*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Congrats PM & Buddy :flower:

Ara is beautiful PM! Glad you got the biirth you wanted!
Emily Florence Grace arrived 17.1.15 at 5.19am. Several complications, but home today and daddy putting her to bed.
Congratulations Izzie. Lovely name. Glad you are both ok xx
Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)
Is anybody else left and still waiting!!
I am :(
Being induced on tuesday but hoping something happens before but its not looking very likely!
Congrats on all the ladies and your babies!
Hope all those who are poorly get better soon xx
Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)
It's frustrating, especially at night when I'm tired and he wint stop crying, I broke down the other night and cried myself and couldn't stop, I didn't thin it would be so hard I figured it would all come so naturally.
I keep seeing lactation consultants and I'm fine there and am told I have enough milk to feed every baby in the city which surprised them since I've barly breastfed at all and I'm rarely hand expressing either. I managed to get him to latch a few times myself yesterday while we were at the hospital waiting on his bloodwork but after getting home it all went back downhill. I don't want to stop, I think I'm going to get a pump today so I can at least relieve the engorgement and give him what I manage to pump as I'm starting to run out of formula, free samples are a life saver though.
Since yesterday everytime he's eaten he's had diarrhea and I had my first blowout too, thankfully it was at the consultants and she helped me with it otherwise I think I would have cried. She also said he may have a slight lip/ tounge tie that could be what's causing some of our issues, that and his mouth is so small compared to my nipple which makes it harder too.
Is anybody else left and still waiting!!
I am :(
Being induced on tuesday but hoping something happens before but its not looking very likely!
Congrats on all the ladies and your babies!
Hope all those who are poorly get better soon xx

I'm still waiting! Sweep booked for a week today. Good luck with however it happens / induction Tuesday! X
Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)

I'm doing breast with formula top ups and expressing too. Got aching breasts as she doesn't latch well, so expressing is a real relief. We made it to 10 minutes bf today and it was such a celebration :happydance: I too had the shall I dry up and just formula feed feelings, but currently expressing is saving me and I have formula waiting for back up if things get tough.
Is anybody else left and still waiting!!
I am :(
Being induced on tuesday but hoping something happens before but its not looking very likely!
Congrats on all the ladies and your babies!
Hope all those who are poorly get better soon xx

I'm still waiting! Sweep booked for a week today. Good luck with however it happens / induction Tuesday! X

I am still waiting as well!! Have section booked for wed 28th if nothing happens before then. 39 weeks today.
Thanks ladies! Adam is just amazing, and I'm so much more relaxed this time round. BF has been a dream; it just seems to work this time :happydance: though he's not easy to wind! I'm still slightly nervous at juggling 2 kids, but I know I'll work it out eventually.

Emily Florence Grace arrived 17.1.15 at 5.19am. Several complications, but home today and daddy putting her to bed.

Congratulations honey! Sorry to hear of the complications, but hope you're all healing and happy at home x Well done on the 10 min feed too :happydance: You can totally do this!

Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)

You should feel so proud of yourself for persevering; it's so hard to both pump and feed. Good luck with the house move!

Is anybody else left and still waiting!!
I am :(
Being induced on tuesday but hoping something happens before but its not looking very likely!
Congrats on all the ladies and your babies!
Hope all those who are poorly get better soon xx

:hugs: Good luck for Tuesday...if not before! X

It's frustrating, especially at night when I'm tired and he wint stop crying, I broke down the other night and cried myself and couldn't stop, I didn't thin it would be so hard I figured it would all come so naturally.
I keep seeing lactation consultants and I'm fine there and am told I have enough milk to feed every baby in the city which surprised them since I've barly breastfed at all and I'm rarely hand expressing either. I managed to get him to latch a few times myself yesterday while we were at the hospital waiting on his bloodwork but after getting home it all went back downhill. I don't want to stop, I think I'm going to get a pump today so I can at least relieve the engorgement and give him what I manage to pump as I'm starting to run out of formula, free samples are a life saver though.
Since yesterday everytime he's eaten he's had diarrhea and I had my first blowout too, thankfully it was at the consultants and she helped me with it otherwise I think I would have cried. She also said he may have a slight lip/ tounge tie that could be what's causing some of our issues, that and his mouth is so small compared to my nipple which makes it harder too.

:hugs: it's so hard isn't it! It can be so frustrating when BF doesn't go to plan, and it can become a total obsession, taking over all the other parts of being a Mummy. I had a rough time BF my eldest, so I understand the feeling of not knowing whether to carry on or not. You have to do what's best for your family, and make a choice that you feel happy with so you can get on and enjoy this time. Lots of love and support here xxx

I am still waiting as well!! Have section booked for wed 28th if nothing happens before then. 39 weeks today.

Not too much longer then, though every day drags in the last week! Good luck for the 28th...or sooner! X
Kaitlyn, I hand expressed a bit while in the bath to start with to relieve the engorgement. The warm water helps. After doing this Frazer was able to latch better as my nipples were not as flat/big xx
Theres only a few of us pregnant ones left...YAY!
Hopefully we'll all have our babies soon!
Good luck for your sweep mork!
And good luck for your section on wed waiting!
Cant wait to see the last of the babies! Xx
Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)
It's frustrating, especially at night when I'm tired and he wint stop crying, I broke down the other night and cried myself and couldn't stop, I didn't thin it would be so hard I figured it would all come so naturally.
I keep seeing lactation consultants and I'm fine there and am told I have enough milk to feed every baby in the city which surprised them since I've barly breastfed at all and I'm rarely hand expressing either. I managed to get him to latch a few times myself yesterday while we were at the hospital waiting on his bloodwork but after getting home it all went back downhill. I don't want to stop, I think I'm going to get a pump today so I can at least relieve the engorgement and give him what I manage to pump as I'm starting to run out of formula, free samples are a life saver though.
Since yesterday everytime he's eaten he's had diarrhea and I had my first blowout too, thankfully it was at the consultants and she helped me with it otherwise I think I would have cried. She also said he may have a slight lip/ tounge tie that could be what's causing some of our issues, that and his mouth is so small compared to my nipple which makes it harder too.

I'm so sorry things aren't going well. I've also had a rougher time this time around. My lo spent a week in NICU and while she'll latch just fine, she's not very effective at getting the milk out. I've been pumping from day one. I would encourage u to pump to keep up ur supply and relieve engorgement. Engorgement can interfere with a good latch as well. I borrowed a pump from our local WIC office, but the hospitals have them u can rent on a weekly basis.
Breastfeeding has been going better today, only thing is he barely is making it an hour before needing fed again, I think my supply may be slowing down or something, I know I have barely eaten or drank anything since having him and especailly since getting home... It's been 6 hours since he has been breast fed and I'm not even feeling sore or anything...
Not sure if I said anything earlier but doctor thinks he may be lactose intolerant as he has projectile vomited quite a few times and has had diarrhea, he wants us to try a lactose free formula, was given some soy based today and within a minute or so of starting the first feed with it the pooped but the color was different, second feed with it was the exact same as well, he also still threw up quite a bit of it as well. Can it go through them that quickly?
He may be having a growth spurt. Feeding that often so young can be normal. It means he's upping your supply. Trust your body and your baby.
I apparently have a yeast infection- on my boobs! So I'm having to use minister, Apple cider vinegar, and antibiotics. The nurse practitioner at the ob wouldn't call in a script today- instead she wants to see me Monday. I'm in lots of pain all the time, it literally feels like someone is stabbing me with a hot poker. The nursery is still not done, I can't do much more until my hubby finishes the crib and baseboard. I guess I'll do them myself at some point. I know my husband is working late to get the money to hire the lawyer we need to save the house, but I'm irritated. It's irrational really, but I can't help it. I'm tired of crying constantly. My emotions are everywhere lately. It's just one thing after the other lately.

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