry, I know that's really gross!! Described it to the MW and she said it was more than likely membranes and just to keep an eye on bleeding and signs of infection i.e smell, and let them know if I was concerned at all. Over the week my lower stomach just began to feel more and more tender and my PP bleeding has been ridiculous, especially compared to what I had with the older girls. Still bright red and gushing on occasions :wacko: called the MW's yesterday and they told me to come into hospital ASAP to be checked over. So Willow and I spent majority of yesterday in ADAU. I had to have an examination like a smear (was NOT nice! Wasn't expecting anything to be up there so soon after giving birth :rofl:) and luckily the dr couldn't see anything suspicious but agreed there was lots of fresh blood which was odd for 8 days PP. I also had a scan and they saw a large collection of blood and small bits that were yet to loosen and come out, but nothing to worry about on the whole. I've been put on antibiotics though because of the pain, I guess incase it goes become infected? So that's my little post labour drama!
Very random question .. But does anyone think pets can sense a hormone change or something before labour? My dog all of the sudden just started acting odd almost 2 hours ago. He literally NEVER licks anyone and he came right up to me and started sniffing and giving me tiny kisses. It was right after a HUGE and very uncomfortable braxton hicks contraction. He is usually very independent but has been watching me and my son like a hawk since. He's licking my son like crazy- making sure every time I put him down he is ok. He sits next to us both and is much more affectionate than normal. He even started shaking at one point when I was having some braxton hicks! I'm not feeling any pain so far... Just my sciatica has been killing me literally non stop today. I have this sharp pain near the right of my tail bone like a knife is in it. She must be hitting a nerve @__@ what do y'all think? I've been checking my son to make sure he's ok. Temp is fine and he's not acting weird. Just a little sleepy.
Had a good checkup today- office should call tomorrow with my induction date (either Mon or tues). I'm excited but nervous for the change. I have a baby shower tomorrow afternoon and only two days of work left before leave... :happydance: I have lots to do before induction though, by My niece offered to come this weekend to help me clean the house an finish the little things.
Very random question .. But does anyone think pets can sense a hormone change or something before labour? My dog all of the sudden just started acting odd almost 2 hours ago. He literally NEVER licks anyone and he came right up to me and started sniffing and giving me tiny kisses. It was right after a HUGE and very uncomfortable braxton hicks contraction. He is usually very independent but has been watching me and my son like a hawk since. He's licking my son like crazy- making sure every time I put him down he is ok. He sits next to us both and is much more affectionate than normal. He even started shaking at one point when I was having some braxton hicks! I'm not feeling any pain so far... Just my sciatica has been killing me literally non stop today. I have this sharp pain near the right of my tail bone like a knife is in it. She must be hitting a nerve @__@ what do y'all think? I've been checking my son to make sure he's ok. Temp is fine and he's not acting weird. Just a little sleepy.

Found this link about pet behaviour when owner pregnant which is quite interesting!

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