*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Me and Scarlett are home now :) had hardly any sleep last night, every time I'd put her down she would wake up looking for more food but don't think all the noise helped. I actually fell asleep with her at one point. But breastfeeding seems to be going well at the min which is good as Alex wouldnt take to it at all.
Great news Welsh! Hope you've managed to get a bit of rest now you're back home. I used to fall asleep all the time while BF...I'd wake up with my head back on the sofa (usually drooling :haha:)

Only 8 days left till my due date! Doesn't look like anything is likely to happen any time soon, but I'm feeling great and am actually really happy! The MW did ask a couple of questions about when I'd be willing to be induced though...I reeeeeaaaalllly want to avoid that if I can. So, can all you ladies will my baby out on his/her due date please?!
Hi ladies!
Congrats/good luck to everyone! We are doing good since being home. The toddler is getting a little jealous, but I also think she is bored. She I used to playing with other kids, but has been stuck in the house with me daddy and baby this week. I'm gonna send her to the sitter a couple days next week just to let her play. She loves to go get diapers for the baby and just kisses all over her. We have got nothing done this week. We were hoping to work on the nursery and get the crib painted but between the weather, doctor visits, a grumpy toddler, and the visitors- nothing got done. Hubby is going back to work Monday and I'm worried about how I will manage on my own. I also discovered today why mom and everyone keep telling me to take it easy. I'm hurting tonight - my back, stitches, and hips. My boobs are achy because my milk is coming in. We had non stop visitors today, plus I wanted to get out of the house so I went grocery shopping for just a few items with my mom and the babies. Tomorrow looks like we will have visitors a good bit too. Am I the only one who can't stand being still. I have to clean up every day- it drives me nuts if I don't (not big things- but the kitchen, sweeping, pick in up toys, and washing clothes) anyway I think I'm gonna take My pain meds and try to rest tonight!
Good news is Maddie generally sleeps pretty much through the night already. She is such a good baby!
Hi Ladies, I haven't been on for so long but a massive congratulations to everyone that's had their babies and hope they and you are doing well! I Feel like I'll definately be bringing home a February baby! I'm just over 38 weeks now, here's my most recent bump picture. I'm dying to meet her :D


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So Adam arrived yesterday morning, in a bit of a rush in the end! I think contractions started at 11pm but I wasnt sure they were real so tried to sleep, show at 4 which I told hubby meant it could happen in hours or days, then decided shortly after that they could maybe be real contractions! I must have labored until fully dilated on my bed at home, I could feel the cervix opening with a few of the latter contractions then felt the pressure at the back that meant he was coming - eek! I had convinced hubby not to worry & he's only seen every other contraction so when I said we had to go it was all a bit of a panic! Lol I didn't realise how imminent it was!! Left the house about 7.30am & Adam arrived 7.56!!! So agree with those who say labour on all fours- I swear I thought it can't be labour it's not painful enough, & did it all without so much as gas and air!

Unfortunately he was taken to SCBU last night to monitor his breathing, & has yet to feed well so we are waiting to hear what happens next - he's just been given a feeding tube like my first little one was which is bringing back past anxieties. Just want him to feed well so we can go home!

Congrats to all who are now home with their babies, glad to hear theyre doing well :)

Ps in terms of nipple confusion the SCBU stuff we were given says there's very little evidence to support the idea of nipple confusion & they recommend the use of a dummy when babies have a feeding tube. I think the recommendation not to is more about establishing supply as baby will nibble to up your supply, not just to feed & offering anything else could make this harder, but if you're mix feeding from the start it probably won't make a difference.

Incidentally why bottle feed at night & boob in the day? I found bf the far easier option at night & latched him on & laid back, bottle was a nightmare & I struggled to stay awake?

Kaiden Alexander was born at 5:31 pm January 16, 7 pounds 3oz, 20 inches long at 41 weeks.
I was booked for an induction but went in for some pains the night before only to be checked and sent back home still fully closed. Was woken about every hour or so through out the night with what I now know were contractions and came back to the hospital around noon for my induction, when I was checked I was already at 3cm and contracting every 4 minutes so they gave me a room. Once in the room I was checked again and was at 4cm and my water was broken, they started me on pitocin and the contractions came hard and fast right on top of each other. They sent in the anesthesiologist without asking if I would like an epidural but at this point I no longer cared, he tried for 30 minutes before getting it I and it never did take and I didn't have any time for any other form of pain medication so I did get the all natural birth I had originally wanted. They had to use the vacuum on him as he wasn't moving down to come out and I definitely deserve a mother of the year award because the first thing I said when I saw him was, "Oh my god, he's so ugly, I don't want him!" I feel awful about it but with that cone head and being covered in blood he looked like some kind of alien or something, of course now I think he looks a lot better though. :)

Still in the hospital and most of my pictures are on my camera so the few on my iPad will have to do for now.


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Here's my Adam :)

Congratulations! He's so cute! Really hope you get to take him home soon x

Kaiden Alexander was born at 5:31 pm January 16, 7 pounds 3oz, 20 inches long at 41 weeks.
I was booked for an induction but went in for some pains the night before only to be checked and sent back home still fully closed. Was woken about every hour or so through out the night with what I now know were contractions and came back to the hospital around noon for my induction, when I was checked I was already at 3cm and contracting every 4 minutes so they gave me a room. Once in the room I was checked again and was at 4cm and my water was broken, they started me on pitocin and the contractions came hard and fast right on top of each other. They sent in the anesthesiologist without asking if I would like an epidural but at this point I no longer cared, he tried for 30 minutes before getting it I and it never did take and I didn't have any time for any other form of pain medication so I did get the all natural birth I had originally wanted. They had to use the vacuum on him as he wasn't moving down to come out and I definitely deserve a mother of the year award because the first thing I said when I saw him was, "Oh my god, he's so ugly, I don't want him!" I feel awful about it but with that cone head and being covered in blood he looked like some kind of alien or something, of course now I think he looks a lot better though. :)

Still in the hospital and most of my pictures are on my camera so the few on my iPad will have to do for now.

Congratulations! Hope you and Kaiden are doing great and are getting settled in at home now x
Beautiful babies ladies!! Congratulations to everyone who has had their babies so far, and I can't wait to see as we all have our January Jellybeans!!
Congratulations to all the ladies who have had their babies. To anyone still waiting, you've not got long to go now xx
5 year thanks for the info on dummy and nipple confusion, as sophie had a feeding tube and wasn't feeding from me very well I think she just enjoyed sucking, it soothed her better than anything else could and now she's feeding better we try and hold off the dummy as much as possible but when she's screaming and getting herself worked up I just think it's better for her to feel soothed and safe rather than scared and upset like she clearly does. I chose to do a bottle at night because I no how much she's getting because with the breastfeed she's still only going 5 to 10 minutes, slowly stretching it up to 15 but not quite there yet and that means she's waking up more often for feeds, which I don't mind, she's a newborn n I'm doing on demand so that sort of does what it says on the tin but for my sanity I need a little more sleep at night, so I give her a bottle with a bit more in n she drinks it, sometimes goes for longer sometimes still only 2 n half hours but then she has a feed off me. I wud be too scared to lay back and bf in case I fell asleep, almost fell asleep sitting up yesterday so laying back wud be almost certain to make me sleep
That's why I used to do it, he would feed off me then come off & settle on me for skin to skin, he was on top of me so safe & you are always aware is where they are, so I could sleep knowing he was safe. I decided to do it that way after falling asleep sat up with him in my arms & worried about slumping forwards & smothering him which is much more dangerous. He used to feed every 2 hours day & night & it was the only way I could cope - it wasn't what I planned, but ended up making nighttime feeds a lovely experience rather than a chore! I will miss it is this little one bottle feeds.

Well midwife came and weighed sophie today and she's lost a little more, she started off at 2.86kg at birth, went to 2.62kg when we went into hospital, we built her back up to 2.86kg the day we left and now we are back down to 2.79kg the midwife has told us to give top ups after every feed, give her the breast and then offer her another 50ml in the bottle as a top up just to start getting her weight up, she refused the first top up and had it an hour later ut had only fed off me for 5 minutes. Might have to try 50ml bottle then breast top up if she won't wake for the bottle top up. I'm starting to worry that they are going to tell me to just give bottles until her weight comes up. Expressing is a chore, and I really enjoy breastfeeding, I really need my electric pump to come, should have arrived today but it hasn't.
I still wudnt be happy about falling asleep with the baby on me even if I was laid down and her on top because I don't sleep on my back and wud end up with her at the side of me and therefore risk suffocating her, I don't judge anyone who Co sleeps or sleeps while feeding, after all in some parts of the world that's the only way it's one, but it's not for me, first time mum panics and all that lol.
INMT- my Kaitlyn struggled to latch at birth because she didn't know how to suck & a nurse told dh to buy a dummy,so he did & that night baby drank so nice on me! I also have to top up with formula, but only Kaitlyn has the top up, it seems Courtney gets enough(better sucker?) from me. I go Wednesday to check if they've picked up any weight since leaving the hospital as both girls lost about 300/100grams.

Hopefully giving her the formula after every feed will help coz that's what the pediatrician wanted me to do.
Kaiden has jaundice and is under the lights so we're still in the hospital. I wanted to breast feed but I don't think his latch is right and all he's getting is the nipple, I suffered through the first night and eventually had to give in to a bottle, I still want to but hand expressing isn't working and I would hate to waste money on a pump if it doesn't end up working out and I'm afraid I may lose my chance and dry up or not produce enough.

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